Disorders: General Considerations and Evaluation

Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Chief, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, USA



Henderson equationAnion gapSecondary physiologic responseMetabolic acidosisMetabolic alkalosisAcute respiratory acidosisChronic respiratory acidosis

The assessment of an acid–base disorder by three methods was discussed in Chap. 3. In this and other chapters, we follow the physiologic method for evaluation of an acid–base disorder. In Chap. 1, we stated that a change in plasma [HCO3 ] results in a metabolic acid–base disturbance, whereas a change in arterial pCO2 results in a respiratory acid–base disorder. Clinically, four primary acid–base disorders can be recognized: (1) metabolic acidosis, (2) metabolic alkalosis, (3) respiratory acidosis, and (4) respiratory alkalosis. Values for an arterial blood gas (ABG) for each primary acid–base disorder are shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.2 shows the terminology that is useful to a clinician in the analysis of an acid–base disorder.

Table 4.1

Primary acid–base disturbances and their secondary response

Acid–base disorder


Primary change

Secondary change

Mechanism of secondary change

Metabolic acidosis


↓ HCO3

↓ pCO2


Metabolic alkalosis


↑ HCO3

↑ pCO2


Respiratory acidosis


↑ pCO2

↑ HCO3

↑ HCO3 reabsorption

Respiratory alkalosis


↓ pCO2

↓ HCO3

↓ HCO3 reabsorption

Table 4.2

Acid–base terminology

Acidemia : an increase in blood [H+]

Alkalemia : a decrease in blood [H+]

Acidosis : a pathophysiologic process that tends to acidify body fluids

Alkalosis : a pathophysiologic process that tends to alkalinize body fluids

Arterial blood gas (ABG) : includes pH, pCO2, and calculated serum [HCO3 ]

Normocapnia : normal arterial pCO2 (40 mmHg)

Hypocapnia : a decrease in arterial pCO2

Hypercapnia : an increase in arterial pCO2

Normobicarbonatemia : normal serum [HCO3 ] (24 mEq/L)

Hypobicarbonatemia : a decrease in serum [HCO3 ]

Hyperbicarbonatemia : an increase in serum [HCO3 ]

Primary change : an abnormality in either the serum [HCO3 ] or arterial pCO2 resulting from a primary change in body function/metabolism or additions to or losses from body fluids

Secondary change : a compensatory (secondary) response that acts to minimize changes in pH produced by the primary disorder. It is also called compensation

Simple acid–base disorder : presence of one primary disorder with appropriate secondary response

Mixed acid–base disorder : simultaneous occurrence of two or more primary disorders

Concepts in the Evaluation of an ABG

Three concepts (two of them not defined in Table 4.2) that help you evaluate the acid–base disorders are the Henderson equation, the anion gap, and the secondary physiologic response (compensation).

Henderson Equation

In clinical practice, the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation is a rather cumbersome way to calculate the pH using logarithms. The same information can be obtained by using the Henderson equation, which relates [H+] to pH. This equation, which calculates [H+], is expressed as:

$$ {\mathrm{H}}^{+}\left(\mathrm{nmol}/\mathrm{L}\right)=24\times \frac{pCO_2}{\left[{HCO}_3^{-}\right]} $$

As an example of how this equation can be used, consider the following ABG values:

  • pH = 7.40

  • pCO2 = 40 mmHg

  • HCO3  = 24 mEq/L

$$ {\mathrm{H}}^{+}\left(\mathrm{nmol}/\mathrm{L}\right)=24\times \frac{40}{24}=40 $$

This [H+] of 40 corresponds to the pH of 7.40. The Henderson equation is thus used clinically to check the validity of pH obtained from the clinical laboratory.

Remember the following approximate [H+] to clinically relevant pH values:

  • pH 7.50 = 30

  • pH 7.40 = 40

  • pH 7.30 = 50

  • pH 7.20 = 60

  • pH 7.10 = 80

  • pH 7.00 = 100

The Henderson equation can also be used to calculate the [HCO3 ]:

$$ \left[\ {HCO}_3^{-}\ \right]\kern0.75em \left(\mathrm{mEq}/\mathrm{L}\right)=24\times \frac{pCO_2}{\left[{\mathrm{H}}^{+}\right]} $$

The HCO3 that is reported in the ABG slip is the calculated one from the above equation, and this value is 1–2 mEq/L less than the measured serum HCO3 , which is usually called total or TCO2. TCO2 includes HCO3 , carbonic acid, and dissolved CO2. For this reason, the measured HCO3 is 1–2 mEq higher than the calculated HCO3 . In the evaluation of ABG, if there is large difference between the measured and calculated HCO3 , the ABG and electrolytes should be repeated simultaneously or within a few minutes apart.

Anion Gap

In plasma (serum), the number of cations must equal the number of anions to maintain electroneutrality. However, measurement of all of these cations and anions is not done routinely. Among all electrolytes, Na+, K+, Cl, and HCO3 are usually measured. From these measurements, the number of unmeasured anions can be calculated (Table 4.3). Generally, plasma [Na+] exceeds the sum of plasma [Cl] and [HCO3 ], and the difference is called the anion gap (AG). Since the change in serum [K+] in either health or disease is minimal, this cation is not routinely included in the calculation of AG. Thus, AG is calculated as:

$$ AG=\left(\mathrm{mEq}/\mathrm{L}\right)=\left[\left({Na}^{+}\right)-\left({Cl}^{-}+{HCO_3}^{-}\right)\right] $$

Table 4.3

Unmeasured anions and cations (particularly anions)

Unmeasured cations (mEq/L)

Unmeasured anions (mEq/L)

K+: 4.5

Albumin: 12

Ca2+: 5.0

Mg2+: 1.5

Other proteins: 3


PO4 3−: 2


SO4 2−: 1


Organic acids 5

Total: 11

Total: 23

AG = 23–11 = 12 ± 4


Normal AG Values

As shown in Table 4.3, the normal reference range for AG is 12 ± 4. This value was derived from older methods of electrolyte determinations using colorimetry and flame photometry. With the introduction of ion-selective electrode methodology, the normal AG levels are much lower, ranging from 3 to 11. These low values are related to high Cl determination. Variations in normal values of AG are frequently seen from laboratory to laboratory, and the clinician should follow his or her laboratory values for proper interpretation of AG in clinical medicine. For simplicity, an AG of 10 mEq/L is considered normal.

Hyperglycemia and AG

It is always debated whether or not AG should be calculated using measured serum Na+ or corrected Na+ in a patient with severe hyperglycemia. It is suggested that only measured Na+ should be used for AG, and not the corrected Na+. This suggestion is based on the assumption that Cl and HCO3 are equally diluted as Na+ by movement of water from inside to outside of the cell caused by hyperglycemia. When AG is calculated using only corrected Na+ and not corrected Cl and HCO3 for hyperglycemia, the AG is overestimated with the implication of underlying high AG metabolic acidosis. Na+ decreases by 1.6 mEq/dL for each increase in 100 mg/dL glucose above normal glucose levels, but no such number is given for either Cl or HCO3 . It is, thus, emphasized that only measured Na+ should be used to calculate the serum AG.

Clinical Use of AG

Traditionally, the AG is useful in classifying metabolic acidosis into high, normal, or low AG metabolic acidosis. High AG is due to accumulation of unmeasured anions, whereas normal AG is usually related to high Cl level. Low AG implies a substantial decrease in unmeasured anions, an increase in unmeasured cations, and spurious decrease in [Na+] or spurious increases in [Cl] or [HCO3 ].

Mnemonic for High AG Metabolic Acidosis

The mnemonic to remember AG is GOLD MARK (glycols (ethylene and propylene glycols), oxoproline (pyroglutamic acid), L-lactate, D-lactate, methanol, aspirin, renal failure, ketoacidosis). Table 4.4 shows various causes of high AG metabolic acidosis.

Table 4.4

Most common causes of high AG metabolic acidosis


Unmeasured anions causing high AG

Uremic acidosis (renal failure)

Sulfate, phosphate, urate

Ketoacidosis (diabetes, starvation, alcohol)

Acetoacetate, β-hydroxybutyrate

Lactic acidosis


Small bowl resection





Ethylene glycol

Glycolate, oxalate


Salicylate, L-lactate, ketoacids

Acetaminophen (Tylenol)



Acetaldehyde or acetic acid


Hippurate, benzoate

Normal AG Metabolic Acidosis

Table 4.5 shows causes for normal (hyperchloremic) AG metabolic acidosis

Table 4.5

Most common causes of normal AG metabolic acidosis




Loss of HCO3 in stool

Ureterosigmoidostomy, ileal conduit

Loss of HCO3 in stool

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Loss of HCO3 in urine

Recovery phase of ketoacidosis

Less HCO3 synthesis from decreased availability of ketones

Chronic kidney diseases (stages 4–5)

Decrease in NH3 excretion

Proximal renal tubular acidosis (type II)

Loss of HCO3 in urine

Distal renal tubular acidosis (type I)

Decreased renal acid secretion

Distal renal tubular acidosis (type IV)

Decreased acid secretion and low NH3 production

Dilutional acidosis

Increased Cl due to normal saline administration


Release of Cl in exchange for HCO3

Low AG Metabolic Acidosis and Correction for Low Serum Albumin

Other than laboratory error, the most common cause of low AG acidosis in hospitalized patients is hypoalbuminemia. As shown in Table. 4.3, albumin is the major contributor for unmeasured anions and thus AG. A decrease in albumin from 4.0 to 2.0 g/dL reduces AG by 5.0 mEq/dL (for each gram decrease in albumin from normal value, the AG decreases by 2.5). Thus, a patient with chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages 4–5 and low albumin may seem to have a normal AG metabolic acidosis, but when corrected for normal albumin, the acid–base disorder is a high AG metabolic acidosis. For example, the above patient with CKD stages 4–5 has a calculated AG of 12, albumin of 2.0 g/dL, and the laboratory reference AG of 10. This shows that the patient has only two excess anions (12–10 = 2). However, when AG is adjusted for hypoalbuminemia, the AG is 17, and ∆ AG is 7 (17–10 = 7). Therefore, albumin levels should be obtained whenever an ABG is ordered, particularly in critically ill patients. Table 4.6 shows causes and possible mechanisms of low AG metabolic acidosis.

Table 4.6

Most common causes of low AG metabolic acidosis




Decreased number of anions

IgG myeloma

Increased number of cations

Bromide intoxicationa

Bromide measured as chloride

Salicylate overdose

Salicylate measured as chloride


Increased number of cations


Increased number of cations

Lithium toxicity

Increased number of cations


Different laboratory analysis

aNegative AG

In addition to a decrease in unmeasured anions, an increase in unmeasured cations causes low AG. For example, A patient with IgG myeloma will have low AG because IgG molecules carry a positive charge at a pH of 7.4. Also, ingestion of bromide or iodine-containing medications or intoxication of these halides can raise the concentration of unmeasured anions and lower AG due to measurements of these halides as Cl. Salicylate overdose usually gives a negative AG, as high salicylate levels are measured as high Cl levels by certain chloride-sensitive ion-selective electrodes.

Occasionally, patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia may present with low AG due to a different laboratory measurement. Severe hypercalcemia, hypermagnesemia, or lithium toxicity may cause low AG. Some case reports demonstrated low AG in hypotonic hyponatremic patients. Thus, low AG is caused by many conditions.

Use of ∆AG/∆HCO3

Not only is AG useful in the classification of metabolic acidosis, but it is also indirectly helpful in analyzing mixed acid–base disorders such as high AG metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis or high AG and normal AG metabolic acidosis. In a simple or uncomplicated high AG metabolic acidosis, the increase in AG above normal (called ∆AG) is equal to the decrease in HCO3 from normal value (called ∆HCO3). In other words, for every 1 mEq/L rise in the AG, there is a concomitant fall of 1 mEq/L in HCO3 . This is defined as ∆AG/∆HCO3 . In a simple high AG metabolic acidosis, the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio is 1. Any significant deviation from 1 is indicative of a mixed acid–base disorder. For example, A patient with diarrhea typically develops a hyperchloremic or normal AG metabolic acidosis. In this condition, the decrease in HCO3 results in a reciprocal increase in Cl so that the AG does not change. As a result, the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio is 0. If this patient develops hypotension and subsequent lactic acidosis, the HCO3 decreases even further. In other words, the ∆HCO3 is greater than ∆AG, and the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio is <1 (above 0 but below 1), indicating a mixed high and normal AG metabolic acidosis.

In pure lactic acidosis, the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio is usually 1.6 because the lactate anions remain in the extracellular compartment because of low urinary excretion. This raises the AG. However, the HCO3 concentration does not decrease as non-HCO3 buffers participate in buffering lactate anions. In my opinion, the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio is usually not helpful in pure lactic acidosis, as lactate levels are available, and the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio varies from 0.8 to 1.8.

In a mixed high AG metabolic acidosis and metabolic alkalosis, the HCO3 level is inappropriately high relative to the increase in AG. As a result, the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio is >2.

Although the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio is a useful tool, it should not be used alone in identifying mixed acid–base disorders. Other pieces of evidence such as clinical information about the patient, normal AG range, AG corrected for albumin, and uncovering of hidden acid–base disorder during treatment should be taken into account whenever a mixed acid–base disorder is analyzed. Also, evaluation of volume status is important, as total HCO3 content in the ECF compartment may change. An example is diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Prior to development of DKA, the ECF water content in a 70 kg patient is 14 L, and the total HCO3 content is 336 mEq (14 L × 24 mEq/L = 336 mEq). DKA obligates water loss, and the patient develops volume depletion. As a result, water content decreases presumably to 10 L. At the same time, the HCO3 content decreases due to buffering of ketoacids presumably to 15 mEq/L. Now the new total HCO3 content is 150 mEq (10 L × 15 mEq = 150), a deficit of 186 mEq (336 mEq – 150 mEq = 186 mEq). Note that the AG continues to increase because of the addition of ketoacids, but the concentration of HCO3 decreases. As a result, the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio will be >2, suggesting the presence of spurious metabolic alkalosis. Thus, one must be cautious in interpreting the ∆AG/∆HCO3 ratio.

Secondary Physiologic Response (or Compensatory Response)

It is a physiologic process that minimizes changes in [H+] brought about by a primary change. In clinical practice, the term compensation rather than secondary physiologic response is usually used. Two types of compensatory responses (secondary physiologic responses) are involved: respiratory and renal. In a metabolic acid–base disorder, the compensatory response is respiratory. For example, in metabolic acidosis, the primary change is a decrease in plasma [HCO3 ] and an increase in [H+]. The compensatory response is a decrease in pCO2 due to hyperventilation. This decrease in pCO2 limits the rise in [H+], and thus the pH is returned to normal. The observed hyperventilation represents the normal physiologic response to an increase in [H+]. Conversely, hypoventilation is an appropriate physiological response to metabolic alkalosis. In a respiratory acid–base disorder, the compensatory response is renal. In respiratory acidosis, the primary change is an increase in pCO2, and a decrease in pH or an increase in [H+]. The renal compensation increases the plasma [HCO3 ] with a resultant increase in pH toward normal. It should be pointed out that these compensatory mechanisms do not increase the pH to normal but rather return the pH to normal.

Pathogenesis and Clinical Manifestations of Acid–Base Disorders

It is important to understand the development of acid–base disorders for proper interpretation of the primary acid–base disorder. The following pathophysiology underlies each of the four primary acid–base disorders.

Metabolic Acidosis

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