Dietary Salt Intake for Patients with Hypertension or Kidney Disease
Christopher S. Wilcox
Our genes were selected to adapt us to life in the African continent where the climate is hot and dry, perspiration substantial, and dietary salt intake was low. Presently, individuals living in rural African communities have very low levels of blood pressure until they migrate to an urban environment, where salt intake rises steeply and, with it, the incidence of hypertension. These observations suggest that we are adapted to retain, rather than eliminate, salt through a salt appetite and renal mechanisms for avid salt retention. Despite these evolutionary adaptations, most normal subjects maintain an extracellular fluid volume that changes by less than 1 liter (1 kilogram of body weight) and a blood pressure that changes by less than 10%, despite wide variations in daily salt intake. These subjects are termed “salt resistant” and encompass the majority of healthy adolescents and young adults. However, a minority are unable to maintain a normal, low level of blood pressure in face of a steep rise in salt intake and are termed “salt-sensitive.” Salt sensitivity precedes hypertension. It is a cardiovascular risk factor, complicates antihypertensive therapy, contributes to progressive loss of kidney function in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), exacerbates proteinuria, and diminishes the antiproteinuric response to drugs in those with renal disease. Thus, the evaluation and management of dietary salt intake is an essential component of care for patients with high blood pressure, kidney disease, or cardiovascular risk. Regrettably, many physicians erroneously believe that dietary salt intake does not require attention in the era of modern diuretics. This chapter will outline arguments for a more comprehensive assessment of dietary salt intake than is presently customary and provide goals and steps to appropriate management.
Most sodium is ingested as salt. Moreover, the increase in blood pressure in salt-sensitive subjects fed salt is not apparent if an equivalent quantity of sodium is given with another anion. However, intake is usually quantitated as sodium. A daily intake of 100 mmol of sodium is equivalent to 5.8 g of salt.
Daily sodium intake varies widely in modern Western societies but is generally between 80 and 250 mmol. A multinational INTERSALT study concluded that the mean level of blood pressure of individuals in a country increases with ambient salt intake. Because hypertension is the leading cause of cardiovascular death and cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death, any increase in population blood pressure is a cause for concern.
A reduction of salt intake in patients with pre- or established hypertension is recommended by the World Health Organization and the Joint National Commission on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC). Clandestine promotion of high salt intake by food and beverage companies in the United States, for example by the Salt Institute, has unfortunately been highly successful. Whereas prior to 1980, the total sales of food salt and the prevalence of hypertension in the United States were decreasing, since then the use of salt has increased by as much as 90%. This has been accompanied by an increase in age-adjusted prevalence of high blood pressure in the U.S. population. The relationship between salt intake and blood pressure varies between individuals. This obscures the overall effect of dietary salt on blood pressure and cardiovascular disease and has complicated the public health case for salt restriction in food.
Salt sensitivity is defined arbitrarily as a greater than 10% increase in blood pressure on passing from a low to a high salt intake. Salt-sensitive individuals constitute approximately 30% of the young adult population. A shortened protocol to assess salt sensitivity has been developed whereby individuals are given dietary advice to achieve a 150 mmol per day sodium intake for 3 days. They then receive 2 L of 0.9% saline intravenously over 4 hours to provide high salt intake. The following day, they receive a salt-restricted diet of 10 mmol daily and 3 oral doses of 40 mg furosemide. The blood pressure is compared at the end of the high and low salt periods. This shortened protocol is reproducible in defining salt-sensitive and salt-resistant individuals. However, there is a normal distribution of salt-induced blood pressure. Therefore, division into salt resistant and salt sensitive is arbitrary.
Unfortunately, this protocol is too cumbersome for routine clinical use. The proportion of subjects who are salt sensitive is rather greater in African Americans than Caucasians, is associated with a low plasma renin activity, increases with age, and increases markedly with declining renal function. Salt sensitivity is more frequent in hypertensive than normotensive subjects. Therefore, elderly or African American hypertensives, and especially those with chronic kidney disease can reasonably be assumed to be salt sensitive. In practice, salt sensitivity often becomes apparent as a large fall in blood pressure with dietary salt restriction and thiazide diuretic therapy.
The degree of salt sensitivity increases exponentially with declining kidney function. As patients approach end-stage renal disease, the great majority are salt sensitive. The exceptions are those with primary tubulointerstitial disease who typically do not retain sodium chloride (NaCl) and have normal blood pressure.
Because the level of blood pressure determines the progression of kidney disease in those with more than 1-3 g/24 hours of protein excretion, attention to dietary salt and proper use of diuretics
are essential in hypertensive patients with chronic proteinuric kidney disease. Moreover, a high level of dietary salt increases protein excretion in patients with proteinuric kidney disease and appears to enhance the progression of underlying CKD. Therefore, dietary salt restriction and proper use of diuretics are an important component of the management of the great majority of patients with CKD. Indeed, because proper management of blood pressure (often with a lower than normal blood pressure goal) is required for optimum control of progressive proteinuric kidney disease, control of salt intake and proper use of diuretics should be a part of the initial clinical management of these patients. This follows from the observations that salt intake determines blood pressure, whereas blood pressure determines not only the progression of chronic kidney disease but the rapidity and severity with which cardiovascular events develop in this high-risk population.
are essential in hypertensive patients with chronic proteinuric kidney disease. Moreover, a high level of dietary salt increases protein excretion in patients with proteinuric kidney disease and appears to enhance the progression of underlying CKD. Therefore, dietary salt restriction and proper use of diuretics are an important component of the management of the great majority of patients with CKD. Indeed, because proper management of blood pressure (often with a lower than normal blood pressure goal) is required for optimum control of progressive proteinuric kidney disease, control of salt intake and proper use of diuretics should be a part of the initial clinical management of these patients. This follows from the observations that salt intake determines blood pressure, whereas blood pressure determines not only the progression of chronic kidney disease but the rapidity and severity with which cardiovascular events develop in this high-risk population.
Current estimates suggest that the high level of dietary salt in the United States presently accounts for up to 15% of strokes and 8% of coronary artery disease. In countries such as Finland where national programs to reduce salt intake have been effective, there is a reduction in blood pressure and a greater than 70% decrease in stroke and coronary heart mortality in the population younger than 65 years.
Normal Responses to Changes in Dietary Salt
A healthy individual whose daily dietary salt intake is changed abruptly from a low level (for example, 20 mmol) to a high level (for example, 200 mmol) achieves dietary salt balance within 2 to 3 days. During this nonequilibrium time, renal sodium excretion, although increasing, remains below the level of sodium intake, accounting for a net positive balance of approximately 150 mmol of sodium and chloride matched by an increase in body weight of approximately 1 kg. Thereafter, the high level of salt intake is matched by an equivalent level of sodium and chloride excretion (200 mmol/day in this example). Homeostasis is achieved by integrated changes in renal hemodynamics and tubular function, key hormones, the sympathetic nervous system, and cardiovascular function.
An increase in dietary salt intake in healthy subjects is accompanied by an initial increase in renal blood flow without a change in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The accompanying reduction in filtration fraction reduces proximal tubular sodium chloride and fluid reabsorption. Because there is little or no increase in plasma sodium concentration or GFR, the increase in renal sodium excretion is because of a reduction in tubular sodium chloride reabsorption. The nephron segments responsible have been studied indirectly in human subjects from changes in the clearance of lithium, which is reabsorbed almost exclusively in the proximal tubule in parallel with sodium. Such techniques demonstrate a modest reduction in proximal sodium reabsorption accompanied
by a larger fractional reduction in distal sodium reabsorption.
by a larger fractional reduction in distal sodium reabsorption.
Within the first 1 to 2 days of increased dietary salt intake, there is a sharp decline in plasma renin activity, serum aldosterone concentration, and plasma catecholamine levels. Plasma levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) increase in response to an increase in central blood volume and stretch of cardiac atria. Because angiotensin II and alpha adrenergic activation enhance reabsorption throughout most of the nephron and reabsorption in the collecting ducts is enhanced by aldosterone but reduced by ANP, these neurohumoral changes dictate appropriate changes in tubular sodium chloride reabsorption with dietary salt intake.
Because the changes in renal sodium and fluid excretion lag behind the changes in intake, an increase in dietary salt is associated with some increase in the extracellular and plasma fluid volumes. The ensuring increase in venous return enhances cardiac output. In salt-resistant subjects, this is offset by a reduction in peripheral resistance such that blood pressure changes little.
Similar studies in patients who are salt sensitive document two linked abnormalities. First, most studies indicate that patients who are salt sensitive retain a slightly greater fraction of dietary NaCl during adaption to a high salt intake. Because infusion of saline into salt-resistant normotensive subjects leads to little or no increase in blood pressure, this by itself is insufficient to explain the rise in blood pressure in salt-sensitive individuals. The second difference is that salt-resistant subjects, although showing an early rise in cardiac output during salt loading, have a blunted or absent reduction in peripheral resistance thereby leading to a rise in blood pressure. Presently, the causes for the defective renal sodium and chloride elimination and the defective reduction in peripheral resistance with salt intake in salt-sensitive subjects are poorly understood.
Salt Intake and Elimination in Patients with Renal Disease
Patients with CKD have several differences in their response to a high dietary salt intake. First, the majority of such patients are salt sensitive and therefore have a rise in blood pressure with dietary salt. As the GFR declines, salt balance can only be achieved by a parallel reduction in the fraction of the filtered sodium reabsorbed. This restricts the capacity of the tubule for rapid and effective achievement of salt balance during large changes in salt intake. Accordingly, patients with moderate or advanced CKD are unable to change renal salt excretion as rapidly or effectively during changes in salt intake as normal subjects. This results in greater gains of salt and body fluids during high salt intake and, especially in those with tubulointerstitial disease, greater losses of salt and body fluids during reductions in salt intake. Therefore, salt intake should be adjusted carefully and incrementally in patients with advanced CKD, and the patients must be carefully followed. Second, unlike normal individuals, patients with CKD typically experience reductions in GFR with low dietary salt and increases in GFR with high salt intake.
Patients with heavy proteinuria and the nephrotic syndrome respond poorly to an increase in salt intake. The underlying avid renal salt retention, together with the low plasma oncotic pressure,
increases the body weight and the peripheral edema. Moreover, increases in dietary salt increase proteinuria. Therefore, dietary salt restriction is especially important in patients with CKD with heavy proteinuria and the nephrotic syndrome. The exception may be some younger subjects with minimal change nephropathy in whom the plasma volume is already contracted and the edema due almost entirely to the low plasma oncotic pressure. These subjects respond poorly to salt restriction.
increases the body weight and the peripheral edema. Moreover, increases in dietary salt increase proteinuria. Therefore, dietary salt restriction is especially important in patients with CKD with heavy proteinuria and the nephrotic syndrome. The exception may be some younger subjects with minimal change nephropathy in whom the plasma volume is already contracted and the edema due almost entirely to the low plasma oncotic pressure. These subjects respond poorly to salt restriction.
Effects of Salt Intake on the Fluid Depleting and Antihypertensive Responses to Diuretics

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