Diagnosis of Renal Masses: Radiological
Gail S. Smith, Carolyn K. Donaldson, & Richard M. Gore
Department of Radiology, NorthShore University Health System, University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Medicine, Evanston, IL, USA
Over the last 35 years, the evaluation of renal masses has been revolutionized by technical advances in ultrasound, multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography–computed tomography (PET‐CT), and positron emission tomography–magnetic resonance imaging (PET‐MRI) [1–4].
It is estimated that 50% of people over the age of 50 years have at least one renal mass that can be detected on cross‐sectional imaging [5–7]. Most of these lesions are benign simple cysts that can be diagnosed with confidence and require no further evaluation or treatment [8]. However, most renal neoplasms are now found incidentally while evaluating the patient for other suspected pathology [1]. The role of the radiologist is not only to detect these renal lesions, but also to distinguish between benign and malignant masses, and to help direct the management of these lesions.
Over the past 20 years, the treatment of renal masses has become increasingly individualized, with therapeutic options ranging from radical nephrectomy, laparoscopic nephron‐sparing surgery, to laparoscopic or imaging‐guided cryotherapy and radiofrequency ablation [9–14]. Novel molecular targeted chemotherapy has also been instrumental in prolonging patient survival in patients with advanced renal neoplasms.
This chapter reviews the role of CT, MRI, ultrasound, PET‐CT, and PET‐MRI in guiding the increasingly sophisticated process of characterizing and managing renal masses. Guidelines concerning the most efficacious use of the various imaging modalities with a view toward optimizing patient management are presented.
Imaging techniques
Multidetector CT
Recent improvements in MDCT technology allow thinner collimation and faster scanning that provides multiphasic, high‐resolution images of the kidneys. These hardware developments, coupled with advances in three‐dimensional imaging software and the availability of cheaper data‐storage capacity, have provided new opportunities for imaging renal and urinary tract pathology. Isotropic imaging of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder is now possible, providing two‐dimensional multiplanar reformations (MPR), CT urography (CTU), and three‐dimensional imaging formats, with minimal artifacts, all derived from a single data acquisition [15, 16]. The kidneys can be scanned in less than 5 seconds, allowing for acquisition of thin‐section images during the corticomedullary, nephrographic, and excretory phases. This multiphasic evaluation permits high‐resolution imaging of not only the renal parenchyma but also the renal vasculature and collecting system.
Evaluation of a renal mass by CT requires a dedicated multiphasic CT protocol which may include: a precontrast scan; arterial phase (15–25 seconds delay) scan; corticomedullary phase (35–80 seconds delay) scan; nephrographic phase (85–180 seconds delay) scan; and excretory phase (>3 minutes delay) scan. The radiation dose in the CT urography protocol is approximately 10–12 mSv. In order to reduce the patient radiation dose, the precontrast, nephrographic phase, and excretory phase scans are the ones most commonly obtained [15–17].
Noncontrast scans of the kidneys are performed initially to evaluate for the presence of fat or calcification in the mass and to detect nephrolithiasis. This scan also provides a baseline from which to quantitate lesion enhancement on postcontrast scans. The scans performed during the arterial or corticomedullary phase, while limited for mass visualization, nicely display the renal vasculature, which is critical for surgical planning, particularly when partial nephrectomy is being considered. Arterial phase scans best show small hypervascular neoplasms and the renal arteries. The nephrographic phase optimizes mass visualization. The delayed phase scans are helpful in assessing the relationship of the renal mass to the renal collecting system and also visualizing the remainder of the urinary tract. The data from these various series can then be reconstructed at thinner intervals and transferred to a workstation where multiplanar reformatted images, maximum intensity projection (MIP) images, and 3D volume rendered images can all be created [15–17].
Contrast enhancement and subsequent de‐enhancement are characteristic features of renal malignancies. A renal lesion is considered to be enhanced when its density increases more than 20 Hounsfield units (HU). If the density of the lesions increases between 10 and 20 HU, it is considered indeterminate for enhancement and requires further testing. While these criteria seem straightforward, the accuracy of determining enhancement varies based on the type of CT scanner used as well as technical factors including the kilovoltage and amperage of the X‐ray beam, pixel size, image noise, slice thickness, beam‐hardening artifacts, and artifacts related to large body habitus. The size of the lesion is also important because volume averaging commonly occurring in lesions smaller than 10 mm in size.
Pseudoenhancement occurs when a cyst, usually <2 cm, appears to artifactually enhance because it is surrounded by strongly enhancing parenchyma. This typically occurs during peak renal enhancement and should be suspected when a lesion is homogeneous and measures less than 10 HU on an unenhanced CT scan [18–21].
Dual‐energy CT (DECT) is a recent development that involves the simultaneous acquisition of CT data at two different peak tube voltages and has the potential to reduce radiation dose. By exploiting the differences in energy‐related attenuation of tissues within the body, DECT potentially can characterize tissue composition to a greater extent than that possible with single‐energy techniques. When this technique is applied to remove the iodine contribution for a postcontrast image, a virtual noncontrast image can be produced. This technique exploits the fact that soft tissue and iodine demonstrate unique attenuation differences at different tube voltages, allowing for material decomposition. This technique also makes it possible to measure iodine concentration (instead of attenuation values) within the lesion. Enhancing renal masses demonstrate the presence of iodine, whereas benign, nonenhancing lesions have an absence of intralesional iodine.
Magnetic resonance imaging
Significant advances in MR imaging hardware and software with routine use of phased‐array coils and parallel imaging permit fast and high spatial resolution imaging of the kidneys. Short breath hold scans can produce superb multiphase renal images without significant peristaltic or respiratory motion artifacts [22–25]. The following imaging sequences should be obtained when evaluating a renal mass with MR: coronal T2‐weighted single‐shot turbo spin‐echo sequence to serve as a localizing scan; axial T2‐weighted gradient and spin‐echo sequence with fat suppression to search for renal mass invasion of the adjacent fat; a dual‐echo axial T1‐weighted gradient‐echo sequence with in‐phase and opposed‐phase images to search for fat within the tumor; and an axial T1‐weighted fat‐suppressed gradient‐echo sequence for dynamic imaging using 20 ml of intravenous gadolinium with precontrast and postcontrast images obtained during the arterial, corticomedullary, and nephrographic phases to assess tumor vascularity. The physiologic principles behind the various dynamic postcontrast phases described in the MDCT section also hold true for dynamic MR imaging [26].
MR‐derived functional imaging in the form of diffusion‐weighted imaging (DWI) is now part of the routine MR evaluation of the kidneys and has been found to be very useful in assessing the likely malignant potential of renal parenchymal masses and transitional cell neoplasms. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values of these neoplasms is significantly higher than those of normal renal parenchyma and normal urothelial mucosa. The ability of DWI to identify changes in the molecular level has dramatically changed the diagnostic approach of radiologists, which was solely heretofore based on morphological criteria. It can improve the diagnostic accuracy of conventional MRI, assist the assessment of tumor response to treatment regimens and detect tumor recurrence with better spatial resolution, negative radiation, and diagnostic accuracy compared to PET‐CT. The ability to quantify the diffusion has also led to potential prediction of tumor aggressiveness and grade which directly correlate with patient prognosis and management.
MRI is generally employed as a secondary imaging test when better characterization of a mass found on MDCT or ultrasound is needed. MRI is used as a primary imaging test in patients who have a severe allergy to iodinated contrast material or who are pregnant. Because of the risk of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, MRI with gadolinium‐based agents should be performed with caution in patients with poor renal function. Gadolinium‐based contrast agents have been classified, based on the chemical structure of the ligand, as linear versus macrocyclic. The rates of dissociation of gadolinium from macrocyclic ligand agents are slower than dissociation from linear ligands and are thus considered to be more “stable.” Accordingly, these macrocyclic agents (e.g. gadoterate meglumine, gadobutrol, and gadoteridol) are preferable to linear agents when assessing urinary tract pathology in these patients.
MRI may become more commonly employed for following renal lesions given the increased concerns regarding cumulative radiation dose. This is particularly applicable in young patients.
The chemical‐specific tissue characterization capabilities of MRI are particularly helpful in characterizing certain types of renal lesion. Confident characterization of hemorrhagic cysts can be problematic on CT because the lack of enhancement of a small, dense renal mass may be difficult to confirm. Hemorrhagic cysts usually have high signal on T1‐weighted images on MRI. The signal intensity of hemorrhagic or proteinaceous cysts on T2‐weighted images is variable, ranging from low to mildly increased signal compared with renal parenchyma, but usually lower signal than seen in adjacent cerebrospinal fluid or other simple cysts. The combination of high signal on T1‐weighted images and the lack of enhancement on MR imaging are diagnostic of a hemorrhagic renal cyst [22–26].
MR imaging is also useful in characterizing complex renal cysts. Septations within complex renal cysts that are vague on CT are readily depicted with MRI. Because fluid signal on T1‐weighted images is usually darker than the low attenuation seen by CT, contrast enhancement within the septations is usually more apparent on MR than on CT, especially with subtraction images [22–26].
MR is more sensitive than CT in the detection of macroscopic fat within lesions such as angiomyolipomas (AMLs). Although most AMLs can be characterized with CT, it may be difficult to obtain accurate CT density measurements on small lesions. MR can confidently characterize AMLs in two ways. First, frequency‐selective chemical fat suppression will result in subjective signal loss within fat‐containing regions of the lesion. Second, chemical shift artifact will show a sharp dark interface between the AML and normal renal parenchyma [22–26].
Although CT is the premier imaging test in patients with suspected renal pathology, ultrasound is often the first imaging test ordered for renal evaluation. Despite its technical limitations, a large number of renal tumors can be correctly characterized sonographically. Recent advances in gray‐scale and color flow Doppler techniques, as well as tissue harmonics, have enhanced the ability of ultrasound to distinguish solid from cystic lesions, and to make the diagnosis of a simple renal cyst [27–30]. Sonography is employed on a daily basis for evaluating lesions detected incidentally on CT which are not clearly simple cysts.
Lesions that are felt to represent hyperdense cysts either contain hemorrhage or proteinacious fluid. Those containing proteinacious fluid are typically simple on ultrasound, whereas those containing blood can appear heterogeneous and partly solid.
Ultrasound is useful in evaluating complex cystic lesions and detecting septations or minimal mural nodularity. This technique, however, is operator dependent and can be extremely limited in obese patients or when there is a large amount of adjacent bowel gas. Sonography can be quite useful for assessing the presence of renal vein thrombus with 75% sensitivity and 96% specificity, and 100% accuracy for detecting thrombus in the inferior vena cava [29, 30]. Intraoperative ultrasound has become a useful tool in guiding the surgeon during nephron‐sparing surgery of small renal cell neoplasms.
Positron emission tomography–computed tomography
Most malignancies exhibit increased metabolic activity, leading to increased utilization of glucose. PET imaging exploits the fact that the glucose analog 18F‐2‐fluoro‐2‐deoxy‐glucose (FDG) shows increased intracellular accumulation in malignant tissue. PET‐CT is a fixed combination of PET and CT scanners in a combined imaging system. The nearly simultaneous data acquisitions lead to minimization of spatial and temporal mismatches between modalities by eliminating the need to move the patient during the exam. The result is a fused image that provides biological and anatomic information. Imaging metabolic information of tumor tissue provides often more sensitive and specific information concerning the extent of malignancy than anatomic information alone [31–34].
Although FDG‐PET is a well accepted method for the detection and staging of a number of malignancies, including lung, breast, colorectal, and esophageal cancer, it currently has a limited role in evaluating renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Several studies have shown that FDG‐PET has a high specificity, but its sensitivity is inferior to that of CT and MR imaging in the evaluation of suspicious primary or metastatic RCC. FDG‐PET surpasses the 90% sensitivity mark only for lesions at least 2 cm in diameter [31, 32]. Although there are studies that report sensitivity of FDG‐PET to be as high as 94%, it is generally accepted that malignancy cannot be ruled out with a negative study. RCCs have inconsistent FDG uptake, which may be due to hypo‐ or isometabolism relative to background tissues, lack of accessibility of FDG, or heterogeneity of glucose transporter expression [33, 34].
Positron emission tomography–magnetic resonance imaging
PET‐MRI combines the unique tissue characterization of MRI – achieved through an array of conventional and emerging pulse sequences – with the quantifiable functional and molecular information provided by PET, thereby providing distinct potential clinical advantages over other imaging modalities. PET‐MRI has many potential advantages over PET‐CT. The improved lesion detection within the kidneys of MRI compared with that of CT is expected to achieve an overall diagnostic advantage for PET‐MRI over PET‐CT. In addition, lesion margins may be better defined by MRI than by CT in certain locations. Preliminary data also suggest that lesion registration is improved through hybrid PET‐MRI, an advantage that will potentially improve tissue segmentation, attenuation correction, and ultimately PET quantification.
PET‐MRI offers practical advantages for patients requiring both PET and MRI examinations for oncologic assessment by providing both modalities within a single appointment and imaging session. Radiation exposure is also reduced because CT is not used in the imaging protocol.
Finally, PET‐MRI allows accurate, temporally and spatially aligned multiparametric imaging that combines high‐contrast anatomic MR images with the quantitative power of molecular imaging of both PET and MRI, including DWI, perfusion MRI, and MR spectroscopy. This potential creates numerous opportunities for characterizing tumor biology across all of the dimensions of imaging offered by PET and MRI.
Cystic renal masses
Incidentally discovered renal cysts are commonly found on cross‐sectional imaging studies. Strict imaging criteria have been developed by Bosniak to categorize renal cysts as benign, malignant, or indeterminate, and to guide in the management of these lesions. The Bosniak Classification (Table 123.1) of renal cystic was first described in 1986 [35] but has undergone several modifications [36–39]. Although initially described for lesions found on CT, the criteria can be applied to MRI with overall similar accuracy [40]. In some cases MRI may depict additional septa, thickening of the wall, or enhancement which may lead to an upgraded Bosniak Classification.
Table 123.1 Bosniak classification of cystic renal masses.
Category | Features |
I | A simple water‐attenuation cyst with a hairline‐thin wall, without septa, calcification, or solid components; no contrast enhancement |
II | Bosniak type I with a few thin septa or fine calcification in the wall or septa |
Sharply marginated, nonenhancing, uniformly high‐attenuation lesions of <3 cm | |
IIF | Bosniak type II cystic lesion with minimal enhancement of a hairline‐thin septum or wall or minimal thickening of the septum or wall; the cyst might contain calcification that might be nodular and thick but there is no contrast enhancement |
Uniformly high‐attenuation lesions of >3 cm | |
III | Bosniak type IIF cystic lesion with thickened irregular walls or septa, and contrast enhancement |
IV | Enhancing soft tissue components or mural nodules |
Category I
These lesions are benign simple cysts requiring no further diagnostic imaging or follow‐up (Figure 123.1). On CT, these lesions must have a paper‐thin wall, have entirely fluid attenuation measuring between 0 and 20 HU, and they must demonstrate no enhancement following the intravenous administration of contrast medium. These lesions do not contain septations or calcifications.

Figure 123.1 Bosniak type I renal cyst. (a) Longitudinal sonogram shows a well marginated, anechoic cyst (arrow) along the posterior aspect of the upper pole of the right kidney. (b) Axial contrast‐enhanced CT scan shows large, bilateral, nonenhancing water density renal cysts (arrows). (c) Coronal T2‐weighted MR image shows well‐marginated, hyperintense cysts (arrows) with paper‐thin walls in the upper and lower poles of the right kidney. Note the absence of mural thickening or nodularity.
Category II
These lesions are also benign, but are minimally complicated (Figures 123.2–123.4). They may contain a few paper‐thin septations. They may also contain fine curvilinear mural or septal calcification. This category also includes hyperattenuating cysts which measure less than 3 cm, are round and sharply marginated with at least one‐quarter of the lesions extending outside the renal parenchyma. Most importantly, they must demonstrate uniform high attenuation and no enhancement with intravenous contrast. Cysts that measure between 20 and 40 HU are usually proteinacious cysts and have a density of greater than 40–50 HU are likely to be hemorrhagic. The latter will appear complex on ultrasound. They may appear solid or semisolid due to clot retraction and could be miscategorized by ultrasound.

Figure 123.2 Bosniak type II renal cyst. (a) Transverse sonogram shows a well‐marginated cystic structure (cursors) with fine, low‐level internal echoes. Note the acoustic enhancement (small arrows) posterior to the cyst. (b) Coronal T1‐weighted MR image shows a hyperintense cyst (arrow) indicating the presence of hemorrhage and/or mucin. (c) Coronal unenhanced CT scan in a patient with adult polycystic kidney disease demonstrates multiple simple (type I) (large solid arrows) and hyperdense (type II) (small solid arrows) renal cysts. The high attenuation within the cysts is due to hemorrhage. There is a renal transplant (open arrow) in the right iliac fossa with surrounding hemorrhage. (d) Axial T1‐weighted images reveal a hyperintense hemorrhagic (type II) right renal cyst (solid arrows) and a hypointense left simple (type I) renal cyst (star).

Figure 123.3 Bosniak type II renal cyst. (a) Longitudinal sonogram shows minimal thickening and calcification of a septation (arrow) in a patient with right renal cysts. (b) This calcification (arrow) is better appreciated on this transverse unenhanced CT scan. This lesion otherwise fulfills the imaging criteria for a simple cyst.


Figure 123.4 Bosniak type II hemorrhagic renal cyst on dual‐energy CT (DECT) scan. (a) Conventional contrast‐enhanced CT shows an indeterminate left renal lesion (arrow). (b) DECT virtual unenhanced image shows that the lesion is hyperdense compared with adjacent renal parenchyma. (c) DECT iodine image with color overlay (iodine‐containing structures are depicted with an orange‐yellow hue) shows no iodine (i.e. enhancement) in the lesion. (d) A conventional, true, precontrast image. (e). A magnetic resonance subtraction image. Note that DECT can, in a single acquisition (b–c), provide the same information as that obtained from two acquisitions (a, d). However, the iodine image (c) is not a “true” subtraction image because bone (e.g. vertebral body, ribs) is present on both the virtual noncontrast (b) and iodine (c) displays.
Dual‐energy CT is most helpful in depicting hemorrhagic renal cysts (see Figure 123.3).
Kang et al. attempted to differentiate high‐attenuation renal cysts from RCCs on unenhanced CT scans [16]. They retrospectively evaluated the attenuation values and degree of uniformity/heterogeneity in 56 hyperdense renal cysts and 54 RCCs. The mean attenuation for hyperdense cysts was 53 HU and for RCCs was 38 HU, but there was significant overlap when evaluating attenuation values alone. However, when evaluating uniformity versus heterogeneity of the lesion, the authors concluded that a homogeneous, hyperattenuating renal masses with an attenuation of 70 HU or greater, had a 99.9% likelihood of being a benign, high‐attenuation renal cyst. Most RCCs in their study had attenuation values lower than those of renal parenchyma (20–30 HU) and were often heterogeneous in attenuation. High‐attenuation renal cysts can in many cases be differentiated from RCC on unenhanced CT [16, 41, 42].
Category IIF
These lesions are likely benign but require a period of observation or follow‐up (the F stands for follow‐up) to prove their benignity. These lesions may contain an increased number of septa or have minimal septal or mural thickening. Category IIF lesions may contain thick, irregular, or nodular calicifications. When a high‐attenuation lesion is completely intrarenal, the smoothness of its wall cannot be assessed. Accordingly, completely intrarenal high‐attenuation lesions as well as lesions greater than 3 cm in diameter are included in this category. These lesions may also have a slightly indistinct interface with the adjacent renal parenchyma [33–37].
These lesions should be reimaged with CT or MRI in six months and then annually or every other year for 5 years. Stability over time suggests these lesions are benign, recognizing that some malignant lesions can grow slowly and that cysts can enlarge. Therefore on follow‐up imaging their morphologic characteristics must be evaluated in addition to their size. If there is any increase in the thickness or in the irregularity of the wall or septa, surgical exploration is indicated. MRI can be particularly useful in evaluating hemorrhagic cystic renal masses and evaluating for the presence of septal or mural enhancement. The introduction of the IIF category in 1993 has prevented unnecessary surgery in large numbers of patients [33–37].
Category III
These are truly indeterminate lesions which cannot be diagnosed accurately as benign or malignant based on their imaging appearance (Figure 123.5). They contain thick walls or thick septa which demonstrate measurable enhancement. They may contain more extensive, thickened, and irregular calcifications. At pathology, these lesions are multilocular cysts, infected or hemorrhagic cysts, multilocular cystic nephromas, or cystic RCCs. The risk of malignancy in this group has been reported to range up to 59%. Since a significant number of patients with Bosniak type III lesions undergo surgery for ultimately benign disease, some have advocated biopsy in this patient cohort [1, 4, 20].

Figure 123.5 Bosniak type III cystic renal lesion. Axial unenhanced CT scan shows thick, irregular calcification (arrows) associated with a low‐density renal mass. This lesion proved to be a renal cell carcinoma.
Category IV
These lesions are clearly malignant and require surgical removal (Figure 123.6). They may have findings similar to category III lesions but also have enhancing soft tissue components adjacent to the wall or septa. These lesions are usually cystic clear cell carcinomas (accounting for 4–15% of all RCCs), multilocular cystic RCCs, cystic nephromas, and mixed epithelial and stromal tumors [35–38].

Figure 123.6 Bosniak type IV cystic renal lesion. (a) Longitudinal ultrasound of the left kidney shows a lower pole mass that has mural thickening superiorly (arrows) and a more cystic component inferiorly (star). (b) Coronal reformatted contrast‐enhanced CT image shows mural and septal enhancement (arrow) of this mass. Note the Bosniak type I cyst at the lower pole of the right kidney (star).
Multilocular cystic nephromas
Multilocular cystic nephroma is a benign renal neoplasm that has biphasic age and sex distribution. Two‐thirds of multilocular cystic renal tumors occur in a predominately male pediatric population between three months and 2 years old. Approximately one‐third occur in a mostly female population, with a peak incidence in the fifth and sixth decades of life. Presenting symptoms depend on the age of the patient. Children typically present with a painless, progressively enlarging, palpable abdominal or flank mass that has a variable growth rate and may be discovered incidentally. Adults may have a variety of nonspecific signs and symptoms, including abdominal and flank pain, urinary tract infection, and hypertension. Microscopic or gross hematuria can occur in either group cysts. Variable degrees of obstruction of the renal collecting system can occur due to herniation of the tumor, which can lead to urinary tract infection.
Most adult patients are asymptomatic and these lesions are discovered incidentally. A complicated cystic lesion is typically identified on cross‐sectional imaging (Figure 123.7) [35–38].

Figure 123.7 Multilocular cystic nephroma: CT features. Axial (a) and coronal reformatted (b) images disclose a multiseptated central cystic mass (arrows) involving the left renal pelvis.
Benign solid renal masses
Most solid renal masses can be accurately characterized with cross‐sectional imaging so that biopsy is not necessary [43, 44]. This is particularly true for angiomyolipomas (AMLs) (Figures 123.8–123.10) and RCCs, the two most common solid renal lesions in adults. There are several pseudotumors that can mimic solid renal lesions which must be excluded in order to avoid further evaluation or unnecessary surgery. Occasionally a prominent column of Bertin, a dromedary hump, or persistent fetal renal lobulation can simulate a renal mass on ultrasound, but these can usually be correctly diagnosed with CT or MRI. These pseudolesions have a similar contrast enhancement profile to normal renal parenchyma. In the case of persistent renal fetal lobulation, a normal renal pyramid is present within the center of the bulging portion of renal parenchyma.

Figure 123.8 Renal angiomyolipoma: imaging features. (a) Longitudinal sonogram demonstrates a well‐marginated uniformly hyperechoic renal mass (arrows). (b) Axial unenhanced CT scan shows a well‐circumscribed, fat‐containing right renal mass (arrow), with a density of −85 HU. (c) This mass is hyperintense on this T1‐weighted coronal MR image. (d) This lesion (arrow) shows signal dropout on this axial, fat‐suppressed MR image.

Figure 123.9 Multiple renal angiomyolipomas replace the kidneys in this patient with tuberous sclerosis. Coronal reformatted CT scan shows multiple fat‐dense renal lesions (arrows).

Figure 123.10 Hemorrhagic angiomyolipoma: CT features. Axial (a), sagittal (b), and coronal (c) CT images show a large fat‐containing angiomyolipoma (large arrows) associated with a large renal and perirenal hematoma (small arrows).
Benign lesions that can simulate a renal neoplasm include focal acute pyelonephritis [45], renal abscess (Figure 123.11) [46], renal hematoma (Figure 123.12) [47, 48], focal xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XPG) [49, 50], arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) (Figure 123.13) [51–53], and acute focal infarction (Figure 123.14). Extremely rare entities such as extramedullary renal hematopoiesis, tuberculoma related to therapy for bladder cancer, and splenorenal fusion can also mimic a renal mass.

Figure 123.11 Renal abscess causing a low‐density renal mass. (a) Transverse contrast‐enhanced CT scan shows a thick‐walled low‐density mass (arrows) at the upper pole of the left kidney. (b) Scan obtained three months after the completion of antibiotic therapy shows a much smaller residual renal mass (arrow).

Figure 123.12 Perinephric hematoma causing a Page kidney. Axial contrast‐enhanced CT scan shows a large perinephric hematoma (long arrow) causing compression of the right kidney. Notice the diminished nephrogram of the compressed right kidney (short arrow).

Figure 123.13 Arteriovenous malformation simulating a renal pelvic mass. (a) Axial CT scan obtained during the corticomedullary phase of enhancement shows multiple tubular enhancing structures (arrow) in the right renal pelvis. (b) On the excretory phase images, they simulate a right renal pelvic tumor (arrow). Parapelvic cysts are present in the left kidney.

Figure 123.14 Renal infarct simulating a hypovascular renal mass. Axial CT image depicts a wedge‐shaped region of markedly decreased enhancement (arrows) along the lateral aspect of the interpolar region of the left kidney.
Often the clinical history or additional findings on CT can be useful in making the correct diagnosis. For example, stranding in the adjacent perinephric fat should raise suspicion for acute pyelonephritis, although there are rare infiltrative renal tumors such as medullary RCC that can demonstrate this finding. In the case of focal pyelonephritis, there is a wedge‐shaped area of heterogeneous hypoattenuation with no well‐defined wall and no bulge on the renal surface, features which help distinguish it from RCC. If there is still a question about the nature of the mass a follow‐up scan showing healing and resolution can be helpful [45, 46].
AVMs can be intraparenchymal (see Figure 123.13) or in the renal sinus, but observing that the mass enhances to the same degree as the renal artery should be the clue to the correct diagnosis on CT and MRI. The feeding renal artery to the AVM is often enlarged as well. On gray‐scale ultrasound an AVM appears as an anechoic structure that fills with color on color Doppler sonography. On noncontrast MRI scans, AVMs manifest as intralesional flow voids that show early enhancement, abnormal tortuous vessels, and an early draining vein following the intravenous administration of contrast medium [51–53].
Focal XGP can be difficult to distinguish from an RCC, but the presence of a staghorn calculus, which occurs in 70% of cases, is a helpful clue. There may be low attenuation within the associated collecting system mass due to presence of lipid‐laden macrophages. This disorder typically occurs in diabetic patients [49, 50].
When renal hematomas (see Figure 123.12) occur in the setting of trauma, the diagnosis is usually straightforward. However, renal hematomas can also occur spontaneously in patients who are anticoagulated, have a coagulopathy, or vasculitis. Typically, radiologists are not privy to this information to assist in the diagnosis. On noncontrast CT images, the hematoma may be hyperdense, and there should be no contrast enhancement. Occasionally, active extravasation of contrast material may be visualized. Hematomas are more easily diagnosed with MRI because of the typical signal characteristics of blood.
Subepithelial renal pelvic hematomas (Antopol–Goldman lesions) are a rare cause of a heterogeneously dense or hyperdense masses in the renal pelvis. They do not show contrast enhancement and may cause worrisome extrinsic compression on the renal collecting system. These lesions are often confused with renal pelvic malignacies, and in most cases, patients underwent nephrectomy for what was thought to be malignant disease [1].
AMLs are the most common benign mesenchymal renal neoplasms and are composed of fat, smooth muscle, and vascular tissue [54–57]. They typically occur sporadically in middle‐aged patients, and are four times more common in females than males. Tuberous sclerosis, an autosomal dominant disease, accounts for 10–20% of all individuals with AML. The lesions in tuberous sclerosis are seen in younger patients and with equal frequency in males and females. The lesions in the sporadic form are usually less than 5 cm in diameter, however AMLs seen in tuberous sclerosis can be much larger and are often multiple and bilateral [58]. Although benign, AMLs often increase in size over time and larger tumors have a propensity to bleed (see Figure 123.8). AMLs have a greater tendency to grow when they are multiple.
The imaging appearance varies according to the proportion of fat, muscle, and blood vessels. Since 95% of AMLs contain macroscopic fat (see Figures 123.7–123.10), the diagnosis can usually made with confidence on unenhanced CT when there are one or more regions of fat in a noncalcified renal lesion. They typically are well marginated, cortical in location, and predominantly fatty lesions with heterogeneous regions of soft tissue attenuation interspersed throughout the mass. Although the soft tissue components of the mass may enhance with intravenous contrast, this is not a dominant feature of most AMLs [54–58].
Sonographically, small angiomyolipomas appear as uniformly hyperechoic lesions (see Figure 123.8). Unfortunately this sonographic appearance is also seen in 32% of small (<3 cm) RCCs. Echogenic carcinomas are more likely to have a hypoechoic rim and cystic areas, while AMLs are more likely to demonstrate acoustic shadowing and no hypoechoic rim. These findings are not sufficiently sensitive or specific to confidently make the diagnosis so that CT or MRI is required for further evaluation. Larger AMLs are more complex on ultrasound and difficult to diagnose. On MRI (see Figure 123.8), most AMLs can be readily characterized with fat‐suppression techniques including combined T1‐weighted regular (in‐phase) and fat‐suppressed images or combined T1‐weighted in‐phase and out‐of‐phase spoiled gradient‐echo sequences [54–58].
The absence of a complete elastin layer in the blood vessels of AMLs predisposes these lesions to aneurysm formation and hemorrhage. The aneurysms commonly seen on angiography may not be appreciated on cross‐sectional imaging studies. Hemorrhage is not uncommon. When the lesions bleed, they can present a diagnostic dilemma as the fat may be masked by the hemorrhage. Lesions larger than 3.5–4.0 cm in diameter are believed to have an increased risk of hemorrhage, and are often electively resected with nephron‐sparing surgery. In patients with high surgical risk and those with tuberous sclerosis who may have limited renal reserve, selective arterial embolization can be performed [54–58].
There have been reported cases of macroscopic fat in clear cell RCCs. In these cases, extensive calcification is also present in the mass. Since calcification in AMLs is extremely rare, and since fat without calcifications in RCC is extremely rare, a fatty noncalcified renal mass is considered diagnostic of AML. Other fat‐containing renal lesions which are extremely rare and are not usually included in the differential diagnosis are lipoma, liposarcoma and, oncocytomas [54–58].
Lipid‐poor AMLs (approximately 5%) pose a diagnostic problem in that they appear as solid enhancing masses which have been considered indistinguishable from RCCs based on imaging findings. However, recent studies have suggested that a small (<3 cm) hyperattenuating lesion on noncontrast CT which demonstrates homogeneous enhancement has a strong likelihood of being a benign lesion. This lesion can be further evaluated with MRI to assess for microscopic fat. Percutaneous biopsy can also be performed on these lesions [54–58].
Oncocytomas are benign renal cell neoplasms that account for approximately 5% adult renal epithelial neoplasms in surgical series. They are more common in men than women, and their peak incidence is in the seventh decade. There are some imaging features that suggest the diagnosis of oncocytoma including homogeneous enhancement and a central stellate fibrotic nonenhancing scar in approximately a third of cases. The scar can appear high signal on T2‐weighted sequences. Classic CT (Figure 123.15), MRI, and angiographic findings for oncocytoma include a spoke‐wheel pattern, a homogeneous tumor blush, and a sharp, smooth rim. Oncocytomas typically do not have perinephric stranding.

Figure 123.15 Renal oncocytoma: CT features. An enhancing mass with a “spoke‐wheel” appearance (arrows) masses is identified at the lower pole of the left kidney on these axial (a) and coronal (b) contrast‐enhanced CT scans.
Unfortunately, the imaging features of oncocytomas demonstrate considerable overlap with those of RCCs, particularly the chromophobe type, and therefore cannot be reliably used for diagnosis. A central scar and segmental enhancement inversion (in which early contrast‐enhanced images show relatively more enhanced and less enhanced intralesional components with inversion of their relative enhancement on later images) are present in at least 10% of cases of both renal oncocytomas and of chromophobe RCCs with no significant difference between the two entities [59–62].
Indeed, oncocytomas often manifest as a complex hypervascular mass that is sometimes associated with adjacent neovascularity and perinephric stranding, findings worrisome for a clear cell carcinoma. Advances in immunocytochemical analysis and cytogenetics may be helpful in distinguishing oncocytoma from RCC in the future, but at the time of this publication, oncocytomas cannot be reliably diagnosed with percutaneous biopsy, and they typically are surgically resected [59–62].
Other benign solid renal masses
There are other benign solid renal lesions that cannot be reliably distinguished from RCCs, though some have imaging features that may suggest the diagnosis. Papillary adenomas and renomedullary interstitial cell tumors are less than 5 mm in diameter and are common at autopsy [4].
Metanephric adenomas are usually solid and hyperattenuating on noncontrast CT and contain calcification in 20%. Hemangiomas and lymphangiomas typically arise in the renal pyramids or pelvis. Leiomyomas commonly appear as well‐circumscribed homogeneous exophytic solid masses that demonstrate uniform enhancement with intravenous contrast. Juxtaglomerular cell neoplasm (reninoma) is an endocrine tumor, which typically occurs in the second or third decades of life, and is twice as common in females than males. Patients present with hypertension and hypokalemia. These lesions typically appear as well‐circumscribed cortical tumors less than 3 cm in diameter. Despite the fact that they are such vascular lesions pathologically, they appear hypovascular on contrast CT, possibly due to renin‐induced vasoconstriction [4].
Mixed epithelial and stromal tumors consist of solid and cystic areas that may herniate into the renal pelvis. The observation of some of these features may be sufficient to raise the possibility of a benign lesion and in some cases biopsy should be considered rather than immediate surgery [4].
Renal cell carcinoma
RCC is the eighth most common malignancy and accounts for 2–3% of new cancers in the United States. RCC typically presents in the fifth to seventh decades of life, and is two to three times more common in men and slightly more common in black people than white. The tumors are usually solitary, but can be multifocal in 6–25%. In patients with certain genetic conditions, such as von Hippel–Lindau disease (Figure 123.16), hereditary papillary renal cancer (Figure 123.17), and possibly tuberous sclerosis, multifocality is common. Indeed, multifocal tumors are seen in 87% of patients with von Hippel–Lindau disease [63–65]. RCC is also more common in patients with acquired cystic renal disease, with a three to six times increased risk in patients on long‐term dialysis [63, 64]. Because RCCs may be multifocal or bilateral, both kidneys must be scrutinized when staging the lesion prior to surgical or percutaneous intervention.

Figure 123.16 Synchronous renal cell carcinoma and mucinous adenocarcinoma of the pancreas in a patient with von Hippel–Lindau syndrome. Axial (a) and coronal reformatted (b) CT images show a clear cell renal cell carcinoma in the upper pole of the right kidney (solid arrows) and calcified and noncalcified cystic lesions (open arrow) in the pancreatic body and tail. The calcified cystic lesion was a mucinous cystadenocarcinoma.

Figure 123.17 Hereditary papillary renal cancer. Coronal reformatted contrast‐enhanced CT image shows synchronous hypervascular neoplasms in the right kidney (small arrows). Note the angiomyolipoma (large arrow) and the large left benign renal cyst (star)
In recent years, the incidence of RCC has increased due to several factors. In large part this is secondary to the increased incidental detection on imaging studies. Now nearly two‐thirds of renal neoplasms are found incidentally compared to approximately 10% in the early 1970s. There has also been an increased rate of survival in patients with RCC, primarily because these lesions are found when small in asymptomatic individuals. There is some evidence suggesting that asymptomatic tumors are smaller and of lower grade and earlier stage than symptomatic lesions. The overall 5‐year survival rate is approximately 85% for incidentally detected tumors compared to 53% in symptomatic individuals [63, 64]. Therefore, radiologists have played and continue to play a significant role in finding early cancers and improving patient survival.
According to the 1997 Heidelberg Classification, the most common RCC histologic subtypes are: clear cell adenocarcinoma (65–75%); papillary adenocarcinoma (15%); chromophobe (5%), collecting duct (1%); and unclassified carcinomas (4%). Clear cell RCC, also known as conventional RCC, has a much greater malignant potential than papillary and chromophobe RCCs. Since the prognosis varies among the subtypes of RCC (Box 123.1), being able to distinguish these with imaging can have important clinical implications in the management of certain groups of patients [66–72].

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