Current Management of Male Infertility

Samir S. Taneja, MD, Consulting Editor
The science and practice of male infertility has made great leaps and bounds in the period of my career in Urology. Whereas urologists devoted to the care of infertile male patients may have previously had a limited surgical repertoire, they are now multidisciplinary experts in reproductive medicine. Both the science of infertility and the clinical management of infertile patients represent a fusion of many fields. The science melds molecular and cell biology, genetics, physiology, embryology, and developmental biology, among others. The clinical practice is a brew of urology, gynecology, endocrinology, psychology, and medical ethics.

Despite advances in methods of in vitro fertilization, male infertility experts, and urologists in general, remain at the forefront of diagnostics, patient counseling, and treatment. They remain an essential part of a well-balanced reproductive medicine team. As such, despite the frequent perception of urologists that infertility is a niche subspecialty, it is important for urologists to remain well versed in the current state of the art of this rapidly evolving field even if we don’t routinely treat infertile patients. In doing so, we remain capable of counseling patients and, when necessary, providing meaningful input among our colleagues.

Of all fields in Urology, male infertility may represent the best example of multidisciplinary care. In this issue of the Urology Clinics , Dr Craig Niederberger, one of our field’s pre-eminent leaders in the area of reproductive medicine, has put together a star cast of authors to provide us with a comprehensive overview of the current practice of male infertility. In doing so, he has provided us with a glimpse into the direction of the field and multiple perspectives that come into play in determining that direction. The authors have done a fantastic job of providing both consensus and controversy in the field. I am indebted to Dr Niederberger and all the authors for their time, effort, and care they put into each article in the issue. I am certain the readers will enjoy it and benefit immensely.

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Mar 3, 2017 | Posted by in UROLOGY | Comments Off on Current Management of Male Infertility

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