Amsterdam I
Amsterdam II
Family history
3 relatives with colorectal cancer
3 relatives with LS associated cancers
2 relatives with LS associated cancers and one with an advanced adenoma
Age of onset
One cancer under age 50
One cancer under age 50
One cancer under age 50
2 relatives are first degree of the third
2 relatives are first degree of the third
2 relatives are first degree of the third
About 50 % of LS families meet Amsterdam Criteria [6], but the combination of a MSI-H tumor in a patient with an Amsterdam positive family is quite compelling. Amsterdam positive families should be referred for genetic counseling and testing. Amsterdam positive families with a patient who has a microsatellite stable tumor are said to be Familial Colon Cancer Type X, and have not been genetically characterized [7]. Thus, not all Amsterdam positive families have LS, and not all LS families fulfill Amsterdam criteria. Clinicians must be alert to a strong family history and a suggestive tumor phenotype, use genetic testing of tumors where this is available, and have a low threshold for referral for genetic counseling.
One caveat has arisen regarding IHC in rectal cancers. Some staining may be weaker as a result of neo-adjuvant radiation, especially for MSH6. This can confuse interpretation of the result. In addition some tumors disappear altogether after neo-adjuvant therapy, so that biopsies should be taken before chemoradiation begins [8].
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)
FAP is an autosomal dominantly inherited syndrome of tumor predisposition due to a germline mutation in the tumor suppressor gene APC. APC is a key “gatekeeper” gene that controls β[beta] catenin degradation and so the activation status of multiple genes stimulating cell growth and differentiation. It is one of the first genes inactivated in the chromosomal instability mechanism leading to sporadic colorectal cancer and in FAP loss of APC from a germline mutation and a second sporadic “hit” leads to extensive tumor formation in multiple organs. The large bowel is primarily affected and multiple adenomas start to form, usually in the second decade of life. Untreated, colorectal cancer develops usually about age 39. The severity of the expression of the germline mutation varies from one patient and one family to another, with the locus of the mutation being one determinant. Extracolonic manifestations of FAP include gastroduodenal polyps and desmoid disease [9]. Desmoid disease is the second most common cause of death in patients with FAP. It is a proliferations of fibroblasts with a spectrum of presentations, either as tumors or sheets, often within the abdomen where they kink and distort bowel [10]. Desmoid disease sometimes affects operative strategy in FAP, in particular plans for the rectum.
Myh-Associated Polyposis (MAP)
MAP is an autosomal recessively inherited syndrome of colorectal cancer predisposition due to biallelic inheritance of mutations in MYH, a gene involved in DNA base excision repair. Loss of MYH means that oxidized DNA replicates falsely. Oxidized guanine will bond with thymine instead of cytosine, creating a G=C to T=A transversion in the next generation of cells. This transversion is a mutation that can alter the function of susceptible genes. Both APC and KRAS are susceptible genes, and adenomas as well as serrated polyps are part of the MAP phenotype. Clinically MAP most often presents as a sort of “mini” FAP. The family history is often different however, reflecting recessive inheritance, but MAP can mimic LS, classical FAP, sporadic colorectal cancer, young age of onset colorectal cancer and even serrated polyposis [11].
57.3 The Rectum, the Pouch, and the Patient
The Rectum
The rectum is a unique organ anatomically and physiologically. This uniqueness demands careful consideration when planning a surgical strategy in patients with syndromes of hereditary colorectal cancer. Anatomically, the rectum lies within the bony pelvis, surrounded by critical vascular, neural, urinary and reproductive structures. Resection is often complicated, and demands a high level of appreciation of the anatomy and physiology and the likely effects of surgery on them. Technical excellence in surgery is demanded so that good outcomes may be achieved. Secondly the function of the rectum is as a conduit for defecation. Its ability to accommodate allows for deferment of the call to stool, while the integrity of the anal sphincters and their reflex arcs provides for discrimination of gas from liquid and solid, and control of passage of stool and gas. Removal of part of the rectum decreases accommodation and increases stool frequency while replacement of the rectum completely introduces a new physiology to the patient: the ileal pouch [12].
The Ileal Pouch
An ileal pouch works because a pro-peristaltic limb is stapled to an anti-peristaltic limb, creating an a-peristaltic segment of bowel. This allows the pouch to act as a reservoir and minimizes urgency, but in practical terms increases frequency of defecation. Frequency of defecation depends on the efficiency of pouch emptying, and because the a-peristaltic pouch empties by gravity, patients have to sit for longer. Because the stool empties best when it is liquid, seepage can be an issue. A hand-sewn pouch-anal anastomosis removes the anal transition zone but promotes more seepage, anastomotic stenosis, and can be more difficult to survey. All these considerations play into strategies for dealing with colorectal cancer risk secondary to a hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome [13, 14].
The Patient
Patients coming to surgery for a syndrome of hereditary colorectal cancer are often young, and at least in the polyposis syndromes are often asymptomatic. Prophylactic colectomy or proctocolectomy is routine in FAP, while colectomy in LS is often at least partially prophylactic. Balanced against the desire to minimize cancer risk must be the need to preserve the lifestyle of these asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic patients. Teenage patients are at the start of their social, academic and physical lives. To create disabling diarrhea, incontinence, anal irritation, let alone a permanent ileostomy, retrograde ejaculation, impotence and female sterility is disastrous. The effects of serious complications of prophylactic surgery in patients with hereditary colorectal cancer are not limited to the patient. The repercussions ripple throughout the family as at-risk siblings and children become apprehensive about their own fate. Compliance may suffer as they defer testing, surveillance and treatment, and leave themselves open to developing cancer. There are so many issues involved in the surgical strategy for patients with hereditary colorectal cancer that a center of excellence featuring an experienced, multidisciplinary team is the optimal environment for care [15].
Patients with LS are different to those with FAP in that they are older at time of surgery and consequently have more co-morbidities and less functional reserve. Complications of surgery tend to be more consequential and functional outcomes worse. The surgical strategies used in FAP do not necessarily apply to LS.
57.4 The Rectum and Lynch Syndrome
LS syndrome presents with a primary rectal cancer about 20 % of the time; slightly more often when there is a germline MSH6 mutation. A MSI-H rectal cancer is very likely to be associated with LS, as sporadic, hypermethylation MSI-H tumors are almost never found there [16]. Biopsy of a rectal cancer for microsatellite instability and immunohistochemistry is a good way of screening for LS, as long as it is done prior to neo-adjuvant chemoradiation.
One of the hallmarks of LS is a high incidence of both synchronous and metachronous colon neoplasia. It is essential that LS patients with a rectal cancer undergo high quality colonoscopy. Proximal neoplasms must be removed and if they are advanced, total proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis or end ileostomy is indicated. If there is no synchronous proximal neoplasm, consideration turns to the chances of a metachronous neoplasm. There are few data addressing the risk of a metachronous colon cancer in a patient whose rectum has been removed for a primary cancer. Kalady et al. reported on 33 patients with HNPCC who underwent rectal resection for cancer [17]. Thirteen patients (39.4 %) developed a metachronous high-risk colonic adenoma and five patients (15.2 %) developed metachronous colonic cancer, three of them advanced. In all, 17 of 33 patients (51.5 %) developed high-risk adenoma or cancer, over a 6 year follow-up after proctectomy. Whether this risk is high enough to indicate routine proctocolectomy is questionable. These patients were an average of 61 years old, an age where pouch function may not be good [18]. The increased magnitude of the surgery and the need for a temporary stoma in patients with co-morbidities is also daunting and finally the use of neo-adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy is another cause for pause in taking up the radical option. If a standard anterior resection is done however, then prevention of metachronous neoplasia falls on colonoscopists’ shoulders.
Colonoscopic surveillance after anterior resection in a patient with LS must be meticulous and uncompromising. Stoffel et al. reported an adenoma miss rate in HNPCC of 55 % [19], and interval cancers can develop in a 1 year from a “negative” examination [20]. Good compliance with surveillance recommendations is essential and should be emphasized during the decision-making process at initial presentation.
Oncologic results after resection of rectal cancers in patients with LS are not well documented in the literature. Samowitz et al. reported on 990 rectal cancers and found that survival was significantly worse in MSI-H tumors [21]. This was surprising as sporadic MSI-H colorectal cancers and LS colon cancers have a better than expected prognosis. In the Samowitz et al. series there were 22 MSI-H rectal cancers, 1 with a BRAF mutation, 2 with MLH1 promoter methylation and 4 expressing CIMP. Most, therefore, were likely LS. Approximately half of their patients received neo-adjuvant therapy, which may have affected prognosis adversely, although the influence of 5 flouroacil-based chemotherapy on prognosis in MSI-H colorectal cancer is controversial. In the absence of firm data indicating that LS rectal cancers should be managed differently to sporadic MSI-H tumors or MSS tumors, standard approaches to staging, neo-adjuvant therapy and resection should be followed.
57.5 The Rectum and Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Patients with FAP are almost guaranteed to develop colorectal cancer if the colorectal polyps are not removed. In general there are too many adenomas to be managed endoscopically and so prophylactic colectomy has become routine. The issues are the timing of the surgery and the extent of the resection.
Timing generally revolves around the risk of cancer, which is determined by the number, size, histology (presence of high grade dysplasia) and rapidity of growth of the adenomas. Patients with symptoms attributable to the polyps are operated without delay, as are those with large, severely dysplastic or rapidly developing adenomas. In patients with small, infrequent and stable adenomas without high-grade dysplasia, surgery may be deferred until convenient.
The extent of surgery in patients with FAP comes down to a choice between colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis and proctocolectomy with ileostomy or ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. This is a choice between keeping the rectum or removing the rectum; keeping the organ of defecation with the associated risk of metachronous rectal cancer but a definite advantage in bowel function, or losing the organ of defecation and making do with a non-physiological replacement in the interest of minimizing cancer risk. Some centers recommend universal pouch anal anastomosis for all patients with FAP [22], while others triage patients according to rectal cancer risk. Data show quite conclusively that rectal cancer risk is determined by the colorectal polyp counts [23]. When there are <5 rectal adenomas and <1,000 colonic adenomas, proctectomy for rectal cancer or advanced neoplasia is extremely uncommon. With 5–20 rectal adenomas at colectomy, proctectomy may be required in about a third of patients but when there are >20 rectal adenomas, later proctectomy is likely in over half of cases. In many studies describing rectal cancer risk after IRA, data were at least partially derived from a time prior to 1983, when the ileal pouch anastomosis became widely adopted as an alternative to IRA and ileostomy in patients with FAP. In this “pre pouch” era, rectums severely affected by polyposis that would now be resected were retained, leading to artificially raised rectal cancer rates in subsequent years [24]. Current management triages patients into IRA or IPAA depending on the rectal polyp count. Such a policy has resulted in very low rates of proctectomy and cancer.
Technical Considerations: Ileorectal Anastomosis
Length of Rectum
For optimal function, a 15 cm length of rectum should be retained. If less than 10 cm of rectum is left, stool frequency may be disabling, even in the young. For more elderly patients, the rectosigmoid junction may be included and an ileosigmoid anastomosis performed. This may minimize stool frequency and incontinence in patients with tiring sphincters.
The ileorectal anastomosis has a bad reputation for leaking and stenosing. It involves union of two ends of bowel of different sizes and thicknesses, and has been approached in many ways. The author, using a Cheatle slit if necessary, prefers a handsewn end-to-end anastomosis. Others have used an end of rectum to side of ileum, an end of ileum to side of rectum, or a side of ileum to side of rectum anastomosis. The more distorted and complex the anastomosis, the higher the chance of suboptimal function, stenosis and leak. Crossing staple lines, different bowel thickness and blood supply are also concerns. Blood supply must be preserved in the face of a potential gap between the last sigmoid branch of the inferior mesenteric artery and the upper branch of the superior rectal artery.
Mesenteric Defect
The mesenteric defect created by the ileorectal anastomosis is a potential site for small bowel torsion through the internal hernia. In my practice it is closed.
Yearly proctoscopy is important after IRA. The examination is usually performed in the office without sedation. Two sodium phosphate enemas are enough for preparation but should be given within 30 min of the examination. A flexible endoscope gives a much better view of all the mucosa than a rigid proctoscope. The terminal ileum is checked for about 10–15 cm, the anastomosis itself is viewed and then the rectum is checked systematically. Polyps less than 5 mm diameter can be counted but not removed. Larger polyps are all removed. If the patient is taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, adenomas may be suppressed, although the outline of polyps (polyp ghosts) can often be seen. If it has been a long time since the original colectomy, and especially if the rectal mucosa is scarred from prior polypectomies, cancer can be very subtle. Any flat, erythematous area should be biopsied. Doubtful areas can be re-examined in 6 months.
Technical Considerations: Proctectomy and IPAA
Rectal Dissection
Preoperative evaluation should try to exclude rectal cancer. Large rectal polyps should be excised or biopsied because if there is a rectal cancer staging must be done and neo-adjuvant chemoradiation may be indicated. A total mesorectal excision is performed with close attention to planes, minimizing the chance of damage to nervi erigentes in men. Rectal dissection may be difficult in patients who have had an ileorectal anastomosis, as repeated fulguration of rectal polyps promotes perirectal fibrosis that destroys planes.
The Anastomosis
Choices are a stapled pouch anal anastomosis or a handsewn anastomosis. The stapled anastomosis allows better function and is easier to examine and survey. A handsewn anastomosis creates a little more mesenteric tension, sometimes stenosis, and is associated with worse anal control of mucus or stool. It clears most of the anal transition zone but does not guarantee freedom from cancer. It is more difficult to survey [25].
If a patient presents with profuse polyposis and adenomas exist in the anal transition zone, mucosal stripping and handsewn anastomosis is needed. If the anal transition zone is free a stapled anastomosis is preferred.
Keep It Straight
Twists in the IPAA may occur if the pouch is allowed to slide around the stapler anvil. While this may seem minor at the time it can create shelves in the pouch that interfere with emptying and disturb pouch function.
Pelvic Adhesions
Pelvic adhesions may be promoted by the pelvic dissection preceding pouch anal anastomosis. There is a suspicion that FAP patients are more prone to severe adhesions than usual, because of the APC mutation and its effect on fibroblasts already evident in desmoid disease. Pelvic adhesions affect the neo terminal ileum, which can be kinked into the presacral space causing an afferent loop syndrome. They also affect the ovaries and tubes, reducing fecundity. Options to minimize adhesions include performance of clean, technically precise surgery, the use of anti-adhesion sheets and the use of minimally invasive surgical approaches.

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