Complications of Radical Cystectomy and Urinary Diversion


Despite over half a century of experience with radical cystectomy (RC), it continues to carry significant postoperative morbidity. With contemporary methods to report and grade postoperative complications, the majority of RC patients experience a complication within 90 days of surgery, most of which are minor. The most common categories of complications after RC are gastrointestinal, infectious, and wound. Nearly one-third of patients require a hospital readmission, and around 10% will require a second operative or interventional procedure within 90 days. There are several methods that can help minimize postoperative complications, including enhanced recovery pathways, restricted intraoperative fluid protocols, laparoscopic approaches, and referral to high-volume centers. Surgeons who perform RC should be aware of the breadth of postoperative complications that can occur and be prepared to diagnose and treat complications promptly.


radical cystectomy complication


Key Points

  • 1.

    Radical cystectomy is associated with a high rate of complications.

  • 2.

    Contemporary reporting criteria group complications by organ system and define them according to severity.

  • 3.

    There are several risk factors for complications, including comorbidity and age.

  • 4.

    Several techniques, including enhanced recovery pathways, restricted fluid protocols, laparoscopic approaches and referral to high-volume centers, may help minimize complications.


Radical cystectomy (RC) with urinary diversion has been the treatment of choice for high-risk bladder cancer for over 50 years. The initial experience with RC was associated with a 14% mortality rate, and over 50% of patients experienced early complications. With advances in anesthesia, staging, patient selection, and surgical technique, there has been an improvement in many surgical outcomes. However, RC continues to be associated with substantial short- and long-term morbidity.

Radical cystectomy patients are generally elderly and have multiple medical comorbidities. Surgery can take from 4 to 7 hours followed by a hospital stay of 6–17 days. As a result of both the complexity of surgery and patient-related factors, 29–68% of patients experience an early postoperative complication and 1–10% suffer a postoperative mortality.

There are many explanations for the wide ranges of complications reported after RC. However, the most important is the method by which complications are identified, classified, and described. In 2002 Martin et al. proposed several criteria that can be used to assess the quality of reporting for surgical complications ( Box 41.1 ). This includes the requirement to define the type and severity of complications, which can be accomplished using a method such as the Clavien-Dindo classification system (see Table 8.2 ). These criteria are intended to standardize complication reporting and allow for a more accurate comparison of outcomes across institutions. When several studies that reported RC complications were evaluated based on these criteria, the quality of complication reporting was very low.

Box 41.1

Criteria for Quality Reporting of Surgical Complications

  • Method of accruing data defined

  • Duration of follow-up indicated

  • Outpatient information included

  • Definitions of complications provided

  • Mortality rate and causes of death listed

  • Morbidity rate and total complications indicated

  • Procedure-specific complications included

  • Severity grade utilized

  • Length-of-stay data

  • Risk factors included in the analysis

By using standard reporting criteria and extending the postoperative period to 90 days, significantly more early complications are observed after RC. Furthermore, although population-level studies that report postoperative morbidity are useful for their large numbers and generalizability, they have limited sensitivity to detect, grade, and categorize the vast array of complications that can occur following RC, resulting in lower complication rates. Reporting of outcomes is discussed in detail in Chapter 8 . Herein, we describe the prevalence of the more common and serious early postoperative complications among contemporary RC cohorts and discuss methods for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Prevalence and Risk Factors

Using modern reporting methods 49–68% of patients experience at least one complication within 90 days of surgery ( Table 41.1 ). Extending the time frame within which complications are measured is critical, as nearly 20% of patients will have complications after 30 days, some of which are severe. Close outpatient follow-up is important as over half of complications occur following hospital discharge, either in the outpatient setting or during subsequent hospital readmissions. The majority of complications after RC are minor (Clavien grade I–II), however from 13% to 22% of patients experience a major complication (Clavien grade III–V) (see Table 41.1 ). Patients who experience a complication tend to have longer hospital length of stay (LOS) and higher costs.

Table 41.1

Summary of 90-Day Radical Cystectomy Complications Based on Institutional Cohorts Using Contemporary Reporting Methods

Complication Shabsigh Takada Schiavina Novara Hautmann
Years 1995–2005 1997–2010 1995–2009 2002–2006 1986–2008
Number 1142 928 404 358 1013 c
Overall 64% 68% 52% 49% 58%
Minor a 51% 51% 34% 36% 36%
Major a 13% 17% 17% 13% 22%
By organ system
Gastrointestinal 29% 26% 15% 17% 15%
Infectious 25% 30% 11% 7% 24%
Wound 15% 21% 5% 7% 9%
Genitourinary 11% 15% 8% 7% 17%
Cardiac 11% <1% 8% 8%
Pulmonary 9% 1% 6% 5%
Bleeding 9% <1% 6% 16%
Thromboembolic 8% <1% 4% 4%
Neurologi 5% 2% 3% 3%
Miscellaneous 3% 3% 9% 1%
Surgical 1% <1% 1% 0%
Reoperation b 14% 11% 7% 10%
Return to OR 3% 9%
IR procedure 11% 3%
Mortality 3% 2% 5% 3% 2%

IR, interventional radiology; OR, operating room

a Minor complications considered Clavien grades I and II. Major complications considered Clavien grades III–V

b Includes return to the operating room and interventional radiology procedures

c Includes patients with orthotopic neobladders only

The most commonly reported risk factor for a postoperative complication is patient comorbidity. In a large retrospective study, patients with an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score of three or four had a 50% increased risk of complications (OR 1.5; 95% CI 1.04, 1.82; p = 0.02) on multivariate analysis. A similar finding was reported by a large Japanese series. Increasing age is also associated with the risk of any complication and severe complications. One series noted a 40% increase in complications among patients over the age of 70. Additional risk factors for complications include longer operating room time, continent diversion, female gender, higher tumor stage, more intraoperative blood loss, and a greater body mass index (BMI). Higher surgeon and hospital volume are associated with lower morbidity and mortality following RC. Use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy does not appear to increase perioperative complications.

Several preoperative interventions have been proposed to lessen the morbidity of major surgery, including smoking and alcohol cessation, nutritional support, shortened duration of fasting, carbohydrate loading, and exercise programs. Future studies are required to better understand the impact of preoperative interventions, or “prehabilitation,” on postoperative outcomes for RC patients.

Complications by Organ System

Postoperative complications can be broadly grouped into 11 different organ systems (see Table 41.1 ). The most common categories of complications are gastrointestinal, infectious, wound, and genitourinary.

Gastrointestinal Complications

Gastrointestinal complications are among the most common postoperative complications, occurring in 15–29% of patients (see Table 41.1 ); they additionally are covered broadly in Chapter 11 . The majority of gastrointestinal complications are attributed to ileus; however, small bowel obstruction, anastomotic bowel leak, gastrointestinal bleeding, and Clostridium difficile colitis (CDC) can also occur. Gastrointestinal complications in this setting are largely due to the urinary diversion, but can be partially attributed to the handling and mobilization of bowel during the cystectomy.


Depending on the definition used, 7–23% of RC patients experience postoperative ileus. Ileus is a functional small bowel obstruction due to impairment of peristalsis and is commonly defined by the absence of bowel function by postoperative day 5, nasogastric tube placement, or conversion to NPO status due to nausea, vomiting, or abdominal distention. Ileus is the most common cause of prolonged LOS following RC. Risk factors for ileus after RC include higher BMI, increasing age, longer operating time, and use of general anesthesia. Ileus usually presents with abdominal distention in the absence of bowel function, but may progress to abdominal pain, nausea, and emesis.

Ileus is thought to occur due to an insult to small bowel innervation from irritation, inflammation, manipulation, or medication effects, and there are several proposed inciting factors. Abdominal surgery, with manipulation of the bowel, is the most common cause of ileus. Several medications have also been implicated, particularly opioids and anticholinergics, as have metabolic abnormalities, including hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and hyponatremia.

The primary treatment of ileus is supportive, with intravenous hydration, correction of electrolyte abnormalities, and avoidance of offending medications. Nasogastric decompression is often indicated for patients with emesis or significant abdominal distention. Although widely recommended, there is no evidence that early and aggressive ambulation treats or prevents ileus. There are, however, several treatments that have been studied for the treatment or prevention of postoperative ileus.

Prokinetic agents are widely used to prevent and treat ileus, but there are relatively little data to support their effectiveness. Most studies on prokinetic agents have been conducted following colorectal surgery, although their findings are likely generalizable to RC patients. Metoclopramide achieves prokinetic effects through its action on cholinergic and dopamine receptors in the upper gastrointestinal tract. In a small study of RC patients, metoclopramide was associated with less nausea and vomiting (3% vs 12%, p = 0.01) but no difference in return of bowel function, rate of ileus, or time to discharge. Another study found that when combined with early nasogastric tube removal, metoclopramide is associated with a faster return of bowel function after RC. Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic that has been used as a prokinetic given its effects on motilin receptors in the gastrointestinal tract. One small study randomized 22 RC patients to receive low-dose intravenous erythromycin or placebo starting on postoperative day 1 and found no difference in recovery of bowel function. These results are in agreement with other randomized studies from the general surgery literature suggesting erythromycin has limited benefit to treat or prevent postoperative ileus.

Alvimopan is a peripheral opioid µ-receptor antagonist that blocks the effect of opioids on the gastrointestinal tract. It is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to accelerate gastrointestinal recovery following a bowel resection and primary anastomosis. A recent multi-center randomized study examined the use of alvimopan in RC patients to accelerate the return of gastrointestinal function and decrease LOS. A total of 280 patients were randomized to receive alvimopan or placebo between 30 minutes and 5 hours before surgery and continued until the day of discharge or postoperative day 7. Patients receiving alvimopan recovered their gastrointestinal function 1 day earlier (day 5.5 vs 6.8, p < 0.0001), had a shorter LOS (7.4 vs 10 days, p < 0.01), and less postoperative ileus-related morbidity including use of nasogastric decompression and prolonged LOS. Alvimopan has a favorable safety profile and may be associated with lower hospital costs after RC.

Methylnaltrexone is another opioid µ-receptor antagonist that is FDA approved to treat opioid-induced chronic constipation. Although methylnaltrexone has not been studied in RC patients, there have been two randomized controlled trials examining its use in treating postoperative ileus after colorectal surgery. Each was a multi-institution trial that randomized patients to 12 or 24 mg of intravenous methylnaltrexone or placebo following segmental colectomy. With over 1000 patients randomized, neither study demonstrated faster return of bowel function or time to hospital discharge in patients receiving methylnaltrexone. Ghrelin agonists, cholinergic agents, and even acupuncture have been studied for reducing postoperative ileus; however, none have demonstrated success.

Because ileus is thought to occur from an imbalance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation to the small bowel, the cholinesterase inhibitor neostigmine has shown benefit in treating postoperative ileus. Some centers have routinely administered neostigmine after RC, although this medication has not specifically been studied in RC patients. Due to the inhibitory effect of opioids on gastrointestinal motility, limiting the use of opioids for postoperative pain control has also been tested as a means of reducing postoperative ileus. Intravenous acetaminophen, epidural anesthesia, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatories, such as ketorolac, are all effective means of limiting opioid exposure and may help reduce ileus.

Fluid overload may cause bowel wall edema and inhibit bowel function, and fluid restriction can result in faster recovery of bowel function. Recently, 166 RC patients were randomized to receive usual versus restricted intraoperative hydration. Patients in the restricted fluid cohort received significantly less intraoperative fluid (1.7 L vs 4.3 L, p < 0.0001) and had an 84% relative reduction in gastrointestinal complications (6% vs 37%, p < 0.0001), primarily due to a reduction of ileus (0% vs 10%) and constipation (2% vs 22%).

Based on observations that chewing has a stimulatory effect on bowel motility, gum chewing has been studied as a treatment of postoperative ileus. Kouba et al. compared 51 RC patients who were instructed to chew gum starting on postoperative day 1 to 51 historic RC patients who did not chew gum. Patients who chewed gum had slightly faster time to flatus (2.4 vs 2.9 days, p < 0.001) and to first bowel movement (3.2 vs 3.9 days, p < 0.001). Coffee also has stimulatory effects on the gastrointestinal tract, and another study randomized 80 patients to drink coffee or water after colectomy. Patients who drank coffee had a shorter time to first bowel movement (60 vs 74 hours, p = 0.006), but there was no difference in LOS or postoperative complications.

Routine gastric or nasogastric decompression was often used following RC in an effort to decrease gastrointestinal complications. A large retrospective study compared 221 RC patients that had a prophylactic postoperative nasogastric tube to 199 RC patients who did not. There was no difference in time to first bowel movement or gastrointestinal complications, although patients with nasogastric tubes tended to have longer LOS. Nearly 20% of the patients without a prophylactic nasogastric tube eventually required one, and 15% of patients who had their prophylactic nasogastric tube removed needed reinsertion. These observations are supported by a large meta-analysis and Cochrane review, each of which failed to demonstrate the benefit of routine prophylactic nasogastric decompression following elective laparotomy, and instead found an increased risk of pulmonary complications.

In another effort to avoid gastrointestinal complications, RC patients are often kept without food or liquid as bowel function recovers. Given the catabolic effects of major surgery, some centers have used parenteral nutritional support prior to the return of bowel function. Roth et al. randomized 157 RC patients to postoperative parenteral nutrition for 5 days, beginning on postoperative day 1, or usual care with early enteral feeding. Patients receiving parenteral nutrition had more complications (69% vs 49%, p = 0.013), including a higher rate of infectious complications (32% vs 11%, p = 0.001), but no difference in recovery of gastrointestinal function. Current guidelines from the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism state that parenteral nutrition is beneficial in undernourished patients when enteral nutrition is not feasible or not tolerated, or in patients who have impaired gastrointestinal function and an inability to tolerate enteral feeds for at least 7 days.

Recent evidence supports the safety of early enteral feeding following gastrointestinal surgery. A retrospective study of RC patients found that early enteral feeding was associated with fewer postoperative complications and a shorter LOS when compared to parenteral nutrition and nothing by mouth. A Cochrane review found that patients that had colorectal surgery who were fed within 24 hours did not have a higher risk of postoperative complications, including bowel leak, wound infection, and LOS, when compared to patients who were kept with no oral intake until the return of bowel function. Therefore a strategy of early enteral feeding can provide needed nutrition and does not appear to be associated with a higher rate of complications.

Mechanical bowel preparations are often used prior to RC, with the intent of facilitating surgery by decreasing fecal load and reducing gastrointestinal and infection complications. Based on several meta-analyses in the colorectal literature, the use of mechanical bowel preparations has come into question as there is no evidence they reduce anastomotic leaks, wound infections, or gastrointestinal morbidity. A retrospective study compared gastrointestinal and infectious complications between 105 RC patients who had a mechanical bowel preparation to 75 who did not. There was no difference in postoperative C. difficile infection, wound infection, or severe abdominal or gastrointestinal complications. Another retrospective series compared 37 RC patients who had a mechanical bowel preparation to 33 who did not. There were no differences in time to flatus, time to first bowel movement, LOS, or severe complications between the two groups. While a mechanical bowel preparation may be helpful when using a colonic segment for urinary diversion, it can safely be omitted for a diversion using ileum.

Some have hypothesized that gastrointestinal morbidity following RC may be due to the interaction between the bowel and deperitonealized pelvis, leading to bowel inflammation and adhesion formation. Roth et al. randomized 200 patients having RC and extended pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) to readaptation of the peritoneum over the dorsolateral pelvic walls versus no readaptation. Readaptation of the peritoneum was associated with faster return of bowel function, fewer complications, and less postoperative pain, but there was no difference in LOS. A follow-up study suggested better long-term bowel function in patients who had peritoneal readaptation. The authors propose this as a safe, effective, and easy way to decrease postoperative gastrointestinal morbidity.

Standardized pathways and enhanced recovery protocols after RC have been employed for over 10 years in an effort to reduce complications, accelerate the return of bowel function, and reduce LOS using evidence-based medicine. The meaningful gains in postoperative recovery realized from these protocols are achieved by combining the modest benefits of multiple interventions. In 2010 Pruthi et al. described their experience with a “fast track” program for RC that employed several evidence-based strategies, including immediate removal of nasogastric tubes, use of metoclopramide, minimization of narcotic analgesia, early enteral feeding, and use of chewing gum. Although this was not a comparative study, 80% of fast track patients were discharged by postoperative day 5 and the average time to return of bowel function was 2.2 days. A German group randomized RC patients 2 : 1 to an enhanced recovery pathway (N = 62) and usual care (N = 39). The enhanced recovery pathway included a limited bowel preparation, preoperative nutritional support, early enteral feeding, immediate nasogastric tube removal, early mobilization, and use of prokinetic agents. The enhanced recovery group had better quality of life, fewer inpatient complications, and decreased analgesic demand, but there were no differences in ileus or LOS. Finally, the University of Southern California group described their experience using an extended recovery protocol in 110 RC patients. The extended recovery protocol included pre-, intra-, and postoperative interventions, such as patient education, absence of a bowel preparation, use of alvimopan and prokinetic agents, minimization of intravenous fluid and narcotic analgesia, no prophylactic nasogastric tube use, and early enteral feeding. Patients treated with this protocol had a median time to flatus and LOS of 2 and 4 days, respectively. Still, the 30-day complication rate was 65%, and 21% of patients were readmitted, generally due to dehydration or infection. When combined with surgical expertise, extended recovery programs may lessen gastrointestinal morbidity and reduce LOS; however, they do not appear to reduce overall complications or readmissions.

Small Bowel Obstruction

Ileus is the most common gastrointestinal complication, although approximately 7% of RC patients experience a small bowel obstruction. Because both complications can present similarly, abdominal computed tomography (CT) with oral contrast is often helpful in diagnosing a bowel obstruction, with the characteristic finding of dilated bowel up to a transition point with distal compression. Most small bowel obstructions are the result of internal adhesions or bowel edema. Initial treatment for a small bowel obstruction includes supportive care with intravenous hydration and electrolyte replacement, nasogastric decompression, and bowel rest. While this may be effective at resolving the obstruction, it is critical to monitor for signs of bowel ischemia or perforation through vital signs, serial exams, and periodic blood work, with particular attention being paid to the white blood cell count. If the obstruction does not resolve with conservative measures, abdominal exploration may be required.

Clostridium difficile Colitis

CDC is caused by the gram-positive spore-forming bacterium C. difficile . CDC has historically been a rare complication following RC that occurred in fewer than 3% of patients. However, a recent study observed an 8.8% prevalence of CDC within 90 days of RC, with an increase over time. This condition is associated with prolonged LOS, patient morbidity, and increased costs and causes up to 10% of RC readmissions.

The diagnosis of CDC is made in the presence of symptoms of colitis, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and leukocytosis, and a positive fecal C. difficile toxin or culture. Rarely, patients will develop severe manifestations of CDC such as pseudomembranous colitis or toxic megacolon.

The primary risk factor for CDC is exposure to antibiotics that are thought to disrupt normal bowel flora, particularly fluoroquinolones, clindamycin, and broad-spectrum penicillin and cephalospirins. The duration of antibiotic exposure is also an important risk factor. A recent study found that RC patients were on average treated with 10 days of perioperative antibiotics, and use of an extended duration of antibiotics was associated with a 60% higher risk of CDC. Another study found that patients who were treated with perioperative antibiotics for at least 7 days had double the odds of CDC. Other risk factors for CDC include older patient age, immunosuppression, chronic antacid therapy, and longer LOS.

The two most important methods to avoid C. difficile transmission are minimization of unnecessary antibiotics and meticulous hand hygiene with removal of bacterial spores using soap and water. Current guidelines recommend treating CDC according to disease severity. Consideration should be made to discontinuing offending antibiotics and consulting with an infectious disease specialist. Patients with mild-to-moderate infection should be treated with oral metronidazole 500 mg three times daily for 10–14 days, whereas those with a severe infection should be treated with oral vancomycin 125 mg four times daily for 10–14 days. Complicated cases may require higher doses of oral vancomycin, intravenous metronidazole, vancomycin enemas, or other antibiotics. Patients who develop a severe infection or toxic megacolon may require a colectomy.

Anastomotic Leak

A bowel anastomotic leak occurs in less than 2% of RC patients. The severity of a bowel leak is variable, but has a risk of causing significant morbidity and mortality. There are several risk factors for an anastomotic leak including active smoking, obesity, and immunosuppression. Meticulous surgical technique with creation of a tension-free and well-vascularized anastomosis is necessary to avoid leaks. An anastomotic leak is often diagnosed clinically with signs of systemic infection or peritonitis on physical examination. A radiologic diagnosis can be made by visualizing leakage of oral contrast on a CT scan. Some leaks may be managed conservatively with bowel rest and antibiotics; however, many patients require exploration. A general surgery consult is often warranted.

Acute Colonic Pseudo-obstruction

Finally, acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie’s syndrome) is a functional obstruction of the colon due to bowel paralysis, likely due to an imbalance of autonomic innervation. It is a rare complication after RC, and the exact causes are unknown. On imaging, many patients with acute colonic pseudo-obstruction have large bowel dilation to a transition point in the descending colon. Most cases improve with conservative measures, including nasogastric and rectal decompression, correction of electrolyte imbalances, and avoidance of constipating medications, although there is a small risk of colonic perforation. Patients who fail 2–3 days of conservative treatment as well as those with significant cecal dilation (>12 cm) or long-standing obstruction (>3 days) may require more aggressive treatments. Because acute colonic pseudo-obstruction is likely due to a deficit of parasympathetic innervation, low-dose (2 mg) neostigmine is an effective treatment. Neostigmine causes systemic manifestations of excess cholinergic supply, such as salivation, sweating, bronchospasm, and bradycardia, necessitating cardiac monitoring. For those who fail neostigmine or for whom it is contraindicated, endoscopic decompression may be indicated. Patients with colonic ischemia or perforation require colectomy.

Infectious Complications

Infections are also very common following RC and occur in up to 30% of patients (see Table 41.1 ). The prevention and management of infections are reported in detail in Chapter 7 . The majority of infections occur within the urinary tract, although RC patients are also at risk for intraabdominal infections and abscesses, often from enteric organisms. Symptoms of infection range from a low-grade fever or mild leukocytosis to severe sepsis. Surgeons must be vigilant in monitoring for infectious symptoms and have a low threshold for initiating a complete infectious workup, including blood and urine cultures, chest imaging, and, when indicated, abdominal imaging. Initial treatment includes fluid administration and broad-spectrum antibiotics, which should ultimately be narrowed to culture data. Early source control is critical, including drainage of intraabdominal collections or relief of urinary obstruction.

Although there have been no randomized trials to examine the effectiveness of prophylactic antibiotics to prevent infections in RC patients, both the American Urological Association and European Association of Urology recommend administration of prophylactic antibiotics within 1 hour of incision and not continued for longer than 24 hours postoperatively. First-line antimicrobial prophylaxis includes either a second- (i.e., cefazolin, cefoxitin, cefuroxime) or third- (i.e., ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, cefotaxime) generation cephalosporin, or aztreonam plus metronidazole or clindamycin. The choice of antibiotics may also be guided by previous culture data and the local antibiogram.

Genitourinary Complications

Genitourinary complications occur in 8–15% of patients and are typically related to the urinary diversion. Urinary complications related to urinary diversion are covered in more detail in Chapter 13 , Chapter 45 , Chapter 46 , Chapter 47 . The majority of early diversion-related complications are ureteral obstruction and urinary leak.

Ureteral Obstruction

Early ureteral obstruction occurs in 4–10% of RC patients and can cause flank pain, infection, and renal insufficiency. Such symptoms should prompt upper tract imaging. The obstruction is most often at the site of the ureterointestinal anastomosis and can generally be prevented by meticulous surgical technique. Treatment requires relief of the obstruction, usually with a percutaneous nephrostomy tube. While not used by all surgeons, ureteral stents placed at the time of the ureterointestinal anastomosis may facilitate healing, avoid anastomotic leaks, and hasten recovery, although there is no evidence they reduce strictures or early obstruction.

Urine Leak

A urine leak occurs in up to 4% of RC patients and may originate from the ureteral anastomosis, the proximal end of an ileal conduit, the sutured wall of an orthotopic neobladder or continent cutaneous diversion, or the urethroneovesical anastomosis of an orthotopic neobladder. Early leaks may be detected through high intraperitoneal drain output with elevated fluid creatinine that is consistent with urine. Undrained leakage of urine into the peritoneal cavity can result in chemical peritonitis, ileus, and abdominal distention. Often the serum creatinine will be elevated as intraperitoneal urine is absorbed. Treatment of a urine leak requires urinary tract drainage and decompression, using percutaneous drains, nephrostomy tubes, or Foley catheters. Many leaks will resolve with conservative management alone.

There are many uncommon diversion-related early complications such as stomal necrosis, stomal retraction, and neobladder perforation. In general, complications such as these are managed nonoperatively with catheter or nephrostomy drainage, with a potential for a delayed repair.

Wound Complications

Wound complications occur in up to 21% of patients, the majority of which are infections. Complications related to the wound are covered in more detail in Chapter 9 .

Wound Infection

Radical cystectomy and urinary diversion with controlled entry into the gastrointestinal tract is considered a clean-contaminated procedure with an estimated 4–10% wound infection risk. With spillage of gastrointestinal contents, the procedure becomes contaminated and the risk increases to 10–15%. Overall, 9–19% of RC patients experience a postoperative wound infection. Symptoms of a wound infection are pain, redness, fevers, leukocytosis, and purulent drainage, although early infections can be asymptomatic. Risk factors for wound infection include patient comorbidity, longer procedure duration, open surgery, wound classification, malignancy, malnutrition, diabetes, smoking, blood transfusion, and obesity.

Methods to reduce wound infections include perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis, skin sterilization, and abdominal closure techniques, such as incisional lavage, tissue approximation to eliminate dead space, and subcutaneous drains to minimize fluid accumulation. Skin preparations used for preoperative skin sterilization are based either on iodine or chlorhexidine. A recent randomized trial observed a 40% reduction in surgical site infections after clean-contaminated surgery in patients who had a chlorhexidine-alcohol skin preparation, compared to patients with a povidone-iodine skin preparation. Prevention of intraoperative hypothermia and postoperative hyperglycemia, both risk factors for wound infections, may also reduce surgical site infections. It is unclear if hair removal is associated with a decreased risk of surgical site infections; however, electronic clippers should be used if hair removal is performed. Mechanical bowel preparation is not associated with a reduction in wound infections.

Several groups have implemented perioperative care bundles to successfully reduce surgical site infections. These bundles include several evidence-based practices such as antibiotic prophylaxis, glycemic control, normothermia, and appropriate hair removal, as well as items implemented during abdominal closure, including a change in gloves and gowns, wound lavage, and using a clean set of instruments.

The immediate treatment of a wound infection is to open, clean, and pack the wound and administer antibiotics. While many patients develop infections from gram-positive organisms, gram-negative infections can also occur, necessitating wound culture and initial use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Wound packing will be successful in treating the majority of infections, but requires prolonged local wound care and healing by secondary intention.

Skin Separation and Fascial Dehiscence

Other wound complications include seromas, skin separation, and fascial dehiscence. Skin separation is treated with local wound care, including packing or a negative pressure dressing. In the absence of necrotic tissue and infection, healing by secondary intention will occur over the course of several weeks, depending on the size of the wound.

Fascial dehiscence is rare in many series (<1%), although a recent study observed a 3.2% prevalence following RC. In this study, the dehiscence occurred at a median of 11 days postoperatively and all patients who had a dehiscence also had a wound infection. Predictors of dehiscence included obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and wound infection. Fascial dehiscence often requires reoperation and abdominal wall closure given the risk of evisceration. While patient factors may impact the development of fascial dehiscence, it is strongly related to technical factors during fascial closure.

There are several ways to close the abdominal fascia, including use of running or interrupted sutures and choice of permanent, braided absorbable and monofilament absorbable sutures. The fascia must be closed in a tension-free manner with approximation of healthy tissue. A recent trial randomized patients to midline abdominal closure with interrupted braided absorbable suture or a continuous absorbable monofilament suture with a suture:wound length ratio of 4 : 1. There was no difference in incisional hernia rates at 1 year or wound complications, including fascial dehiscence. However, a meta-analysis observed lower rates of hernias with closure using a continuous slowly absorbable suture as compared to an interrupted technique. Specifically regarding the technique of midline closure using a continuous monofilament absorbable suture, a recent randomized trial demonstrated that smaller fascial bites (5 mm every 5 mm) were associated with a significantly lower risk of incisional hernia at 1 year (13% vs 21%; OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.31–0.87; p = 0.0131) than larger tissue bites (1 cm every 1 cm); however, there was no difference in fascial dehiscence or wound complications. In our opinion, high-risk patients especially may benefit from prophylactic external retention sutures for 4–6 weeks.

Bleeding Complications

Intraoperative blood loss during RC ranges from 600 mL to 1300 mL and 29–82% require a transfusion of blood products. Risk factors for blood transfusion include female gender, higher BMI, lower preoperative hemoglobin, and higher tumor stage. Blood transfusions carry risks of transfusion reactions and transmission of infectious diseases. Patients who receive transfusions after RC may also have an increased risk of postoperative complications, disease recurrence, and mortality. The majority of bleeding during RC occurs along the lateral pedicles or dorsal venous complex. In women, the paravaginal tissues are highly vascular and can also be a source of bleeding. Early vascular control is critical to avoid excess bleeding.

There are several methods to control the vascular pedicle, including clips and ties, staplers, and energy devices. A randomized trial demonstrated less blood loss and fewer blood transfusions during RC when a stapler was used to ligate the vascular pedicles compared to conventional techniques. More recently, the same group randomized RC patients to tissue ligation by stapler or the LigaSure, an electrothermal bipolar tissue ligation device. There were no differences in blood loss, operative time, or transfusion requirements between the two groups; however, the device-associated cost was lower with the LigaSure group.

There are a variety of topical hemostatic agents that can be helpful adjuncts to control venous bleeding. The use of topical hemostatic products is common during RC.

Strategies to reduce intraoperative volume administration have shown promise in reducing intraoperative blood loss. In an effort to reduce perioperative blood transfusions, the Bern group randomized 166 RC patients to restricted intraoperative hydration versus usual care. The restricted hydration group had significantly less intraoperative blood loss (800 mL vs 1200 mL, p < 0.0001) and required fewer blood transfusions (33% vs 60%, p = 0.0006). This effect may have occurred through a reduction in pelvic venous pressure. Intraoperative cell salvage collects and reinfuses the patient’s own red blood cells during surgery and has successfully been used during RC.

For significant pelvic bleeding that is difficult to control or in a patient with coagulopathy, the pelvis can be packed while the patient is resuscitated and stabilized. In some instances, the pelvis can be packed and the abdomen temporarily closed with return to the operating room at a later time. In these rare circumstances, the urine can be diverted with externalized ureteral catheters.

Ultimately, prevention of bleeding requires a knowledge of vascular anatomy, along with variations in anatomy, and experience in properly achieving exposure during vascular control, regardless of pelvic anatomy. Most often, bleeding occurs when the anatomy of the pelvis is distorted due to anatomic variation, tumor size and extent, previous surgery, or radiation. In these cases, patience of the surgeon and adherence to anatomic principles are critical in avoiding uncontrolled bleeding upon division of the bladder pedicles, mobilization of the pelvic floor, or division of the dorsal vein.

Thromboembolic Complications

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) occurs in 1–8% of RC patients within 90 days of surgery. The majority of VTE events are deep venous thrombosis (DVT), although pulmonary emboli (PE) occur in up to 3% of patients and represent a significant cause of postoperative mortality. There are several risk factors for VTE including older age, higher BMI, personal or family history of VTE, malignancy, smoking, increased comorbidity, and immobility. Patients having a long open abdominal or pelvic operation have a particularly high risk of VTE.

The use of prophylactic low-dose unfractionated heparin (LDUH) and low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is associated with a reduced risk of VTEs, including fatal PE and death, but an increase in nonfatal bleeding. LDUH and LMWH are equally effective at VTE prophylaxis. Mechanical VTE prophylaxis, with sequential compression devices or elastic stockings, has also been shown to reduce DVTs, but there is no evidence it reduces the risk of fatal PE or death. When compared to pharmacologic prophylaxis alone, mechanical prophylaxis is associated with an 80% increased risk of DVT, but a 60% decreased risk of bleeding. The combination of pharmacologic and mechanical prophylaxis may further reduce VTE risk compared to pharmacologic prophylaxis alone.

Current guidelines from the American College of Chest Physicians and the American Urological Association recommend individualized assessment of VTE risk for surgical patients ( Table 41.2 ) . RC patients are generally elderly, have a malignancy, require a prolonged open abdominal operation, and have restricted mobility during their recovery, putting them in the highest risk category for VTE. These patients should be treated with prophylactic LMWH or LDUH beginning at the time of surgery and continuing throughout their hospital stay, unless the risk of bleeding is excessive. Concurrent use of mechanical prophylaxis and early ambulation is also recommended.

Table 41.2

Preoperative Venous Thromboembolism Risk Stratification and Treatment Recommendations for Patients Having Gastrointestinal, Urologic, Vascular, Breast, and Thyroid Procedures

Risk Category Risk Score a VTE Risk in Absence of Prophylaxis Recommended Prophylaxis
Very low 0 <0.5% Early ambulation only
Low 1–2 1.5% Mechanical prophylaxis, preferably with sequential compression devices
Moderate 3–4 3.0%

  • Pharmacologic b OR mechanical prophylaxis, preferably with sequential compression devices

  • OR

  • Mechanical prophylaxis if bleeding risk is high, preferably with sequential compression devices

High ≥5 6.0%

  • Pharmacologic b AND mechanical prophylaxis

  • OR

  • Mechanical prophylaxis if bleeding risk is high, preferably with sequential compression devices c

High-risk cancer surgery

  • Pharmacologic b AND mechanical prophylaxis AND extended duration LMWH post-discharge

  • OR

  • Mechanical prophylaxis if bleeding risk is high, preferably with sequential compression devices c

(Adapted from Gould MK, Garcia DA, Wren SM, et al. Prevention of VTE in nonorthopedic surgical patients: Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest. 2012;141:e227S-77S.)

a Caprini risk score:

  • 1 point: age 41–60, minor surgery, BMI >25, swollen legs, varicose veins, pregnancy or postpartum (<1 mo), history of unexplained or recurrent spontaneous abortion, oral contraceptives or hormone replacement, sepsis (<1 mo), severe lung disease including pneumonia (<1 mo), abnormal pulmonary function, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure (<1 mo), inflammatory bowel disease, medical patient at bed rest

  • 2 points: age 61–74, arthroscopic surgery, major open surgery (>45 min), laparoscopic surgery (>45 min), malignancy, confined to bed >72 hrs, immobilizing cast (<1 mo), central venous access

  • 3 points: age ≥75, history of VTE, family history of VTE, factor V Leiden, prothrombin 20210A, lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin antibodies, elevated serum homocysteine, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, other congenital or acquired thrombophilia

  • 5 points: stroke (<1 mo), elective arthroplasty, hip, pelvis, or leg fracture (<1 mo), acute spinal cord injury (<1 mo)

b LDUH and LMWH both acceptable for pharmacologic prophylaxis

c LMWH or LDUH can be added once bleeding risk diminishes

A recent study described the prevalence and timing of VTE in over 1300 RC patients. The rate of VTE within 30 days of surgery was 6% and over 50% of VTEs occurred after hospital discharge. A similarly high rate of post-discharge VTE was reported using a large institutional cohort. An increased risk of DVT for up to 12 weeks has led some to recommend long-term use of chemoprophylaxis. Following abdominal or pelvic cancer surgery, use of prophylactic LMWH for 4-weeks is associated with at least a 50% reduction in DVTs compared to a 1-week course. The American College of Chest Physicians currently recommends an extended duration of prophylaxis with LMWH for high-risk patients. Preventive strategies for VTE are additionally discussed in detail in Chapter 4 .

Cardiac Complications

Radical cystectomy is considered to have an elevated risk of postoperative major cardiac events, and upward of 11% of RC patients experience a postoperative cardiac complication. Cardiac complications can be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Preoperative cardiac assessment and perioperative cardiac management are reviewed in detail in Chapter 3 . Risk factors for perioperative cardiac complications include high-risk coronary artery disease, stroke within 3 months of surgery, coronary artery stent placement within 6 months of surgery, renal insufficiency, diabetes, congestive heart failure, atrial fibrillation, peripheral vascular disease, hypertension, severe aortic stenosis, male sex, and age over 75. The most common cardiac complication is an arrhythmia, of which atrial fibrillation is most frequent. Patients with a known cardiovascular disease, or risk factors for cardiovascular disease, are at high risk for a postoperative cardiac complication and should have a full preoperative cardiac risk assessment.

Patients with a history of coronary disease, and particularly those with coronary stents, should be maintained on low-dose aspirin unless the bleeding risk is unacceptably high. The decision to continue perioperative antiplatelet therapy for patients with cardio- or cerebrovascular disease should be made in conjunction with the treating internist, anesthesiologist, and urologist. Patients who are taking beta-blockers and statins before surgery should continue these medications perioperatively. Other factors that may reduce the risk of cardiac events include pain control, avoidance of hypotension, and restricted use of intravenous fluids.

Although anemia may further impair myocardial oxygen delivery to patients with cardiovascular disease, there is no apparent benefit to a liberal transfusion threshold for high-risk patients having noncardiac surgery. Further, blood transfusions are associated with an increased risk of infectious complications and adverse survival outcomes after RC, supporting more conservative transfusion thresholds. Current recommendations call for a restrictive transfusion strategy in asymptomatic patients with a history of cardiovascular disease and consideration of transfusion for a hemoglobin <8 g/dL.

Pulmonary Complications

Pulmonary complications occur in up to 9% of patients following RC. The most common complications are pneumonia and respiratory distress, but others include respiratory failure requiring prolonged intubation or reintubation, pleural effusion, and pneumothorax. There are several risk factors for pulmonary complications after abdominal surgery including increased patient comorbidity, dependent functional status, COPD, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), smoking, low albumin, and advanced age. Additional procedural-related risk factors include prolonged operating time, general anesthesia, and prolonged LOS.

Patients with known or suspected pulmonary disease may require preoperative pulmonary evaluation and optimization of pulmonary function. Pulmonary function testing can identify patients who are at increased risk for postoperative pulmonary complications and help guide intra- and postoperative management. Preoperative pulmonary optimization includes smoking cessation and alcohol abstinence, as well as treatment of underlying airway obstruction and respiratory infection. Preoperative pulmonary assessment and perioperative management of specific pulmonary complications are reviewed in detail in Chapter 2 .

Neurologic Complications

Neurologic complications occur in less than 5% of RC patients. Peripheral neuropathy and delirium are the most common neurologic complications; however, stroke and seizure have also been reported.


Delirium is significantly more common among elderly hospitalized patients. Risk factors for postoperative delirium include preexisting cognitive or psychiatric disorder, increased patient comorbidity, poor functional status, older age, and polypharmacy, particularly with psychotropic medications and anticholinergics. In a prospective study of 49 elderly patients having RC, nearly 30% experienced postoperative delirium, lasting an average of about 2 days and typically occurring early in the postoperative course. Increased age was associated with an increased risk of delirium, and patients who experienced delirium had higher odds of being readmitted. Most patients developed an acute change in mental status with inattention and disorganized thinking. Patients at risk for delirium should have regular mental status assessments and should not be given benzodiazepines or anticholinergics.

Nerve Injury

Pelvic nerve injury can occur during RC or PLND, as several nerves that provide motor and sensory innervation to the lower extremities are intimately involved with the pelvic vasculature and lymphatic basin. The obturator nerve (L2–L4) traverses the obturator fossa beneath the external iliac vein. The obturator nerve provides motor innervation to the inner thigh and allows for hip adduction. The obturator nerve and vessels are skeletonized during removal of the obturator lymph node packet, and injury can occur secondary to cautery, excess traction, or accidental laceration. The deficit from an obturator nerve injury is inability to adduct the hip and a small area of anesthesia on the medial aspect of the thigh. Problems with hip adduction can cause difficulty walking and driving. Treatment primarily includes postoperative physical therapy, although some have attempted immediate primary reanastomosis or placement of a nerve graft with promising results.

The genitofemoral nerve (L1–L2) courses over the psoas and functions as the lateral border of a PLND. This nerve provides sensation to a small area of skin overlying the femoral triangle as well as the scrotum in men and labia and mons pubis in women. It is a relatively thin nerve that can easily be injured or removed with the external iliac lymph node packet if not carefully identified. If injured due to excess traction, sensation may return over the course of several months.

Finally, the femoral nerve (L2–L4) provides motor function to the quadriceps and much of the sensation to the anterior thigh and medial lower leg. It runs lateral to the psoas muscle and beneath the inguinal ligament. Although not typically visualized during RC, the femoral nerve can be compressed due to lateral traction on the psoas by self-retaining retractors or stretched during lithotomy positioning. A femoral nerve injury can result in weakness of hip flexion, lower leg extension, and variable sensory deficits. Injury is best avoided through careful placement of self-retaining retractors and avoidance of exaggerated hip flexion, abduction, and external rotation in lithotomy. Depending on the mechanism of injury, use of early physical therapy to prevent muscle atrophy is often effective, with return of nerve function in many patients.

Nerve injuries can be prevented by careful exposure, knowledge of anatomic landmarks, and control of hemostasis. Stretch injuries can recover over the course of several months. Nerve injuries that have associated motor deficits are best treated with early physical therapy.

Intraoperative Complications

At high-volume centers, less than 1% of patients experience an intraoperative complication. Intraoperative complications that can occur during RC include injury to the bowel or rectum, and major blood vessels or nerves. Using a large population-based dataset, approximately 3% of RC cases were complicated by an accidental puncture or laceration to an adjacent organ, and this was associated with higher inpatient mortality, LOS, and cost. Rectal injuries are uncommon during RC, but are more likely in patients with prior pelvic radiation. Small rectal injuries with minimal fecal contamination can be closed in several layers and covered with omental or peritoneal tissue flaps. Tissue interposition is particularly important to prevent fistulization for patients having an orthotopic neobladder. Some rectal injuries are better managed with primary closure and fecal diversion in consultation with a general surgeon. Retained foreign objects following RC are rare, occurring in less than 0.1% of cases. Any urologist who performs RC must be aware of these potential intraoperative complications, understand how to manage them, and know when consultation with other surgical specialists is required.


Secondary interventions are not uncommon, as between 2% and 14% of patients require a reoperation or interventional procedure in the early postoperative period. In a multi-institutional report from Sweden, 13% of patients required reoperation following RC. There were 12 indications for reoperation, the most common of which were wound dehiscence (5%), wound infection (2%), and ileus (2%). An Italian series reported a 7% reintervention rate, with wound dehiscence and bowel obstruction the two most common indications for a return to the operating room. A retrospective report from Greece reported a 9% rate of abdominal exploration within 30 days of RC. Among 14 (3%) patients who were explored for bowel obstruction or ileus, approximately half had bowel adhesions and half had a problem with the bowel anastomosis. Only one patient (0.2%) was found to have an internal hernia.

Up to 11% of patients require an interventional radiology procedure after RC, nearly half of which occur following hospital discharge. Most interventional radiology procedures are for drainage of intraabdominal abscesses or lymphoceles, or percutaneous nephrostomy placement for urinary leak or obstruction.

Key Points

  • 1.

    Radical cystectomy is associated with a high rate of complications.

  • 2.

    Contemporary reporting criteria group complications by organ system and define them according to severity.

  • 3.

    There are several risk factors for complications, including comorbidity and age.

  • 4.

    Several techniques, including enhanced recovery pathways, restricted fluid protocols, laparoscopic approaches and referral to high-volume centers, may help minimize complications.


Radical cystectomy (RC) with urinary diversion has been the treatment of choice for high-risk bladder cancer for over 50 years. The initial experience with RC was associated with a 14% mortality rate, and over 50% of patients experienced early complications. With advances in anesthesia, staging, patient selection, and surgical technique, there has been an improvement in many surgical outcomes. However, RC continues to be associated with substantial short- and long-term morbidity.

Radical cystectomy patients are generally elderly and have multiple medical comorbidities. Surgery can take from 4 to 7 hours followed by a hospital stay of 6–17 days. As a result of both the complexity of surgery and patient-related factors, 29–68% of patients experience an early postoperative complication and 1–10% suffer a postoperative mortality.

There are many explanations for the wide ranges of complications reported after RC. However, the most important is the method by which complications are identified, classified, and described. In 2002 Martin et al. proposed several criteria that can be used to assess the quality of reporting for surgical complications ( Box 41.1 ). This includes the requirement to define the type and severity of complications, which can be accomplished using a method such as the Clavien-Dindo classification system (see Table 8.2 ). These criteria are intended to standardize complication reporting and allow for a more accurate comparison of outcomes across institutions. When several studies that reported RC complications were evaluated based on these criteria, the quality of complication reporting was very low.

Box 41.1

Criteria for Quality Reporting of Surgical Complications

  • Method of accruing data defined

  • Duration of follow-up indicated

  • Outpatient information included

  • Definitions of complications provided

  • Mortality rate and causes of death listed

  • Morbidity rate and total complications indicated

  • Procedure-specific complications included

  • Severity grade utilized

  • Length-of-stay data

  • Risk factors included in the analysis

By using standard reporting criteria and extending the postoperative period to 90 days, significantly more early complications are observed after RC. Furthermore, although population-level studies that report postoperative morbidity are useful for their large numbers and generalizability, they have limited sensitivity to detect, grade, and categorize the vast array of complications that can occur following RC, resulting in lower complication rates. Reporting of outcomes is discussed in detail in Chapter 8 . Herein, we describe the prevalence of the more common and serious early postoperative complications among contemporary RC cohorts and discuss methods for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Prevalence and Risk Factors

Using modern reporting methods 49–68% of patients experience at least one complication within 90 days of surgery ( Table 41.1 ). Extending the time frame within which complications are measured is critical, as nearly 20% of patients will have complications after 30 days, some of which are severe. Close outpatient follow-up is important as over half of complications occur following hospital discharge, either in the outpatient setting or during subsequent hospital readmissions. The majority of complications after RC are minor (Clavien grade I–II), however from 13% to 22% of patients experience a major complication (Clavien grade III–V) (see Table 41.1 ). Patients who experience a complication tend to have longer hospital length of stay (LOS) and higher costs.

Table 41.1

Summary of 90-Day Radical Cystectomy Complications Based on Institutional Cohorts Using Contemporary Reporting Methods

Complication Shabsigh Takada Schiavina Novara Hautmann
Years 1995–2005 1997–2010 1995–2009 2002–2006 1986–2008
Number 1142 928 404 358 1013 c
Overall 64% 68% 52% 49% 58%
Minor a 51% 51% 34% 36% 36%
Major a 13% 17% 17% 13% 22%
By organ system
Gastrointestinal 29% 26% 15% 17% 15%
Infectious 25% 30% 11% 7% 24%
Wound 15% 21% 5% 7% 9%
Genitourinary 11% 15% 8% 7% 17%
Cardiac 11% <1% 8% 8%
Pulmonary 9% 1% 6% 5%
Bleeding 9% <1% 6% 16%
Thromboembolic 8% <1% 4% 4%
Neurologi 5% 2% 3% 3%
Miscellaneous 3% 3% 9% 1%
Surgical 1% <1% 1% 0%
Reoperation b 14% 11% 7% 10%
Return to OR 3% 9%
IR procedure 11% 3%
Mortality 3% 2% 5% 3% 2%

IR, interventional radiology; OR, operating room

a Minor complications considered Clavien grades I and II. Major complications considered Clavien grades III–V

b Includes return to the operating room and interventional radiology procedures

c Includes patients with orthotopic neobladders only

The most commonly reported risk factor for a postoperative complication is patient comorbidity. In a large retrospective study, patients with an American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score of three or four had a 50% increased risk of complications (OR 1.5; 95% CI 1.04, 1.82; p = 0.02) on multivariate analysis. A similar finding was reported by a large Japanese series. Increasing age is also associated with the risk of any complication and severe complications. One series noted a 40% increase in complications among patients over the age of 70. Additional risk factors for complications include longer operating room time, continent diversion, female gender, higher tumor stage, more intraoperative blood loss, and a greater body mass index (BMI). Higher surgeon and hospital volume are associated with lower morbidity and mortality following RC. Use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy does not appear to increase perioperative complications.

Several preoperative interventions have been proposed to lessen the morbidity of major surgery, including smoking and alcohol cessation, nutritional support, shortened duration of fasting, carbohydrate loading, and exercise programs. Future studies are required to better understand the impact of preoperative interventions, or “prehabilitation,” on postoperative outcomes for RC patients.

Complications by Organ System

Postoperative complications can be broadly grouped into 11 different organ systems (see Table 41.1 ). The most common categories of complications are gastrointestinal, infectious, wound, and genitourinary.

Gastrointestinal Complications

Gastrointestinal complications are among the most common postoperative complications, occurring in 15–29% of patients (see Table 41.1 ); they additionally are covered broadly in Chapter 11 . The majority of gastrointestinal complications are attributed to ileus; however, small bowel obstruction, anastomotic bowel leak, gastrointestinal bleeding, and Clostridium difficile colitis (CDC) can also occur. Gastrointestinal complications in this setting are largely due to the urinary diversion, but can be partially attributed to the handling and mobilization of bowel during the cystectomy.


Depending on the definition used, 7–23% of RC patients experience postoperative ileus. Ileus is a functional small bowel obstruction due to impairment of peristalsis and is commonly defined by the absence of bowel function by postoperative day 5, nasogastric tube placement, or conversion to NPO status due to nausea, vomiting, or abdominal distention. Ileus is the most common cause of prolonged LOS following RC. Risk factors for ileus after RC include higher BMI, increasing age, longer operating time, and use of general anesthesia. Ileus usually presents with abdominal distention in the absence of bowel function, but may progress to abdominal pain, nausea, and emesis.

Ileus is thought to occur due to an insult to small bowel innervation from irritation, inflammation, manipulation, or medication effects, and there are several proposed inciting factors. Abdominal surgery, with manipulation of the bowel, is the most common cause of ileus. Several medications have also been implicated, particularly opioids and anticholinergics, as have metabolic abnormalities, including hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, and hyponatremia.

The primary treatment of ileus is supportive, with intravenous hydration, correction of electrolyte abnormalities, and avoidance of offending medications. Nasogastric decompression is often indicated for patients with emesis or significant abdominal distention. Although widely recommended, there is no evidence that early and aggressive ambulation treats or prevents ileus. There are, however, several treatments that have been studied for the treatment or prevention of postoperative ileus.

Prokinetic agents are widely used to prevent and treat ileus, but there are relatively little data to support their effectiveness. Most studies on prokinetic agents have been conducted following colorectal surgery, although their findings are likely generalizable to RC patients. Metoclopramide achieves prokinetic effects through its action on cholinergic and dopamine receptors in the upper gastrointestinal tract. In a small study of RC patients, metoclopramide was associated with less nausea and vomiting (3% vs 12%, p = 0.01) but no difference in return of bowel function, rate of ileus, or time to discharge. Another study found that when combined with early nasogastric tube removal, metoclopramide is associated with a faster return of bowel function after RC. Erythromycin is a macrolide antibiotic that has been used as a prokinetic given its effects on motilin receptors in the gastrointestinal tract. One small study randomized 22 RC patients to receive low-dose intravenous erythromycin or placebo starting on postoperative day 1 and found no difference in recovery of bowel function. These results are in agreement with other randomized studies from the general surgery literature suggesting erythromycin has limited benefit to treat or prevent postoperative ileus.

Alvimopan is a peripheral opioid µ-receptor antagonist that blocks the effect of opioids on the gastrointestinal tract. It is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to accelerate gastrointestinal recovery following a bowel resection and primary anastomosis. A recent multi-center randomized study examined the use of alvimopan in RC patients to accelerate the return of gastrointestinal function and decrease LOS. A total of 280 patients were randomized to receive alvimopan or placebo between 30 minutes and 5 hours before surgery and continued until the day of discharge or postoperative day 7. Patients receiving alvimopan recovered their gastrointestinal function 1 day earlier (day 5.5 vs 6.8, p < 0.0001), had a shorter LOS (7.4 vs 10 days, p < 0.01), and less postoperative ileus-related morbidity including use of nasogastric decompression and prolonged LOS. Alvimopan has a favorable safety profile and may be associated with lower hospital costs after RC.

Methylnaltrexone is another opioid µ-receptor antagonist that is FDA approved to treat opioid-induced chronic constipation. Although methylnaltrexone has not been studied in RC patients, there have been two randomized controlled trials examining its use in treating postoperative ileus after colorectal surgery. Each was a multi-institution trial that randomized patients to 12 or 24 mg of intravenous methylnaltrexone or placebo following segmental colectomy. With over 1000 patients randomized, neither study demonstrated faster return of bowel function or time to hospital discharge in patients receiving methylnaltrexone. Ghrelin agonists, cholinergic agents, and even acupuncture have been studied for reducing postoperative ileus; however, none have demonstrated success.

Because ileus is thought to occur from an imbalance of the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation to the small bowel, the cholinesterase inhibitor neostigmine has shown benefit in treating postoperative ileus. Some centers have routinely administered neostigmine after RC, although this medication has not specifically been studied in RC patients. Due to the inhibitory effect of opioids on gastrointestinal motility, limiting the use of opioids for postoperative pain control has also been tested as a means of reducing postoperative ileus. Intravenous acetaminophen, epidural anesthesia, and nonsteroidal antiinflammatories, such as ketorolac, are all effective means of limiting opioid exposure and may help reduce ileus.

Fluid overload may cause bowel wall edema and inhibit bowel function, and fluid restriction can result in faster recovery of bowel function. Recently, 166 RC patients were randomized to receive usual versus restricted intraoperative hydration. Patients in the restricted fluid cohort received significantly less intraoperative fluid (1.7 L vs 4.3 L, p < 0.0001) and had an 84% relative reduction in gastrointestinal complications (6% vs 37%, p < 0.0001), primarily due to a reduction of ileus (0% vs 10%) and constipation (2% vs 22%).

Based on observations that chewing has a stimulatory effect on bowel motility, gum chewing has been studied as a treatment of postoperative ileus. Kouba et al. compared 51 RC patients who were instructed to chew gum starting on postoperative day 1 to 51 historic RC patients who did not chew gum. Patients who chewed gum had slightly faster time to flatus (2.4 vs 2.9 days, p < 0.001) and to first bowel movement (3.2 vs 3.9 days, p < 0.001). Coffee also has stimulatory effects on the gastrointestinal tract, and another study randomized 80 patients to drink coffee or water after colectomy. Patients who drank coffee had a shorter time to first bowel movement (60 vs 74 hours, p = 0.006), but there was no difference in LOS or postoperative complications.

Routine gastric or nasogastric decompression was often used following RC in an effort to decrease gastrointestinal complications. A large retrospective study compared 221 RC patients that had a prophylactic postoperative nasogastric tube to 199 RC patients who did not. There was no difference in time to first bowel movement or gastrointestinal complications, although patients with nasogastric tubes tended to have longer LOS. Nearly 20% of the patients without a prophylactic nasogastric tube eventually required one, and 15% of patients who had their prophylactic nasogastric tube removed needed reinsertion. These observations are supported by a large meta-analysis and Cochrane review, each of which failed to demonstrate the benefit of routine prophylactic nasogastric decompression following elective laparotomy, and instead found an increased risk of pulmonary complications.

In another effort to avoid gastrointestinal complications, RC patients are often kept without food or liquid as bowel function recovers. Given the catabolic effects of major surgery, some centers have used parenteral nutritional support prior to the return of bowel function. Roth et al. randomized 157 RC patients to postoperative parenteral nutrition for 5 days, beginning on postoperative day 1, or usual care with early enteral feeding. Patients receiving parenteral nutrition had more complications (69% vs 49%, p = 0.013), including a higher rate of infectious complications (32% vs 11%, p = 0.001), but no difference in recovery of gastrointestinal function. Current guidelines from the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism state that parenteral nutrition is beneficial in undernourished patients when enteral nutrition is not feasible or not tolerated, or in patients who have impaired gastrointestinal function and an inability to tolerate enteral feeds for at least 7 days.

Recent evidence supports the safety of early enteral feeding following gastrointestinal surgery. A retrospective study of RC patients found that early enteral feeding was associated with fewer postoperative complications and a shorter LOS when compared to parenteral nutrition and nothing by mouth. A Cochrane review found that patients that had colorectal surgery who were fed within 24 hours did not have a higher risk of postoperative complications, including bowel leak, wound infection, and LOS, when compared to patients who were kept with no oral intake until the return of bowel function. Therefore a strategy of early enteral feeding can provide needed nutrition and does not appear to be associated with a higher rate of complications.

Mechanical bowel preparations are often used prior to RC, with the intent of facilitating surgery by decreasing fecal load and reducing gastrointestinal and infection complications. Based on several meta-analyses in the colorectal literature, the use of mechanical bowel preparations has come into question as there is no evidence they reduce anastomotic leaks, wound infections, or gastrointestinal morbidity. A retrospective study compared gastrointestinal and infectious complications between 105 RC patients who had a mechanical bowel preparation to 75 who did not. There was no difference in postoperative C. difficile infection, wound infection, or severe abdominal or gastrointestinal complications. Another retrospective series compared 37 RC patients who had a mechanical bowel preparation to 33 who did not. There were no differences in time to flatus, time to first bowel movement, LOS, or severe complications between the two groups. While a mechanical bowel preparation may be helpful when using a colonic segment for urinary diversion, it can safely be omitted for a diversion using ileum.

Some have hypothesized that gastrointestinal morbidity following RC may be due to the interaction between the bowel and deperitonealized pelvis, leading to bowel inflammation and adhesion formation. Roth et al. randomized 200 patients having RC and extended pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) to readaptation of the peritoneum over the dorsolateral pelvic walls versus no readaptation. Readaptation of the peritoneum was associated with faster return of bowel function, fewer complications, and less postoperative pain, but there was no difference in LOS. A follow-up study suggested better long-term bowel function in patients who had peritoneal readaptation. The authors propose this as a safe, effective, and easy way to decrease postoperative gastrointestinal morbidity.

Standardized pathways and enhanced recovery protocols after RC have been employed for over 10 years in an effort to reduce complications, accelerate the return of bowel function, and reduce LOS using evidence-based medicine. The meaningful gains in postoperative recovery realized from these protocols are achieved by combining the modest benefits of multiple interventions. In 2010 Pruthi et al. described their experience with a “fast track” program for RC that employed several evidence-based strategies, including immediate removal of nasogastric tubes, use of metoclopramide, minimization of narcotic analgesia, early enteral feeding, and use of chewing gum. Although this was not a comparative study, 80% of fast track patients were discharged by postoperative day 5 and the average time to return of bowel function was 2.2 days. A German group randomized RC patients 2 : 1 to an enhanced recovery pathway (N = 62) and usual care (N = 39). The enhanced recovery pathway included a limited bowel preparation, preoperative nutritional support, early enteral feeding, immediate nasogastric tube removal, early mobilization, and use of prokinetic agents. The enhanced recovery group had better quality of life, fewer inpatient complications, and decreased analgesic demand, but there were no differences in ileus or LOS. Finally, the University of Southern California group described their experience using an extended recovery protocol in 110 RC patients. The extended recovery protocol included pre-, intra-, and postoperative interventions, such as patient education, absence of a bowel preparation, use of alvimopan and prokinetic agents, minimization of intravenous fluid and narcotic analgesia, no prophylactic nasogastric tube use, and early enteral feeding. Patients treated with this protocol had a median time to flatus and LOS of 2 and 4 days, respectively. Still, the 30-day complication rate was 65%, and 21% of patients were readmitted, generally due to dehydration or infection. When combined with surgical expertise, extended recovery programs may lessen gastrointestinal morbidity and reduce LOS; however, they do not appear to reduce overall complications or readmissions.

Small Bowel Obstruction

Ileus is the most common gastrointestinal complication, although approximately 7% of RC patients experience a small bowel obstruction. Because both complications can present similarly, abdominal computed tomography (CT) with oral contrast is often helpful in diagnosing a bowel obstruction, with the characteristic finding of dilated bowel up to a transition point with distal compression. Most small bowel obstructions are the result of internal adhesions or bowel edema. Initial treatment for a small bowel obstruction includes supportive care with intravenous hydration and electrolyte replacement, nasogastric decompression, and bowel rest. While this may be effective at resolving the obstruction, it is critical to monitor for signs of bowel ischemia or perforation through vital signs, serial exams, and periodic blood work, with particular attention being paid to the white blood cell count. If the obstruction does not resolve with conservative measures, abdominal exploration may be required.

Clostridium difficile Colitis

CDC is caused by the gram-positive spore-forming bacterium C. difficile . CDC has historically been a rare complication following RC that occurred in fewer than 3% of patients. However, a recent study observed an 8.8% prevalence of CDC within 90 days of RC, with an increase over time. This condition is associated with prolonged LOS, patient morbidity, and increased costs and causes up to 10% of RC readmissions.

The diagnosis of CDC is made in the presence of symptoms of colitis, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and leukocytosis, and a positive fecal C. difficile toxin or culture. Rarely, patients will develop severe manifestations of CDC such as pseudomembranous colitis or toxic megacolon.

The primary risk factor for CDC is exposure to antibiotics that are thought to disrupt normal bowel flora, particularly fluoroquinolones, clindamycin, and broad-spectrum penicillin and cephalospirins. The duration of antibiotic exposure is also an important risk factor. A recent study found that RC patients were on average treated with 10 days of perioperative antibiotics, and use of an extended duration of antibiotics was associated with a 60% higher risk of CDC. Another study found that patients who were treated with perioperative antibiotics for at least 7 days had double the odds of CDC. Other risk factors for CDC include older patient age, immunosuppression, chronic antacid therapy, and longer LOS.

The two most important methods to avoid C. difficile transmission are minimization of unnecessary antibiotics and meticulous hand hygiene with removal of bacterial spores using soap and water. Current guidelines recommend treating CDC according to disease severity. Consideration should be made to discontinuing offending antibiotics and consulting with an infectious disease specialist. Patients with mild-to-moderate infection should be treated with oral metronidazole 500 mg three times daily for 10–14 days, whereas those with a severe infection should be treated with oral vancomycin 125 mg four times daily for 10–14 days. Complicated cases may require higher doses of oral vancomycin, intravenous metronidazole, vancomycin enemas, or other antibiotics. Patients who develop a severe infection or toxic megacolon may require a colectomy.

Anastomotic Leak

A bowel anastomotic leak occurs in less than 2% of RC patients. The severity of a bowel leak is variable, but has a risk of causing significant morbidity and mortality. There are several risk factors for an anastomotic leak including active smoking, obesity, and immunosuppression. Meticulous surgical technique with creation of a tension-free and well-vascularized anastomosis is necessary to avoid leaks. An anastomotic leak is often diagnosed clinically with signs of systemic infection or peritonitis on physical examination. A radiologic diagnosis can be made by visualizing leakage of oral contrast on a CT scan. Some leaks may be managed conservatively with bowel rest and antibiotics; however, many patients require exploration. A general surgery consult is often warranted.

Acute Colonic Pseudo-obstruction

Finally, acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie’s syndrome) is a functional obstruction of the colon due to bowel paralysis, likely due to an imbalance of autonomic innervation. It is a rare complication after RC, and the exact causes are unknown. On imaging, many patients with acute colonic pseudo-obstruction have large bowel dilation to a transition point in the descending colon. Most cases improve with conservative measures, including nasogastric and rectal decompression, correction of electrolyte imbalances, and avoidance of constipating medications, although there is a small risk of colonic perforation. Patients who fail 2–3 days of conservative treatment as well as those with significant cecal dilation (>12 cm) or long-standing obstruction (>3 days) may require more aggressive treatments. Because acute colonic pseudo-obstruction is likely due to a deficit of parasympathetic innervation, low-dose (2 mg) neostigmine is an effective treatment. Neostigmine causes systemic manifestations of excess cholinergic supply, such as salivation, sweating, bronchospasm, and bradycardia, necessitating cardiac monitoring. For those who fail neostigmine or for whom it is contraindicated, endoscopic decompression may be indicated. Patients with colonic ischemia or perforation require colectomy.

Infectious Complications

Infections are also very common following RC and occur in up to 30% of patients (see Table 41.1 ). The prevention and management of infections are reported in detail in Chapter 7 . The majority of infections occur within the urinary tract, although RC patients are also at risk for intraabdominal infections and abscesses, often from enteric organisms. Symptoms of infection range from a low-grade fever or mild leukocytosis to severe sepsis. Surgeons must be vigilant in monitoring for infectious symptoms and have a low threshold for initiating a complete infectious workup, including blood and urine cultures, chest imaging, and, when indicated, abdominal imaging. Initial treatment includes fluid administration and broad-spectrum antibiotics, which should ultimately be narrowed to culture data. Early source control is critical, including drainage of intraabdominal collections or relief of urinary obstruction.

Although there have been no randomized trials to examine the effectiveness of prophylactic antibiotics to prevent infections in RC patients, both the American Urological Association and European Association of Urology recommend administration of prophylactic antibiotics within 1 hour of incision and not continued for longer than 24 hours postoperatively. First-line antimicrobial prophylaxis includes either a second- (i.e., cefazolin, cefoxitin, cefuroxime) or third- (i.e., ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, cefotaxime) generation cephalosporin, or aztreonam plus metronidazole or clindamycin. The choice of antibiotics may also be guided by previous culture data and the local antibiogram.

Genitourinary Complications

Genitourinary complications occur in 8–15% of patients and are typically related to the urinary diversion. Urinary complications related to urinary diversion are covered in more detail in Chapter 13 , Chapter 45 , Chapter 46 , Chapter 47 . The majority of early diversion-related complications are ureteral obstruction and urinary leak.

Ureteral Obstruction

Early ureteral obstruction occurs in 4–10% of RC patients and can cause flank pain, infection, and renal insufficiency. Such symptoms should prompt upper tract imaging. The obstruction is most often at the site of the ureterointestinal anastomosis and can generally be prevented by meticulous surgical technique. Treatment requires relief of the obstruction, usually with a percutaneous nephrostomy tube. While not used by all surgeons, ureteral stents placed at the time of the ureterointestinal anastomosis may facilitate healing, avoid anastomotic leaks, and hasten recovery, although there is no evidence they reduce strictures or early obstruction.

Urine Leak

A urine leak occurs in up to 4% of RC patients and may originate from the ureteral anastomosis, the proximal end of an ileal conduit, the sutured wall of an orthotopic neobladder or continent cutaneous diversion, or the urethroneovesical anastomosis of an orthotopic neobladder. Early leaks may be detected through high intraperitoneal drain output with elevated fluid creatinine that is consistent with urine. Undrained leakage of urine into the peritoneal cavity can result in chemical peritonitis, ileus, and abdominal distention. Often the serum creatinine will be elevated as intraperitoneal urine is absorbed. Treatment of a urine leak requires urinary tract drainage and decompression, using percutaneous drains, nephrostomy tubes, or Foley catheters. Many leaks will resolve with conservative management alone.

There are many uncommon diversion-related early complications such as stomal necrosis, stomal retraction, and neobladder perforation. In general, complications such as these are managed nonoperatively with catheter or nephrostomy drainage, with a potential for a delayed repair.

Wound Complications

Wound complications occur in up to 21% of patients, the majority of which are infections. Complications related to the wound are covered in more detail in Chapter 9 .

Wound Infection

Radical cystectomy and urinary diversion with controlled entry into the gastrointestinal tract is considered a clean-contaminated procedure with an estimated 4–10% wound infection risk. With spillage of gastrointestinal contents, the procedure becomes contaminated and the risk increases to 10–15%. Overall, 9–19% of RC patients experience a postoperative wound infection. Symptoms of a wound infection are pain, redness, fevers, leukocytosis, and purulent drainage, although early infections can be asymptomatic. Risk factors for wound infection include patient comorbidity, longer procedure duration, open surgery, wound classification, malignancy, malnutrition, diabetes, smoking, blood transfusion, and obesity.

Methods to reduce wound infections include perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis, skin sterilization, and abdominal closure techniques, such as incisional lavage, tissue approximation to eliminate dead space, and subcutaneous drains to minimize fluid accumulation. Skin preparations used for preoperative skin sterilization are based either on iodine or chlorhexidine. A recent randomized trial observed a 40% reduction in surgical site infections after clean-contaminated surgery in patients who had a chlorhexidine-alcohol skin preparation, compared to patients with a povidone-iodine skin preparation. Prevention of intraoperative hypothermia and postoperative hyperglycemia, both risk factors for wound infections, may also reduce surgical site infections. It is unclear if hair removal is associated with a decreased risk of surgical site infections; however, electronic clippers should be used if hair removal is performed. Mechanical bowel preparation is not associated with a reduction in wound infections.

Several groups have implemented perioperative care bundles to successfully reduce surgical site infections. These bundles include several evidence-based practices such as antibiotic prophylaxis, glycemic control, normothermia, and appropriate hair removal, as well as items implemented during abdominal closure, including a change in gloves and gowns, wound lavage, and using a clean set of instruments.

The immediate treatment of a wound infection is to open, clean, and pack the wound and administer antibiotics. While many patients develop infections from gram-positive organisms, gram-negative infections can also occur, necessitating wound culture and initial use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Wound packing will be successful in treating the majority of infections, but requires prolonged local wound care and healing by secondary intention.

Skin Separation and Fascial Dehiscence

Other wound complications include seromas, skin separation, and fascial dehiscence. Skin separation is treated with local wound care, including packing or a negative pressure dressing. In the absence of necrotic tissue and infection, healing by secondary intention will occur over the course of several weeks, depending on the size of the wound.

Fascial dehiscence is rare in many series (<1%), although a recent study observed a 3.2% prevalence following RC. In this study, the dehiscence occurred at a median of 11 days postoperatively and all patients who had a dehiscence also had a wound infection. Predictors of dehiscence included obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and wound infection. Fascial dehiscence often requires reoperation and abdominal wall closure given the risk of evisceration. While patient factors may impact the development of fascial dehiscence, it is strongly related to technical factors during fascial closure.

There are several ways to close the abdominal fascia, including use of running or interrupted sutures and choice of permanent, braided absorbable and monofilament absorbable sutures. The fascia must be closed in a tension-free manner with approximation of healthy tissue. A recent trial randomized patients to midline abdominal closure with interrupted braided absorbable suture or a continuous absorbable monofilament suture with a suture:wound length ratio of 4 : 1. There was no difference in incisional hernia rates at 1 year or wound complications, including fascial dehiscence. However, a meta-analysis observed lower rates of hernias with closure using a continuous slowly absorbable suture as compared to an interrupted technique. Specifically regarding the technique of midline closure using a continuous monofilament absorbable suture, a recent randomized trial demonstrated that smaller fascial bites (5 mm every 5 mm) were associated with a significantly lower risk of incisional hernia at 1 year (13% vs 21%; OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.31–0.87; p = 0.0131) than larger tissue bites (1 cm every 1 cm); however, there was no difference in fascial dehiscence or wound complications. In our opinion, high-risk patients especially may benefit from prophylactic external retention sutures for 4–6 weeks.

Bleeding Complications

Intraoperative blood loss during RC ranges from 600 mL to 1300 mL and 29–82% require a transfusion of blood products. Risk factors for blood transfusion include female gender, higher BMI, lower preoperative hemoglobin, and higher tumor stage. Blood transfusions carry risks of transfusion reactions and transmission of infectious diseases. Patients who receive transfusions after RC may also have an increased risk of postoperative complications, disease recurrence, and mortality. The majority of bleeding during RC occurs along the lateral pedicles or dorsal venous complex. In women, the paravaginal tissues are highly vascular and can also be a source of bleeding. Early vascular control is critical to avoid excess bleeding.

There are several methods to control the vascular pedicle, including clips and ties, staplers, and energy devices. A randomized trial demonstrated less blood loss and fewer blood transfusions during RC when a stapler was used to ligate the vascular pedicles compared to conventional techniques. More recently, the same group randomized RC patients to tissue ligation by stapler or the LigaSure, an electrothermal bipolar tissue ligation device. There were no differences in blood loss, operative time, or transfusion requirements between the two groups; however, the device-associated cost was lower with the LigaSure group.

There are a variety of topical hemostatic agents that can be helpful adjuncts to control venous bleeding. The use of topical hemostatic products is common during RC.

Strategies to reduce intraoperative volume administration have shown promise in reducing intraoperative blood loss. In an effort to reduce perioperative blood transfusions, the Bern group randomized 166 RC patients to restricted intraoperative hydration versus usual care. The restricted hydration group had significantly less intraoperative blood loss (800 mL vs 1200 mL, p < 0.0001) and required fewer blood transfusions (33% vs 60%, p = 0.0006). This effect may have occurred through a reduction in pelvic venous pressure. Intraoperative cell salvage collects and reinfuses the patient’s own red blood cells during surgery and has successfully been used during RC.

For significant pelvic bleeding that is difficult to control or in a patient with coagulopathy, the pelvis can be packed while the patient is resuscitated and stabilized. In some instances, the pelvis can be packed and the abdomen temporarily closed with return to the operating room at a later time. In these rare circumstances, the urine can be diverted with externalized ureteral catheters.

Ultimately, prevention of bleeding requires a knowledge of vascular anatomy, along with variations in anatomy, and experience in properly achieving exposure during vascular control, regardless of pelvic anatomy. Most often, bleeding occurs when the anatomy of the pelvis is distorted due to anatomic variation, tumor size and extent, previous surgery, or radiation. In these cases, patience of the surgeon and adherence to anatomic principles are critical in avoiding uncontrolled bleeding upon division of the bladder pedicles, mobilization of the pelvic floor, or division of the dorsal vein.

Thromboembolic Complications

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) occurs in 1–8% of RC patients within 90 days of surgery. The majority of VTE events are deep venous thrombosis (DVT), although pulmonary emboli (PE) occur in up to 3% of patients and represent a significant cause of postoperative mortality. There are several risk factors for VTE including older age, higher BMI, personal or family history of VTE, malignancy, smoking, increased comorbidity, and immobility. Patients having a long open abdominal or pelvic operation have a particularly high risk of VTE.

The use of prophylactic low-dose unfractionated heparin (LDUH) and low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) is associated with a reduced risk of VTEs, including fatal PE and death, but an increase in nonfatal bleeding. LDUH and LMWH are equally effective at VTE prophylaxis. Mechanical VTE prophylaxis, with sequential compression devices or elastic stockings, has also been shown to reduce DVTs, but there is no evidence it reduces the risk of fatal PE or death. When compared to pharmacologic prophylaxis alone, mechanical prophylaxis is associated with an 80% increased risk of DVT, but a 60% decreased risk of bleeding. The combination of pharmacologic and mechanical prophylaxis may further reduce VTE risk compared to pharmacologic prophylaxis alone.

Current guidelines from the American College of Chest Physicians and the American Urological Association recommend individualized assessment of VTE risk for surgical patients ( Table 41.2 ) . RC patients are generally elderly, have a malignancy, require a prolonged open abdominal operation, and have restricted mobility during their recovery, putting them in the highest risk category for VTE. These patients should be treated with prophylactic LMWH or LDUH beginning at the time of surgery and continuing throughout their hospital stay, unless the risk of bleeding is excessive. Concurrent use of mechanical prophylaxis and early ambulation is also recommended.

Sep 11, 2018 | Posted by in UROLOGY | Comments Off on Complications of Radical Cystectomy and Urinary Diversion

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