20 Ameet Gupta1, Anna Manwaring2, and Krishna Narahari2 1 Urology Department, New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton, UK 2 Urology Department, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK Inflammation of the bladder is known as cystitis. It is a common condition. Acute cystitis is usually caused by bacterial infection, and these cases make up the majority of patients presenting in both acute and clinic settings. Chronic inflammatory conditions of the bladder are much rarer and present challenges in both definitive diagnosis and management. Most patients require a multidisciplinary approach and need ongoing support to manage their symptoms. Parasitic infections are rare and should only be considered if working in high‐risk areas or with at‐risk populations. Keywords: bladder; inflammation; bacterial cystitis; chemical cystitis; viral cystitis; ketamine bladder; schistosomiasis; bilharzias; painful bladder syndrome Inflammation or infection of the bladder is termed cystitis. There are a variety of causes such as bacteria, viruses, and chemicals. The term ‘acute cystitis’ or inflammation of the bladder, is commonly used to denote a lower urinary tract infection (UTI). Bacteriuria is the presence of bacteria in the urine, irrespective of being symptomatic or asymptomatic. Pyuria is the presence of white blood cells in the urine, representing the presence of an inflammatory response. It can be associated with bacteriuria, implying an infective cause, or without bacteriuria (i.e. sterile pyuria). Sterile pyuria is seen with carcinoma in situ, urinary calculi, tuberculosis (TB), or schistosomiasis infections, and inflammatory conditions, such as interstitial cystitis, or after bladder treatments. Bacteriuria without inflammatory cells (i.e. pyuria) implies bacterial colonisation, such as that seen in patients with long‐term catheters. An uncomplicated UTI is an infection occurring in patients who have physiological and anatomical normal urinary systems. A complicated UTI is an infection occurring in patients who have an underlying abnormality. Inherently all men with prostatic enlargement giving rise to infection complications are deemed to have a complicated UTI, although the majority of uncomplicated UTIs happen in women. Simple UTI is an infection that occurs sporadically and is successfully treated with antibiotics with no complications and does not reoccur for at least a six‐month period. Recurrent UTI is either ≥2 or more culture proven UTI episodes within six months or ≥ 3 within a year. Recurrent UTIs are either caused by reinfection by a different organism or persistence of the original organism. Bacterial persistence is usually seen in patients where the cause of the infection persists, such as with stones, fistulas, atrophic chronic infected kidneys, or chronic prostatitis. An unresolving infection may be the result of inappropriate antibiotic use, such as bacterial resistance. Acute cystitis is common, affecting 50% of women during their lifetime; however, either sex can be affected at any age [1]. Causes are commonly due to bacterial gut flora, viruses, parasites, or chemicals. This is the most common cause of acute cystitis, typically caused by an enteric organism such as Escherichia coli (E. coli; 70–95% of cases). Other species include Klebsiella, Proteus mirabilis, or Streptococcus faecalis and less frequently Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoea, and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. About 50% of infections can extend into the upper urinary tract [2]. Risk factors for lower UTIs are listed in Table 20.1. Table 20.1 Risk factors for developing bacterial cystitis. The urinary tract is normally a sterile environment; however, pathogens can reach the bladder urothelium by ascent up the urethra, haematogenous, and lymphatic spread, or translocation of organisms from the colon. Host defence mechanisms and bacterial virulence play a multifactorial role in the development of lower UTIs. Bacteria can increase their virulence in several ways, such as avoidance of host defences, antimicrobial resistance, and mechanisms for adhesion to the urothelium. E. coli has an extracellular capsule which can resist phagocytosis and reduce the humoral and cell‐mediated immune responses. E. coli can also release endotoxins which can destroy host erythrocytes. Proteus species have developed the ability to produce ureases which split urea into ammonia and leads to struvite stone formation. Antimicrobial resistance of bacterial can occur through a number of mechanisms. Bacteria can alter their cell membrane permeability, preventing antibiotics from entering the cell. Similarly, bacteria can alter antibiotic binding sites on their surface membrane via genetic alteration. β‐lactam antibiotics (i.e. penicillin, carbapenems and cephalosporins) can be inactivated by bacteria producing β‐lactamase (enzyme) such as Staphylococcus aureus, enterobacteria, and N. gonorrhoeae. Bacteria can adhere to cells through binding of a bacterial ligand to a host cell receptor. These ligands, which surround the organism in the form of pili, are antigenically specific for epithelial receptors (Figure 20.1). Pili have the ability to mediate haemagglutination. The number of pili can range from 100 to 400 and are usually 5–10 nm in diameter and up to 2 μm in length [3]. Pili express adhesins that allow the organism to adhere to tissue [3]. Type 1 (Mannose‐sensitive, associated with cystitis mainly), P (Mannonse‐resistant, associated with pyelonephritis, and S pili (seen with both bladder and kidney infections) are the most well described pili. Organisms can express either one type of pili, multiple types, or are un‐piliated (Dr adhesin‐associated UTIs, seen in pregnancy and children). Figure 20.1 Diagram of a bacterium showing pili. These enable a bacillus to adhere to urothelial cells. The vagina may be colonised with piliated organisms several days before the clinical onset of infection. Vaginal cells from women who seldom contract urinary infection do not allow pathogenic strains of bacteria to adhere to them, unlike those from women who become frequently infected. Similar differences occur in the mouth and may be determined by the human leucocyte antigen (HLA)‐A3 antigen. Unpiliated organisms may be less adherent to host cells but also are less susceptible to phagocytosis. The process of change in pili is called ‘phase variation’ and is usually in response to the milieu. Through a symbiotic relationship, organisms, such as lactobacilli, act as a secondary defensive mechanism for the urinary tract by produce a protective biofilm, preventing competing pathogenic bacteria from contact with the urothelium [4–8]. Symptoms often described are dysuria, pain, frequency of micturition, and urgency. Occasionally haematuria, strangury, offensive smelling urine, and suprapubic and lower back pain may be present. In women, following sexual intercourse or menstrual period, symptoms of dysuria and frequency are often the only symptoms experienced. Clinical signs are usually suprapubic discomfort and cloudy urine (in un‐centrifuged urine, microscopy will show abundance of white cells with bacteria in the edges), occasionally accompanied by a palpable bladder if the patient is unable to void. Other signs can include warm peripheries due to sepsis, confusion, and if pyrexia, rigours and loin pain develop and can indicate an ascending infection (pyelonephritis). A urine dipstick test is a quick and simple first‐line investigation that can provide useful information whether pyuria or bacteriuria is present within urine [9, 10]. Microscopic urinalysis and culture of urine identifies the underlying pathogen and provides antibiotic sensitivities. Results can take up to 48 hours. Empirical treatment can be given without the results, but urine culture should be sent in all patients to exclude resistant bacterial strains [11, 12]. In practice, many women with urinary infection and pus in their urine have what is reported as sterile urine. Table 20.2 shows organisms that cause UTI. Table 20.2 Classification of bacteria causing urinary tract infection. Source: Adapted from [13]. A mid‐stream urine (MSU) specimens can be contaminated by bacteria as urine leaves the urethra, particularly in women and following urethral catheterisation. False‐positive urinalysis can also occur if a urine specimen has been left for several hours. Specimens should be refrigerated immediately and cultured within 24 hours. Suprapubic aspiration of urine from the bladder provides the most accurate assessment of urine because it is least likely to be contaminated; in practice, this is rarely performed because it is invasive and requires a full bladder. Recommended bacterial count that indicates significant bacteriuria: [14] When urine is obtained from a catheter, cystoscope, or needle aspiration of the bladder, any organism signifies an infection. The concept of the colony count only applies to voided urine specimens. In lower UTI cases, imaging studies are not required because clinical and urinalysis findings provide for accurate diagnosis. Lower UTIs in men, febrile infections, recurrent infections, suspicion of urinary tract obstruction, and the patient who is immunocompromised warrant further investigation. Imaging modalities to consider are ultrasound, plain X‐ray, or computed tomography (CT). Renal tract ultrasound can identify urinary retention, poor bladder emptying, and hydronephrosis. Plain film X‐ray of the kidneys, ureter, and bladder (KUB) is of little value in these patients but can help identify renal or bladder stone disease as well as for follow‐up purposes. CT, with or without contrast, can rule out causes for renal obstruction and stone disease. Cystoscopic visualisation of the bladder can be performed for assessment of recurrent UTIs confirmed on urinalysis. Prevention is paramount. Conservative measures such as fluid advice, voiding urine following coitus, preventing constipation, and maintaining good genital hygiene can be helpful. In the last few decades, the number of antimicrobial‐resistant organisms in the community and hospital have increased; therefore, it is important that all UTIs are treated adequately and appropriately guided by culture sensitivities and knowledge of pathogen strains within an area. Antimicrobial therapy of uncomplicated cystitis in premenopausal women are depicted in Table 20.3. Table 20.3 Recommended antimicrobial therapy in uncomplicated cystitis in premenopausal women [11]. sd: single dose. bd: twice a day. qd: four times a day. In women, continuous or postcoital antimicrobial prophylaxis for prevention of recurrent lower UTIs should be considered if conservative measures fail [11]. Any previous UTI should be adequately treated should be confirmed by a negative urine culture one to two weeks following treatment before starting antimicrobial prophylaxis. Follow‐up is recommended in persistent recurrent cystitis or suspected underlying abnormalities. Nearly 30% of women will have two UTIs in a six‐month period, and 3% will have a third in the same period [15]. Table 20.4 summarises the pathophysiology and management of recurrent UTIs in men and woman. Table 20.4 Classification, pathophysiology, investigations, and management of recurrent urinary tract infections in men and woman. BOO, bladder outflow obstruction; BPE, benign prostatic enlargement; CT, computed tomography; KUB, kidney, ureter, and bladder; PVR, postvoid residual. Bacterial persistence is usually related to an underlying pathology in both men and women such as renal stone disease or fistulas. These people have relapsing UTI symptoms within days or weeks of stopping antibiotic therapy. Definitive management is to treat the underlying cause. Women who suffer with reinfection usually do not have an underlying cause, and it is not always possible to cure them of this condition. Men on the other hand usually display signs of bladder outflow obstruction (BOO). The common causes are benign prostatic enlargement (BPE) or urethral stricture disease. For both men and woman, symptoms reoccur weeks or months after initial treatment of the infection and usually the same organism is to blame. Management for men is treatment of their underlying BOO. For women a number of antibiotic strategies can be deployed (Table 20.4). Pregnancy in itself does not increase the incidence of UTI in women, but due to anatomical and physiological changes, there is a higher chance of infections progressing quickly or becoming recurrent. Physiological hydronephrosis leading to stasis of urine in the renal collecting system can lead to UTI. Up to 10% of women will have asymptomatic bacteriuria, which can lead to severe infections such as pyelonephritis in 20–40% of cases. E. coli remains the most common causative organism. UTI’s are more common in women who suffered with recurrent infection before pregnancy, those with known anatomical or voiding abnormalities, and diabetics. As with any infection, UTIs can develop into and present with severe sepsis (see Chapter 12 for physiology of sepsis syndrome). More specifically, UTIs during pregnancy increase the risk of preterm delivery and are associated with interuterine growth retardation (IUGR) and low foetal weight. Cultural‐ and sensitivity‐based management is paramount. Antibiotic treatment must also be tailored according to gestation (Table 20.5). Urine screening and antibiotic treatment is encouraged in asymptomatic women given the high risk of severe infections and detrimental effects on the pregnancy. Treatment should last for three to five days and a follow up urine culture should be taken one week after treatment or at a specified time before delivery. Table 20.5 Antibiotics to avoid in pregnancy by trimester. UTI is a common ailment in children of all ages, but it is not commonly seen by the urologist. The risk in the first decade of life is 1% in males and 3% in females [16]. Younger than age three months, UTI is more common in boys than girls, but after this, the trend reverses and girls are three times more likely to suffer with infections [17]. Figure 20.2 outlines the pathophysiology and risk factors for UTIs in children. Figure 20.2 Pathogenesis of urinary tract infection in Children. Source: Adapted from Essentials of paediatric urology 2nd edition. Investigations are warranted in girls who have two or more infective episodes and boys who have just one episode. Management is dependent on underlying pathology. Lower UTIs caused by viruses are uncommon and are found in patients who are immunocompromised. The increase in tissue transplantation, use of chemotherapy agents, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome have also led to increased cases of viral cystitis. Viruses such as adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, and BK virus are often found as the causative pathogen in solid organ and stem‐cell transplantations [18–20]. Herpes zoster involving the S2, S3 segments can often be identified on cystoscopy by a well‐defined patch of bladder inflammation and the rest of the bladder is unaffected [21]. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to diagnosis and quantify the viral load. Treatment is by an antiviral agent, such as Cidofovir. Specialist microbiological advice should be sought. Noninfectious cystitis is rare. The most important types to be familiar with are chemical and radiation cystitis. Chemicals introduced into the bladder by iatrogenic, self‐inflicted, or accidental means can induce varying degrees of inflammation, from mild irritation to gross bladder necrosis. Diagnosis is based on history, high index of suspicion, and negative urine culture. Historically, ether was used to rupture Foley catheter balloons that would not deflate. Leakage of ether from the ruptured balloon was reported to cause severe chemical necrosis and bladder contracture [22]. Silver nitrate used for treatment of recurrent UTIs occasionally led to severe chemical cystitis. Cyclophosphamide is commonly used in the treatment of malignancies (e.g. leukaemia) and autoimmune diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis). Its metabolite, acrolein, is excreted in the urine, and with prolonged contact, commonly causes bladder inflammatory reactions leading to mucosal oedema and vasodilation resulting in increased friable capillaries (i.e. haemorrhagic cystitis), and in severe cases, full‐thickness bladder necrosis. On cystoscopy, no single bleeding vessel can be seen, but the haemorrhage may be persistent and even exsanguinating. The development of squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and leiomyosarcoma have been reported as the long‐term sequelae of cyclophosphamide use [23]. Other drugs and chemicals implicated to cause haemorrhagic cystitis or bladder neoplasm are depicted in Table 20.6. Table 20.6 Drugs and chemicals identified to cause haemorrhagic cystitis [24, 25]. Stopping or reducing the dose of the drugs and promoting diuresis by aggressive rehydration can help reduce toxicity within the bladder. Continuous bladder irrigation by urethral catheter can help reduce the concentration and length of exposure of acrolein to the bladder urothelium. Intravenous sodium 2‐mercaptoethane sulfonate (mesna) has been used to prevent haemorrhagic cystitis following ifosfamide and cyclophosphamide use, although its use is controversial. Some promising results in controlling chemotherapy‐induced haematuria with agents such as amifostine, glutathione, N‐acetylcysteine, and L‐2‐ oxothiazolidine‐4‐carboxylate (Procysteine) have recently emerged [24]. Another cause of chemical cystitis is ketamine, which is a noncompetitive N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptor antagonist used for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia and is also used as a recreational drug. Ketamine abuse has been linked with the development of lower urinary tract symptoms that resemble interstitial cystitis and hypersensitive bladder syndrome, often referred as ‘ketamine bladder syndrome’ [26–28]. The pathophysiology is not entirely clear however; the metabolites are concentrated in the urine and cause intense inflammatory reaction throughout the urinary tract. In the kidneys, ketamine can cause papillary necrosis and renal failure. In the ureters, the inflammation can cause stricture formation leading to hydronephrosis. Although the bladder is the most common end site, can cause significant storage lower urinary tract syndromes, painful urination or suprapubic pain, or haematuria. Urodynamics show detrusor overactivity and reduced bladder compliance; flow rates are normal. Cystoscopic appearances can include inflammation, denuded urothelium, petechial haemorrhages, and a small capacity bladder. CT urogram can show upper tract involvement. Management of ketamine bladder syndrome can be challenging because often patients cannot stop taking the drug. However, the first step is to stop usage. Counselling and support groups are vital. Taking ketamine more than three times per week is associated with lower voiding volumes, while those using for more than two years are associated with significantly worsening symptoms than those using for less than two years [29]. Furthermore, symptom improvement is directly proportional to the length of abstinence from using and functionality can potentially normalise after one year of stopping ketamine use [29]. Medical treatment is based on a symptom control, early referral to pain team, indwelling catheters, or intermittent self‐catheterisation for drainage of small capacity bladders, anticholinergics, or beta‐agonists for overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms. Surgical treatment is reserved for patients who have stopped using and have developed complications of ketamine use. For ureteric stricture: nephrostomy insertion with or without ureteric stenting can be done until ureteric stricture treatment can be done. Augmentation cystoplasty might be required if the bladder’s compliance does not improve. Cystectomy with or without neobladder reconstruction if symptoms persist and are affecting quality of life (QoL). Nearly 15–20% of patients who received radiotherapy for pelvic malignancies develop bladder complications [30]. It usually develops after 90 days from starting radiotherapy but can develop several years later [31]. Radiotherapy induces a progressive microscopic obliterative endarteritis that causes bladder mucosa ischaemia resulting in ulceration and bleeding. In injured areas, development of new friable blood vessels occurs which readily bleed after mucosal trauma, irritation, or distension. Cystoscopic features of a vascular blush on the bladder mucosa are typical of acute radiation injury. Severity tends to become less over time. Delayed radiation injuries are progressive and irreversible. Histological features include cellular depletion, fibrosis, and obliterative arteritis [32]. Symptoms include dysuria, frequency, and urgency (small bladder capacity secondary to fibrotic changes). Treatment is aimed at symptoms (e.g. analgesia, anti‐muscarinics, or indwelling urethral catheters for small capacity bladders). Treatment for refractory radiation cystitis can be difficult but luckily is rare. Modalities include intravesical alum, formalin (will require anaesthetic as can be very painful), hyperbaric oxygen, iliac artery embolisation, or even palliative radiotherapy or even cystectomy. Repeated episodes of acute cystitis can lead to chronicity. Particularly in women, chronic cystitis can manifest in continuous symptoms of constant pain, dysuria, and frequency. Cystoscopic biopsy will show cystitis follicularis or glandularis or a mixture of both. These patients are often unusually anxious and kind; empathy, and sympathy are no less important in therapy than accurate diagnosis and treatment. Cystitis follicularis is commonly found in elderly women and is often accompanied by a narrow, stiff urethra possibly due to depleted oestrogen levels. There is no obvious aetiological cause, and the causative organism is often difficult to identify requiring several urine cultures. Cystoscopic appearances are of an irregular mucosa resembling a cobblestone appearance (Figure 20.3). Histopathology shows collections of lymphocytes with germinal follicles in the lamina propria, and lymphocytes and plasma cells outnumber the number of leucocytes [33]. Figure 20.3 The cystoscopic appearances of cystitis follicularis. Source: Courtesy of Dr. Frank Marsh. Adequate fluid intake to promote diuresis, frequent voiding, and prolonged course of the appropriate antibiotic based on culture sensitivities. When this fails, a short course of bactericidal antibiotics given intravenously, if necessary, may eradicate the infection. It should be followed up with a prolonged course of a lowered dose antibiotic. Cystitis cystica is usually associated with inflammation and chronic obstruction but is also a common finding in normal bladders [34]. Irritative voiding symptoms and haematuria are the most common clinical features. It has a characteristic cystoscopic appearance of glistening bubbles under the mucosa, occasionally blackened by haemosiderin accumulation. Histopathology findings are of cystic nests lined by cuboidal or columnar cells and von Brunn’s nests. They arise when small islands of epithelium become buried and form small vesicles. Persistent cystitis can develop into cystitis glandularis, which may develop into intestinal metaplasia characterised by the presence of goblet cells similarly found on colonic epithelium. These areas of intestinal metaplasia may have malignant potential, and it is recommended that these patients have regular endoscopic assessments [35]. Treatment is by a transurethral resection (TUR) and relief of any underlying BOO. A variant is nephrogenic adenoma. A long‐term sequelae of persistent irritation and infection and can be seen with stones or treated tuberculosis. Rarely might follow cystoscopic procedures. The aetiology is unclear, although immunological diseases and allergies may be associated. Cystoscopic features are of a grossly inflamed bladder. Symptoms include dysuria, haematuria, urinary retention, and suprapubic pain. Histopathogical findings are of eosinophil infiltration through all layers of the bladder. TUR combined with corticosteroids, antihistamines, or antibiotics have been found to provide benefit in all age groups [36]. Rarely, cystectomy may be required because of ureteric obstruction or contraction of the bladder. However in children, the disease can be observed because it is usually self‐limiting. Malakoplakia is an unusual inflammatory disease first described in 1902. Its aetiology is unclear but may be caused by repeated coliform infections causing an abnormal macrophage function in response to bacteria [37]. It can be associated with systemic disorders, immunodeficiency syndrome and autoimmune disease, and cancer. Patients, usually in their fifth decade, present with symptoms of chronic cystitis and haematuria, with no organisms found on cultures. Cystoscopic findings are of light brown plaques indistinguishable from cancerous lesions; ureteric involvement can lead to obstruction. Histopathologic findings show large histiocytes known as von Hanseman cells and tiny calcified spheres (basophils) built up around bacteria like pearls on a grain of sand in an oyster, called ‘Michaelis‐Gutmann bodies’, which are pathognomic of this disease. Preventing UTI’ will help avoid progression of the disease. Trimethoprim, sulphonamides, doxycycline, and rifampicin have been found to be beneficial because of their intracellular bactericidal activity [38]. Several intestinal organisms produce gas by fermentation of glucose. People who are diabetic infected with these organisms are at risk of producing gas bubbles within the bladder wall, which produces a characteristic appearance on X‐ray film (Figure 20.4). These changes resolve after treatment with the appropriate antibiotics. Figure 20.4 Radiograph showing gas is seen in the bladder wall in keeping with emphysematous cystitis in a patient with diabetes and a severe urinary infection. Source: Case courtesy of Dr David Little, Radiopaedia.org, rID: 39307. Proteus mirabilis infection around an indwelling catheter can invade all layers of the bladder wall, resulting in deposition of calcium salts. The urothelium can become ulcerated and covered with a crust of calcified debris. Presentation is of haematuria. Treatment includes appropriate antibiotic therapy and urine acidification. The sequela usually is a small, contracted bladder that may require cystoplasty or urinary diversion. These topics are covered in Chapter 23. Chapter 12 gives information about TB in the kidney and also other genitourinary systems. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of the bladder is common in Asia and usually affects young adults. It is often accompanied with renal tuberculosis. Use of bacillus Calmette‐Guerin therapy (BCG) for bladder cancer can also cause bladder tuberculosis. Symptoms are usually atypical but can include persistent frequency and painful urination similar to cystitis. Urine will contain pus cells but is sterile on routine culture; at least three early morning samples are needed. Ziehl‐Neelsen staining of the urine may detect acid‐fast bacilli but requires culture on Lowenstein‐Jensen medium to confirm the presence of M. tuberculosis. In some cases, this can take up to eight weeks due to the slow doubling time of the bacterium (16–20 hours). Polymerase chain reaction of urine can hasten the diagnosis. Cystoscopic features are usually of generalised erythema with no discernible features. Classical tubercles are rarely seen, even in the early stages, and any ‘tubercles’ are more likely to be lymphoid follicles on biopsy. TB should be suspected if one ureter is seen to be oedematous and not to move up and down with expulsion of urine. Occasionally ulcers and papillomatous granuloma resemble a carcinoma and this requires biopsy, which speeds up the diagnosis. The lungs should also be assessed for pulmonary TB. Medical treatment follows a similar course to that of renal TB (see Chapter 12). As the granulomas in the bladder respond to the antibiotics, they heal with fibrous tissue, resulting in a small, contracted fibrosed bladder that may require cystoplasty. All treatment should be directed by specialist in the field of TB [39]. Parasitic infections of the bladder are extremely rare in European and North American countries, but with the ease of foreign travel and migration of different populations, parasitic infections need to be considered in a list of differential diagnoses (Figure 20.5). The only true parasitic infection of the bladder is Schistosomiasis. Figure 20.5 Parasite species and geographical distribution. Urinary schistosomiasis is caused by blood flukes of the genus Schistoma. Although it was known to the ancient Egyptians [40], Theodore Bilharz (a German pathologist) described these worms in the mesenteric veins in 1852 and also found evidence of eggs in the faeces of infected people [41]. It is one of the most prevalent infections worldwide with almost 243 million people requiring treatment for schistosomiasis infection in 2011 [42]. There are a number of different species distributed across the world (Figure 20.6 and 20.7) [42]. Lack of access to clean water and sanitation systems are the major source of the infection. Infection comes with exposure to larva (cercariae), which are released by freshwater snails (cercariae). The life cycle is complex in which there is a sexual generation in human, and an asexual stage in snails (Figure 20.6 and 20.7). Cercariae are able to penetrate the skin, and once inside the human body, mature in to adults. The pairs of adult worms, about 1 cm long (Figure 20.8), live in veins of abdominal viscera (bowel and bladder) attached by the sucker on the head of the male fluke and can live for 30 years, producing up to 400–500 eggs per day. Figure 20.6 Life cycle of Schistosoma haematobium. Figure 20.7 (a and b) Pair of adult schistosome worms (miracidea and cercaria) removed from a vein. Figure 20.8 Eggs of Schistosoma haematobium. The eggs perforate the urothelium, are shed with the urine, and hatch in freshwater, liberating miracidia. These tiny ciliated creatures are attracted to an appropriate snail, which they invade, and there undergo a series of asexual cell divisions eventually forming a cyst, which bursts to shed tiny sexual forms of the flukes (the cercariae) into the water. A single snail can shed more than 1000 cercariae per hour. The body reacts to the worms and their eggs by forming a granuloma, mainly in the lamina propria, and later amongst the muscle bundles of the detrusor. The eggs secrete a histolytic antigen which evokes a cell‐mediated immunological response, attracting eosinophils. The granulomas may project into the lumen of the bladder. The inflammatory response to the eggs leads to ischaemia and loss of overlying urothelium, which now undergoes metaplasia, squamous or glandular; changes often made worse by bacterial infection. Dead eggs provoke foreign body giant cell reaction and calcification. Healing is succeeded by reinfection, and the repeated cycle of healing, granuloma, and ulceration leads to carcinoma in situ and overt cancer (squamous cell). Ten seconds contact between the skin of an adult or child and water containing cercariae allows them to penetrate the skin where they enter the lymphatics and within 24 hours may set up an irritation (swimmers’ itch) and is sometimes accompanied by a papular rash which lasts a few days. The infective process (two weeks after penetration) is known as Katayama fever. This is an acute immune reaction to egg laying. Symptoms include pyrexia, headache, sweating, urticarial, and coughing. This initial phase lasts 12 weeks, during which the flukes are migrating via the bloodstream to their final destination in veins anywhere in the body (i.e. brain, eyes, skin, bowel, and bladder). The active inflammatory phase occurs when eggs become deposited into tissues, giving rise to visible haematuria and lower urinary tract symptoms such as frequency, urgency, and dysuria. Untreated, the chronic active phase develops where egg‐laying activity reduces but due to deposition of immune‐complex’s nephrotic syndrome can occur in up to 25% of patients [43]. Chronicity leads to polyploidy or fibrotic lesions which can cause an obstructive uropathy leading to permanent renal dysfunction. Diagnosis may be difficult during the initial phase because there is no way of detecting worm couples. After 12 weeks, the terminal‐spined eggs are shed into the urine and can be easily be seen with a microscopy of a mid‐day urine sample Figure 20.9. The severity of the disease is done by counting the number of eggs/10 ml of urine [43, 44]. Figure 20.9 Calcification of the bladder and ureters. Cystoscopy will show minute yellow specks, the bilharzial tubercles, sometimes surrounded by a halo of hyperaemia (Figure 20.10). Later, these granulomas enlarge and form polyps which may or may not calcify. Calcified eggs glisten under the surface like specks of sand (the sandy patches), more obvious from the loss of the vascular pattern of blood vessels, commonly found in the trigone. Figure 20.10 Cystoscopy appearance of schistosoma nodules in the bladder. Ulceration may extend deep into the tissues outside the bladder, especially anteriorly. Histological features of all the forms of chronic cystitis are to be found: cystitis cystica and glandularis, von Brunn’s nests, squamous metaplasia, and frank leucoplakia. Radiology may demonstrate calcification of the visceral walls or an obstructed renal collecting system (Figure 20.11). Figure 20.11 Computed tomography (CT) showing ureteric and bladder calcification secondary to schistosomiasis. Source: Photographs courtesy of Dr. Des Alcorn Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. Sewage systems for urine and faeces would prevent schistosomiasis. Individuals who are travelling to endemic areas should avoid contact between bare skin and contaminated freshwater. If there is contact, then skin should be immediately dried and rubbed with alcohol. Drugs are used to reduce and eradicate in situ worms but will not change the prognosis of nonreversible fibrotic and malignant lesion [44, 45]. Praziquantel 40 mg kg−1 as a single dose or divided doses is sufficient to eradicate the parasite. During the Katayama fever stage, steroids can help alleviate symptoms. The surgical management calls for TUR of any polyps or ulcers in the bladder and removal of any calculi formed. Contracture from healing of granulomas in the bladder neck is often accompanied by weakness of the damaged detrusor. Reconstructive procedures may be required. Scarring draws the ureters onto the trigone calling for caution when resecting the bladder neck. Characteristic features: Neither TUR nor partial cystectomy is applicable to these large tumours, which often present late. Radical cystectomy is the gold standard. Stricture usually involves the bulb and in part may be the result of instrumentation rather than the infestation. Secondary infection and prostatitis are common. In the prostate, the ova are distributed throughout the stroma, and fibrosis may cause outflow obstruction. The seminal vesicles are frequently chalked out on the X‐ray by the calcified ova. The inflammation can cause haemospermia and painful ejaculation, ova being found in the semen. It may be necessary to remove the vesicles. The uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries are often involved. Large painful polyps of the urethra and vulva give rise to distressing dyspareunia. Bilharzial fibrosis and ischaemia make repair of obstetrical fistulae more difficult; therefore, drug treatment should always be given first. Entamoeba histolytica may travel from the bowel into the bladder through a fistula, but more probably is blood‐borne. Clinically, it causes cystitis with haematuria and frequency. Cystoscopy shows inflammation, ulceration, and polypoid elevations of the urothelium. Balanitis, vaginitis, and vulvitis may be complications. Eustrongylas gigas, the legendary ‘giant kidney worm’, is said to be the largest nematode known to infect humans. Its life cycle is ill‐understood. It invades the renal pelvis and destroys the renal parenchyma. Even more bizarre is vesical sparganosis, which is caused by eating raw frogs. The worms make a nest of tunnels in the wall of the bladder, causing a mass that must be excised. Antibody titres for Sparganum are raised. The Carnero or candiru is a catfish 5 cm long and 4 mm wide which is attracted by urine and said to swim up the urethra of unwary people bathing in the Amazon.
Bladder Inflammation
20.1 Introduction and Definitions
20.2 Acute Cystitis or Lower UTI
20.2.1 Bacterial Cystitis
Promote colonisation
Sexual activity, increased inoculation
Spermicide, increased binding
Antimicrobial agents, decreased indigenous flora
Oestrogen depletion, increased binding
Reduced urine flow
Outflow obstruction (e.g. benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatic carcinoma, urethral stricture, foreign body [calculus])
Neurogenic bladder
Facilitate ascent
Urinary and faecal incontinence
Residual urine
Impaired host defences
Haematological disorders
Chemotherapy immunosuppression (i.e. malignancy, transplantation, steroids)
Diabetes mellitus Pathogenesis Clinical Features Investigations
Gram positive
Enterococcus faecalis
β‐haemolytic streptococcus
Viridans streptococci
Staphylococcus aureus
Staphylococcus epidermidis
Staphylococcus saprophyticus
Rods (Bacilli)
Corynebacterium urealytium
(acid fast)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Rods (Bacilli)
Lactobacillus crispatis/Lactobacillus jensenii
(vaginal commensal)
Clostridium perfringens
Gram negative
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Rods (Bacilli)
Escherichia coli
Proteus mirabilis
Klebsiella spp.
Pseudomonas agruginosa
Bacteroides fragilis Management
Daily Dose
Duration of therapy
3 g sd
1 day
50 mg qd
7 days
Nitrofurantoin microcrystal
100 mg bd
5–7 days
400 mg bd
3 days
200 mg bd
7 days
250 mg bd
3 days
250 mg bd
3 days
400 mg bd
3 days
200 mg bd
3 days
If local resistance pattern is known (Escherichia coli resistance <20%)
160/800 mg bd
3 days
200 mg bd
5 days Recurrent UTI
Bacterial persistence
Kidney stones
Infected prostate
Stone disease
Obstructed kidney
Urethral diverticulum
Vesicovaginal/colovesical fistula
Vesicoureteric reflux
X‐ray KUB
Renal ultrasound
Flexible cystoscopy
PVR and flow testing
CT urogram/KUB
Correct underlying Pathology
BOO (BPE/stricture)
Correct underlying pathology
No underlying pathology
Increase oral fluids
Voiding after penetrative sexual intercourse
Cranberry juice/tablets
Avoid spermicides
Natural yoghurt
Alkalinisation of urine
Oestrogen supplementation
Low‐dose prophylaxis
Postintercourse prophylaxis
Self‐start therapy UTI in Pregnancy
Mechanism of Action
First Trimester
Second Trimester
Third Trimester
Risk to foetus
Prevents cell wall synthesis
Prevents cell wall synthesis
Inhibits ribosomal protein synthesis
Prevents DNA replication by inhibiting dihydrofolate reductase
(folate antagonist)
Inhibits ribosomal protein synthesis
Maternal hepatotoxicity
Effects skeletal development
Causes DNA damage by its reduced form which is highly reactive and damages ribosomal proteins, DNA, pyruvate metabolism and others
Avoid at term due to severe effects of nausea and vomiting
Neonatal haemolysis
Prevents DNA replication by inhibiting DNA gyrase
Prevents DNA replication by inhibiting dihydropteroate synthase
Neonatal haemolysis
Inhibits ribosomal protein synthesis
Neonatal ‘grey’ syndrome
Inhibits ribosomal protein synthesis
Vestibular and auditory nerve damage UTI in Children
20.2.2 Viral Cystitis
20.2.3 Noninfectious Cystitis Chemical Cystitis
Pencillin and its derivatives (e.g. methicillin, ticarcillin, piperacillin, and carbenicillin)
Tiaprofenic acid
Methenamine mandelate
Gentian violet
Acetic acid
Environmental toxins
Aniline dyes
Ether Management Ketamine Bladder Radiation Cystitis
20.2.4 Chronic Bacterial Cystitis
20.2.5 Cystitis Follicularis
20.2.6 Cystitis Cystica
20.2.7 Eosinophilic Cystitis
20.2.8 Malakoplakia
20.2.9 Emphysematous Cystitis
20.2.10 Alkaline‐Encrusted Cystitis
20.3 Chronic Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain Syndrome
20.4 Tuberculosis
20.5 Parasitic Infections
20.5.1 Introduction
20.5.2 Schistosomiasis Introduction Aetiology Pathology and Pathophysiology Clinical Features Investigations Management Public Health and Prevention Medical Management Surgical Management Bilharzial Cancer of the Bladder Other Complications of Schistosomiasis Urethra Prostate Seminal Vesicles Bilharziasis in the Female
20.6 Amoebiasis
20.7 Worm Infestations
20.8 Catfish

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