Approaching the Renal Transplant with Deteriorating Function: Progressive Loss of Renal Function Is Not Inevitable

Approaching the Renal Transplant with Deteriorating Function: Progressive Loss of Renal Function Is Not Inevitable

Philip F. Halloran*

Sita Gourishankar*

Attapong Vongwiwatana*

Matthew R. Weir

*Division of Nephrology and Transplantation Immunology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2S2 CANADA; and Division of Nephrology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21201


We present a system for approaching kidney transplants with late deterioration of function. In the past, renal transplant deterioration was approached as a problem of “chronic rejection,” a poorly defined term that lumped together many conditions. The concept of chronic rejection implied an assumption that deterioration of a kidney occurred because its past injuries had programmed inexorable loss of function. New evidence challenges this assumption. In most cases, deterioration occurs because of a new or recent source of injury. It cannot be assumed to be programmed by early damage but is rather a consequence of new active disease, often rejection but also others. Thus we now approach kidney transplant deterioration differently. If a graft is losing
function, a cause is operating in the present, and the aim is to identify the distinct disease entities or stresses that are causing that deterioration. Some causes will be treatable, while those that are not should be diagnosed and studied so that they may be treatable in the future. To this end, we need to approach late deterioration (loss of function or proteinuria) of a renal transplant by identifying distinct entities or states or components of the problem. We should (a) assess the state of the parenchyma and arteries, including fibrosis and atrophy, which reflects previous nephron injury and loss; (b) establish whether there is active rejection (alloimmune injury), and whether it is T-cell-mediated or antibody-mediated, and if so, why the immunosuppressive strategy has failed; (c) identify transplant glomerulopathy, defined by double contours, which reflects anti HLA antibody in at least some cases; (d) search for specific diseases: recurrent disease, de novo disease, viral and bacterial infections, drug-induced damage, and obstructive uropathy; and (e) identify and treat progression factors such as hypertension and proteinuria which can affect the outcome of any of the above pathologies. With this approach many causes of both early and late transplant deterioration become potentially treatable, providing a step toward achieving the goal of permanent survival of renal transplants as a cure for end-stage renal disease (ESRD).


Both early and late kidney graft survival has improved considerably over recent years, due to many advances in clinical care, with immunosuppression being the most important. The old cliché that control of rejection changes short-term outcomes but not long-term outcomes is not correct and should be discarded. It is reasonable to assume that many of the kidney transplants functioning today will serve their new owners for their life expectancy. In a sense, death with kidney function is the desired endpoint for everyone, renal transplant or not. Premature death is a problem in transplants that must be addressed (1) and is outside the scope of this discussion. Our focus is on those kidneys that are deteriorating in the months and years after the transplant. Admittedly, it is artificial to separate death with function from renal insufficiency: renal insufficiency increases mortality from other conditions, and other morbidities aggravate renal insufficiency. Nevertheless our focus will be on kidney function and survival.

The main cause of late kidney deterioration is still rejection, defined as graft injury due to an ongoing alloimmune response, early or late. Often this reflects a failure of the immunosuppressive prescription as a result of medical decisions or patient noncompliance, leaving patients on ineffective immunosuppression. Breakthrough rejection also occurs because physicians want to minimize exposure to risks of immunosuppressive drugs (ISDs), so called drug minimization. The range of other renal diseases is increasing, and ESRD in a transplant, like ESRD in native kidneys, is certain to have some cases that cannot be classified or diagnosed. But many who follow transplant patients believe that there is a system problem: inadequate follow-up and response to change. The main message of this chapter is that long-term renal transplant care demands intelligent and knowledgeable follow-up and prompt response to change.


There are currently about 110,000 to 120,000 kidney transplants functioning in the United States and Canada, of which about 7% fail each year. Death with a functioning graft accounts for about 40% to 50% of late graft failure, but the remainder are lost because the kidney function deteriorates. About 4,200 renal transplants fail per year and return to dialysis, making transplant deterioration the fourth largest cause of ESRD and entry into dialysis in the United States. Although far behind some causes of ESRD (e.g., diabetic nephropathy causes about 40,000 patients to enter ESRD programs per year), transplant deterioration is nonetheless an important renal disease for the clinician to manage.

Data in national databases on the causes of failure are of limited value because the classification of failure is not standardized and many kidneys are not biopsied. Our estimates from multiple sources are provided in Table 25.1. The causes differ in the early versus late period, and with live donors versus cadaver donors. Although outright rejection still destroys some kidneys, death with a functioning graft is the largest single cause of transplant failure, accounting for approximately half of all losses. Of those kidneys that fail without death of the patient, the commonest phenotype is the general category of non-specific deterioration, in the absence of a specific kidney disease (2,3). This category was previously called chronic rejection or chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN): progressive deterioration with scarring and atrophy. Nonspecific deterioration causes about 30% of all kidney failures. The remainder includes recurrent glomerulonephritis (3), other recurrent and de novo renal diseases (approximately 10%), and multifactorial, unclassified, and undiagnosed causes (about 10%), e.g., development of ESRD in the context of a severe medical illness.

TABLE 25.1. Causes of kidney transplant failure

Death with function


Failure of the kidney


Allograft nephropathy/“chronic rejection” (Transplant glomerulopathy 5%)


Recurrent or de novo renal disease

(Including BK nephropathy 2%?)


Miscellaneous and mixed picture


(Unknown, multifactorial, end-stage renal disease in medical illnesses)

Technical and thrombosis


Outright rejection



The concept of chronic rejection arose when researchers realized that rejection sometimes followed a slow time course in animal models (4), and that one of the first human kidney transplants followed a slow progressive course over months (5). The latter case showed extensive obliterative arterial lesions and may have initiated the belief that all deteriorating kidneys have obliterative arterial lesions. Indeed, nephrectomy specimens usually do have very advanced obliterative lesions, but they have often been removed late after their failure, and the arterial lesions may have been late developments in a failed kidney, not causes of failure. Obliterative arterial lesions are seldom observed in biopsies of kidneys that are beginning to show loss of function.

The term chronic rejection was in regular use by the mid 1960s to denote a slow late rejection process (6), with proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome as a manifestation (7). Still later, the problem of transplant coronary artery disease appeared in heart transplants (8). Jeannet et al (9) described some cases in which alloantibodies were present in association with graft deterioration, and Pierce et al (8) described donor-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody in relationship to chronic rejection of human renal allografts.

Thus by the mid 1970s the main elements in a vague definition of chronic rejection had been described, elements that would persist for about 2 decades: slow deterioration, obliterative arterial changes, glomerulopathy, and a possible role for alloantibody. In addition, a number of investigators began to appreciate that early acute rejection was associated with an increased risk of late graft loss of unspecified pathology. This introduced a new concept that late deterioration was somehow an effect of early rejection. Rat models helped drive some of the concepts in this area, despite the fact that these models mainly develop focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), a lesion very distinct from human kidney deterioration of transplant glomerulopathy (TGP). Simply put, the relevance of rodent models of “chronic rejection” or “chronic allograft nephropathy” to human problems is not known and cannot be assumed.


From the mid 1990s many investigators concluded that the term chronic rejection was encrusted with different and even contradictory meanings that could not be shed, and that the term must be avoided. To some it meant a specific vascular lesion, to others all late graft loss, to yet others a glomerular disease with proteinuria. Many people used the term “chronic rejection” to mean that it may have something to do with rejection but without the need for any rigorous definition. For decades this was good enough: our focus was early rejection and improvement in early outcomes.

Some attempts at a rigorous definition simply underlined the problem. Once when attempting to construct a clinical trial, I defined chronic rejection as having four elements: dysfunction, steady progression (deteriorating at an arbitrary rate), proteinuria, and specific arterial lesions. We then went back to the renal transplant population and found that cases meeting the rigorously defined disease did not exist. Thus our belief system was not compatible with the behavior of the transplant population.

The multiple meanings of chronic rejection in the literature create a circle of confusion that could easily mean that two people using the term were describing fundamentally different processes. Part of the problem lies in the word chronic, which can mean late, persistent, slow, irreversible, or can imply certain pathologic features (fibrosis, atrophy). Strangely, chronic inflammation refers to the presence of lymphocytes and mononuclear cells. Thus acute rejection is chronic inflammation. But some used the term chronic rejection for cases that had no inflammation at all, only scarring and atrophy.

As we now focus on improving late outcomes, we must develop precise definitions of rejection and identify relatively homogeneous conditions. Rejection can occur early or late and can be rapid or slow in its course and can be antibody-mediated or T-cell-mediated. Our goal above all is to say what we mean in a way that everyone understands the terms.


Slowly investigators began to realize that the course of late deterioration was not relentless or predictable but actually erratic (10). Both the level of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the rate of previous loss of GFR correlate with the probability of kidney graft survival. A 30% chronic decline in inverse serum creatinine is a correlate of late renal allograft failure (11). As many non-immunologic population factors correlate with an increased risk of late graft deterioration, late graft loss can reflect nonimmunological influences (12), such as obstruction, infection, drug toxicity, and recurrent disease.

The Correlates of Long-term Survival: Lessons from the Populations

One of our big tasks in renal transplantation is to understand the pathology and the mechanism that underlie the behavior of the population. Long-term graft survival correlates with five key groups of factors (“the big five”) including donor age and tissue mass/quality, brain death and related factors, harvest preservation and implantation stress, rejection, and recipient factors. We will outline the data in this section and save the discussion of mechanisms and pathogenesis for the next section. The big five risk factors that are associated with increased risk of graft failure are outlined in Table 25.2.

In this section it is worth considering the difference between correlation and prediction. As pointed out by Meier-Kriesche and Kaplan (13), population parameters that
correlate with kidney transplant outcome are powerful but often of low predictive value. The word predict is often incorrectly used for correlate. Thus for example, in the posttransplant period, creatinine of GFR estimates correlate with subsequent graft survival but do not predict survival well for individuals. This is not a trivial point. Of course a low GFR correlates with increased risk of graft loss (or ESRD of any kind), because there is less reserve when something happens. But many people with low GFR remain stable indefinitely. Our contention that what causes graft loss is not what has gone on in the remote past, but what is going on now. That is why many parameters correlate with increased probability of loss, but do not predict graft loss for the individual.

TABLE 25.2. The big five: the population factors associated with kidney deterioration (death-censored graft survival)

Donor age and disease history

Old age, loss of mass, cellular senescence

Brain death and the live donor advantage

Preservation and implantation factors

Warm and cold preservation times

Cold stress

Anastomosis time


Rejection and its immunologic predictors

Human leukocyte antigen matching

Presensitization: panel-reactive antibody

Previous loss of transplant

Rejection episodes


Recipient environment

Cytomegalovirus and infectious agents



Recipient old age

Recipient young age

Diabetes mellitus

Donor Age and Other Donor Characteristics

The extremes of life give peaks of increased risks of failure of kidney transplants. Thus very young and old kidneys have increased risks of failure. The problems of transplanting very young kidneys are in part technical and in part biological. The problems of transplanting old kidneys are complex, and include the lower mass of such kidneys (fewer nephrons) and the fact that the nephrons are old, since the effects of donor age are far more powerful than the effects of kidney or donor size.

Kasiske et al defined the influence of old donor age on renal function in transplant recipients (14) but concluded that this did not affect graft survival. Nevertheless most studies find that the effect of donor age is primarily on function—either initial function or on function at some defined point, e.g., 6 months. Old donor kidneys also have an increased frequency of rejection, and an increased effect of rejection when it occurs. The principal effect of old donor age is probably on the ability of the kidney to withstand the peritransplant stresses. The old donor kidneys pose many problems that should be solved, not the least of which is which ones to transplant.

The older donor kidney is at increased risk of many adverse outcomes, including delayed graft function, poor peak function, and increased long-term risk of failure. The principal reason for failure is probably the poor GFR. When biopsied at 6 months these kidneys have a high frequency of fibrosis and atrophy (Fig. 25.1). It seems that the kidneys have poor ability to withstand the stresses of the transplant process: brain death, preservation, implantation, rejection, nephrotoxic drugs. In addition, they have lower mass even before the transplant due to age-related loss of nephrons.

Brain Death and the Live Donor Advantage

Live donors do better than cadaver donors by a significant margin, independent of HLA match (15). This is best seen in spousal transplants, in which the degree of HLA matching is very small. The 3-year survival rates were 85% for kidneys from spouses, 81% for kidneys from other living unrelated donors, 82% for kidneys from parents, and 70% for 43,341 cadaveric kidneys. The apparent benefit can be ascribed to the lack of brain death and the related stresses of resuscitation and intensive care, the lack of delay and preservation, and the increase in preparation and optimization.

Cold Ischemic Time, Preservation, Implantation, and the Role of Delayed Graft Function

Delayed graft function (DGF) is both an outcome and a risk for later bad outcomes. In a sense it is not a risk factor but simply an early indicator of the clinical course. DGF reflects all of the big five groups of factors associated with rejection:
donor age, brain death, preservation characteristics, rejection (sensitization, panel reactive antibody [PRA]), and recipient characteristics such as age and cardiac status. DGF is sometimes equated with ischemic injury to the kidney at the time of harvest and reimplantation. That is one element. However, DGF also reflects donor age, preservation, cold injury, osmotic stress, immediate effects of preformed antibody, and postoperative arterial spasm. DGF is a risk factor for graft loss, but only up until the kidney has fully recovered. Kidneys with DGF are more likely to be diagnosed and treated for rejection. Ischemic injury to the human kidney may result in a permanent lowering of the GFR, which could leave decreased renal reserve. DGF may increase the risk for acute graft rejection via enhanced alloimmune responses, but this element has probably been overemphasized.

FIG. 25.1. Older donor age is associated with lower 6-month estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (20).

It is unlikely that with the current organ shortage and long waiting times for cadaveric kidneys for there to be a reduction in the incidence of delayed function: the increasing reliance on older donors and “marginal” kidneys from patients with hypertension and other conditions suggests that we will continue to push the possibilities of getting injured tissue to work, rather than excluding it. With 50,000 people waiting for kidneys in the United States alone, few donor kidneys should be discarded; however, many of these suboptimal kidneys will have DGF.

The main point about DGF is that the kidney does not seem to remember it unless it leaves the kidney with poor function or severe rejection. The kidney that has excellent function and no rejection after an initial period of DGF seems to have the same outcomes as if it never had DGF. But if DGF in fact represents early antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR), for example, the kidney may be in for a stormy course.

Rejection: T-cell-mediated Rejection and Antibody-mediated Rejection

A number of measurements in the population reflect the operation of rejection mechanisms. Rejection episodes have an adverse effect on outcomes that is somewhat difficult to understand. If most rejection episodes are reversible, why should they affect outcomes? The impact of rejection episodes has actually increased in recent years (16), and most of the improvement in graft survival is in kidneys that did not experience rejection. Better ISDs correlate with less late graft failure: cyclosporine microemulsion and tacrolimus are associated with decreased late allograft failure and improved long-term graft survival as compared with the earlier formulation of cyclosporine (17). The introduction of mycophenolate mofetil to protocols using cyclosporine provided the first protocol that could reduce rejection rates below 20% in cadaver transplants and has been shown to protect against late graft loss and functional deterioration as well as late rejection (18,19). The key may be that a protocol of mycophenolate mofetil plus calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) reduces late renal allograft loss independent of early acute rejection because the real effect is in protection against late rejection events, both ABMR and T-cell-mediated rejection (TCMR) (18). We have shown that in renal transplants the stability of the estimated GFR (creatinine clearance by the Cockcroft-Gault formula) has improved in recent years and is now frequently positive (Fig. 25.2) (20). The implication is that the newer immunosuppressive protocols are preventing both early and late rejection, probably including ABMR.

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