Fig. 3.1
Frontal section at the level of the prostatic and proximal penile urethra
3.2.1 Organs of Emission
The epididymis is a long coiled tube of epithelial cells covered by connective tissue partly composed of smooth muscle cells. It consists of three parts: the expanded head (caput), the body (corpus), and the tail (cauda). Spermatozoa are produced in the seminiferous tubules of the testes and then translocated into the head of the epididymis. The spermatozoa in the seminiferous tubules and early epididymis are nonmotile but gain motion capacity after maturation (18–24 h) along the epididymis. Mature spermatozoa are stored in the tail of the epididymis and, as sexual arousal develops, are released in the contiguous seminal duct (ductus deferens). The volume of spermatozoa accounts for a very minor fraction (<0.1 %) of the total volume of the sperm.
Ductus deferens. The first portion of the ductus (or vas) deferens is very tortuous, but progressively becomes straighter. It passes through the inguinal canal and enters the pelvic cavity to join the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle, forming the ejaculatory duct. The ejaculatory duct traverses the prostate behind its middle lobe and opens into the prostatic portion of the urethra via the verumontanum (a 2–3 mm height intraluminal urethral crest in humans). As the ductus deferens reaches the posterior wall of the bladder base, it becomes enlarged to form the ampulla. Duringthe emission phase of ejaculation, strong peristaltic contractions of ductus deferens smooth muscle cells bring spermatozoa into the ejaculatory duct and then into the urethra where they are mixed with seminal fluids.
The seminal vesicles are a pair of tubular glands lying between the posterior wall of the bladder base and the rectum. Each vesicle is formed by a unique coiled tube which gives off multiple diverticulae and joins with the ductus deferens as it enters the prostate to form the ejaculatory duct. Epithelial cells that constitute the inner layer of the seminal vesicle are responsible for the secretion of 50–80 % of the entire ejaculatory volume. Seminal vesicle secretions are thick, alkaline, and contain substances providing the spermatozoa with a protective and nutritive environment. During the emission phase of ejaculation, seminal vesicle fluid is expelled into the prostatic urethra via the excretory duct following contractions of smooth muscle cells which compose the intermediate layer of the gland. The external coat is constituted of fibrous connective tissue which maintains the structure of the glands.
The prostate gland which is located between the bladder neck and the external urethral sphincter, consists of three distinct zones. The central zone surrounds the ejaculatory ducts and represents around 25 % of the gland size; the transitional zone surrounds the proximal urethra and accounts for approx. 5 % of the gland size; the peripheral zone surrounds the distal urethra and accounts for up to 70 % of the prostate size. The structure of the prostate consists in branching glandular formations composed of epithelial cells that spread out into a matrix of fibromuscular stroma. A fibrous capsule encloses the gland preventing it to enlarge outwards. The prostate produces 15–30 % of the total volume of sperm. Prostatic secretions are milky, slightly alkaline, and enhance spermatozoa survival. During the emission phase of ejaculation, muscular elements of the gland contract and eject the secretions into the prostatic urethra via the prostatic ducts and the utricle opening into the verumontanum.
The bulbourethral or Cowper’s glands are located posterolaterally to the membranous portion of the urethra at the level of the urogenital diaphragm. They are closely invested by a layer of striated muscle, namely bulboglandularis. Bulbourethral gland excretory ducts extend forward through the urogenital diaphragm and open into the cavernous urethra. Bulbourethral clear thick secretions are poured into the urethra as sexual arousal increases. Their role is dual: neutralizing urine acidic residues and lubricating the urethra before sperm passes through.
3.2.2 Anatomical Structures Participating in Expulsion
The bladder neck and the urethra play an important role in the occurrence of ejaculation. The bladder neck corresponds to the area where bladder and urethra connect and is composed of smooth muscle cells forming a circular collar which extends distally to encircle the proximal part of the urethra. The male urethra is a fibromuscular tube that extends from the bladder neck to the external urethral orifice, i.e., the meatus, and is divided into three portions, the prostatic, membranous, and penile (or spongy) portions. Upon the posterior wall of the prostatic urethra is the verumontanum where the orifice of the prostatic ducts and utricle, and the slit-like openings of the ejaculatory ducts are found. The inner layer of the urethra is a mucous membrane continuing the bladder mucous membrane and protecting subjacent epithelial cells from urine corrosion. The morphology of the epithelial cells evolves from transitional (prostatic urethra) to pseudostratified (membranous and proximal penile portions), and finally to stratified squamous (distal penile portion). Within the wall of the membranous urethra is the intrinsic striated muscle (external urethral sphincter or rhabdosphincter) which consists of an inner layer of smooth muscle bundles continuous proximally with those of the prostatic urethra, and an outer layer of circularly orientated striated muscle fibers. Strong contraction of the bladder neck prevents semen to flow backward in the bladder (retrograde ejaculation) and relaxation, preceded by rhythmic contractions, of the external urethral sphincter facilitates flowing of semen through the urethra in an anterograde way.
Perineal striated muscles. The pelvic floor striated muscles, and more particularly the bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles, have a major role in the expulsion of semen from the urethra. The bulbospongiosus muscle encompasses the median part of the penile root (bulb). The muscle arises from the perineal body and from a central tendinous raphe and passes around the bulb to attach to the perineal membrane and dorsum of the penis. The ischiocavernosus muscles surround the lateral roots of the penis (crura). They arise from the medial surface of the ischial tuberosity and the ischiopubic ramus and insert on the corpus cavernosum and crura of the penis. Intense rhythmic contractions of those muscles during the expulsion phase of ejaculation compress the spongy urethra and corpus cavernosum leading to pulsatile expulsion of semen and providing further rigidity to the penis. Moreover, intense contractions of those muscles likely contribute to the orgasmic feeling in the human male.
All the anatomical structures listed above receive specific autonomic (both sympathetic and parasympathetic for most of them) and somatic innervations that drive messages for synchronized functioning of the organs involved in ejaculation.
3.3 Peripheral Neural Pathways
3.3.1 Afferents
The dorsal nerve of the penis, a sensory branch of the pudendal nerve, carries impulses to thoracic, lumbar, and sacral segments of the spinal cord from sensory receptors harbored in the penile skin, prepuce, and glans [39, 77]. Encapsulated receptors (Krause-Finger corpuscles) have been found in the glans but the majority of afferent terminals are represented by free nerve endings [32]. Stimulation of the Krause-Finger corpuscles, which can be potentiated by sensory information coming from various peripheral areas such as penile shaft, perineum, and testes, facilitates the ejaculatory reflex. In various mammalian species, a relatively sparse sensory innervation of ductus deferens, prostate, and urethra has been evidenced which reaches the lumbosacral spinal cord via the pudendal nerve [40, 81]. A second afferent pathway is constituted by fibers travelling along the hypogastric nerve and, after passing through the paravertebral lumbosacral sympathetic chain, enters the spinal cord via thoracolumbar dorsal roots [8]. Sensory afferents terminate in the medial dorsal horn and the dorsal grey column of the spinal cord [62, 102].
3.3.2 Efferents
The soma of the preganglionic sympathetic neurons are located in the intermediolateral cell column and in the central autonomic region (dorsal gray column) of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar segments of the spinal cord [69, 75]. The sympathetic fibers, emerging from the spinal column via the ventral roots, relay in the paravertebral sympathetic chain. In the majority of mammalian species, the fibers then proceed whether directly via the splanchnic nerves or after relaying in the celiac superior mesenteric ganglia via the intermesenteric nerves to the inferior mesenteric ganglia [79] or superior hypogastric plexus in humans. Emanating from the inferior mesenteric ganglia are the hypogastric nerves that form, after joining the parasympathetic pelvic nerve, the pelvic plexus from which arise fibers innervating the anatomical structures involved in ejaculation.
The cell bodies of the preganglionic parasympathetic neurons are located in the intermediolateral cell column of the sacral (lumbosacral in rodents) segments of the spinal cord, i.e., sacral parasympathetic nucleus (SPN) [74]. The SPN neurons send projections, travelling in the pelvic nerve, to the postganglionic cells located in the pelvic plexus (or inferior hypogastric plexus). Postganglionic parasympathetic neurons fibers follow the course of the blood vessels to reach the pelvic organs participating in ejaculation.
Efferents of somatic motoneurons, cell bodies of which are found at the lumbosacral spinal level (sacral level in the human male) in the Onuf’s nucleus, exit the ventral horn of the medulla and proceed via the motor branch of the pudendal nerve to the pelvic floor striated muscles, including bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles [87].
3.4 Functional Considerations
The composition of the seminal fluid is complex and contains, besides spermatozoa, a variety of enzymes, sugars, lipids, oligo-elements, and other substances. This mixture provides spermatozoa with a nutritive and protective milieu promoting their survival and movement during their course through the female reproductive tract to the ovule. In human males, the fluid is released from the glands in a specific sequence during ejaculation. The first portion of the ejaculate consists of a small amount of fluid from the bulbourethral/Cowper’s glands. This is followed by a low-viscosity opalescent fluid from the prostate containing a few spermatozoa. Then the principal portion of the ejaculate is expelled which contains the highest concentration of spermatozoa, along with secretions from the epididymis as well as prostatic and seminal vesicle fluids. The last fraction of the ejaculate consists of seminal vesicle secretions.
3.4.1 Sensory Nervous System
Sensory inputs have been shown sufficient to elicit expulsion reflex or even complete ejaculatory response (forceful expulsion of semen). In an experimental paradigm developed in anesthetized rats with complete transection of the spinal cord at T8 level, urethral distension by accumulating liquid infused into the urethra elicited rhythmic contractions of bulbospongiosus muscles [63]. In anesthetized and intact rats, pudendal nerve (motor branch innervating bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles) firing was elicited in response to electrical stimulation of the dorsal nerve of the penis and pelvic nerve which convey sensory information from penis and urethrogenital tract, respectively [38].
In humans also, contractions of bulbospongiosus muscles identified with electromyographic electrodes were evidenced following electrostimulation of the penile dorsal nerve, mechanical distension of the posterior urethra, and magnetostimulation of the sacral roots [76, 78, 90]. These procedures can be used to evaluate the integrity of the reflex arc controlling expulsion and have also served as a basis for developing a method that produces ejaculation in patient with neurogenic anejaculation. This method, namely penile vibratory stimulation, consists in placing a vibration-delivering device on the glans of the penis, either the dorsum or frenulum, and applying 2.5 mm amplitude vibrations at an optimal frequency of 100 Hz for 5–15 min [13, 94]. Penile vibratory stimulation leads to complete ejaculatory response in a significant number of men with spinal cord injury [13].
3.4.2 Autonomic Nervous System
The importance of the autonomic nervous system in regulating the ejaculatory response is well documented. All of the organs participating in ejaculation receive a dense autonomic innervation composed of sympathetic and parasympathetic axons mainly originating in the pelvic plexus. The ganglia of the pelvic plexus, that are dispersed in amongst the pelvic organs in most animal species, contain fibers from both pelvic and hypogastric nerves and from the caudal paravertebral sympathetic chain [42]. In addition to adrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms of regulation of ejaculation, non-adrenergic/non-cholinergic (NANC) factors including ATP [4, 36, 70], neuropeptide Y (NPY; [31, 109], vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP; [24, 25], and NO [16, 25] have been shown to have a direct participation in the peripheral control of ejaculation.
Both sympathetic and parasympathetic tones act in a synergistic fashion to initiate seminal emission by activating respectively smooth muscle contraction and epithelial secretion throughout the seminal tract.
From experimental studies carried out in different animal species, it has been demonstrated that activation of the sympathetic nervous system, whether by stimulating sympathetic nerves (hypogastric or splanchnic) or using sympathomimetic agents, elicited strong contractile responses in the ducti deferens [43, 45], seminal vesicle [27, 100], prostate [47, 105], and urethra [47]. Contractions induced by sympathetic nerve stimulation were blocked, only partially in ducti deferens and seminal vesicle [96], by α1 adrenergic antagonists [45]. The functional role of parasympathetic cholinergic fibers conveyed by the pelvic nerves is still not fully defined likely because of the differences in gross and microscopic anatomy of the prostate among species that do not allow straightforward extrapolation between animals.
Contractions of the ductus deferens in rodents [45, 48], prostate [105], and urethra [23] in dogs were elicited by electrical stimulation of the pelvic nerves, although no appreciable emission of fluid was observed [105]. Pharmacological evidence relating to a cholinergic mechanism for both contraction and secretion of prostate and seminal vesicle exist [71, 92, 100]. Essentially, these glands were activated by cholinomimetic compounds acting on muscarinic receptors [50]. Altogether, the results of pelvic nerve stimulation and pharmacological cholinergic activation led to suggest—and converse to the conventional view of the organization of pelvic autonomic pathways—that sympathetic innervation to the prostate includes both adrenergic and cholinergic components.
In addition to adrenergic and cholinergic commands, peptidergic and purinergic regulations have been demonstrated in laboratory animals although the precise mechanisms remain to be clarified. Several lines of evidence have shown that VIP and NPY participate in contraction and secretion of prostate and seminal vesicle [71, 93, 96] by apparently modulating noradrenaline release [97]. The same regulatory role has been reported for NPY in ductus deferens contractions [97]. Finally, ATP, the main endogenous purine, was found to act as a cotransmitter with noradrenaline to produce prostatic [103], seminal vesicle [65], and ductus deferens [2] contractions.
In humans, disruption of sympathetic pathways supplying the bladder neck, ductus deferens, and prostate is widely accepted to be the cause of postoperative anejaculation or retrograde ejaculation [61, 106]. The essential role of sympathetic innervation is best illustrated by surgical strategies that, by sparing sympathetic efferents, successfully preserve normal ejaculatory function in patients who have undergone retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for testicular cancer or resection for rectal cancer [84, 99]. In addition, in paraplegic men whose ability to ejaculate is commonly severely impaired, semen was obtained upon electrical stimulation of the hypogastric plexus [15]. As far as we know, there is no clear clinical evidence for a functional role of parasympathetic innervation in the ejaculatory process.
3.4.3 Somatic Nervous System
The expulsion phase of ejaculation is commanded by the somatic nervous system though it is a reflex mechanism with no voluntary control. Forceful propulsion of semen out of the urethra via the glans meatus is caused by rhythmic contractions of pelvi perineal muscles. Owing to the fact that relatively non invasive measurement of pelvi perineal muscle activity is possible in humans, the expulsion phase has been shown to be characterized by synchronous activation of ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus and levator ani muscles, anal and urethral external sphincters [11, 28]. The contractions are regular, with an interburst interval starting at approx. 0.6 s and increasing by about 100 ms for each subsequent interburst interval. The typical number of bursts of contractions varies from 10 to 15 depending on the subject although each subject’s pattern of contractions is reproducible [11]. In case of lesion of the pudendal nerves, as it may occur after trauma [30] or neuropathy related to diabetes [104], retrograde and/or dribbling ejaculation is observed. Besides being important for the expulsion of sperm, rhythmic contractions of pelviperineal muscles seem associated with the orgasmic feeling inseparable from ejaculation (except in rare pathophysiological conditions like anorgasmia).
3.4.4 The Trigger for Expulsion
The initial phase of ejaculation (emission) develops as autonomic pathways are activated due to increasing sexual arousal and peripheral sex-related stimuli. What triggers the expulsion phase is unclear, however. The “pressure chamber” hypothesis by Marberger [54] states that accumulation of seminal emission within the proximal penile urethra (bulbous urethra), because of closed urethral proximal and distal sphincters, until a threshold level is reached triggers pelvi perineal striated muscle contractions which, together with external (distal) urethral sphincter episodic relaxation and continuous bladder neck (proximal sphincter) contraction, propels sperm anterogradely. This hypothesis has however to be reassessed in view of the large body of contradictory data collected in laboratory animals and men (for review see [52]. The major argument is the observation that pharmacological inhibition of emission by adrenergic blockers or lack of emission following selective nerve injury or radical prostatectomy does not prevent pelvi perineal muscle contractions with a similar pattern than in the normal condition [9, 10, 28]. The occurrence of expulsion in absence of emission (known as dry ejaculation) clearly indicates that other mechanisms not related to the pressure chamber concept can trigger the expulsion phase of ejaculation. These mechanisms involve specific spinal cord and brain elements.
3.5 Central Network
Synchronization of the activity of autonomic and somatic nervous systems, which is necessary for complete ejaculatory response to occur, takes place in the spinal cord with specific brain structures having a key role.
3.5.1 Spinal Cord
The soma of the neurons controlling the peripheral events of ejaculation are distributed in the thoracolumbar and sacral (lumbosacral in rodents) spinal cord as described in Sect. 3.3 (Fig. 3.2). Another spinal structure characterized in the male rat plays the role of a spinal generator for ejaculation (SGE) [101]. SGE is composed of cells that are located around the central canal, in laminae X and VII (medial part) of the lumbar segments 3 and 4 and that contain galanin, cholecystokinin, and enkephalin [22]. One component of the SGE, referred to lumbar spinothalamic (LSt) cells, connects to the parvicellular subparafascicular nucleus of the thalamus (SPFp). SGE neurons expressing galanin and/or neurokinin-1 receptors (SP preferential receptor) also project to the sympathetic and parasympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating the prostate as well as to the motoneurons of the dorsomedial nucleus innervating the bulbospongiosus muscle (Fig. 3.3; [107, 108]). In addition, fibers of the sensory branch of the pudendal nerve terminate close to LSt cells [62], although a direct connection remains to be demonstrated and their nature is unknown. One question still to be answered is about brain influence on SGE. Direct supraspinal projections onto SGE neurons have not been described to date although functional investigations provide evidence of brain outputs triggering ejaculation, likely by activating SGE (Clement et al. [18, 19, 44]. Finally, investigations in anesthetized male rats have demonstrated that electrical stimulation of SGE elicits a complete ejaculatory response allowing the collection of motile spermatozoa [12]. Altogether these data support a crucial role for LSt cells in orchestrating autonomic and somatic spinal centers. A plausible mechanism is that both peripheral and brain stimulatory and inhibitory outputs are summated in SGE and, once an excitatory threshold is reached, a programed sequence is generated and activates autonomic and somatic spinal centers to produce ejaculation. Integrity of these spinal nuclei is necessary and sufficient for the expression of ejaculation as demonstrated by the induction of ejaculation after peripheral, spinal, or pharmacological stimulation in animals with spinal cord transection and men suffering from spinal cord injury [12, 13, 63, 95].

Fig. 3.2
Schematic view of the spinal network of ejaculation. The spinal generator for ejaculation (SGE) projects to (i) thoracolumbar sympathetic centres (DGC, IML) (ii) lumbosacral parasympathetic centers (SPN), and (iii) lumbosacral somatic center (Onuf’s nucleus). Those autonomic and somatic spinal centers innervate the seminal tract and pelviperineal muscles participating in ejaculation. The SGE also projects to a thalamic structure; the parvicellular subparafascicular nucleus (SPFp)

Fig. 3.3
Confocal microscope photographs of section of male rat third lumbar spinal segment (lamina X). Retrogradely transported and transynaptically migrating pseudo-rabbies viruses (PRV) of two different strains were injected into the bulbospongiosus (BS) muscle (green signal) and the prostate (red signal). Neurons immunoreactive (IR) for the neuropeptide galanin (blue signal) were detected on the same spinal cord section. Triple-labelled neurons (white colored) indicated with arrow on the merged image project to both BS muscle and prostate and contain galanin. Adapted from [108]

Fig. 3.4
Schematic view of the brain network of ejaculation. Abbreviations: BNSTpm—bed nucleus of the stria terminalis posteromedial; Gi—gigantocellular; MeApd—medial amygdala posterodorsal; MPOA—medial preoptic area; PAG—periaqueductal grey; PD—posterodorsal preoptic; PVN—hypothalamic paraventricular; SPFp—subparafascicular parvicellular. See details in the text
3.5.2 Brain
As a centrally integrated and highly coordinated process, ejaculation involves cerebral sensory areas and motor centers which are tightly interconnected. Animal Data
The use of Fos protein expression as a marker for neuronal activity together with well designed behavioral paradigms has been helpful for the identification of brain structures specifically involved in ejaculation [33, 34]. As a whole, experimental data collected in different species strongly suggest the existence of a cerebral network specifically related to ejaculation that is activated whatever the preceding copulatory activity, i.e., mounts and intromissions in rats. The brain structures belonging to this cerebral network comprise discrete regions located within the posteromedial bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNSTpm), the posterodorsal medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeApd), the posterodorsal preoptic nucleus (PNpd), and the parvicellular part of the subparafascicular thalamus (SPFp). Reciprocal connections between those substructures and the medial preoptic area (MPOA) of the hypothalamus, a brain area known as essential in controlling sexual behavior [64], has been reported in anatomical and functional studies [20, 34].
The pivotal role of MPOA in ejaculation has been documented in several experiments where both emission and expulsion phases of ejaculation were abolished after MPOA lesion [5] and elicited after chemical [37, 80] or electrical [49, 57] stimulations of this brain area. Neuroanatomical studies failed to reveal the existence of direct connections between the MPOA and the spinal ejaculatory centers (autonomic or somatic nuclei or SGE). However, it was shown that MPOA projects to other brain regions involved in ejaculation such as the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVN) [91], the periaqueductal gray (PAG) [85], and the paragigantocellular nucleus (nPGi) [73]. The PVN has long been known as a key site for neuroendocrine and autonomic integration [99]. Parvocellular neurons of the PVN directly innervate autonomic preganglionic neurons in the lumbosacral spinal cord [53, 86] and pudendal motoneurons located in the L5–L6 spinal segment in rats [62]. PVN also sends direct projection to nPGi in the brainstem [7]. Bilateral chemical lesion of the PVN with NMDA was associated with 30 % reduction in the weight of the seminal material expressed [1]. Retrograde and anterograde tracing studies have shown that SPFp sends projections to BNST, MeA, and MPOA [17, 39] and receives inputs from LSt cells [22], suggesting a pivotal role for SPFp. The other forebrain structures which have been proposed, based on Fos protein patterns of expression, to take part in regulation of the ejaculatory process in rats are MeA, BNST, and PNpd [20, 33]. Their precise roles remain unclear but they are very likely involved in integration and relay of sexual cues (auditory, olfactory, and visual) and genital sensory signals to the MPOA.

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