Red flags: When to refer for constipation
- Poor unresponsive to initial therapy
- Abdominal distension
- Dilated bowel loops on plain radiography
- Suspected neuropathic bowel or pseudo-obstruction
Information: Hirschsprung’s disease
This is a congenital aganglionosis of the Auerbach plexus and Meissner plexus of a variable length of the bowel, 70% have short segment disease, i.e. distal to the descending colon.
Presenting features
- Neonatal-onset constipation, often with features of bowel obstruction
- Delayed passage of meconium (>48 hours) in a term infant
- Enterocolitis
- Severe constipation with onset in the neonatal period and that is unresponsive to standard therapy, e.g. requiring suppositories or enemas
Examination findings