Vesicoureteral Reflux
Until the 1980s, the treatment for reflux was dominated by ureteral reimplantation, with cure rates approaching 98%. However, multicenter studies have since shown that not all reflux is created equally. Lower grades (I to II) of reflux have high spontaneous resolution rates, and these patients could be followed at least initially with observation or medical management with continuous low-dose prophylactic antibiotics and yearly reassessment. Higher grades of reflux (III to V) are associated with a higher incidence of renal scarring and lower rates of spontaneous resolution and warrant closer follow-up. These findings have led to a field change in management of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR).
Surgical correction of reflux has been shown to decrease the incidence of urinary tract infection (UTI) but may not prevent progression of reflux nephropathy when present. Reflux in the presence of sterile urine in general does not cause renal damage, although reflux in the presence of UTI and/or lower urinary tract obstruction can lead to renal scarring.
Boys, in general, present with higher reflux grades than girls of the same age and are more likely to develop a UTI, but boys also have a higher spontaneous resolution rate compared to girls. Studies showing that circumcised boys with low grades of reflux rarely get UTIs have led to a nonoperative algorithm in this group of patients. Circumcision can be offered to boys with reflux as a protective measure.
Reflux is commonly linked with voiding dysfunction in children. Screening assessment for any signs of abnormal voiding patterns (wetness, urgency, constipation, penile pain, dysuria, holding maneuvers) should be performed in all potty-trained children diagnosed with reflux. Recent evidence has shown high spontaneous cure rates for refluxing children when bladder bowel dysfunction is treated with urodynamics and biofeedback techniques. Conversely, children with significant voiding dysfunction have higher failure rates than those with normal bladder function, particularly when endoscopic bulking agents are used (1). While most cases of reflux are congenital in nature and considered primary reflux, increased intravesical pressure due to anatomic bladder outlet obstruction (posterior urethral valves) or functional causes such as neuropathic bladder/voiding dysfunction can lead to what is termed secondary reflux. Patients suspected of having secondary causes of VUR need further assessment prior to intervention.
Sampson (2) in the early 1900s proposed a flap-valve mechanism for the ureterovesical junction that was corroborated by Gruber (3), who found that those ureters with shorter intravesical segments were more prone to have reflux and therefore have a defective flap-valve mechanism. Stephens and Lenaghan (4) added that the deficiency of the intravesical ureter’s longitudinal muscle with or without a deficiency in ureteral tunnel length was also responsible for the reflux phenomenon. From a surgical perspective, we have learned that a 5:1 ratio of ureteral tunnel length to ureteral lumen diameter is necessary to prevent reflux. Care must be taken to mobilize the ureter such that the repair is not under tension, a straight trajectory through the bladder wall is maintained, that the ureter is sufficiently spatulated to prevent meatal stenosis, and that the blood supply is preserved throughout the dissection. Certainly meticulous technique is required to minimize trauma to the tissue. These guiding principles are fundamental to successful surgical correction of VUR.
Today, thanks in great part to widespread use of antenatal screening, reflux is often diagnosed prior to the development of a urinary infection. As a result, pyelonephritis and subsequent renal scarring may be avoided by promptly beginning antibiotic prophylaxis after delivery. Prenatal ultrasound (US) findings suspicious for VUR include bilateral hydronephrosis, bladder thickening, and/or ureterectasis, all of which should prompt postnatal voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) study to rule out reflux. The remainder of patients will be discovered after workup for UTI. Presenting symptoms in neonates can be nebulous and may include malaise, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, or failure to thrive. Toddlers and young children may have more typical symptoms, such as fever, frequency, urgency, dysuria, foul-smelling urine, incontinence, or abdominal and/or back discomfort. Once reflux is diagnosed, it is graded according to the International Study Classification (Fig. 92.1) (5). This system is based on the radiographic appearance of the ureter and collecting system during a VCUG. Follow-up studies to assess for resolution or progression are in general done using either VCUG or nuclear cystography at yearly intervals for low-grade reflux or longer intervals for higher grade reflux.
In 2011, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) updated its guidelines for UTI workup in children ages 2 to 24 months (6). These guidelines do not apply to newborns and children outside these age ranges. It is critical that a urine culture and urinalysis be obtained in all cases of suspected UTI or workup for fever of unknown origin. A urinalysis alone is unacceptable as it only alludes to the presence of UTI and at best is only 80% accurate in diagnosis. On urinalysis, pyuria suggests an acute infection (along with positive leukocyte esterase and nitrite), whereas a positive culture is now defined as >50,000 colony-forming units per mL. According to the AAP guidelines, US of the kidneys and bladder is indicated after the first UTI. VCUG is obtained for bilateral hydronephrosis, bladder thickening, renal scarring, or evidence of obstruction. Otherwise, it is reserved for patients that develop a second febrile UTI. VCUG study at initial UTI remains a controversial topic as the American Urological Association clinical guidelines leave this as an alternative for the clinician.
A major contention with the AAP guidelines is reserving VCUG study until there is either an abnormal US or the development of a second UTI. The sensitivity of US for detecting renal scarring in the literature ranges from 22% to 65%, which certainly questions US as the screening tool of choice (7). Although this approach decreases the number of children undergoing invasive testing, it potentially delays intervention and definitive therapy in those who would benefit from it (8). AAP guidelines currently do not include recommendations for 99mTc-labeled dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scan even though it remains the best available study to assess focal pyelonephritis and renal scarring.
The “top-down approach” is an alternative to the given algorithm and limits VCUG study to patients with evidence of renal damage (pyelonephritis, renal dysplasia, renal scarring). Patient evaluation after first febrile UTI consists of US and a DMSA scan to determine if the kidney has been engaged in the infection. If the scan is negative, then a VCUG can be obviated. Proponents for this approach cite a 50% decrease in invasive testing for what will likely be clinically insignificant reflux. Although this is an attractive option, a second febrile UTI would still warrant evaluation with a VCUG.
Cystoscopy has little value in predicting the presence or cessation of reflux based on ureteral orifice configuration or location. Factors such as tunnel length or the presence of incomplete versus complete duplication anomalies will guide the surgeon to choose an appropriate technique, open or endoscopic. PIC cystogram (positioning the instilled contrast at the ureteral orifice) is rarely indicated but may be useful in patients with recurrent febrile UTI in the absence of VUR on VCUG (9).
Screening for reflux in asymptomatic siblings should be limited to renal bladder US, reserving VCUG for children with an abnormal US (10). The majority of asymptomatic reflux discovered in siblings spontaneously resolves.
Indications for surgical correction of VUR include the following:
Older patient with clinically significant reflux
Breakthrough UTI
Persistent high grade of reflux (III to V)
Presence of renal scarring or decreased function
Noncompliance with prophylaxis
Family concerns for repeated invasive testing and long-term prophylaxis
Findings from the International Reflux Study in Children lend support toward surgical intervention in grade III and IV reflux, with the majority of these patients failing to resolve their reflux (11). Other studies have supported these findings, with rates of resolution of reflux ranging from 10% to 33% in patients with grade IV reflux (12,13). Surgery is in general recommended for grade V reflux because of the low likelihood of spontaneous resolution. Recurrent breakthrough urinary infection while on adequate antibiotic prophylaxis is the sine qua non for surgical intervention because otherwise these children are at high risk for recurrent pyelonephritis and renal damage.
There are several factors that must be taken into consideration for appropriate management of VUR and should be individualized to the patient: reflux grade, degree of renal scarring, volume at onset of reflux, patient age, presence or absence of bladder outlet obstruction, compliance of the patient/family on prophylactic antibiotics, ability to remain infection-free while on prophylaxis, and presence/absence of associated bladder and bowel dysfunction. Reflux may spontaneously resolve, the majority of which occurs by 5 to 7 years of age. There is
an inverse relationship between reflux grade and likelihood of spontaneous resolution; the lower the grade of reflux and younger age of diagnosis, the higher the likelihood for spontaneous resolution. Boys are more likely to resolve than girls, and unilateral reflux is statistically more likely to resolve than bilateral reflux. Medical management consists of daily lowdose antibiotic prophylaxis, usually a sulfa-based compound or nitrofurantoin at bedtime. In addition to antibiotics, bladder training with biofeedback in cases of dysfunctional voiding is instituted. This is designed to improve bladder emptying at regular intervals, obviate bladder-sphincter dyssynergia, and maintain a minimal postvoid residual. This may require a variety of teaching aids and the use of pharmacotherapy such as anticholinergics and/or alpha antagonists. Equally important is to improve bowel function in the presence of constipation.
an inverse relationship between reflux grade and likelihood of spontaneous resolution; the lower the grade of reflux and younger age of diagnosis, the higher the likelihood for spontaneous resolution. Boys are more likely to resolve than girls, and unilateral reflux is statistically more likely to resolve than bilateral reflux. Medical management consists of daily lowdose antibiotic prophylaxis, usually a sulfa-based compound or nitrofurantoin at bedtime. In addition to antibiotics, bladder training with biofeedback in cases of dysfunctional voiding is instituted. This is designed to improve bladder emptying at regular intervals, obviate bladder-sphincter dyssynergia, and maintain a minimal postvoid residual. This may require a variety of teaching aids and the use of pharmacotherapy such as anticholinergics and/or alpha antagonists. Equally important is to improve bowel function in the presence of constipation.
Once the decision is made for surgical intervention, there are a myriad of operative procedures available depending on one’s preference and comfort level. The existing techniques are divided into endoscopic injection: the open approach via extravesical, intravesical, or a combination of the two; and the minimally invasive correction.
Endoscopic Surgery
Teflon was the first bulking agent used for endoscopic correction of reflux. Although the results were encouraging, later studies showed that there was migration of the Teflon particles to the lung, lymph nodes, and brain as well as the finding of granuloma formation; this resulted in the search for more biocompatible bulking agents (14). These have included both autologous agents (fat, blood, human collagen, bladder muscle cells, and ChondroGEL) and nonautologous agents (silicone, BioGlass, polyvinyl alcohol, and dextranomer microspheres). Deflux (dextranomer microspheres) has emerged as the agent of choice for bulking agents and at present is the sole agent approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Endoscopic surgery technique for reflux will be discussed in another chapter.
Extravesical Approach
Lich (15) and Gregoir (16) in the 1960s separately developed the extravesical approach to correct reflux. Further modifications of this approach have yielded success equal to that of the intravesical techniques (17). The benefits of this procedure are several: (a) The surgery is performed entirely outside of the bladder mucosa and as such avoids gross hematuria and irritable postoperative voiding problems such as urgency and bladder spasms, (b) catheter drainage of the bladder is brief, (c) wound drains are avoided, and (d) ureteral stents are eliminated. A further advantage of this technique is that hospital stay is brief, averaging 1.5 days in our hands, thus decreasing overall hospital costs.
The patient is placed in the supine position, and the bladder is catheterized on the field and filled to about one-third to onehalf of its estimated capacity with sterile saline. This facilitates dissection of the detrusor muscle from the mucosa. The bladder may be further filled or emptied throughout the procedure. The surgical procedure begins similarly to the intravesical approach with a Pfannenstiel incision. A Dennis-Browne retractor is then placed over moistened gauze pads, and the bladder is carefully mobilized and rotated anteromedially, exposing the perivesical space. Care should be taken to avoid entering the peritoneum during this maneuver. Placing an appropriate-sized Deaver retractor to help keep the rotated bladder in place will greatly facilitate locating the obliterated hypogastric vessel. This vessel is tied off with 3-0 polyglycolic acid suture, and the most lateral tie is tagged to help expose the ureter, which lies just beneath this vessel. In cases of bilateral detrusorrhaphy, the obliterated hypogastric vessel need not be tied off but simply recognized for ease of finding the underlying ureter. The detrusor innervation courses posteromedial to the ureter and care must be taken to limit dissection in this part of the bladder. This minimal dissection technique as described, as well as limiting the dissection of the extravesical submucosal tunnel, may help prevent significant denervation and avoid postoperative urinary retention. The ureter is carefully mobilized and encircled with a vessel loop (Fig. 92.2). The ureter is freed up to its entry point into the bladder. During this maneuver, the Deaver retractors may need to be reset to keep the ureter in the middle of the operative field. A tennis racket incision is made around the ureteral detrusor hiatus and deepened until the ureter is only attached to the mucosa. The detrusorotomy is then extended to create a 3- to 5-cm trough. It is helpful to place stay sutures of 3-0 polyglycolic acid on the detrusor edges to facilitate dissection of the detrusor muscle off the mucosa. All vessels encountered during this dissection are tied off with 4-0 or 3-0 polyglycolic acid suture, and great care is exercised to avoid making a rent in the bladder (Fig. 92.3). If this occurs, immediately close the defect with the 6-0 chromic catgut. The dissection should be generous enough to lay the ureter in the newly created trough and permit the detrusor muscle to be closed over the ureter without too much tension. To complete the detrusorotomy, dissection is extended toward the bladder neck beyond the distalmost detrusor incision to allow placement of the advancement sutures. The first limb of the two sutures is through the detrusor (outsidein), entering at the distal limit of the trigonal musculature and exiting in the plane between the mucosa and detrusor. The second limb of the suture is placed through the ureteral muscle, and the final limb of the suture is back through the detrusor (inside-out). Tying the pair of “vest- type” sutures advances the ureter on the trigone, creating a longer submucosal tunnel, and anchors the ureteral orifice distally, preventing proximal migration of the ureter (Fig. 92.4). The remaining detrusor defect is
closed over the ureter in two layers; the first is a running layer and the second is an interrupted Lembert suture, both using 4-0 polyglycolic acid suture. Care must be exercised to avoid making the ureteral hiatus too snug. The exit point for the ureter should be able to admit a hemostat between the detrusor and the ureter easily (Fig. 92.5). No perivesical drains or ureteral stents are used, and the Foley catheter is removed the following morning.
closed over the ureter in two layers; the first is a running layer and the second is an interrupted Lembert suture, both using 4-0 polyglycolic acid suture. Care must be exercised to avoid making the ureteral hiatus too snug. The exit point for the ureter should be able to admit a hemostat between the detrusor and the ureter easily (Fig. 92.5). No perivesical drains or ureteral stents are used, and the Foley catheter is removed the following morning.

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