Fig. 10.1
Endoscopic view of a marginal ulcer (image provided courtesy of Christopher C. Thompson, MD, MSc, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School)
Incidence and Predisposing Factors
The incidence of marginal ulceration after gastric bypass ranges from 0.6% to as high as 16%, and could underestimate the true frequency, because endoscopy is not usually performed in asymptomatic patients [1–5]. Furthermore, in patients treated empirically with antacids, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors (PPI), the marginal ulcer may heal, and the result of endoscopic examination will then be normal. Lee et al. retrospectively reviewed a total of 1,079 patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms after RYGB who were referred for endoscopy [6]. The incidence of marginal ulceration was 15.8% among symptomatic patients compared with 1.1% in all operated patients.
This variable incidence depends in part on the surgical technique: the type of gastric bypass—divided vs. nondivided; the route—antecolic vs. retrocolic; the type of anastomosis—hand sewn, linear stapled, or circular stapled; the orientation of the pouch; the experience of the surgeon; and the suture material used—absorbable vs. nonabsorbable [1, 5, 7–19] (see Table 10.1).
Table 10.1
Relationship of technique and incidence of marginal ulcer after RYGB
Author | n | Study | Technical characteristics | Marginal ulcer incidence | Time of presen-tation months | Follow-up months | |||
Roux limb | Gastrojejunal anastomosis | Pouch (mL) | Others | Mean (range) | Mean (range) | ||||
Dallal et al. [1] | 201 | Prospective | Antecolic | Linear stapled | 10–15 | Laparoscopic | 3.5% | 7.4 (3–14) | 19.8 (6–28) |
Pope et al. [7] | 158 | Retrospective | Retrocolic | Linear stapled: 4 rows vs. 8 rows | 15 | Laparoscopic | Overall 16.5%a | 1.7 | >24 |
10% vs. 55%a | |||||||||
Schirmer et al. [8] | 560 | Retrospective | Retrocolic | Hand sewn or 25 mm circular stapler | NR | Open or laparoscopic | Overall 5.2% | NR | NR |
Non-separated or separated pouch | 2.4% (HP test) | ||||||||
6.8% (no test) | |||||||||
Sapala et al. [9] | 1.120 | Retrospective | Linear stapler | 1–2 | Open | 0.09% | NR | NR | |
Sapala et al. [5] | 173 | Prospective | Retrocolic | 52 mm stapler + hand sewn (silk) | NR | Open | 0.6% | 14 | NR |
Separated pouch | |||||||||
Sacks et al. [10] | 3.285 | Retrospective | Antecolic | Nonabsorbable vs. absorbable suture | 15 | Laparoscopic | Overall 1.7% | 11.2 (0.5–36) | 22.8 |
2.6% vs. 1.3% | |||||||||
Luján et al. [11] | 350 | Prospective | Antecolic | 21 mm circular stapler | 15–30 | Laparoscopic | 2.8% | (1.5–36) | 25.5 |
Separated pouch | |||||||||
Capella & Capella [12] | Retrospective | NR | Vertical pouch + band | NR | Open | NR | |||
189 | G1: stapled | G1: pouch non-separated | G1: 8.5% | G1: (73–99) | |||||
222 | G2: stapled | G2: pouch separated | G2: 5.4% | G2: (52–73) | |||||
492 | G3: stapled vs. sewn silk vs. sewn absorbable | G3: pouch separated and jejunal limb interposed | G3: 5.1% vs. 1.6% vs. 0% | G3: (4–51) | |||||
Rasmussen et al. [14] | 260 | Retrospective | Retrocolic | Linear stapled (inner layer), circumferential hand sewn (outer) | NR | Laparoscopic | 7% | 4.3 (1–12) | 10.2 |
Capella & Capella [13] | 652 | Retrospective | Retrocolic | Vertical pouch + band | NR | Open | 0.4% | NR | 60 |
Absorbable | Separated pouch | ||||||||
Gumbs et al. [15] | 347 | Prospective | NR | Linear stapled | 20–40 | Laparoscopic | 4% | 6.3 (1–13) | NR |
Vasquez et al. [16] | Retrospective | Antecolic | 25 mm circular stapler (inner layer), interrupted sutures (outer) | NR | Laparoscopic | Overall 10.5% | NR | ≥3 m | |
231 | G1: nonabsorbable | G1: 13.4% | |||||||
84 | G2: absorbable | G2: 2.3% | |||||||
Gonzalez et al. [17] | 87 | Retrospective | Retrocolic | G1: hand sewn | 15–30 | Laparoscopic | 0% | NR | 8 |
13 | G2: 21 mm circular stapler | 8% | 15 | ||||||
Wilson et al. [18] | 1,001 | Retrospective | Retrocolic | NR | 20 | Open (73%): pouch non-separated | 8% | 2 (1–15) | NR |
Laparoscopic (27%): pouch separated | (95% first 12 months) |
Performing the gastrojejunostomy is one of the most challenging steps during laparoscopic RYGB, which can be done by a totally hand-sewn technique or mechanically with a circular or linear stapler. Gonzalez et al. compared circular stapler and hand-sewn anastomosis and found that circular stapler technique was associated with the highest rate of marginal ulcer (8%), whereas no marginal ulcers were observed with the hand-sewn technique [17]. Regarding the linear-stapled technique, Dallal et al. reported an incidence of 3.5% after an average follow-up of 19.6 months in patients undergoing laparoscopic gastric bypass [1]. This was despite typical measures of ulcer prevention—smoking cessation and avoidance of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)—and only one of the seven patients with an ulcer had identifiable risks for developing ulcer disease.
Nonsurgical risk factors associated with marginal ulceration include smoking, NSAID and alcohol use, and lack of PPI use [1, 15, 18]. Wilson et al. reported endoscopic findings of marginal ulceration in 81 of 1,001 RYGB patients (8.1%) and concluded the risk of marginal ulceration increased substantially with smoking (adjusted odds ratio = 30.6) and NSAID use (adjusted odds ratio = 11.5) [18]. These authors also reported a protective effect against marginal ulceration seen with PPI therapy following RYGB surgery (adjusted odds ratio = 0.33).
The mechanisms underlying the development of marginal ulceration have not been completely elucidated, and the etiology of this complication is likely to be multifactorial (see Table 10.2). Helicobacter pylori infection, inflammation, foreign body reaction, acid, and bile reflux have been implicated in the pathophysiology [7, 8, 20–22]. Other technical factors such as pouch configuration, tension on the Roux limb, ischemia to the tip of the limb, and the fine details of the gastrojejunostomy construction may all affect marginal ulcer rates, but all are difficult to study.
Table 10.2
Etiology of marginal ulceration
Predisposing factors |
Surgical technique |
Type of gastric bypass (divided vs. nondivided) |
Route (antecolic vs. retrocolic) |
Type of anastomosis (hand sewn, linear stapled, circular stapled) |
Orientation of the pouch |
Experience of the surgeon |
Suture material used (absorbable vs. nonabsorbable) |
Smoking |
NSAID use |
Alcohol |
Lack of PPI use |
Factors implicated in the physiopathology |
H. pylori |
Inflammation |
Foreign body reaction |
Acid secretion |
Bile reflux |
Fistula |
Ischemia |
Band erosion into the gastric lumen is usually secondary to mechanical compression in LAGB and VBG.
Acid Secretion
In the past, excess acid contact with the jejunum had been considered the primary mechanism for ulcer formation, although the mechanism for this excess acid has been debated. After surgery, basal production of acid in the gastric pouch decreases because gastric acid is mainly produced in the body and fundus of the stomach; however, the proximal pouch invariably also contains acid-producing parietal cells [23–25]. Many of the ulcers reported in the early experience with gastric bypass developed in patients who had large proximal gastric pouches greater than 50 mL [26]. The larger parietal cell mass in the pouch was thought to create a higher volume of gastric acid that did not reach the antrum and duodenum. Thus, there was a decrease in inhibitory feedback to antral G-cells, upregulated gastrin, and thereby increased gastric acid secretion [23]. Subsequent investigators believed that by reducing the pouch size, decreasing the acid secretion from the pouch, the ulcer rate would decrease [5, 9]. Sapala et al. reported a series of 1,120 patients with the micropouch gastric bypass [9]. This technique consists of constructing a micropouch limited to the gastric cardia and offers reliable weight control and improvement in comorbidities. However, in this series, the rate of ulcer and/or stenosis was 16%, a figure that parallels results with larger pouches. Other surgeons prefer to isolate the fundus from the pouch by limiting the pouch to the lesser curvature. Unfortunately, oxynic cell mass is concentrated along the proximal lesser curvature, which explains why marginal ulcer in these kinds of pouches appears to be more common than in greater-curvature pouches.
An increase in acid production in patients with marginal ulcers has been documented despite the presence of a small gastric pouch [21, 25, 27, 28]. These findings suggest that individual differences in parietal cell distribution may be one important risk factor for the development of marginal ulceration. Mason et al. found that 43% of their patients had a low pH within the pouch, and serum gastrin levels were universally low after gastric bypass [23]. Thus, it was postulated that in patients who continue to have low gastric pH after surgery, vagal innervations may dominate acid secretion.
Another risk factor could be the reflux of acid from the distal “bypassed” stomach into the proximal pouch in patients who have staple line disruptions. Staple line dehiscence is seen primarily when the pouch is created by an undivided staple line through the proximal stomach. Jordan et al. identified stomal ulcers in 34 out of 412 (8.2%) patients after gastric bypass, two-thirds of whom had staple line disruption [29]. Clearly, once a connection between the gastric remnant and the pouch is established, the jejunal mucosa is exposed to a greater volume of low-pH fluid. Most likely because the jejunal mucosa does not have intrinsic protection from an acidic environment, only small amounts of acid production can cause ulceration [2].
Foreign Body Reaction
The prolonged irritation by foreign material (staples or suture material) (Fig. 10.2) has been proposed as a precipitating factor for marginal ulcer formation. Capella et al. saw a decrease in the marginal ulcer rate from 5.1 to 1.5% by switching from a stapled to a hand-sewn gastrojejunostomy and by using absorbable sutures for the inner layer and permanent sutures for the outer layer [12, 13]. The marginal ulceration rate further decreased to 0.4% when absorbable sutures were used for both layers [13]. Vasquez et al. studied whether the choice of reinforcing suture material for the 25 mm circular stapled anastomosis affected the incidence of marginal ulcers [16]. Marginal ulcers were noted in 10% of cases: 13.4% in whom permanent suture was used for reinforcement compared with 2.3% when absorbable suture was used (p = 0.03). In a study of 3,285 patients, the marginal ulceration rate was significantly higher when the inner row of the gastrojejunostomy was constructed with permanent suture (2.6%) rather than absorbable suture (1.3%) [10]. In this study, the incidence of visible suture adjacent to the ulcer on endoscopy was also significantly reduced (64.3% vs. 3.4%; p < 0.001). Contrarily, in the study of Rasmussen et al., suture remnants were visible in 32% of the ulcer beds (44% of the cases with permanent suture and 20% with absorbable suture) [14]. However, in these studies, it is difficult to quantify other factors that may also influence the incidence of ulcer development such as smoking, NSAID use, and other comorbidities. Furthermore, Sacks et al. did not find statistically significant differences between absorbable vs. nonabsorbable sutures in the development of marginal ulcers [10].