Induction of ASAs
Site of induction
Chronic obstruction of genital tract/vasectomy
Epididymis/vas deferens
Testis trauma, testis surgery
No risk factor
Testicular torsion
No risk factor
Testis tumor
Intrarectal sperm contact
Rectal mucosa
Risk Factors of ASAs Formation
The obstruction/leakage/infection/inflammation of the testis, and especially the epididymis and vas deferens, frequently induces high titers of ASAs [13–17]. Between 50 and 100 % of men that undergo vasectomies subsequently develop ASAs in serum and semen [17]. Following vasectomy, sperm granuloma frequently develops in epididymal distension results due to increased intraluminal pressure. The sperm granuloma is a dynamic structure where active phagocytosis occurs by macrophages. It is plausible that the immune process inducing ASAs production initiates here, since T cells have also been observed.
ASAs can penetrate from circulation into the male genital tract via rete testis, epididymis, vas deferens, and accessory glands. They can attach to sperm at any of these regions after transudation. In spermatozoa retrieved directly from the distal end of the vas deferens in patients undergoing vasectomy reversal (vasovasostomy), ASAs, both IgG and IgA, were present in 78.6 and 32.1 % of the patients, respectively [18].
The infection and/or inflammation of the male genital tract can cause ASAs formation; however, the data are inconsistent. Jarow et al. [19] described a positive association between prostatitis and ASAs using the gel agglutination assay in serum. In a series of 365 patients with documented inflammation/infection of the male genital tract, suffering from—in accordance to the American Urological Association definition—chronic bacterial prostatitis, inflammatory chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome, noninflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome, chronic urethritis, and chronic epididymitis, no association between ASAs formation/titers and the intensity of these diseases was demonstrable [20].
Immunological cross-reactivity between antigens of the sperm membrane and Chlamydia trachomatis may occur and explain some cases of an association between infections and ASAs formation [20]. Epitopes of chlamydial HSP60 protein cross-react with those of human HSP60. However, clinical data fail to detect an association between chlamydial infections and the presence of ASAs in seminal plasma [21].
It is unclear whether varicocele, testicular trauma, surgery, or testicular torsion can induce ASAs formation. Also, the association between cryptorchidism and ASAs remains controversial [17].
Although suggested by epidemiologic studies, the direct proof of ASAs as a cause of infertility is difficult to obtain, since prospective studies comparing pregnancies in patients with and without ASAs are limited [22–24]. In the retrospective studies, the degree of sperm autoimmunization showed a significant inverse correlation with the incidence of spontaneous pregnancies. In the first report by Rumke et al. [25] using a 10-year follow-up of 254 infertile men with serum sperm-agglutinating activity, the ASAs titers were found to be inversely correlated with the occurrence of spontaneous pregnancies. If only normozoospermic men were included, no pregnancy was observed with very high ASAs titers. In a cohort of 108 infertile couples, the pregnancy rates were significantly higher when males had low antibody titers than in those with high titers [6]. In another set of 157 infertile couples, the cumulative spontaneous pregnancy rates over 6 years were higher (~ 50 %) when the IBT results were < 0.50 %; lower (~ 30 %) when test results were 50–90 %; and very low (~ 15 %) when the test showed > 90 % ASAs binding in IBT [26]. A significant inverse correlation between the degree of sperm autoimmunization and pregnancy rates after vasovasostomy was observed in a follow-up study of 216 men [27]. However, this observation was not confirmed by others [28].
Tests for ASAs
Mixed Antiglobulin Reaction (MAR) Test
The MAR test detects antibodies bound to spermatozoa. The technique is simple: a semen sample is mixed with a suspension of particles, which are conjugated to immunoglobulins, which is a second antibody against human immunoglobulins present on sperm. If ASAs are present on spermatozoa, the particles get attached to the spermatozoa, which can be easily seen under the microscope. As a test result, the percentage of motile sperm bearing the particles is counted. A MAR test is considered positive when > 10 % of sperm are attached to a particle and is of clinical significance when > 80 % binding is present.
The MAR test is easy to perform, reproduce, and the results are apparent within a few minutes. Different IgG classes can be detected using this test. The test has some limitations; it is difficult to perform when the sperm are fewer in number and immotile, such as in oligozoospermia and asthenozoospermia, and it requires fresh semen samples [29]. Commercially available SpermMar kits are based on an antiserum against human IgG to induce mixed agglutination between antibody-coated and latex beads conjugated with antihuman immunoglobulin [30] .
The MAR test can also be used to detect ASAs present in biological fluids such as serum and seminal plasma. In the first step, donor sperm are mixed with the fluid and then the sperm undergo the MAR test as described above (indirect MAR test). The reproducibility of the indirect MAR test using different donor sperm is poor [31].
Quality control of the MAR test comprises inter- and intra-assay variations. It was shown that the intra-assay variation is minimum if different tests are performed using the same spermatozoa. However, an interassay comparison of tests using spermatozoa from different donors’ reveals poor congruence [31] .
Immunobead Binding Test (IBT)
The IBT is similar to the MAR test and is easy to perform. The IBT allows determination of the antibody class attached to spermatozoa, the subcellular localization of the antibodies attached, and the percentage of antibody-coated sperm. When performing the test, sperm concentration is usually adjusted to 10–25 × 106 motile sperm/ml to optimize the microscopic evaluation. Like the MAR test, the IBT can also be performed indirectly using biological fluids. It was shown that the indirect IBT has a low intra-assay and a high interassay variation [32].
Both the MAR test and IBT are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) manual [33]. The MAR test does not require washing spermatozoa of the seminal plasma, which makes it easier and faster than IBT. It requires less semen volume and could be applied to samples with a lower sperm concentration compared to IBT [34]. Comparison of IBT and MAR tests has shown a high degree of agreement [30, 35]. The sensitivity and specificity are comparable between these two tests [36].
The existing consensus indicates that a semen sample having > 50 % of spermatozoa showing binding in MAR test or IBT is suggestive of ASAs-mediated immunoinfertility [33]. There is no correlation between the test positivity and the sperm concentration, motility, and morphology and leukocyte concentration in the semen. However, ASAs levels are usually higher in men with abnormal sperm parameters than in those with normozoospermia. The MAR test results were found positive in 48 of 484 men (10 %) with normal sperm counts, 18 of 78 of men (23 %) with low sperm motility, and 19 of 128 of men (15 %) with low counts. The presence of antibodies in about 10 % of men may provide additional information besides the semen parameters in some cases of unexplained infertility [37] .
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
The visualization of antigen–antibody binding by chromogens amplified by an enzyme is an elegant method to demonstrate the presence of specific antibodies and also allows the determination of an antibody titer. In ELISA, either the antigen or the antibody is fixed to a solid phase. It requires information on the specificity of antibodies and antigens. This prerequisite is not completely fulfilled in the determination of ASAs using ELISA, since all antigens against which the ASAs are directed to have not been defined. The tests that are marketed measure the binding of antibodies to sperm extracts containing several antigens. Thus, they are of limited application for the diagnosis of ASAs-associated infertility since only the antigens relevant to fertility are important in immunoinfertility . This is also true for radioimmunoassay (RIA), which requires the use of radioactive materials [36].
Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometry is used to detect, isolate, and quantitate the percentage of sperm bound with antibodies [38]. However, flow cytometry requires expensive laboratory instruments and reveals limited results without providing specificity of ASAs for fertility-related antigens.
Treatment of Immune Infertility
Immunosuppressive Therapy with Glucocorticosteroids
Although an interesting concept, the use of glucocorticosteroids to lower the antibody titer could have potential adverse effects, associated with generalized immunosuppression. To minimize the side effects, it is usually restricted to the first 7–10 days of the female cycle, irrespective of whether the steroids are given to a male or female partner of an infertile couple. Steroid therapy to suppress ASAs was first recommended by Hendry et al. [39]. They reported an increased conception rate in the steroid-treated group compared to the placebo group. Later on, several studies were published in which corticosteroids did not show an effect on ASAs titers, sperm parameters, or conception rate [9, 38–46] (Table 9.2). For this reason, the therapy is no longer used for treatment of immune infertility.
Table 9.2
Randomized trials measuring the effect of corticosteroids on antisperm antibodies (ASAs). (Based on data from ref. [98])
Patient number | Treatment | Effect on ASAs | Effect on fertility | Adverse effect(s) | Reference |
10 | T: Prednisolone, 1 mg/kg/d, 9 d C: Placebo | None | No difference in CR | No data | De Almeida et al. [40] |
43 | T: Methylprednisolone, 96 mg/d, 9 d C: Placebo | None | No difference in CR | No data | Haas and Manganiello [41] |
43 | T: Prednisolone, 20 mg/d cyclic C: Placebo | No data | 9 conceptions 1 conception | ~ 60 % mild reaction | Hendry et al. [39] |
20 | T: Prednisolone, 40 mg cyclic + TI C: Placebo | Significant reduction | 0 conceptions 0 conceptions | ~ 40 % mild reaction | Bals-Pratsch et al. [42] |
30 | T: corticosteroids + IUI C: corticosteroids + TI | Significant reduction | 11 pregnancies 2 pregnancies | No data | Robinson et al. [43] |
46 | T: Prednisolone, 20 mg/d + IUI C: Prednisolone, 20 mg/d + TI | – | 9 pregnancies 1 pregnancy | No data | Lahteenmaki et al. [44] |
ND | T: Prednisolone, 20 mg/d C: Placebo | Significant reduction | No data | No data | Räsänen et al. [38] |
36 | T: Corticosteroids + IUI C: IUI only | No data | 16.1 % CR 21.2 % CR | No data | Grigoriou et al. [45] |
53 | T: Prednisolone, 20 mg/d, 2 weeks prior to IVF C: no treatment | None | 29 % CR 32 % CR | No data | Lahteenmaki et al. [46] |
77 | T: Prednisolon, 5 mg/d C: no treatment | No data | 20 % CR 5 % CR | None | Omu et al. [9] |
In-Vitro Techniques
The following in-vitro techniques have been tried to inhibit binding or remove the antibodies bound to the sperm surface.
Prevention of ASAs Binding to Sperm
The assumption that ASAs bind to sperm during and/or just after ejaculation and that the antibodies are mostly present in the secretions of prostate and seminal vesicles prompted trials with split ejaculations. However, this technique has been proven ineffective in decreasing ASAs binding to sperm [47]. It was examined if the collection of semen into insemination medium containing a high concentration of fetal cord/maternal serum would decrease the antibody binding to sperm. Two studies [48, 49] observed that semen collection into serum-supplemented medium resulted in increased fertilization rates in in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure, and one of these studies also showed an increase in pregnancy rates [50]. Experimental studies [50] showed that the antibodies preferentially transude into the epididymis (especially corpus or caudal regions) and vas deferens, and not into testes to bind to sperm cells [50]. These findings indicate that in men, ASAs bind to sperm before ejaculation via transudation through epididymis, vas deferens, and probably rete testis.
Immunomagnetic Separation Technique
This technique has been tried to separate the antibodies bound on the sperm surface [51]. The sperm with antibodies are tagged with anti-immunoglobulin antibodies coupled to magnetic microspheres, and then the magnetic field is applied. However, limited success in isolating a sufficient number of ASAs-free sperm having good motility makes this procedure theoretically interesting, but clinically unacceptable.
Removing ASAs Bound on Sperm Surface
There are mixed reports on simple sperm washing on ASAs elution from various laboratories. Adeghe found that washing decreased IgG bound on the sperm surface [52]. Other groups did not find the similar positive effects [53], even after subjecting the sperm to multiple washings [54]. Antibodies were also not reduced by passing sperm through a percoll gradient [55].
The protease treatment can be used to degrade antibodies on the sperm surface [56]. IgA1 protease treatment was effective in reducing IgA on sperm [57]. In another study, incubation of sperm with chymotrypsin before intrauterine insemination (IUI) resulted in a 25 % cycle fecundity versus 3 % in controls [58]. IUI with protein digestive enzyme treatment was more effective than IUI without enzymatic therapy. However, IVF with ICSI provided three times the pregnancy rate for males with sperm coated in ASAs than IUI with chymotrypsin-treated sperm [59].
The clinical efficacy of proteolytic enzymes has to be examined since it may affect proteins present on the sperm surface, especially the oocyte binding receptors.
The use of immunobeads has been suggested as a treatment to remove the sperm-bound antibodies. It has been reported that simple incubation of ASAs-positive sperm from immunoinfertile men with immunobeads results in a time-dependent decrease in antibody concentration on sperm surface [51] and even enhanced pregnancies [60]. The explanation that the antibodies are removed from the sperm surface after incubation with immunobeads is not widely accepted. It is generally believed that the immunobeads just select ASAs-positive sperm, leaving ASAs-free sperm. This procedure does not remove the antibodies from the sperm surface.
Immunoelution of Bound ASAs Using Defined Sperm Antigens
Fertilization antigen-1 (FA-1) antigen is a well-defined sperm-specific surface molecule that is evolutionarily conserved on sperm of various mammalian species, including men [50]. Antibodies to an FA-1 antigen inhibit human sperm–zona interaction, and also block human sperm capacitation/acrosome reaction by inhibiting tyrosine phosphorylation [61]. The cDNA encoding for mouse FA-1 and human FA-1 have been cloned and sequenced [62]. Vaccination of female mice with recombinant FA-1 antigen causes a long-term reversible contraception by raising sperm-specific immune response [63].
FA-1 antigen is involved in human immunoinfertility in both men and women. The antibodies are found in sera as circulating antibodies and also locally in genital tract secretions, such as seminal plasma of men, and cervical mucus and vaginal secretions of women [64] . The lymphocytes from immunoinfertile, but not fertile, men and women are sensitized against FA-1 antigen and proliferate on incubation with the antigen in vitro [65].
The presence of these antibodies inhibits fertilization in IVF procedure. The involvement of FA-1 antigen in human involuntary immunoinfertility has been confirmed in several laboratories by leading investigators working in the field of ASAs. Based upon these findings, a clinical trial was conducted at the University of Michigan Medical School to determine whether immunoadsorption with FA-1 antigen would remove autoantibodies from sperm surface of immunoinfertile men [66]. Adsorption with FA-1 antigen increased immunobead-free swimming sperm on an average of 50 and 76 % for IgA ASAs and IgG ASAs, respectively. The acrosome reaction rates increased significantly and showed improvement in 78 % of the sperm samples after FA-1 adsorption. The IUI of FA-1 treated antibody-free sperm resulted in normal pregnancies and healthy babies, indicating that the antigen treatment does not have a deleterious effect on implantation or embryonic and fetal development. This study needs to be extended to a larger number of ASAs-positive infertile men and constitutes an exciting therapeutic modality using well-defined sperm antigens.
Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART)
Various ART have been used for the treatment of immunoinfertility .
Intrauterine Insemination Procedure
IUI has been found to enhance the pregnancy rates in some cases of ASAs-positive infertile men. The results are summarized in Table 9.3 [58, 67–69]. The results do not indicate a definite advantage of the procedure. It is not clear how IUI can improve fertility outcome when ASAs are present in men. Washing the sperm in the incubation medium should not elute the antibodies bound to the sperm surface proteins. It appears likely that the procedure is of benefit because the subfertility has another etiology rather than the presence of ASAs .
Table 9.3
Studies comparing the pregnancy rates after intrauterine insemination (IUI) with sperm from men with or without antisperm antibodies (ASAs)
Number of patients/cycles | Pregnancy rate with ASAs | Pregnancy rate without ASAs | Reference (#) |
59 couples | 56 % | 83 % | Check and Bollendorf [67] |
110 cycles | 0 % | 25.6 % | Francavilla et al. [68] |
159 couples | 33 % | 21 % | Agarwal [58] |
804 cycles | 8.6 % | 1.7 % with timed intercourse | Mahmoud et al. [69] |
In Vitro Fertilization Procedure
The IVF procedure has been used for the treatment of immunoinfertility. A number of studies have been published comparing the outcome of IVF in men with or without ASAs. They are summarized in Table 9.4 [51, 70–84]. Several studies have shown decreased fertilization rates in immunoinfertile patients in IVF procedure. Some studies also found a correlation of the effect of antibodies on the fertilization rates with the antibody class/subclass and the sperm-binding sites of ASAs. The quality of embryos obtained after IVF using sperm from ASAs-positive men is generally poor compared to those obtained after fertilization with sperm from ASAs-negative men.
Table 9.4
Studies comparing the outcome in in vitro fertilization (IVF) using sperm from men with or without antisperm antibodies (ASAs)
Number of couples/cycles | Fertilization/pregnancy rate with ASAs | Fertilization/pregnancy rate without ASAs (%) | Reference (#) |
17 couples | 27 % | 72 | Clarke et al. [70] |
40 couples | 34 % | 74 | Mandelbaum et al. [71] |
20 couples | 14 % | 60 | de Almeida et al. [72] |
36 couples | 50.5 % | 72.7 | Rajah et al. [73] |
67 cycles | 41.9 % | 73.1 | Acosta et al. [74] |
63 couples | 25 % | 68 | Ford et al. [51] |
72 couples | Significantly reduced (p > 0.001) | – | Junk et al. [75] |
137 couples | Significantly reduced | –
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