Nonvariceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Mortality from UGIB has remained 5-10% over the past decade. This article presents current evidence-based recommendations for the medical management of UGIB. Preendoscopic management includes initial resuscitation, risk stratification, appropriate use of blood products, and consideration of nasogastric tube insertion, erythromycin, and proton pump inhibitor therapy. The use of postendoscopic intravenous proton pump inhibitors is strongly recommended for certain patient populations. Postendoscopic management also includes the diagnosis and treatment of Helicobacter pylori, appropriate use of proton pump inhibitors and iron replacement therapy.
Key points
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Optimal resuscitation should be initiated before any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure.
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Red blood cell transfusion should be offered to patients with a hemoglobin level less than 70 g/L, unless they have preexisting cardiac disease or evidence of an acute coronary syndrome, in which case more liberal transfusion may be appropriate.
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The use of intravenous erythromycin approximately 30 minutes before endoscopy may be useful to improve visualization.
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Preendoscopic high-dose intravenous proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy should be offered to all patients, but should not precede adequate resuscitation with crystalloid and/or blood products as necessary.
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Postendoscopic intravenous PPI therapy for 72 hours followed by double-dose oral PPI treatment of 14 days of the next 1 to 2 months prevents recurrence of bleeding in high-risk patients.
The annual incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is 48 to 160 events per 100,000 adults in the United States, where it is the cause of approximately 300,000 hospital admissions per year. In Europe, the annual incidence of UGIB in the general population ranges from 19.4 to 57.0 events per 100,000 individuals. There is no formal explanation for the breadth of the range between countries, although differences in health care systems and case recording capacities may be substantial. Additional contributing factors may include alcohol intake and Helicobacter pylori prevalence. In both North America and Europe, around 80% to 90% of acute UGIB episodes have a nonvariceal cause, with peptic ulcers and gastroduodenal erosions accounting for most such lesions.
UGIB-related mortalities have slightly decreased in the past 2 decades, but still range from 2% to 15%. Two studies conducted in the United Kingdom highlighted that, despite a notable decrease in mortality in patients with UGIB from 1993 to 2007, mortality from peptic ulcer bleeding is still 10% to 13%. A multidisciplinary group of 34 experts from 15 countries published international guidelines in 2010, which were modified and expanded from initial guidelines published in 2003, to help inform clinicians on the optimal management of patients with nonvariceal UGIB.
This article discusses the various management principles of medical therapy in nonvariceal UGIB put forth by guidelines from the multidisciplinary international consensus group in 2010, and the American College of Gastroenterology in 2012. When applicable, more recent evidence is included. This article presents the most current evidence and provides recommendations for practice. Overall, this article focuses on providing an evidence-based approach to initial resuscitation, the role of blood transfusion, and both preendoscopic and postendoscopic pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic therapies in patients presenting with nonvariceal UGIB.
The annual incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is 48 to 160 events per 100,000 adults in the United States, where it is the cause of approximately 300,000 hospital admissions per year. In Europe, the annual incidence of UGIB in the general population ranges from 19.4 to 57.0 events per 100,000 individuals. There is no formal explanation for the breadth of the range between countries, although differences in health care systems and case recording capacities may be substantial. Additional contributing factors may include alcohol intake and Helicobacter pylori prevalence. In both North America and Europe, around 80% to 90% of acute UGIB episodes have a nonvariceal cause, with peptic ulcers and gastroduodenal erosions accounting for most such lesions.
UGIB-related mortalities have slightly decreased in the past 2 decades, but still range from 2% to 15%. Two studies conducted in the United Kingdom highlighted that, despite a notable decrease in mortality in patients with UGIB from 1993 to 2007, mortality from peptic ulcer bleeding is still 10% to 13%. A multidisciplinary group of 34 experts from 15 countries published international guidelines in 2010, which were modified and expanded from initial guidelines published in 2003, to help inform clinicians on the optimal management of patients with nonvariceal UGIB.
This article discusses the various management principles of medical therapy in nonvariceal UGIB put forth by guidelines from the multidisciplinary international consensus group in 2010, and the American College of Gastroenterology in 2012. When applicable, more recent evidence is included. This article presents the most current evidence and provides recommendations for practice. Overall, this article focuses on providing an evidence-based approach to initial resuscitation, the role of blood transfusion, and both preendoscopic and postendoscopic pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic therapies in patients presenting with nonvariceal UGIB.
Review criteria
We conducted a literature search using the OVID, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, and ISI Web of Knowledge 4.0 databases to identify articles published in the English or French languages up until December 2014. A highly sensitive search strategy was used to identify randomized controlled trials, cohort studies, and case-control studies conducted in adults, using combinations of search terms, including “UGIB”; “epidemiology,” “motility agents,” “prokinetics,” “erythromycin,” “nasogastric,” “tranexamic acid,” “transfusion,” “iron replacement,” “ Helicobacter pylori ,” “endoscopy,” and “proton pump inhibitors” (PPIs). In addition, recursive searches and cross-referencing were performed and manual searches of the reference lists of articles identified in the initial search were completed.
Preendoscopic medical management
Initial Resuscitation
The immediate priority in management is to secure the patient’s airway, and tend to breathing and circulation ( Fig. 1 ). The patient should be placed in a monitored setting, at which point large-bore venous access should be established. All pertinent blood work (eg, complete blood count, renal function, liver function tests, coagulation testing) should be obtained, in addition to typing and cross-matching. Resuscitation should be initiated for patients with UGIB before any other procedure, and should include stabilization of the blood pressure with appropriate infusion of sufficient fluid volumes. In intensive care units, saline or Ringer acetate must be preferred to hydroxyethyl starch (HES), because HES has been shown to increase the need for renal-replacement therapy in intensive care unit patients, and may even increase the risk for severe bleeding. The primary objectives of resuscitation are to restore blood volume and to maintain adequate tissue perfusion, in the hope of preventing hypovolemic shock and ultimately death. No data suggest that any particular type of colloid solution is safer or more effective than any other in patients needing volume replacement. Certain patients require resuscitation with blood products, including red blood cells, platelets, and rarely clotting factors (eg, fresh frozen plasma).
Red Blood Cell Transfusion
The decision whether to transfuse red blood cells is based largely on the presenting hemoglobin level, coupled with symptoms of anemia, patient comorbidities such as cardiac disease, and the initial hemodynamic status. A large Cochrane Review questioned the benefits of red blood cell transfusions in UGIB, showing no overall survival benefit. A recent randomized controlled trial of 921 patients with acute UGIB found a restrictive transfusion strategy (transfusion threshold <70 g/L with target hemoglobin 70–90 g/L) significantly decreased 6-week mortality, length of stay, and transfusion-related adverse events compared with a liberal transfusion strategy (transfusion threshold <90 g/L with target hemoglobin 90 to 110 g/L). The overall mortality benefit conferred by the restrictive transfusion strategy seems to have been driven by results obtained in patients with Child-Pugh class A and B cirrhosis. The subgroup of patients with nonvariceal UGIB did not show a significant decrease in their overall mortality with a restrictive transfusion policy, although there was no suggestion of harm. Moreover, this study excluded all patients presenting with severe hemorrhagic shock, in keeping with consensus guidelines suggesting higher hemoglobin targets for these patients. In addition, patients with acute coronary syndrome, symptomatic peripheral vasculopathy, stroke, transient ischemic attack, or blood transfusion within 30 days were excluded from the study.
The current guidelines suggest that patients with hemoglobin levels less than or equal to 70 g/L should receive blood transfusions to reach a target hemoglobin level of 70 to 90 g/L, provided that the individual has no coronary artery disease, evidence of tissue hypoperfusion, or acute hemorrhage. In patients with acute coronary syndrome, UGIB is associated with a markedly increased mortality, and a higher hemoglobin target level (>100 g/L) may be required to prevent decompensation. In contrast, avoidance of unnecessary transfusions reduces the small but real risks attributable to administration of blood components, such as infectious or immune diseases. As part of a recent UK audit, despite 73% of patients with UGIB presenting with a hemoglobin level greater than 80 g/L, approximately 43% nonetheless received red blood cell transfusions. A recently published meta-analysis, not restricted to nonvariceal UGIB, suggests that a restrictive transfusion approach reduces health care–associated infections. Additional randomized trials are needed to address the issue of hemoglobin transfusion thresholds in patients with nonvariceal UGIB, and those with preexisting cardiac disease. One large multicentre randomized trial is currently being completed in the United Kingdom, which may help to answer these uncertainties.
Platelet Transfusion
A recent systematic review of 18 studies of platelet transfusion thresholds in patients with UGIB found insufficient evidence supporting an optimal platelet count. However, based primarily on expert opinion, the investigators proposed a platelet transfusion threshold of 50 × 10 9 /L (or 100 × 10 9 /L if altered platelet function is suspected). Additional high-quality data are needed to confirm these recommendations.
Nasogastric Lavage
The routine placement of a nasogastric tube (NGT) in patients with UGIB remains controversial and is not recommended by current guidelines. Overall, studies have failed to show any improvement in clinical outcomes attributable to the insertion of an NGT. However, there are certain patients in whom the source of gastrointestinal bleeding is unclear and who may benefit from placement of an NGT in order to confirm an upper gastrointestinal source. A recent study investigated the utility of NGT aspirate at predicting UGIB in 64 patients presenting with hematemesis. By using fecal occult blood testing on the aspirate, they were able to accurately identify all cases of UGIB later confirmed on endoscopy, while maintaining a specificity of 94%. Although this study does lend support to the practice of obtaining an NGT aspirate to identify the source of bleeding in certain cases, it is unclear whether the same results would hold true in patients presenting with either coffee-ground emesis or melena. One recent retrospective study of 166 patients was able to predict active bleeding at endoscopy by combining NGT aspirate results with blood pressure and heart rate parameters. Overall, opinions vary because high-quality evidence is lacking to decide whether certain patients benefit from NGT aspiration and lavage to help aid in diagnosing UGIB as well as improving visualization during endoscopy.
Prokinetic Agents
The use of prokinetic agents (such as erythromycin) before gastrointestinal endoscopy has been shown to significantly shorten the duration of endoscopy, reduce the need for repeat endoscopy, and decrease the need for blood transfusions. In a large, multicentre, randomized controlled trial involving 253 patients presenting with either melena or hematemesis, erythromycin alone was equally efficacious at improving endoscopic visualization as NGT aspirate alone or in combination with erythromycin.
A separate randomized, placebo-controlled trial that involved patients with bleeding esophageal varices found that an erythromycin infusion significantly increased the proportion of empty stomachs at gastroscopy compared with placebo (48.9% with erythromycin vs 23.3% with placebo), reduced the mean endoscopy duration (19 minutes vs 26 minutes), and shortened durations of hospital stay (3.4 days vs 5.1 days).
More recently, another small, low-quality, randomized trial compared NGT aspirate alone versus NGT aspirate with erythromycin, and the combination provided superior visualization, reduced hospital admissions, and decreased blood transfusions. No data suggest that the administration of prokinetic agents can decrease mortality, the risk of rebleeding, or the need for surgery. Nonetheless, given improved visibility at endoscopy and other potential benefits discussed earlier, especially in light of the favorable benefit-harm profile of erythromycin, current guidelines suggest that, after ruling out contraindications to these agents (such as hypokalemia or a prolonged QT interval), a 250-mg bolus of erythromycin should be administered approximately 30 to 45 minutes before endoscopy in patients with clinical evidence of active hemorrhage (hematemesis or melena) or acute anemia requiring resuscitation, or in those who have recently eaten.
Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy
Despite theoretic pharmacologic differences between the different PPIs, no data support the use of a particular intravenous PPI rather than another when treating patients with UGIB. In this article, “PPI” is therefore used as a generic term for all such agents.
Starting PPI treatment before endoscopy for UGIB remains a controversial practice. A meta-analysis that included 2223 participants from 6 randomized clinical trials found that preendoscopic PPI treatment reduces the proportion of patients identified as having high-risk lesions (active bleeding, nonbleeding visible vessel, and adherent clot) at early endoscopy and the resultant need for endoscopic therapy (ie, there is downstaging of high-risk endoscopic lesions). Despite these advantages, there is no evidence that preendoscopic PPI treatment affects mortality, the risk of rebleeding, or the need for surgery. For this reason, current guidelines recommend initiating PPI therapy on presentation to hospital, although it should never delay optimal resuscitation. PPI therapy is cost-effective in scenarios in which there is an anticipated delay in endoscopy or a high likelihood of a nonvariceal source of bleeding. Current guidelines advise against the use of histamine2 receptor antagonists in acute ulcer bleeding.
No recommendations can be made regarding the optimal dose of PPIs administered preendoscopy. A reasonable strategy may be to adopt a regimen of a high-dose intravenous bolus (eg, Pantoprazole 80 mg) followed by a continuous infusion (eg, Pantoprazole 8 mg/h). This infusion can be continued until endoscopy, at which point reassessment is required, depending on the appearance of the bleeding lesion and the need for therapeutic intervention (discussed later).
Although there is insufficient high-quality evidence to recommend intravenous PPI versus oral PPI, current guidelines suggest high-dose intravenous PPI preendoscopically because this administration has been well studied in multiple randomized controlled trials.
A meta-analysis of randomized trials in patients not receiving endoscopic therapy discovered that PPI therapy reduced rebleeding rates and the need for surgery, and may decrease mortality in certain high-risk patients. This approach could be cost-effective if endoscopy is delayed to greater than 16 hours after admission, or if patients have a high likelihood of nonvariceal bleeding, especially in those with high-risk symptoms, such as hematemesis. These findings suggest a definite benefit of PPI therapy when endoscopy may be unavailable or delayed.
Somatostatin and Octreotide
Although usually reserved for patients with variceal UGIB, both somatostatin and octreotide may be used in patients presenting with nonvariceal UGIB. One meta-analysis consisting of 1829 patients from 14 randomized controlled trials found that both somatostatin and octreotide reduced the risk of continued nonvariceal UGIB (relative risk [RR], 0.53, 0.43–0.63; number needed to treat [NNT], 5). These trials only compared somatostatin and octreotide with H2-blockers and placebo and none of these patients were on PPI therapy. Current guidelines recommend the use of octreotide or somatostatin in nonvariceal UGIB only as the last resort in patients who are bleeding uncontrollably while waiting for more definitive therapy. Its use in the treatment of gastrointestinal bleeding of unknown origin is controversial.
Tranexamic Acid
The efficacy of tranexamic acid, an antifibrinolytic, has been explored in several randomized trials and a recent meta-analysis. Although the meta-analysis found a significant overall reduction in mortality, there was no reduction in rebleeding rates, the need for surgery, or blood transfusion. Importantly, the mortality benefit of tranexamic acid was absent when current therapy with PPIs and endoscopy were instituted. Although there are currently 2 randomized trials underway (one vs placebo [ NCT01713101 ] and one vs esomeprazole [ NCT02071316 ]) that are investigating the benefit of tranexamic acid in combination with current therapy in UGIB, current guidelines do not support its routine use in UGIB.
Postendoscopic medical management
Intravenous Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy
Opinions differ about the optimal time to begin intravenous PPI infusion after endoscopic hemostasis ( Fig. 2 ). The goal of PPI therapy is to increase the gastric pH sufficiently to promote clot stability and to reduce the effect of pepsin and gastric acid. In a study designed to identify the lowest effective dose of PPI, rather than using a high (or low) dose, continuous infusion was the key to maintaining an intragastric pH greater than 6. Two meta-analyses have confirmed that an intravenous PPI bolus followed by continuous PPI infusion over 72 hours reduces the rates of mortality (RR, 0.40, 0.28–0.59; NNT, 12), rebleeding (RR, 0.40, 0.28–0.59; NNT, 12), and surgery (RR, 0.43, 0.24–0.76; NNT, 28). Mortality was only reduced in patients who had previously undergone successful endoscopic hemostasis.
A placebo-controlled, randomized trial showed that, in patients with Forrest class Ia to IIb bleeding lesions, intravenous esomeprazole administered as an 80-mg intravenous bolus over 30 minutes followed by continuous infusion of 8 mg/h for 71.5 hours, which was started after successful endoscopic hemostasis and followed by a 40-mg esomeprazole oral regimen for 27 days, significantly reduced rates of rebleeding at 72 hours (5.9% in esomeprazole group compared with 10.3% in the placebo group; RR, 0.57; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.35–0.94; NNT, 23). The difference in rebleeding rates remained significant at 7 days and 30 days after initial presentation. However, the 30-day mortality was not significantly reduced by the use of a PPI. Because mortality was lower than expected in the placebo group (2.1%), this finding might reflect the exclusion of patients with life-threatening systemic disease (American Society of Anesthesiologists class >3). Cost-effectiveness analyses have shown the economic dominance of high-dose intravenous PPI compared with no treatment strategies.
More recently, a systematic review and meta-analysis compared intermittent versus continuous PPI therapy for the treatment of high-risk bleeding ulcers after endoscopic therapy. This study revealed that intermittent PPI therapy may be as effective as continuous-infusion high-dose therapy in these high-risk patients, which may have benefits in terms of cost-savings, and the investigators firmly concluded that guidelines should be revised to recommend intermittent PPI therapy. However, overall, current guidelines remain ambivalent toward optimal postendoscopy PPI dosing because of an overall low quality of evidence secondary to a high risk of bias and imprecision in the aforementioned systematic review.
Oral Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy
High-dose oral PPI treatment after endoscopy was efficacious in early trials conducted in India and Iran, but differences in the physiologic and pharmacokinetic characteristics of the patients, as well as local high H pylori carriage rate and limited comorbidities, make the results of these studies difficult to apply to other populations. The endoscopic treatment administered was also not the current recommended standard.
A study published in 2009 assessed gastric pH in patients receiving a 90-mg oral dose of lansoprazole followed by 30 mg every 3 hours (total dose, 300 mg in 24 hours), following successful endoscopic treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding. The primary end point was the proportion of the 24-hour period that the patients had a gastric pH greater than 6 (median, 55%). However, large differences in this value were evident between individuals (range, 6%–99%), and only 1 of the 14 included patients (7%) reached a pH of more than 6 in at least 80% of this time period.
Accordingly, the evidence is currently insufficient to support the use of oral PPI therapy immediately after endoscopy in high-risk patients. However, current recommendations do recommend oral PPI therapy in patients with lower-risk stigmata on endoscopy, such as a clean-based ulcer or a flat pigmented spot. In these lower-risk patients, the rates of significant rebleeding remain low.
A recent randomized controlled trial of 293 patients investigated the efficacy of double-dose oral PPI (esomeprazole 40 mg orally twice daily for 11 days followed by once-daily dosing for another 14 days) compared with single-dose oral PPI (esomeprazole 40 mg orally once daily for 25 days) after 3 days of intravenous PPI infusion. Patients with a Rockall score greater than or equal to 6 had significantly less rebleeding rates with twice-daily PPI compared with single-dose PPI (10.8% rebleeding in the twice-daily group vs 28.7% in once-daily group; P = .002). Surprisingly, rebleeding rates in an earlier study were much lower, whereby patients were randomized to intravenous esomeprazole or placebo for the first 72 hours, followed by oral esomeprazole 40 mg once a day, and reported rebleeding rates were only 1.9% and 5.1%, respectively.
We recommend routinely prescribing double-dose PPI for at least 14 days following intravenous PPI infusion in these high-risk patients and single-dose PPI thereafter. The decision to continue oral PPIs past 28 days must be judged on an individualized basis because there is insufficient evidence to guide practice, and it is determined by the nature of the bleeding lesion. For example, longer courses of PPI therapy may be warranted for patients with bleeding erosive esophagitis compared with patients with duodenal ulcers.
The optimal duration of treatment with oral PPI is unknown and also depends on patient ongoing risk factors, and sometimes the severity of the presentation. For example, a patient treated for peptic ulcer disease related to either H pylori or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) use may only require a short course of PPI so long as the H pylori is eradicated or the NSAID discontinued. The benefits and risks of ongoing PPI therapy should be discussed with individual patients.
Long-term Safety of Proton Pump Inhibitors
Many patients remain on PPI therapy long after the initial episode of UGIB. The 2 main concerns that have been raised about the long-term safety profile of PPI therapy include infections, such as Clostridium difficile –associated diarrhea (CDAD) and pneumonia, as well as metabolic bone disease.
Gastric acid inhibition predisposes patients to an increased risk of enteric infections because normally the gastric acidity protects against these pathogens. It has been proposed that there is an increased risk of CDAD in patients on PPI therapy, even without exposure to antibiotics. However, a systematic review and meta-analysis recently found only a weak relationship between exposure to PPI therapy and CDAD.
Some evidence suggests that PPI therapy increases the risk of pneumonia, presumably through increased bacteria in the upper gastrointestinal tract that can migrate into the pulmonary system. More recently, a meta-analysis found no increased risk of CDAD with the use of PPIs. A separate meta-analysis comparing PPI with H2-receptor antagonists for stress ulcer prophylaxis found no difference in rates of nosocomial pneumonia or mortality.
PPI therapy in postmenopausal women has been associated with an increased risk of hip fracture (RR, 1.30, 1.19–1.43), spine fracture (RR, 1.56, 1.31–1.85), and any-site fracture (RR, 1.16, 1.02–1.32) in the Nurses’ Health Study. In the same study, current and former smokers on PPI therapy had a 51% increased risk of hip fracture (hazard ratio, 1.52, 1.20–1.91). Similarly, another meta-analysis found that PPIs increased fracture risk, whereas histamine2 receptor antagonists did not. PPI therapy may directly alter bone metabolism via the vacuolar H + -ATPase in osteoclasts. Although a recent meta-analysis suggests that PPIs may be linked to a slightly increased risk of fracture (RR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.13–1.49), this association may be caused by confounding factors such as frailty.
Other potential consequences of PPI therapy include hypomagnesaemia, vitamin B 12 malabsorption, and acute interstitial nephritis. The most current US Food and Drug Administration warnings suggest routine screening of magnesium levels before initiating PPI therapy, and occasional monitoring of serum magnesium, especially in those patients at higher risk who are taking digoxin or diuretics. Moreover, interactions with medications, most notably clopidogrel, are a concern, although the most recent high-quality data suggest no clinically significant clopidogrel-PPI interaction. Although there are risks involved with long-term PPI therapy, the absolute risks are small. Monitoring magnesium levels periodically, as well as encouraging patients- to stop smoking, may mitigate some of the risk. Overall, physicians should aim to minimize the dose and duration of PPI therapy whenever possible.
Secondary Prophylaxis to Prevent Recurrent Bleeding
In patients with H pylori –associated bleeding ulcers, continuing PPI therapy after H pylori eradication is not required unless there are other ongoing risk factors, including NSAID use or antithrombotic therapy. Similarly, patients with NSAID-induced ulcers do not require long-term PPI therapy unless the ongoing NSAID therapy is warranted. Should NSAID treatment be necessary, the authors recommend considering a cyclooxygenase-2–selective NSAID at the lowest possible dose along with daily PPI therapy. Similarly, in patients with low-dose aspirin–related ulcers, long-term PPI therapy is required if acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) must be continued (eg, secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease).
Pooled results of 2 randomized trials have shown that ASA with PPI has significantly less risk of rebleeding than clopidogrel alone (OR, 0.06; 95% CI, 0.01–0.32). Recent guidelines suggest long-term PPI therapy in patients who have idiopathic ulcers (non– H pylori , non-NSAID), in whom the incidence of recurrent ulcer bleeding has been reported at 42%.
Helicobacter pylori Eradication
All patients should be tested for infection with H pylori , which is one of the principal causes of bleeding ulcers. Several testing methods are available. The low prevalence reported for H pylori infection in patients with UGIB might be related to delay in testing, which is often not performed until 4 weeks after the bleeding episode. Urea breath tests (UBTs) are widely used, but serology is preferable in acute settings because it has the best diagnostic accuracy in this specific condition. A second test should be performed if a negative index result is obtained at the time of acute UGIB because false-negative rates in the acute setting reach 55% and are increased for all diagnostic modalities. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) might improve H pylori detection in patients with peptic ulcer bleeding. Real-time PCR testing for a combination of H pylori 16S ribosomal RNA and urease A had a sensitivity of 64% and a specificity of 80% in tissue samples that had previously been considered negative by histologic testing alone.
After the completion of antibiotic and PPI treatment, a UBT might be the most convenient approach to assess the effectiveness of H pylori eradication treatment, unless repeat endoscopy is indicated, at which time gastric biopsies can be performed. Regardless of the method being used, checking for eradication is mandatory because H pylori infection is a major cause of gastric cancer, specifically noncardia gastric cancer.
Iron Replacement Therapy
Patients who present with UGIB should have iron studies performed after the acute bleeding episode. Anemic patients and even nonanemic patients with evidence of iron deficiency should be offered iron replacement therapy on discharge from hospital because it may improve their quality of life and cognitive function. In one study, only 16% of anemic patients after UGIB were prescribed oral supplementation on discharge from hospital. Correcting anemia rapidly after discharge may be crucial in minimizing both mortality risk and possible need for a transfusion during a rebleeding episode. In a large prospective study, patients discharged after UGIB with hemoglobin values less than 100 g/L had twice the mortality of patients with hemoglobin levels greater than 100 g/L.
However, current international consensus and American College of Gastroenterology guidelines do not discuss the role of iron replacement after UGIB. A recent randomized controlled trial of 97 patients highlighted the importance of iron replacement by comparing intravenous iron, oral iron, and placebo in patients with anemia secondary to nonvariceal UGIB. Patients receiving iron therapy had significantly lower rates of anemia (hemoglobin level <120 g/L for women and hemoglobin level <130 g/L for men) compared with patients receiving placebo at 3 months after UGIB (17% on iron therapy vs 70% on placebo; P <.01). Importantly, there was no difference in efficacy between 1 dose of intravenous iron and 3 months of oral iron replacement, although compliance in patients taking oral iron was only 56%.
The primary limitation to oral iron supplementation seems to be gastrointestinal tolerability, which is likely attributable to nonabsorbed iron. All iron salts (ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, and ferrous gluconate) showed similar efficacy and side effect profiles in a randomized trial. A certain controlled-release iron preparation (extended-release ferrous sulfate with mucoproteose) has fewer gastrointestinal side effects than the iron salts according to a large meta-analysis. There are currently no studies evaluating the tolerability of the newer polysaccharide-iron complexes, although previous studies evaluating similar formulations (eg, ferric-dextrin complex) have not shown any clear benefit.

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