© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Howard Ross, Sang Lee, Bradley J. Champagne, Alessio Pigazzi and David E. Rivadeneira (eds.)Robotic Approaches to Colorectal Surgery10.1007/978-3-319-09120-4_88. Robotic Approaches
Division of Colon and Rectal Surgery, George Washington University Hospital, 2150 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20037, USA
Department of General Surgery, The George Washington University School of Medicine, Yardley, PA, USA
Minimally invasive colorectal surgery has evolved from a laparoscopic procedure to various stages of purely laparoscopic, purely robotic, and hybrid techniques. This has been driven primarily by the location of the patient’s disease process, the advances in surgical skill, and the availability of enhanced technologically advanced equipment. The clinical goals have not changed. They include improved short-term outcomes, better quality of life, acceptable long-term oncologic outcomes, reduced operative times, and containing costs.
Robotic surgeryApproachesMinimally invasive surgeryColorectal surgeryEnhanced technologyFull robotic approachSigmoid colectomyRight hemicolectomyRobotic rectal surgeryNatural orifice robotic surgeryMinimally invasive colorectal surgery has evolved from a laparoscopic procedure to various stages of purely laparoscopic, purely robotic, and hybrid techniques. This has been driven primarily by the location of the patient’s disease process, the advances in surgical skill, and the availability of enhanced technologically advanced equipment. The clinical goals have not changed. They include improved short-term outcomes, better quality of life, acceptable long-term oncologic outcomes, reduced operative times, and containing costs [1–8].
8.1 Robotic Colon and Rectal Surgery
Robotic colon surgery was developed to overcome some of the technical limitations of laparoscopic surgery. However, robotic systems have some disadvantages as well. Most notably, robotic techniques have limited intracorporeal range of motion impacting procedures that require a larger operative field such as colectomy. Since colectomy requires access to multiple quadrants of the abdomen, a laparoscopically assisted hybrid technique or multiple dockings of the robotic cart are necessary. Other options include utilizing different ports and redocking of only 1 or 2 arms versus fully redocking the robotic bedside cart.
8.2 Full Robotic Approach
8.2.1 Right Hemicolectomy
The patient is placed in a supine position with both arms tucked at their side. Pneumoperitoneum is established via a needle through the umbilicus. The placement of the trocars for the robotic arms and the assist port vary based on the surgeon’s preference and are well described by Rawlings et al. [9] and Baik [10]. The position of the robotic cart is to the right of the patient, either at the upper right side of the patient (Rawlings, right upper oblique) or at the level of the endoscope (Baik, right vertical). The surgical table is maneuvered left side down to allow the small bowel to fall away from the surgical field. Manual movement of the endoscope can be performed to carefully examine the abdominal and pelvic contents; otherwise, it can be done robotically after the robotic cart is docked. The surgical dissection and excision generally proceed in a medial to lateral direction and are described in detail in following chapters. Extracorporeal anastomosis has been described by Baik et al. and is most commonly performed because it’s familiar to laparoscopic facile surgeons and it decreases operative time as well [10]. Rawlings et al. have reported robotic intracorporeal ileotransverse anastomosis for right hemicolectomy [9].
My preferred trocar placement is to place the camera at the umbilicus, the number 3 arm subxiphoid, the number 1 arm in the left upper quadrant, and the number 2 arm in the suprapubic position. With this setup, the surgeon can do basic mobilization with an extracorporeal anastomosis or an intracorporeal anastomosis with extraction of the colon through a suprapubic extraction site. For low-BMI patients (BMI < 30), I prefer a single-port setup through the umbilicus and use 2–8 mm instruments and an 8 mm camera.
8.3 Sigmoid Colectomy
The patient is placed in a supine, modified lithotomy position with adjustable stirrups. Bolsters are sometimes placed at both shoulders to prevent sliding toward the head of the bed with movement of the operative table, and both arms are tucked to the patient sides. Pneumoperitoneum is established via a needle, and the camera port is placed periumbilically. Careful inspection of the abdominal and pelvic contents is performed as described above. The placement of the trocars for the robotic arms and the assist port vary based on the surgeon’s preference and are well described by Rawlings et al. [9] and Baik [10]. The position of the robotic cart is to the left of the patient, either at the lower left side of the patient (Rawlings, left lower oblique) or at the level of the camera (Baik, left vertical). The patient is placed right side down. Baik describes a technique placing the patient in Trendelenburg position through the entire procedure, including mobilization of the splenic flexure. The robotic cart remains docked throughout, and there is no movement of the location of the robotic arms. Rawlings describes a technique starting in right side down in reverse Trendelenburg position for mobilization of the splenic flexure, and then the robotic arms are removed. The patient is then placed in the right side down Trendelenburg position, and the robotic arm locations are altered to facilitate dissection of the inferior mesenteric artery and the upper rectum. The technique reported by Baik appears to have the advantage of limited manipulation of the robotic system, but mobilization of the splenic flexure may be surgically more challenging in the Trendelenburg position. The operative time differential between these techniques has not been elucidated. The procedure details will be described in the following chapter. Some surgeons have advocated a hybrid approach for the ease of left colon mobilization, which is described below.
My preferred port placement for a sigmoid colectomy is to place the camera at the umbilicus, the number 1 port/stapler port in the right lower quadrant, the number 3 arm in the right upper quadrant/midclavicular line just two fingerbreadths below the costal margin, and the number 2 arm in the left upper quadrant just a few cm above the level of the camera. Sometimes, if a large amount of pelvic dissection is needed, I will place another 8 mm port in the LLQ where the number 3 arm will be moved after mobilization of the left colon/splenic flexure is done. Extraction is via the umbilicus or left lower quadrant if a port is placed there.
8.4 Robotic Rectal Surgery
In rectal cancer surgery, total meso-rectal excision (TME) is the standard, regardless of the surgical technique. Laparoscopic rectal surgery is limited due to the narrow anatomy of the pelvis or in the presence of locally advanced disease. High conversion rates to an open surgical approach have been demonstrated from the laparoscopic approach [11, 12].
8.4.1 Robotic Low Anterior Resection
A low anterior robotic resection is a challenging procedure because it requires dissection in the upper left quadrant for mobilization of the splenic flexure and ligation of the IMA, as well as left lower quadrant resection for TME. This would require undocking and movement of the heavy, cumbersome robotic cart and relocating the weighty robotic arms. The hybrid procedure was developed to overcome the limitations of the robotic system. Many surgeons prefer the full robotic approach and will be addressed as well. Technical development of the surgical robotic system, lighter and longer robotic arms with increase mobility, will help to overcome current system constraints [13–21].
8.4.2 Hybrid Low Anterior Resection
The patient is placed supine in a modified lithotomy position with their legs in modified lithotomy. Bolsters are placed at both shoulders to limit shifting toward the head of the bed, with both arms tucked at patient’s side. Pneumoperitoneum is established by a needle. The endoscope is placed supraumbilically. Careful inspection of the abdominal and pelvic contents is performed as previously described. The placement of the trocars for the robotic arms and the assist port vary based on the surgeon’s preference and are well described by Baik [10]. The patient is placed right side down and in Trendelenburg. A surgeon on the right side of the patient performs conventional laparoscopic IMA ligation and mobilization of the splenic flexure and the left colon down to the rectosigmoid junction. The robotic cart is brought in from the perineal area, between the patient’s legs. The robotic arms are placed as per surgeon preference. The dissection is described in details in the following chapters. A suprapubic robotic trocar site is extended 4 cm for specimen extraction. Based on tumor anatomy, coloanal anastomosis and abdominoperineal resection can be performed.
8.4.3 Full Robotic Rectal Surgery
Hellan et al. [22] and Luca et al. [23] have all documented their robotic rectal TME techniques. The robotic cart is docked to the lower left of the patient. The procedure follows in two distinct steps with the endoscope place supraumbilical. The first step entails ligation of the IMA and IMV and mobilization of the splenic flexure and the left colon down to the rectosigmoid junction (as with the hybrid procedure). The placement of the robotic arms is per surgeon preference. The second step concerns the rectal TME and requires disengaging the robotic arms with relocation to a new or shared port site. The patient is not moved, and this does not require undocking of the robotic cart.
My preferred technique is to do a fully robotic technique. We start by finding the middle of the abdomen after insufflation and placing the camera 2 cm to the right of midline. We place the number 1 arm/stapler trocar in the RLQ. The number 3a arm is placed in the right upper quadrant in the midclavicular line, two fingerbreadths below the costal margin. The number 2 arm is placed in the left midclavicular line a few fingerbreadths above the level of the camera. The number 3b arm is placed in the LLQ. We begin by dissecting under the IMA, identifying the ureter, and taking the IMA high at its base with the robotic vessel sealer. We then do a medial to lateral dissection separating the descending colon from the retroperitoneum. The splenic flexure can be fully mobilized when the number 3a arm is used. Once the left colon and splenic flexure are fully mobilized, the number 3a arm is now moved to the LLQ 3b port, and the number 3a port can be used as an assistant port. We then do an appropriate TME for the cancer associated with the level of the cancer. Stapler is used through RLQ port, and the colon is brought out through the LLQ widened port. After transection of the bowel, we next use Firefly and ICG to make sure we have good perfusion of our anastomosis before we place our purse string. We then do an EEA anastomosis and leak test.

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