NIH system [15]
University of Toronto System [16]
Current authors
Hepatic features
1, Silent
Without change in ALT
No hepatitis, ALT <2 × ULN
No consequence
1, Silent
Without change in ALT or AST
2, Mild
Change in ALT greater than twofold, no jaundice
Hepatitis, ALT 2–10 × ULN without change in bilirubin or INR
No interruption but increased need for HBV DNA and ALT monitoring
2, Very mild
ALT or AST increased <2 × baseline
3, Moderate
Change in ALT and jaundice
Severe hepatitis, ALT >10 × ULN and/or bilirubin 2 × ULN or INR (>1.3)
Interruption of ISDT with reinitiation after hepatitis flare resolves
3, Mild
ALT or AST increased 2–5 × baseline, no jaundice or change in INR
4, Severe
Change in ALT, jaundice, and signs of liver failure
Fulminant hepatitis as with H2 and ascites or encephalopathy
Interruption of ISDT with reinitiation of second line therapy
4, Moderate
ALT or AST increased >5 × baseline; no jaundice or change in INR
5, Fatal
Liver failure leading to death or transplant
Death due to liver failure
Discontinuation of ISDT
5, Severe
As above with jaundice and/or change in INR (>1.5)
6, Life threatening
Fulminanta requiring transplant consideration or fatal
Clinical Spectrum and Outcomes
HBVr can be associated with a significant risk of morbidity and mortality or it can be very mild and clinically inapparent. Practical experience has shown that many mild cases are not detected because changes in serum aminotransferase levels are attributable to the chemotherapy and the patient is not known to have HBV infection. Many observational studies include a number of cases in which no alteration of liver chemistries are appreciated. The overall frequency with which biochemical abnormalities are seen is often in excess of 50 % in observational studies that report data on all patients who meet the virologic criterion [11].
Mortality from HBV reactivation is reported in most clinical series. It is difficult to determine the absolute risk of death from HBVr. Some studies have reported a high mortality risk (greater than 50 %) [17, 18]. However, in most studies liver-related mortality from HBVr has been considerably lower varying from 0 to 10 % [11]. Mortality has generally been observed to be a less frequent outcome in patients who reactivate during treatment of nonmalignant conditions with tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha inhibitors [11, 19]. The relatively low mortality rate is unlikely to be due to treatment with antiviral therapy because studies that predated antiviral therapy have also revealed relatively low mortality. Even though fulminant liver failure is uncommon when HBVr is precipitated by cancer chemotherapy, it is important to emphasize that these patients lack the usual option of liver transplantation due to the underlying malignancy [20].
Observational studies tend to give less emphasis and inconsistent reporting on outcomes other than severity of hepatitis and case fatalities. One of the important clinical concerns, however, is the relatively high frequency with which cancer chemotherapy needs to be interrupted, either temporarily halted or prematurely discontinued. This has been shown to occur in as many as 20–40 % of patients with breast cancer [21]. There has also been little concerted effort to report late complications of chemotherapy interruption such as cancer-related fatalities due to the progression of underlying malignancy. Another underreported outcome is disease morbidity. An international survey of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) membership described 188 cases of HBVr induced by cancer chemotherapy in which nearly half of the patients had chemotherapy interruption and more than 50 % required hospitalization with a large number requiring intensive care management. In addition, liver related mortality was reported in 23 % of patients (Fig. 18.1) [12].

Fig. 18.1
Clinical outcomes in hepatitis B reactivation. Distribution of clinical outcomes in 188 cases of hepatitis B reactivation associated with cancer chemotherapy. Data were derived from an international survey of hepatologists [12]
Global Reach and Changing Epidemiology
HBVr occurs worldwide and there is reason to suspect that the incidence may be increasing due to the convergence of a number of factors: (1) the rapid development of immunologically potent biologic agents that are used across medical specialties; (2) relatively poor provider awareness of the benefits of HBV screening and antiviral prophylaxis of at risk patients; and (3) ambiguous and weak specialty practice guidelines [11, 13, 22]. In a recent international survey distributed to liver disease specialists, 40 % of whom practiced outside of the United States, a disproportionate number of cases (131 of 188, or 70 %) were patients born in areas of intermediate to high HBV endemicity (Fig. 18.2) [12]. A major concern in the findings from this survey was that only 40 % of the 188 HBVr cases were screened for HBsAg and anti-HBc before initiation of chemotherapy and an additional 13 % had HBsAg screening alone. Further disappointing, only 10 % received prophylactic antiviral therapy.

Fig. 18.2
Geographic, ethnic, and clinical distribution of hepatitis B reactivation during cancer chemotherapy. Results of international survey of 99 North American, Asian, and European hepatologists and gastroenterologists 40 % of whom practiced outside of North America [12]. The geographic distribution (a), ethnicity (b), and type of malignancy (c) are reported in 188 cases. Other types of cancer included bone, brain, gastrointestinal, retinoblastoma, round cell, sarcoma, and teratoma. HCC hepatocellular carcinoma
The widespread use of immunosuppressive therapy for nonmalignant conditions is a major contributing factor to a rising incidence of HBVr from ISDT. There is broad availability of TNF alpha inhibitors and broad licensing of potent biologic agents with inhibitory effects on T cell signaling, cell adhesion molecules, tyrosine kinase activity, and cytokines including interleukin (IL)-12 and IL-23. Within this landscape of therapeutic options have been increasing reports of HBVr induced by anti-CD20 B cell depleting agents used in chemotherapeutic regimens for lymphoma as well as in the management of rheumatologic diseases [11, 14, 23]. The routine use of some of these agents in the treatment of various chronic inflammatory disorders has greatly widened the spectrum of patients potentially at risk of HBVr beyond those receiving cancer chemotherapy or traditional immunosuppressive therapy such as glucocorticoids, methotrexate, or azathioprine. A diverse range of medical specialties such as gastroenterology, dermatology, and rheumatology now utilize these biologic agents on a regular basis.
Immunopathogenesis and Timeline of Virologic and Biochemical Events
It has been difficult to directly study the immunopathogenetic events linked to HBVr due to limited biologic samples, which by necessity are harvested after the disorder is clinically apparent [24]. A sequence of events has been depicted for HBV infected persons during and after cancer chemotherapy administration, which is supported by a limited number of in vitro and numerous observational studies (Fig. 18.3). Longitudinal cohort studies evaluating the kinetics of viral replication in patients with resolved HBV infection undergoing cytotoxic chemotherapy have provided insight into the timeline of evolving HBVr in individuals at risk. During the course of immunosuppressive drug therapy, an initial phase of enhanced viral replication appears to take place, in which up to a 100-fold or greater increase in serum HBV DNA levels can be observed as early as 3–6 months prior to the onset of overt clinical HBVr [25]. During this period of increased viral replication, serum aminotransferases remain normal (Fig. 18.3b) A second phase ushered in by immunologic restitution often follows after discontinuation of the immunosuppressive agent. During this phase, onset of clinical hepatitis may occur with biochemical evidence of hepatocellular injury and risk of hepatic failure (Fig. 18.3c). Preliminary evidence using biologic samples from patients with HBVr due to cancer chemotherapy suggests that an acute resurgence of HBV-specific cell mediated immunity plays a primary role in liver cell injury during the second phase of reactivation. In these patients increased HBV-specific CD8+ T cells have been detected along with diminished regulatory T cells; similar findings were observed in patients with active chronic hepatitis B but not in inactive HBsAg carriers [26]. A similar pattern may occur when HBVr occurs in association with other immunosuppressive agents; however, immunologic changes occurring in other forms of immunosuppression have yet to be described.

Fig. 18.3
Proposed immunopathogenesis of hepatitis B reactivation in the setting of cancer chemotherapy in an inactive HBsAg carrier . (a) Low-level viral replication occurs in an inactive HBsAg carrier who is about to undergo cancer chemotherapy. Small amounts of covalently closed circular HBV DNA reside in the nucleus of the cell (see in purple). It is this form of HBV DNA that serves as the genomic template for future viral transcription. ALT alanine aminotransferase, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen, HBV hepatitis B virus, WNL within normal limits. (b) Administration of cancer chemotherapy blunts T cell immune responses, which in turn permits expanded viral replication. Immunogenic core and other viral antigens are avidly displayed on the surface of infected hepatocytes in conjunction with HLA class I molecules during the administration of chemotherapy (magenta colored structures). HLA human leukocyte antigen. (c) Following discontinuation of a chemotherapy cycle, there is an immunologic rebound against the more greatly expressed viral antigens, resulting in hepatocytolysis and biochemical exacerbation. Serum HBV DNA levels often decline but at the expense of liver cell injury
Reconstitution of the host immunity appears to be a critical factor leading to liver injury after discontinuation of immunosuppressive agents, in the setting of cancer chemotherapy, or abrupt glucocorticoid withdrawal [4]. As the immunologic events leading up to HBVr are thought to occur several weeks before the development of overt clinical signs or elevated aminotransferases, a strategy of HBV DNA monitoring and deferred antiviral therapy is unlikely to avoid liver injury or potential liver failure in many patients [27–29]. This is well illustrated in the case depicted in Fig. 18.4.

Fig. 18.4
Clinical case of hepatitis B reactivation. Graphic representation of a fatal case of HBVr in a 55 year-old Chinese woman treated with doxorubicin, paclitaxel, dexamethasone, and cyclophosphamide for stage II breast cancer. Elevated ALT was observed during the third cycle of therapy approximately 5 weeks after beginning treatment. She had not been screened for HBV prior to chemotherapy and the gradual increase in ALT did not prompt testing for HBV. Testing with HBsAg and anti-HBc was first done on day 60 after initiation of chemotherapy, at which point, the patient had already demonstrated fulminant liver failure. At that time, serum HBV DNA was detectable at 2 million IU/mL. Entecavir was initiated but she expired 2 weeks after starting antiviral therapy. ALT alanine aminotransferase, anti-HBc antibody to hepatitis B core antigen, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen, HBV hepatitis B virus, HBVr hepatitis B reactivation
Covalently Closed Circular HBV DNA and Viral Reactivation
As mentioned above, HBVr induced by ISDT occurs in patients with resolved as well as active infection and reactivation is precipitated by disruption of the balance between the host’s immune control over viral replication and the inherent fitness of HBV to replicate. However, there is a key difference in these two clinical states in that very stringent immunosuppression is usually needed when patients with resolved infection undergo HBVr whereas this is not the case with HBsAg-positive individuals. This discrepancy is better understood by an awareness of the biological gradient of covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) that exists in hepatic tissue during the various phases of infection. Covalently closed HBV DNA is a highly stable molecule that acts as the genomic template for viral transcription and a concentration gradient that encompasses three orders of magnitude has been detected in hepatic tissue [30, 31]. The highest concentrations of cccDNA have been demonstrated in patients with active chronic hepatitis B and high serum levels of HBV DNA, followed in descending order by the inactive HBsAg carrier state, and those with resolved infection [30, 31]. As patients with resolved infection have only minute amounts of cccDNA such individuals would be anticipated to undergo HBVr only under conditions in which highly aggressive ISDT is given. By contrast, inactive HBsAg carriers and those with chronic hepatitis B with high levels of serum HBV DNA have progressively higher amounts of cccDNA and are in a more ready state for uncontrolled viral replication with moderate and minimal immunosuppression, respectively. Much of this is inferential, but the hypothetical importance of different levels of cccDNA in determining the risk for HBV under varying conditions of immunosuppression is consistent with many of the clinical observations that have been made in this area.
HBV Reactivation During Cancer Chemotherapy
HBV reactivation occurs most commonly during chemotherapy for leukemia or lymphoma . Rates of 50 % or greater have been routinely reported in patients not given antiviral prophylaxis [11]. However, HBVr has been observed in a wide array of solid organ malignancies including breast, colon, lung, stromal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, head and neck cancer, retinoblastoma, sarcoma, and teratoma. Among solid organ malignancies, HBVr occurs most commonly with breast cancer where rates of 20–40 % have been reported. The frequent occurrence of HBVr has been attributed to the use of anthracycline (doxorubicin or epirubicin)-based regimens [32]. Anthracyclines are also used for ovarian, uterine, and lung cancer, and are frequently incorporated into the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma with transarterial chemoembolization (TACE). Reactivated hepatitis B may occur at any time during chemotherapy and may even occur several months after discontinuation of treatment. While the timing of HBVr has not been linked to any particular set of features, this most likely is determined by a number of interactive variables including the intensity of immunosuppression and the baseline virologic and serologic status of the host.
The inordinate frequency of HBVr during chemotherapy for hematologic and solid organ malignancies tends to parallel the degree of potency of the immunosuppressive regimen and in particular the incorporation of drugs like rituximab and high-dose glucocorticoids [33, 34]. It is unclear whether it also reflects a greater degree of baseline immunodeficiency in these populations due to the lymphotrophic properties of HBV. The extensive immunologic conditioning in conventional bone marrow or hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients has been associated with reactivation in as many as 50 % or more of HBsAg-positive persons and in 10–20 % of HBsAg negative, anti-HBc positive patients further affirming that an important determining relationship exists between HBVr and the degree of immune suppression provided by drug therapy [35, 36].
Clinically Useful Predictors of Reactivation
A number of factors including age, gender, level of viral replication, and type of malignancy have been found to be associated with HBVr in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy. Experiences in patients with lymphoma have described male gender to be a risk factor. The reason for this is unclear but it is not thought to be explained by the fact that males are more commonly infected. In a comprehensive analysis of risk factors for HBVr in 138 HBsAg positive cancer patients, multivariate analysis revealed detection of pre-chemotherapy HBV DNA, the use of anthracyclines or glucocorticoids, and a diagnosis of breast cancer or lymphoma as predictors of HBVr [37]. Of these, perhaps the most useful is the pre-therapy level of serum HBV DNA using a sensitive PCR assay such as TaqMan. It has been reported that HBVr occurs more frequently in patients with HBV DNA levels above 2,000 IU/mL when sensitive PCR assays have been used [37–39], whereas other studies using less sensitive methods of detection such as branched DNA hybridization have found an association of HBVr with detectable versus non detectable HBV DNA [37].
The HBeAg status of the patient has been found to be predictive of a higher risk of HBVr in some but not all studies. In general, the presence of HBeAg can be considered to be a surrogate for high serum HBV DNA because HBeAg reactivity is almost always associated with high-level serum HBV DNA (>20,000 IU/mL) during active chronic hepatitis B as well as in the immune tolerant stage of infection where levels typically exceed 1 x 106 IU/mL [40].
There has been considerable debate about the possible protective role of concomitant antibody to HBsAg (anti-HBs ) in patients who are HBsAg negative and anti-HBc positive. Several reports suggest that the presence or absence of anti-HBs in patients with resolved infection may play an important role in determining risk of HBVr. In cohorts of bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients and patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma , the presence of anti-HBs in the setting of resolved infection has been associated with a decreased risk of HBVr [33, 35, 41–43]. In one study of 29 patients with B cell lymphoma and resolved HBV with positive anti-HBs at baseline, anti-HBs concentration was measured before and after rituximab therapy [43]. A significant decline in anti-HBs concentration was noted throughout the cohort, including a subgroup of 19 patients with low concentration (<100 IU/mL) at the onset of rituximab therapy in which eight patients lost anti-HBs entirely. However, in a recent systematic review the detection of anti-HBs showed only a weak trend when cancer chemotherapy was given for a broad range of malignancies. These seemingly discordant observations may be potentially explained by the absence of information about anti-HBs concentration in observational studies. Due to the poor quality of the data, the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA) institute management guidelines recently suggested against using anti-HBs status to guide antiviral prophylaxis in HBsAg negative patients until more is known [11]. It is possible that high level humoral immunity is more likely to be protective when ISDT is given for a relatively short period of time and is not primarily operative solely through its effects on B cell function. This is an area needing more study (Table 18.2, Fig. 18.5).

Table 18.2
Gradient of risk of hepatitis B reactivation based on serological status and degree of immunosuppression
![]() |

Fig. 18.5
Spectrum of hepatitis B reactivation risk based on potency of immunosuppressive drug therapy and degree of host immune control. The risk of HBVr occurs in a broad continuum based on the background of the host immune system’s ability to control viral replication. This is reflected by the individual’s serological status and/or the presence and level of HBV DNA. The HBVr risk increases in relation to the immunologic potency of the administered immunosuppressive drugs as indicated in the top horizontal bar. In this graph, it is assumed that all anti-HBs patients are anti-HBc positive. Anti-HBs antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen, HBV DNA hepatitis B virus deoxyribonucleic acid, HBVr hepatitis B reactivation
It is difficult to provide an absolute risk calculation for HBVr in an individual who is about to undergo cancer chemotherapy even when major predictive factors such as HBV DNA level and potency of the immunosuppressive drug or regimen are known because a number of covariates with the potential to effect incidence rates may not be recognized when ISDT is begun. Examples of this include the possible need for maintenance therapy, the use of novel anticancer drugs with limited post-marketing experience, and the potential effects of comorbid illnesses (for example, serious infection or poorly controlled diabetes) which may further decrease the overall integrity of the immune system.
B Cell Depleting Agents
Rituximab and a similar drug ofatumumab are B cell depleting agents which are associated with a high risk of HBVr, particularly when used in conjunction with other chemotherapeutic agents for B cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia [23]. Both drugs target the B cell surface antigen CD20 and inhibit B cell activation and these effects remain ongoing for several months after their discontinuation. Similarly purposed agents include ibritumomab tiuxetan , which constitutes radioimmunotherapy targeted against CD-20, and alemtuzumab , which targets CD52 present on B and T cells. The latter has been associated with cases of HBVr.
Rituximab was licensed for use in the USA in 1997 and was approved in Europe as maintenance therapy for follicular lymphoma in 2012. It is currently widely used in these regions and Asia. Ofatumumab has been more recently licensed for use in the USA (2014) and has been approved in Europe and Canada (2010 and 2012, respectively). Due to lead-time differences , a recent review of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event Reporting System identified 109 cases of HBVr caused by rituximab and three cases caused by ofatumumab. More information on HBVr risk with ofatumumab is likely to be forthcoming but it can be anticipated to have the same risk as rituximab due to the similarity in mechanism of action.
Rituximab has been associated with a particularly high risk of HBVr in patients treated for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in combination with a traditional CHOP regimen (cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone). The reported frequency of HBVr associated with regimens involving rituximab plus CHOP (R-CHOP ) has been shown to vary considerably between studies in HBsAg positive and HBsAg negative cases [33, 41, 44–52]. Rates of HBVr in HBsAg-positive patients have varied between 16 and 70 % [53].
Variability in HBVr frequency seems to be particularly true in HBsAg negative, anti-HBc positive patients. In a recent large multicenter retrospective study from Korea, China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia, investigators identified HBVr in 28 % of HBsAg-positive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patients treated with rituximab [44]. In the same study, reactivated hepatitis B occurred in 10 % of similarly treated patients who were HBsAg negative and anti-HBc positive . The range with which reactivation has been reported in anti-HBc positive patients has varied from 2 to 41 % in other studies [25, 29, 33, 42, 44, 54, 55]. In a recent meta-analysis, a relative risk of 5.5 was found in patients who were HBsAg negative and anti-HBc positive when rituximab-containing therapy was compared with traditional CHOP [53]. Even given the wide range of reported frequencies of HBVr, the high rate of reactivation in HBsAg negative anti-HBc positive patients remains a particular concern in highly endemic regions for HBV such as Asia because a large percentage of the general population (30–50 %) have resolved infection and this has important implications for HBV DNA monitoring and consideration for antiviral prophylaxis .
Predictive factors for HBVr in anti-HBc positive patients receiving rituximab-containing chemotherapy have not been studied extensively. In a large retrospective study involving 190 patients with resolved hepatitis B and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, HBVr was observed in 14 %. Risk factors associated with HBVr in this cohort included an increased number of rituximab cycles (>8) and decreased pretreatment lymphocyte–monocyte ratio as a marker of lower baseline host immunity [52]. The potential impact of occult viremia was not studied but has generally been considered to be important.
One of the hallmarks of HBVr occurring with B cell depletion is HBsAg sero-reversion during treatment. HBsAg sero-reversion is a clinically important event because it has been associated with frequent hepatitis and severe liver injury. With the exception of extensive immunologic conditioning associated with bone marrow hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, sero-reversion to HBsAg-positive rarely occurs with immunosuppressive therapy other than B cell depleting agents. In one study, sero-reversion of HBsAg occurred in 40 % of patients who developed HBVr [50]. In a prospective study including 150 patients with resolved infection who underwent R-CHOP treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 27 developed reactivation of which 16 (59 %) developed hepatitis, 9 (33 %) underwent HBsAg sero-reversion and 5 (19 %) HBeAg sero-reversion [54].
Another interesting feature of rituximab induced HBVr is that it may occur several months after discontinuation of the agent. This most likely can be explained by its long lasting effects on B cell activation . In a review of 183 cases reported in the literature it was shown that HBVr appeared on average 3 months after treatment discontinuation with a range of 0–12 months [56]. Rarely have longer post-withdrawal intervals been linked to HBVr. This signifies a need for long-term antiviral prophylaxis as discussed in the section on management of HBVr.
In addition to hematologic malignancies , B cell depletion therapy has recently found extensive use in patients with severe rheumatoid arthritis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and cryoglobulinemia. Use for nonmalignant conditions will be discussed further below.
Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
A number of studies over the past 10 years have attempted to characterize the risk of HBVr from local ablation, surgical resection, or systemic chemotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma in HBsAg positive and HBsAg negative, anti-HBc positive patients. Reactivated hepatitis B has been well documented in patients treated with TACE. There are data to suggest that arteriovenous shunting can occur within malignant tissue or at the time of the procedure itself and this can lead to systemic exposure to chemotherapeutic agents [57].
A recent review described more than 540 HBsAg carriers to be enrolled in studies in which TACE was the only modality of treatment [11]. Rates of HBVr as high as 30–40 % were reported. Multivariate analysis in one study revealed that baseline HBV DNA level in excess of 2,000 IU/mL independently predicted HBVr [58]. In another study, 119 patients were treated with TACE using either adriamycin or the more immunologically suppressive combination of epirubicin and cisplatin. These patients were compared with those who received other forms of local ablation including TACE combined with radiotherapy. High-level viremia and increased treatment intensity were the major risk factors for HBVr. When compared with local ablation as the reference population, the adjusted hazard ratio for TACE with adriamycin was 2.5; for TACE with epirubicin and cisplatin, 4.2; and for TACE with the two drug regimen and radiotherapy, 10.2 [59].
Immunosuppressive Therapy for Nonmalignant Disorders
The risk of HBVr during cancer chemotherapy has been recognized for several decades but the past 10–15 years has witnessed increasing attention to the risk that exists when ISDT is used for nonmalignant disorders. Table 18.3 lists some of the nonmalignant disorders commonly treated with ISDT that have been associated with HBVr. The most common settings have been with the treatment of rheumatologic, dermatologic, and inflammatory bowel diseases. The range of agents used for these disorders includes antimetabolites, glucocorticoids, biologic agents, monoclonal antibodies, and calcineurin inhibitors. The most commonly used biologic agents are disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs ) , which as a broad category, includes azathioprine, methotrexate, cyclosporine, and a range of biologics such as TNF alpha inhibitors. Newer agents which block costimulation of lymphocytes, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, and integrin inhibitors have been developed for a variety of indications but have not had sufficient use to allow determination of the magnitude of risk for HBVr. B cell depleting agents such as rituximab or ofatumumab have potent and long lived effects on B cell function and have come under close scrutiny recently. The US Food and Drug Administration has recently mandated a box warning on these agents and strongly recommends HBV screening for HBsAg and anti-HBc and antiviral therapy when appropriate due to numerous reports of severe HBVr when used for rheumatic as well as malignant indications.
Table 18.3
Nonmalignant diseases commonly treated with immunosuppressive drug therapy
Rheumatoid arthritis |
Plaque psoriasis |
Psoriatic arthritis |
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis |
Ankylosing spondylitis |
Crohn’s disease |
Ulcerative colitis |
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener’s granulomatosis) |
Microscopic polyangiitis |
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg–Strauss syndrome) |
Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia |
Systemic mastocytosis |
Myelodysplastic and myeloproliferative diseases |
Multiple sclerosis |
Solid organ transplantation |
Severe asthmaa |
Nephrotic syndrome |
The determination of the magnitude of risk for HBVr with any biologic agent is generally difficult until there is broad clinical experience. However, there are several circumstances other than limited clinical experience that may confound estimate of risk. Patients who are started on newer biologic therapies for conditions such as ankylosing spondylosis, plaque psoriasis, and ulcerative colitis have often failed previous therapy with other disease modifying agents, suggesting that there may be a lengthier period of immunologic suppression prior to the initiation of the new agent. This may explain why in one large case series of TNF alpha inhibitor therapy, HBVr occurred significantly more commonly in patients given prior immunosuppressive therapy when compared to individuals who lacked prior exposure (96 % vs. 70 %, respectively, p < 0.03) [19]. It is also clear from observational studies that many patients continue with more than one immunosuppressive agent for control of refractory inflammatory disorders, thus making it difficult to assign direct causality to any one particular agent. In one review of the literature, two thirds of patients who developed HBVr while taking TNF alpha inhibitors were reported to be taking other immunosuppressive agents such as glucocorticoids, methotrexate, or calcineurin inhibitors. These considerations may explain why there are often wide estimates of the magnitude of risk with TNF alpha inhibitors, a biologic drug class in which HBVr has been reported to occur in 0–40 % of HBsAg positive patients [11, 19, 60, 61].
The antimetabolites include azathioprine, 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP), and methotrexate. These agents are frequently used for chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease. Overall, these agents are considered to be at low risk for precipitating HBVr when used alone. Azathioprine monotherapy in doses used for autoimmune diseases has only rarely been associated with HBVr. There are several cases of methotrexate induced HBVr but most of the reported cases have been on other adjunctive immunosuppression, including glucocorticoids [11, 62]. Flares of hepatitis have been reported upon withdrawal of methotrexate similar to what has been reported with glucocorticoids. However, given the large number of patient exposures to methotrexate over the past 30–40 years, this drug can be considered to be low risk for inducing HBVr (Table 18.2).
Glucocorticoids are far more commonly associated with HBVr than other traditional immunosuppressive agents. These agents have a direct suppressive effect on T cell-mediated immunity and in addition, they stimulate a glucocorticoid responsive element in the HBV genome which results in increased viral transcription [63]. It has been known for decades that short term exposure to moderate to high doses of glucocorticoids enhances viral replication and often lowers serum aminotransferase levels whereas abrupt withdrawal results in an immunologic rebound that is typified by elevation of serum aminotransferases and a decline in serum HBV DNA. Knowledge that this occurred in 30–40 % of HBeAg positive patients has been used in the past in conjunction with interferon or lamivudine rescue as a therapeutic strategy for chronic hepatitis B [64, 65]. Other investigations that predated the development of nucleoside analogues showed that patients treated with several months of glucocorticoid therapy often had long-lasting flares of disease [66].

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