Radiation Exposure to the Patient and the Urologist


Dose range

Standard non-contrast CT

8–16 mSv [7]

CT urogram

9.73 mSv [10]

Low dose CT

1.4–3 mSv [7, 1114]

Ultra-low dose CT

0.5–0.91 mSv [18, 19]

Plain abdominal radiograph

0.5–0.63 mSv [8, 20]

KUB with tomograms

3.93 mSv [8]

Intravenous urogram

0.7–3.93 mSv [8, 21]

Digital tomosynthesis

0.87 mSv [20, 22]

Renal scan

1.8–3.3 mSv [21]


0 mSv

Magnetic resonance imaging

0 mSv

In addition to NCCT, CT with intravenous contrast is occasionally indicated in patients with ureteral stones. A delayed or urographic phase (CT Urogram) allows for evaluation of obstruction and helps better delineate collecting system anatomy. The recently published American Urological Association (AUA) recommendations for imaging ureteral calculi recommends CT Urogram in patients who have undergone ureteroscopic stone extraction who have evidence of hydronephrosis on ultrasound (US) or NCCT [9]. The radiation dose of a three phase CT Urogram has been calculated to be 9.73 mSv [10].

Low Dose CT

More recently, newer CT scanners and newer scanning protocols have allowed for “low dose” NCCT. There is no strict definition for what comprises a “low dose” CT (LDCT), however in general it is accepted that a CT dose <3 mSv constitutes a “low dose” scan [7]. There have been a number of reports evaluating LDCT [1114]. In a prospective comparative trial, the sensitivity and specificity for detecting ureteral calculi were compared between a standard NCCT (7.30 mSv in males and 10.00 mSv in females) with a LDCT (1.40 mSv in males and 1.97 in females) [11]. The two studies had comparable sensitivities and specificities, with the exception of stones <2 mm. In these cases, the sensitivity of LDCT decreased to 68–79 % compared to 95 % for standard NCCT. In another prospective trial, LDCT (1.6 mSv in males and 2.1 mSv in females) showed similar sensitivity and specificity for detecting ureteral or renal stones compared to standard NCCT (9.6 mSv in males and 12.6 in females) [12]. The authors did find that the LDCT had decreased sensitivity in patients with a body mass index (BMI) >30 kg/m2. In patients with a BMI >30 kg/m2, the sensitivity for detecting a ureteral calculus was only 50 % with a specificity of 89 %. A third comparative study evaluating the sensitivity and specificity between standard NCCT and LDCT also found equivalent sensitivities between the two imaging modalities for the detection of ureteral calculi [14]. A recent meta-analysis of studies evaluating LDCT for the detection of urolithiasis found pooled sensitivity of 97 % and a pooled specificity of 95 % [7].

Although LDCT has been shown to be highly effective at diagnosing ureteral calculi, it does have limitations. As mentioned above, the sensitivity of LDCT decreases in obese patients [12]. One way to overcome this decrease in image quality in obese patients is to use automatic tube current modulation (ATM) which adjusts the gantry rotation time to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio. When comparing radiation dose for LDCT using ATM in non-obese and obese patients, obese patients were found to have a threefold increase in radiation dose (3.04 mSv vs 10.22 mSv, p < 0.0001) [15]. Given these limitations, the AUA recommendations for imaging ureteral calculi recommend standard dose NCCT in obese patients with suspected ureteral stones [16]. A recent study also evaluated the ability of LDCT to detect uric acid stones in the ureter [17]. This study performed in human cadavers demonstrated decreased sensitivity of LDCT for the detection of uric acid stones, especially for stones ≤3 mm.

Low dose CT is an improvement in regards to radiation exposure over standard NCCT, however it is still more radiation than a KUB. A recent study evaluated the effectiveness of an ultra-low-dose NCCT for the detection of ureteral calculi [18]. The effective dose for the ultra-low-dose NCCT was 0.91 mSv which compares favorably to what has been reported for KUB (0.63 mSv) [8]. When compared to LDCT, ultra-low-dose NCCT was found to have similar sensitivity for stones ≥4 mm [18]. Even lower CT doses have been evaluated. In a study evaluating NCCT with doses of 0.5 mSv in males and 0.7 mSv in females, the sensitivity and specificity was found to be 97 and 95 %, respectively [19].

Plain Abdominal Radiography

Plain abdominal radiographs (KUB) are still used in clinical practice for the evaluation of ureteral stones. For radio-opaques stones, they can be used to follow patients who are on a trial of passage. The dose of a KUB can vary based on the machine and settings used. The reported doses have generally been low, between 0.5 mSv and 0.63 mSv [8, 20]. The use of tomograms increase the amount of radiation patients are exposed to. For a series of KUB and tomograms, including one scout KUB image and three tomographic sweeps, the dose has been reported to be 3.93 mSv, more than a LDCT [8]. Intravenous urogram (IVU) is still used to evaluate for obstruction in the setting of ureteral stone and to delineate collecting system anatomy. The dose of radiation from an IVU is primarily dependent on the number of images taken and the technique. Reported doses for IVU have ranged from 0.7 to 3.93 mSv [8, 21].

Digital tomosynthesis (DT) is a novel technology which recreates a number of coronal images from a single tomographic sweep. The study involves a scout plain KUB and a single sweep of the emitter. Digital software then reconstructs a number of slice images at different depths. The advantage of this technology is on each slice, overlying structures are removed to provide clearer imaging. The radiation dose for DT has been measured in a phantom model to be 0.87 mSv which is slightly more than a KUB but significantly less than traditional KUB with tomograms [20, 22].

Nuclear Medicine Scans

Renal scans can be useful to evaluate for obstruction and determine differential function of patients with urolithiasis. The radiation exposure to the patient varies with the isotope used. The exposure from a renal scan with MAG3, DMSA and DTPA is 2.6 mSv, 3.3 mSv and 1.8 mSV, respectively [21].

Renal Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Renal ultrasound is commonly used to evaluate patients with known or suspected ureteral stones. There is no radiation exposure from a renal ultrasound (US) which makes it the ideal first line study for pediatric and pregnant patients. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is another imaging technique that does not expose patients to radiation.

Radiation Reduction from Diagnostic Imaging

Patients with ureteral stones are at risk for significant radiation exposure. The key to reducing this exposure is appropriate selection of imaging technique and use of radiation free imaging, such as MRI or US, as often as possible. The use of LDCT in lieu of standard NCCT also reduces the amount of radiation patients with urolithiasis are exposed to. The AUA clinical effectiveness review recommends LDCT as first line imaging for patients with renal colic and suspicion for a renal stone with the exception of obese patients, in whom they recommend standard NCCT [22]. It also recommends a KUB at the time of LDCT and if the stone is radio-opaque, the recommendation is for US/KUB for follow up during observation. In general, the panel recommends US and KUB, depending on whether the stone is radio-opaque, for follow up after surgical treatment with shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) or ureteroscopy (URS). By following patients with US and KUB, the radiation dose is reduced nearly 80 % compared to if the patient had been followed with LDCT (0.6 mSv for US/KUB versus 3 mSV for LDCT).

Radiation Exposure in the Operating Room

Many urologic procedures in the operating room utilize fluoroscopy. This includes percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PNL), URS and SWL. The radiation from fluoroscopy contributes to patients overall exposure. It also leads to exposure for the urologist. Awareness of the amount of radiation patients are exposed to in the operating room (OR) and understanding techniques to reduce the amount of fluoroscopy will help minimize the overall exposure to both patients and urologists.

Radiation exposure from fluoroscopy can be reported in a number of different ways. Fluoroscopy time (FT) is the simplest measure of exposure, however it does not always correlate with the actual dose the patient received, particularly in obese patients [23]. Dose area product (DAP) is a value reported by the C-arm that can be converted to effective dose (ED) using conversion factors. Effective dose is a calculated dose that relates the amount of radiation absorbed to the risk of malignancy.

Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy

Patient Exposure

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is often used to treat large proximal ureteral or uretero-pelvic junction stones. Fluoroscopy is commonly used to guide percutaneous access. In addition, fluoroscopy is used to help guide wires down the ureter, for tract dilation and at the end of the procedure to evaluate for residual stone and help with drain placement. A number of reports have evaluated radiation exposure and fluoroscopy time PNL [2325]. In a retrospective review of 96 patients undergoing PNL, the mean ED was calculated to be 8.66 mSv [23]. Risk factors for higher radiation doses included increasing body mass index (BMI), increasing stone burden and increasing number of access tracts. Another review of 282 PNL procedures found a mean FT of 10.19 min [24]. In this study, increasing stone burden and access tracts was associated with increased FT.

Using a validated anthropomorphic male phantom model, one group measured organ specific dose rates and calculated ED rates for both right and left sided PNL in non-obese patients [25]. The ED rate was 0.014 mSv/s and 0.021 mSv/s for a right and left sided PNL, respectively. The authors retrospectively reviewed their series of PNL and determined the actual dose patients were exposed to by measuring the calculated ED rate by the fluoroscopy time for their procedures. They found a median ED of 7.63 mSv for right sided PNL and 8.11 mSv for left sided PNL. These doses are more than double that of a LDCT.

Surgeon Exposure

During PNL, the surgeon and OR staff are at risk for exposure to radiation from the C-arm. The primary risk for the surgeon is scatter radiation coming off the OR table or the patient. The majority of the absorbed dose that surgeons are exposed to is to the lower extremities, with the hands and head/neck getting exposed to lower amounts of radiation [2628]. In one study calculating the ED the urologist is exposed to during PNL, the mean FT was 10.7 min and he mean ED for the urologist per case was 0.0127 mSv [28]. For comparison, the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP) recommends that occupational exposure should not exceed 20 mSv per year during a 5-year period or 50 mSv in any single year [29]. In that same study, the absorbed dose the surgeon’s eyes was exposed to was 40 μGy, compared to 167 μGy and 93 μGy to the lower leg and foot respectively [29].

Radiation Reduction

During any procedure using fluoroscopy, the principles of As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) should be followed (Table 3.2). These principles include ensuring the image intensifier is as close to the patient as possible and that the image is collimated over the area of interest as much as possible. Pulsed fluoroscopy should be set at the lowest possible frames/sec that provides usable image quality to perform the procedure and last image hold should be used to save images for reference during the procedure.

Table 3.2
Techniques to reduce radiation dose from fluoroscopy in the operating room (ALARA)

Collimate image to area of interest

Place image intensifier as close to patient as possible

Use pulsed fluoroscopy at lowest frames/sec that produces acceptable image

Use last image hold to save images for reference later in procedure

Use single shot fluoroscopy rather than continuous fluoroscopy as much as possible

Use low dose settings on C-arm where applicable

Use ultrasound when feasible (to aide in percutaneous access)

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Sep 21, 2016 | Posted by in UROLOGY | Comments Off on Radiation Exposure to the Patient and the Urologist

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