Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

Fig. 4.1
Survival in patients with small-duct and large-duct PSC. Survival free of liver transplantation is significantly longer in patients with small-duct PSC. Modified from Bjornsson et al. Gastroenterology 2008;134(4)

Extended PSC Phenotypes and Associated Syndromes

Autoimmune Hepatitis Overlap Syndromes

Two to four percentage of individuals with PSC will suffer from coexisting autoimmune hepatitis, termed as a PSC–autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome. Unlike individuals with isolated PSC, these individuals will fulfil the criteria for autoimmune hepatitis diagnosis. These individuals typically have transaminase levels greater than five times the upper limit of normal, IgG levels 1.5–2 times the upper limit of normal, high titre antibodies (antinuclear antibodies, anti-smooth muscle antibodies) and on liver biopsy demonstrate an excess of plasma cell infiltration with interface hepatitis. This should be treated by standard immunosuppressive therapies for autoimmune hepatitis such as induction with corticosteroids and maintenance with azathioprine or mycophenolate mofetil. However, unlike isolated autoimmune hepatitis, these individuals never normalise transaminase levels completely which is indicative of underlying PSC. Therefore, the treatment aim should be normalisation of IgG levels and an improvement of interface hepatitis on liver biopsy. This overlap of PSC would be distinct from the variant syndromes that are seen in paediatric populations where autoimmune sclerosing cholangitis (ASC) and autoimmune hepatitis are associated with significantly better outcomes when compared to PSC. This is in contrast to adult populations where PSC–autoimmune hepatitis is associated with accelerated disease, and earlier need for transplantation and higher rates of recurrent disease post-liver transplantation [7].

IgG4 Disease

A proportion of individuals will present with features consistent with PSC and extensive biliary changes; however, they will suffer from a closely related condition termed IgG4 related disease which is a distinct entity characterised by dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates that are rich in IgG positive plasma cells. This disease can affect virtually every organ system and lead to intense fibrosis, autoimmune destruction and at times, the formation of inflammatory pseudotumours that can mimic cholangiocarcinoma. Individuals with IgG4 disease typically suffer not only from biliary disease but often autoimmune pancreatitis which often dominates their presentation and a relative absence of coexisting IBD although some cases have been reported. Infiltration with IgG4-secreting plasma cells is pathognomonic of this disease, and it can occur not only in the biliary tree and pancreas but also in the salivary glands, periorbital tissues, kidneys, lungs, lymph nodes, meninges, aorta, breast, prostate, thyroid, pericardium and the skin and has some similarity to sarcoidosis and its disease distribution. Although this disease can present with multiple liver masses and biliary changes suggestive of cholangiocarcinoma, these are mostly inflammatory pseudotumours that respond and disappear with immunosuppressive therapies. The mainstay of treatment for this disease is immunosuppression with corticosteroids and azathioprine with a high risk of relapse when discontinued [8].

Secondary Causes of Sclerosing Cholangitis

The biliary tree is limited in its ability to respond to dithering insults and as such, a wide range of diseases affecting the biliary tree can lead to cholestasis and eventual fibrostenotic changes (Table 4.1). All of these diseases can have typical radiological changes associated with PSC and include recurrent gallstone disease, congenital ductal plate malformations such as Caroli’s disease, biliary tract trauma following cholecystectomy, cholangiocarcinoma, recurrent bacterial biliary infection, AIDS related cholangiopathy secondary to Cryptosporidium infection, portal vein thrombosis with portal venous cholangiopathy, hepatic arterial insufficiency with biliary structuring, immunodeficiency (most notably X-linked Hyper IgM syndrome) with recurrent Cryptosporidium infection and progressive cholangiopathy and associated cholangiocarcinoma. In addition to these causes, direct drug-induced effects and prolonged intensive care unit stay has also been associated with biliary stricturing as have a variety of micro-organisms which include HIV and cytomegalovirus [9].

Table 4.1
Classification of sclerosing cholangitis

Primary sclerosing cholangitis

Small duct disease

Large duct disease

Autoimmune cholangiopathy

Overlap syndromes



Secondary sclerosing cholangitis



Recurrent pygenic cholangitis

Caroli’s disease


Autoimmune pancreatitis

Biliary trauma


Primary immune deficiency (CD40 ligand deficiency)

IgG4 disease

Associated Autoimmune Diseases

Up to 20 % of patients with PSC will suffer with autoimmune diseases other than IBD. A recent study found significant association with coeliac disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, sarcoidosis, sacroiliitis, Sjogren’s syndrome, type 1 diabetes and thyroid disease. This data is summarised in Table 4.2. The mere presence of these diseases is associated with increased mortality in patients with PSC. IBD is however the most dominant associated disease which occurs in roughly 70 % of PSC sufferers at a ratio of 6:1 ulcerative colitis to Crohn’s disease. IBD in PSC often precedes the diagnosis of PSC by a mean of 10–14 years and typically presents as a pancolitis. This can be asymptomatic with relative rectal sparing and predominantly right-sided inflammation. PSC-IBD has an increase in backwash ileitis but isolated small bowel IBD is uncommon [10]. A proportion of individuals with PSC will proceed to end stage liver disease and liver transplant only to develop de novo IBD following transplantation. This disease can often be aggressive and unresponsive to immunosuppressive drugs as it already occurs in the presence of potent immunosuppressive drugs required for the liver allograft. Thirty percentage of individuals with PSC appear not to suffer from IBD. It is unclear whether these individuals truly have no gut inflammation or whether this is a failure to detect subclinical inflammation by standard means as virtually all PSC patients will describe some degree of changes in their bowel habit and diarrhoea at some stage. Surgery for IBD in PSC is complicated by higher than expected rates of pouchitis when compared to patients with IBD alone. The rates of pouchitis in this population vary tremendously from 60 % to almost 100 % in some case series. There is accumulation of risk at 1, 2, 5 and 10 years following ileal pouch anal anastomosis of 22, 43, 61 and 79 % respectively for patients with PSC. Pouchitis in the setting of PSC is associated with poorer treatment responses compared to individuals without PSC and higher rate of subsequent pouch removal [11].

Table 4.2
Frequency of autoimmune diseases associated with PSC

Autoimmune disease


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Ulcerative colitis


Crohn’s disease


Indeterminate IBD


Thyroid disease


Type 1 diabetes


Rheumatoid arthritis


Celiac disease












Modified from Liu et al. Nature Genetics 2013;45(6)

Pathogenesis of PSC

The aetiology of PSC is unknown. Similar to IBD, it is likely that PSC occurs in genetically susceptible individuals in response to an environmental factor, possibly their own gut microbiota that also triggers IBD. A proportion of these IBD patients will have additional genetic or possibly immunological alterations which leaves their livers susceptible to inappropriate inflammation and subsequent development of PSC. Several mechanisms that could contribute to such a model have been proposed and are summarised below [9].

Environmental Risk Factors

There is very little data on environmental risk factors for PSC. Possibly the strongest data is a negative association with cigarette smoking. In one study of 184 patients with PSC and age/sex matched controls, only 4.9 % of PSC cases smoked compared to 26.1 % of controls. 69.65 % had never smoked compared to 46.7 % of controls. These differences have since been replicated and although the absolute smoking percentages vary based on the population prevalence of smoking, these striking differences between PSC and controls remains. Some data would suggest that those with PSC that have smoked but subsequently stopped have a later onset of disease.

Less pronounced but equally significant is the negative association with coffee consumption. Seventy-six percentage of PSC cases versus 86 % of population controls (odds ratio 0.52) consumed coffee by age 18. These effects were largely restricted to male patients. Female patients with PSC reported less use of hormonal contraception use than controls. This potential interaction with female sex hormones is further underlined by the observation that female patients with multiple pregnancies develop PSC at a later age [12].


The majority of the genetic susceptibility to PSC is strongly clustered to chromosome 6 and the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex. The first association with this HLA complex was reported in 1982 where it was shown that HLA-B8 and HLA-DR3 were found in 80 % of patients with PSC and ulcerative colitis. The association with HLA-B8 was subsequently replicated in a further cohort where 60 % of PSC patients compared to 25 % in controls carried this risk allele. This provided the first evidence of a heritable component to PSC which was subsequently confirmed in a Swedish study of 678 PSC patients and 6,347 healthy controls which demonstrated a substantially increased risk of PSC in first-degree relatives of PSC patients with hazard ratios of 11.5 for the offspring. Despite this compelling data, familial patterns of PSC inheritance remain rare with only five patients in this cohort having first degree relatives with PSC (3.4 %). Thus the prevalence of PSC amongst first-degree relatives was 0.7 % with a prevalence in siblings of 1.5 %.

Genetic studies in PSC have largely focused on risk alleles that increase genetic susceptibility to the disease and have expanded the HLA haplotypes associated with PSC. The initial haplotype associated with PSC were B8, DR3 and D2 as well as A1, B8 and DR3. This was expanded to include HLA-DRW52A (DRB3*0101) which has an association with PSC between 55 and 100 % depending on the cohort. Subsequently, DR6 was added as a risk haplotype and strong association reported with DRB1*1301, DQA1*1301 and DQB1*0603. Much of the difficulty in deciphering the HLA has come from the relative homogenous genetic background of the study populations which in most studies only include Caucasians from Scandinavia and North Western Europe. The recent Immunochip experiment in PSC sequenced 3,789 PSC cases using a high resolution SNP chip. This experiment replicated the previous HLA alleles and demonstrated that the majority of PSC risk resides in HLA-B and HLA-DRB1. The study showed strong linkage disequilibrium with the HLA-B*08:01 haplotype which is part of the ancestral HLAB*08:01-DRB1*03:01 haplotype (AH8.1) which is an ancestral haplotype associated with multiple autoimmune diseases. This study added HLA-B*08:01, HLA-DQA*01:03, HLA-DQA*05:01, DRB1*15:01 and DQA*01:01 to the current list of risk haplotypes for PSC. It is clear that certain HLA haplotypes carry a risk of PSC whereas others afford protection to this disease and is summarised in Table 4.3 [13, 14].

Table 4.3
HLA haplotypes associated with PSC. Multiple HLA haplotypes carry a risk of PSC while others afford protection

PSC risk loci











The relationship between the HLA and disease cause has been explored with HLA-DR52A, patients reportedly developing more severe disease and earlier mortality. Similarly, HLA-DR4, DR3, DQ2 heterozygosity has been associated with rapidly progressive disease. Much more work is needed to decipher the HLA complex in PSC and also the potential association with disease progression. This is, however, a key element of PSC as the HLA class 1 and class 2 genes determine the ability of the immune system to recognise both self and non-self antigens and could be a critical part in understanding potential antigens that drive PSC.

Non-HLA Risk Loci

Genome-wide association studies have defined 15 non-HLA risk loci for PSC which are summarised in Table 4.4 and demonstrate significant overlap with other autoimmune diseases including ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, coeliac disease, type 1 diabetes, sarcoidosis, psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. This is hardly surprising given the strength of the HLA association in PSC which is a common feature to other autoimmune diseases as well as the fact that clinically, patients with PSC often suffer with other autoimmune conditions as described above. Much work still need to be done to determine the biological effects of these genetic risk loci [15].

Table 4.4
PSC susceptibility genes


Lead SNP

Risk allele

Common allele

Nearby gene loci






























IL2, IL21














































Modified from Liu et al. Nature Genetics 2013;45(6), and Karlsen et al. Nature Genetics 2013;45(6)

IL-2/IL-2 Receptor α Risk Locus

These risk loci are commonly shared between multiple autoimmune diseases and represents a critical axis involved in activation and programming of the adaptive immune system. Mice deficient in the IL-2 receptor α gene readily developed auto-antibodies and multi-organ autoimmune disease including biliary inflammation that resembles PBC and enterocolitis. Specific studies in PSC to assess the impact of this risk locus are lacking. However, supportive evidence comes from previous studies that demonstrated impaired T-cell responses and reduced levels of IL-2 expression following mitogen stimulation of liver derived lymphocytes from PSC patients. In parallel, decreased expression of IL-2 receptor was observed in these T-cells [15, 16].

FUT-2 Risk Locus

This locus encodes galactoside 2-α-l-fucosyltransferase 2 which is intimately involved in protein glycosylation and includes the ABH blood antigen synthesis as well as the Ca19-9 pathway. The RS601338 polymorphism gives rise to a non-functional truncated FUT-2 enzyme which results in the inability to synthesise ABH antigens on mucosal surfaces and in salivary glands and is commonly referred to as a non-secretor. Similarly FUT2 polymorphisms are associated with different base line levels of Ca19-9 in the serum. FUT-2 locus is shared between PSC and Crohn’s disease. The exact role is PSC is not known but appears to alter the mucosal milieu and the composition of commensal bacteria in the biliary tree. FUT-2 homozygous risk allele carriers have reduced biliary proteobacteria and increased populations of firmicutes [17, 18].

Salt-Inducible Kinase (SIK)-2 Risk Locus

The RS79376A2SNP that confers risk for PSC is located in an intron of the SIK-2 gene which encodes salt-inducible kinase-2. This gene is reported to influence both interleukin-10 in macrophages and NUR-77 which functions as an important transcription factor in leukocytes. IL-10 is critical in maintaining immunological tolerance whilst IL-10 deficiency is associated with early onset IBD. Similarly, IL-10 deficient mice developed severe colitis and provided a rationale that led to evaluation of IL-10 as a potential treatment for IBD. In strong linkage disequilibrium with this SNP is RS11168249 which is situated within the HDAC7 gene which encodes histone deacetylase 7. This molecule is implicated in the negative selection of T-cells in the thymus, a critical process in determining the development of central immune tolerance. HDAC7 is likely to play a central role in PSC as it is also linked to an intronic site in the PRKD-2 gene which encodes serine threonine protein kinase D2. PRKD-2 phosphorylates HDAC-7 during T-cell receptor engagement with thymocytes which lead to the exclusion of HDA-7 from the nucleus and eventual negative selection of immature T-cells through apoptosis. The convergence of these three risk alleles to a single T-cell selection pathway suggests that a loss of central tolerance is at least in part involved in the pathogenesis of PSC but does require biological validation [15].

Macrophage Stimulating (MST)-1

MST-1 Is the strongest non-HLA risk locus in PSC with a p value of 2.4 × 10−26 and is a shared locus with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. MST-1 is associated with macrophage differentiation and skews towards M2 (anti-inflammatory) phenotypes. It is also reported to alter leukocyte trafficking by modulating integrin-mediated adhesion and is expressed throughout the liver including the biliary epithelium. The RS3197999 risk locus for PSC predicts a hypofunctional MSP1 (macrophage stimulating protein 1) with reduced receptor affinity and hence could affect PSC either by direct alteration of its function within the liver or by a lack of tolerogenic effects on recruited leukocyte subsets such as macrophages [19].

The majority of risk loci in PSC are shared with other autoimmune diseases. However, BCL2L11, SIK-2, TCF-4 and PRKD-2 appear to be PSC-specific. Much work still remains to be done to fully understand the effects of these genes in the pathogenesis and whether they affect the course of the disease. These are not necessarily the same sets of loci as polymorphism in the MMP2 gene which has recently been linked to PSC progression but does not confer risk for the disease itself. It might well be that different genetic alleles will determine the course of PSC and remains to be investigated.

Immunological Mechanisms in PSC


The most attractive hypothesis for development of PSC is one where the enterohepatic immune system develops cross-reactive immunity to an antigen (auto-antigen or pathogen) in the setting of reduced tolerance which leads to immune-mediated gut and biliary inflammation. This is in part supported by the strong association with the HLA which hints at specific but as of yet undefined antigen recognition in PSC. A consequence of such aberrant immunity would be manifested in the generation of auto-antibodies and T-cell responses, for which there is accumulating evidence. Total IgG levels in PSC patients are often raised, suggestive of an immune-mediated process with most attention being focused on specific antibodies such as anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA).

Positive ANCA serology is found in 42–93 % of patients with PSC and probably relates to heterogeneity in the techniques in measuring this antibody. In comparison to the conventional cytoplasmic ANCA (cANCA) and perinuclear ANCA (pANCA), the main ANCA pattern in PSC (and ulcerative colitis) produces a broad heterogeneous, rim like staining pattern of the nuclear periphery along with multiple intra-nuclear fluorescence spots that correspond to invaginations of the nuclear envelope. The term, peripheral anti-neutrophil nuclear antibodies has been proposed to describe this atypical pANCA indirect immunofluorescence (IF) pattern. However, IF is a time consuming, observer dependent, low throughput test that requires highly trained personnel and hence some of the variability of ANCA in different populations could be related to these confounders.

To date there has been no correlation between disease activity and individual ANCA antigens. Traditional ANCA targets such as antigen proteinase-3 (PR3) can also be detected in the serum of PSC patients (0–44 %) and is found at similar rates in patients with ulcerative colitis. The pattern of staining is similar to that of Wegener’s granulomatosis and small vessel vasculitis. Several antigens have been proposed to account for the very specific staining pattern that is seen in PSC which includes pepsin G, a chymotrypsin like proteinase as well as in the toxin binding protein of polymorphonuclear granulocytes but requires further validation. ANCA titres do not appear to reflect disease activity and it is well recognised that ANCA levels can persist following liver transplantation or panproctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis.

Cellular Immunity

The biliary epithelium not only functions by contributing to bile secretion but is an active participant in liver immunity. Biliary epithelium secretes IgA and expresses multiple pattern recognition receptors such as Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and NOD-like receptors to aid in the detection of pathogen associated molecular patterns such as lipopolysaccharide. In response to infection or inflammation, biliary epithelium secretes pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-6, TNFα and IL-1β to drive pro-inflammatory responses. As part of this process, chemokines such as CXCL12, CXCL16, CXCL9 to CXCL11 and CCL20 are secreted to attract pro-inflammatory CD8 T-cells to the liver. Biliary epithelium expresses ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 which furthers contributes to the accumulation of inflammatory leukocytes in the peribiliary space to take part in biliary inflammation in PSC. Although pro-inflammatory CD8 recruitment to the biliary tree dominates during PSC, biliary epithelium also secretes CCL28 which serves as an attractant for immune-regulatory T-cells which express the chemokine receptor CCR10 to try to limit biliary inflammation [20].

The biliary epithelium can shape the pattern of the inflammation by secretion of IL-6 and CCL20 which preferentially attract interleukin 17 producing CD4 cells (Th17) and creates a paracrine loop to expand these pro-inflammatory cells in situ. Expression of VCAM-1 not only helps effector T-cells to adhere to the biliary epithelium and biliary structures but also provides a survival signal to these T-cells to ensure their persistence and thus chronic inflammation. Much of these processes are generic to the biliary epithelium and can be found in related biliary conditions such as PBC [20].

However, what sets PSC apart from other liver diseases is that in addition to these generic pro-inflammatory recruitment pathways to the biliary epithelium, there is aberrant expression of gut-specific adhesion molecules such as the chemokine receptor CCL25 and the integrin ligand, MAdCAM-1. Normally, these molecules are highly restricted to the gut where they drive selective recruitment of gut-specific T- and B-cells which express the CCL25 receptor, CCR9 and the integrin combination, α4β7 which binds to MAdCAM-1. These two molecules are preferentially imprinted on T- and B-cells in mesenteric lymph nodes by CD103 expressing gut dendritic cells under the control of retinoic acid. This provides a mechanism whereby gut dendritic cells that have been exposed to enteric pathogens can program specific T- and B-cells to selectively target the gut. In PSC, this normally closely regulated mechanism of gut tropism becomes aberrant and CD8 T-cells derived from the gut are able to be recruited to the liver and potentially perpetuate biliary inflammation. The opposite is also true in that vascular adhesion protein 1 (VAP-1) is normally expressed in the uninflamed liver and during IBD is rapidly upregulated in the gut, hence providing a mechanism whereby T- and B-cells potentially traffic between the gut and the liver in PSC and IBD. This provides an important rationale how gut and liver inflammation might be linked and provides important adhesion molecule targets that could be exploited as future therapies for individuals with PSC and IBD [21, 22].

Infection as a Cause for PSC

Gut inflammation is associated with increased gut permeability and hence it has been postulated that PSC occurs because of persistent portal venous bacterial translocation. This has, however, not been borne out in several studies that have failed to show significant bacterial populations within the portal venous blood or the liver. A further complicating factor is that gut permeability in IBD is dependent on the severity of the IBD which does not translate to severity of PSC. This makes a direct pathogen translocation theory less likely. This does not, however, exclude the possibility of bacterial products from the gut being involved in PSC nor does it account for potential changes in the gut microbiota which is increasingly being linked with human disease. As described above, the FUT-2 mutation does directly affect the microbiota composition within the biliary tree with similar changes expected in the gut where FUT-2 polymorphisms are also associated with Crohn’s disease. IBD is associated with very significant alterations in the gut microbiota with loss of diversity and the emergence of dominant microbial flora.

Similarly, immunodeficiency syndromes can give rise to PSC-like syndromes. Both HIV as well as X-linked hyper IgM syndrome (CD40L deficiency) lead to biliary colonisation with cryptosporidium and a progressive cholangiopathy than can lead to cholangiocarcinoma. These specific defects have not been demonstrated in PSC but might well have accelerated the phenotype as recurrent biliary infections as are seen in chronic gallstone disease also lead to a sclerosing cholangitis type liver picture [9].

Viral infections are yet to be associated with PSC. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) can give rise to severe bile duct destruction and mimic PSC but does not lead to extended fibrosis and large duct disease. The effects on the biliary tree and HIV are thought not to be directly related to the HIV virus but rather persistent cryptosporidium or microsporidial infection of the biliary system.

Fungal infections are often seen in advanced large duct PSC as secondary infections. Evidence for a primary role of fungi in the pathogenesis of the PSC remains controversial. A large proportion of PSC patients will have high levels of anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA). This appears to be independent of the stage of PSC or their IBD phenotype. Biliary cultures in these individuals have so far failed to reliably culture this organism, casting some doubt as its role in the pathogenesis of PSC.

Altered Bile Acid Metabolism

One theory to explain PSC comes from the observation that mice deficient in the MDR2 (ABCB4) gene which is involved in cannulicular phospholipid generation develop a phenotype similar to PSC with intense peribiliary fibrosis. This has led to the hypothesis of toxic bile contributing to the development of PSC. To date, the MDR2 mutation has not been reported in humans with no evidence of polymorphisms in this locus in PSC. It is conceivable that protective mechanisms such as bicarbonate secretion is altered by inflammation or that inflammation leads to dysfunction of biliary transporters which leads to the accumulation of toxic bile acids which in turn directly interact with the cholangiocytes to drive apoptosis, fibrosis and possibly carcinogenesis. This might be a direct effect of bile acid accumulation or a secondary effect due to changes in the gut microbiota which in turn affects the enterohepatic recirculation bile acid. There is no doubt that chronic cholestasis is toxic to the biliary tree whether in advanced PSC or in secondary sclerosing cholangitis due to obstructive cholangiopathy, but evidence for a primary defect to explain PSC remains lacking.

Clinical Presentation

PSC has a wide range of clinical presentations and can affect any individual at any age of life. Practically the majority of patients will be male with peak incidence in the mid to late 30s. Traditionally, these individuals present with an episode of obstructive jaundice with increased bilirubin, pale stools, dark urine and generalised itching. A proportion will present with acute cholangitis, particularly if they suffer with advanced large duct disease with another subgroup presenting with end stage liver failure in the form of decompensated liver disease such as variceal haemorrhage or the new onset of ascites or encephalopathy. This type of presentation is becoming increasingly uncommon as the majority of individuals are now picked up at much earlier stages of disease due to abnormal liver biochemistry as part of the work-up for inflammatory bowel disease or health screening visits. Traditionally, this group of patients will have a high incidence of coexisting inflammatory bowel disease that has often preceded the diagnosis. A proportion of patients will present with persistent right hypochondrial pain that precedes significant cholestasis or liver dysfunction by several years. It is also increasingly common that individuals will be completely asymptomatic and diagnosed with PSC based on incidental MRI or ultrasound findings of abnormal bile ducts at a time when undergoing abdominal imaging for other causes such as IBD. A large proportion of these individuals can have normal liver biochemistry although it is the norm to find an increased alkaline phosphatase in the majority of these cases. As the disease progresses, PSC patients increasingly develop symptoms which are summarised in Table 4.5. Symptoms such as pruritus and jaundice can be largely predicted based on the deterioration of the external biliary tree as can episodes of ascending cholangitis. Fatigue which is a prominent feature in two-thirds of patients, is however not dependent on disease stage and is often the most disabling symptom [1].
Mar 23, 2017 | Posted by in GASTROENTEROLOGY | Comments Off on Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis

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