Patient factors
Advanced Age
Black Race
Pre-existing co-morbidities
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Liver Disease
Respiratory Disease
Heart Failure
Diabetes: Especially with proteinuria
Current susceptibilities
Volume Depletion
Critical Illness
Circulatory Shock
Cardiac Surgery (especially with CPB)
Nephrotoxic Agents
Ensuring adequate renal perfusion
Modulation of renal physiology
Avoiding further, additional renal insult
11.2 Ensuring Adequate Kidney Perfusion
According to large cohort studies hypovolemia, sepsis and heart failure have been shown to be the most frequent causes of AKI, it follows that as a consequence reduced renal perfusion is considered a major risk factor as well as a trigger for this syndrome. However, the practicalities of how to provide optimal renal perfusion are far from straightforward but are best achieved by a systematic approach with the main targets being:
Optimizing systemic haemodynamics
Reducing factors compromising renal perfusion and filtration
Selective vasodilation of the renal vascular bed
11.2.1 Optimizing Systemic Hemodynamics
Optimisation of systemic hemodynamics is accomplished through enhanced hemodynamic monitoring. Usual targets include adequate oxygen delivery achieved by normalizing the stroke index and arterial oxygen saturation. Central venous saturation and lactate clearance may be additionally included for evaluation but the results must be viewed in context. Detailed recommendations on how to guide hemodynamic management is outside the remit of this chapter but was recently addressed in the recommendations by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine [1]. Vasopressors
Vasopressors are the mainstay of therapy in vasodilatory shock: Noradrenalin is the preferred choice over adrenaline or dopamine given they are associated with higher rates of arrhythmias [2, 3]. Vasopressin may be an option in vasoplegic states where noradrenalin use fails to attain target values and some recent studies suggest a lower incidence of AKI stage 1 when vasopressin rather than noradrenalin is used [4]. Inotropes
Where reduced cardiac output predominates the clinical picture, inotropic agents including inodilators are a reasonable option. Interestingly, recent data indicates that the calcium sensitizers levosimendan may be superior with regard to effects on renal function compared to dobutamine especially in the setting of sepsis [5, 6]. Volume Therapy
Both relative and overt hypovolaemia contribute to reduced cardiac filling pressures and potentially lead to reduced renal perfusion and therefore timely, appropriate fluid administration is a preventive measure which should be effective both through the restoration of the circulating volume and potentially minimising drug induced nephrotoxicity [7]. Where volume replacement is indicated this should be performed in a controlled fashion directed by hard end points with hemodynamic monitoring [8] as injudicious use of fluids carries its own inherent risk [9] (see below).
Volume replacement may employ 5 % glucose (i.e. free water), crystalloids (isotonic, half isotonic), colloids or a combination thereof. Glucose solutions substitute free water and are mainly used to correct hyperosmolar states. Given free water is distributed throughout the extracellular volume, glucose solutions provide only about half of the effects on volume expansion as compared to crystalloids. Isotonic crystalloids represent the mainstay for correction of extracellular volume depletion. However, increased chloride load resulting from normal saline may result in a hyperchloraemic acidosis and potential renal vasoconstriction as well as altered perfusion of other organs such as the gut [10]. Recent investigations suggest increased risk of AKI and RRT as well as increased mortality associated with use of large volumes of 0.9 % saline as compared to so called ‘balanced solutions’ which contain significantly lower chloride concentrations [11–13]. However, to-date there are no published randomised controlled studies comparing saline to balanced solutions and the effects on renal function and recent evidence suggest that other cofounders may also play a role in the development of AKI. Whereas crystalloids expand plasma volume by approximately 25 % of the infused volume, colloid infusion results in a greater expansion of plasma volume. The degree of expansion is dependent on concentration, mean molecular weight and (for starches) the degree of molecular substitution. Furthermore, volume effects of colloids are dependent on the integrity of the vascular barrier which is often compromised in the presence of a severe SIRS response as well as sepsis. Artificial colloids used clinically include gelatines, starches and dextrans. Human albumin (HA) is the only naturally occurring colloid with additional pleiotropic properties outside the scope of this chapter.
Hydroxyethyl starches (HES) are highly polymerised non-ionic sugar molecules characterised by molecular weight, grade of substitution, concentration and C2/C6 ratio. Their volume effect is greater than that of albumin especially when larger sized polymers are employed. These molecules degrade through hydrolytic cleavage the products of which undergo renal elimination. However, these degradation products may be reabsorbed and contribute to osmotic nephrosis and possibly medullary hypoxia [14–16]. A further problem with HES may be dose dependant tissue deposition and associated pruritus [17–19] which appear to be characteristic for all preparations of HES independent of molecular size and substitution grade. Recent randomized controlled trials (RCT) have substantiated increased risk for AKI and renal replacement therapy by using starches especially in sepsis [20–22] leading to the recommendation not to use starches in critically ill patients [23, 24]. Gelatines have an average molecular weight of ca. 30 KD and the observed intravascular volume effect is shorter than that observed with HA or HES although potential side effects of there use include the possibility of prion transmission, histamine release and coagulation problems particularly with the use of large volumes [25, 26]. Furthermore, there is a theoretical risk of osmotic nephrosis with gelatine use although data is scarce and studies fail to demonstrate any deleterious effects on renal function as determined by changes in serum creatinine [27–29]. Dextrans are single chain polysaccharides comparable to albumin in size (40–70 kDa) and with a reasonably high volume effect though again anaphylaxis, coagulation disorders and indeed AKI may occur at doses higher than 1.5 g/kg/day [30–33]. Osmotic nephrosis has also been reported for dextranes [16].
HA may appear attractive in hypooncotic hypovolaemia but in some countries is costly [34–36]. A large multicenter RCT comparing 20 % albumin to crystalloid failed to demonstrate any difference in outcomes including renal function, but proved that albumin itself was safe [37]. The most recent trial in patients with sepsis showed improved survival and a better negative fluid balance in patients with septic shock [38]. Importantly, to-date no negative effect on renal function have been reported from RCTs using 20 % albumin.
11.2.2 Reducing Factors Compromising Renal Perfusion
According to the currently available data a fluid overload of >10 % has been found to be associated with increased mortality in critically ill patients [39]. Moreover, fluid overload has also been demonstrated to be a significant risk factor for AKI. Volume overload may impair renal function through effects on glomerular filtration through several mechanisms. General organ oedema increases interstitial pressure throughout and in organs which are encapsulated, such as the kidneys, the limited ability to mitigate this change through distension leads to a further rise compromising function. Venous congestion with volume overload reflected by a rise in central venous pressure has been shown to be associated with a reduced glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and increased sodium reabsorption in animal studies. Moreover, recent investigations demonstrate an association between increased central venous pressures (>12 mmHg) and the rate of AKI in critically ill patients [40]. Thirdly, massive fluid overload is a major risk factor for abdominal hypertension which further impairs renal function through its putative effects on renal perfusion. Furthermore, volume overload is associated with lung injury requiring increased ventilation pressures, especially positive endexpiratory pressure (PEEP) which also increases central venous pressure (CVP) and subsequently intrabdominal pressure. Treatment of volume overload includes aggressive pursuit of a negative fluid balance with volume restriction and diuretic usage. Volume overload may lead to the initiation of renal replacement therapy (RRT) if a negative fluid balance cannot be achieved over the desired period and indeed intractable volume overload is considered an absolute indication for commencing renal replacement therapy [41].
11.2.3 Selective Renal vasodilation Dopamine
Dopamine when used at so-called ‘renal doses’ is still widely used but is ineffective in improving renal function although an increased diuresis on the first day of use has been observed [42]. Indeed, dopamine may worsen renal perfusion in patients with acute kidney injury as determined by change in observed renal resistive indexes [43]. Despite showing promising results in pilot studies on patients at risk of contrast nephropathy [44, 45] and sepsis-associated acute kidney injury [46, 47], selective dopamine A1 agonists such as fenoldopam have failed to demonstrate significant renal protection in larger studies of either early presumed acute tubular necrosis [48, 49] or contrast nephropathy [50]. Prostaglandins
Prostaglandins have been investigated mainly in the setting of contrast nephropathy. Both prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and PGI (Iloprost) administered intravenously resulted in attenuated rise of serum creatinine after the use of contrast media [51, 52]. However, major adverse events include hypotension as well as flushing and nausea at higher doses thereby limiting their extensive use. Natriuretic Peptide
Natriuretic peptides improve renal blood flow through afferent glomerular dilatation resulting in an increase in both GFR and urinary sodium excretion and, in addition, B-type natriuretic peptides (BNPs) inhibit aldosterone. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) use in human studies has been controversial attenuating rise in serum creatinine in ischemic renal failure [53] or in AKI after liver transplantation but it is ineffective in large RCTs of both non-oliguric [54] and oliguric AKI [55]. A recent study using low-dose BNP (nesiritide) suggested there was some preservation of renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease stage 3 undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass surgery [56].
Currently, the most promising preliminary reports in the intensive care setting do exist for the adenosine antagonist theophylline for either contrast nephropathy [57–59] as well as some types of nephrotoxic AKI like cisplatin associated renal dysfunction [60]. A randomized placebo controlled trial in neonates with perinatal asphyxia showed significant increase in creatinine clearance after a single dose of theophylline within the first hour of birth [61].
11.3 Modulation of Renal Physiology
11.3.1 Renal Metabolism, Tubular Obstruction
Diuretics, particularly those acting on the loop of Henle, have provided most data regarding the potential pharmacological manipulation of renal metabolism and inhibition of tubular obstruction. Loop diuretics are known to reduce oxygen consumption within the renal medulla and increased oxygen tension in the renal medulla in both animals and healthy volunteers has been observed [62]. However, a randomized controlled trial performed in established renal failure could not demonstrate improvement in outcome. Application of very high doses of furosemide, on the other hand, increases risk of serious adverse events like hearing loss significantly and as such cannot be recommended [63].
11.3.2 Oxygen Radical Damage
Several roles have been proposed for reactive oxygen species (ROS) under both normal and pathological conditions, with the NAD(P)H oxidase system pivotal in their formation and instrumental in the development of certain pathophysiological conditions [64, 65]. Under certain circumstances a role for antioxidant supplementation may be proposed with potential candidates including N-acetylcysteine (NAC), selenium and the antioxidant vitamins (vitamin E (α-tocopherol) and vitamin C (ascorbic acid)). However, most studies involving antioxidant supplementation suffer from a lack of data regarding optimal dosing as well as timing. N-acetylcysteine
N-acetylcysteine, has been investigated in multiple trials particularly in the setting of contrast nephropathy. Despite several reports showing prevention of contrast nephropathy [66, 67] evaluation of this substance by meta–analyses yields controversial results [68]. Furthermore NAC was ineffective in other circumstances where AKI is common such as major cardiovascular surgery or sepsis [69, 70–72]. Mannitol
Mannitol, an osmotic diuretic with potential oxygen radical scavenging properties was investigated in randomized trials for the prevention of contrast nephropathy but generally was inferior to general measures such as volume expansion [75]. Some authors favour mannitol for treatment of AKI following crush injuries but controlled trials are still awaited [76]. Selenium
Selenium is an essential component of the selenoenzymes including glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductase. Selenium supplementation reduces oxidative stress, nuclear factor-B translocation, and cytokine formation as well as attenuating tissue damage. Angstwurm et al. performed a small RCT in 42 patients and showed that selenium supplementation decreased the requirement for RRT from 43 to 14 % [77]. This finding was not reproduced in a consequent prospective RCT in septic shock although selenium appeared to reduce 28 days mortality [78].
Cocktails of antioxidants have been investigated in several small studies showing controversial results. In one randomized trial in patients undergoing elective aortic aneurysm repair use of an antioxidant cocktail resulted in an increased creatinine clearance on the second postoperative day but the incidence of renal failure was very low [79]. Ascorbic Acid
Ascorbic acid used in preclinical at high-doses can prevent or restore ROS-induced microcirculatory flow impairment, prevent or restore vascular responsiveness to vasoconstrictors and potentially preserve the endothelial barrier [80]. When given PO 2 h pre-contrast in a single centre trial there appeared to be protection against the development of contrast nephropathy but the rate of AKI in the control group was high and no patients required renal support [81]. A recent meta-analysis on this subject found a renal protective effect of ascorbic acid against contrast-induced AKI [82]. To-date no multicentre randomised control trials have demonstrated any benefit in reducing the rate of AKI by using antioxidant supplementation.
11.3.3 Avoiding Additional Nephrotoxic Damage
The use of nephrotoxic drugs can cause or worsen acute kidney injury, or delay recovery of renal function. Moreover when renal function declines, failure to appropriately adjust the doses of medications can cause further adverse effects. The potential for inappropriate drug use in patients with, or at risk of developing, acute kidney injury is high and this is potentially a preventable cause of AKI. Therefore, any assessment of a patient at risk or with AKI must include a thorough review of prescribed medications. Particular agents associated with AKI in the critically ill include aminoglycosides, amphotericin and the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) [8]. Aminoglycoside
Aminoglycoside antimicrobial agents are highly potent, bactericidal antibiotics effective against multiple bacterial pathogens particularly when administered with beta-lactams and other cell-wall active antimicrobial agents. Despite their well documented side effects including nephrotoxicity, and to a lesser degree ototoxicity and neuromuscular blockade there use continues to increase due to progressive antimicrobial resistance to other antimicrobial agents and lack of new alternatives. However, given the potential risks aminoglycosides should be used for as short a period of time as possible and care should be taken in those groups most susceptible to nephrotoxicity. This includes older patients, patients with chronic kidney disease, sepsis (particularly in the presence of intravascular volume depletion), diabetes mellitus and concomitant use of other nephrotoxic drugs. Aminoglycoside demonstrates concentration-dependent bactericidal activity which enables extended interval dosing which optimizes efficacy and minimizes toxicity. This dosing strategy, together with meticulous attention to therapeutic drug monitoring when used for more than a 24 h period may limit the risk of nephrotoxicity. Amphotericin B
Amphotericin B is a polyene antifungal agent which is insoluble in water and has been the standard of treatment for life threatening systemic mycoses for over 50 years. This is despite its well known and common drug-induced toxicity which includes thrombophlebitis, electrolyte disturbances, hypoplastic anemia and nephrotoxicity the latter of which is associated with higher mortality rates, increased LOS, and increased total costs of health care. An alternative approach is to use, where possible, non-amphotericin B antifungal agents which are better tolerated. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are widely used in the management of hypertension and heart failure and are often used in patients with CKD particularly in the presence of significant proteinuria. These agents are potentially nephrotoxic medications given that they antagonize the normal physiological response to a reduction in renal blood flow. ACEI and ARBs, cause vasodilation of efferent blood vessels, resulting in AKI in susceptible patients as the body’s normal compensatory response to a decreased GFR is impeded. Hence in the critically ill and in those at risk of hypovolaemia they should be withheld unless there is an impelling clinical reason for continuing therapy. It is important to stress that on the patient’s recovery the reintroduction of these agents should not be forgotten where continuing therapy is needed.
Cecconi M, De BD, Antonelli M, Beale R, Bakker J, Hofer C, et al. Consensus on circulatory shock and hemodynamic monitoring. Task force of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. Intensive Care Med. 2014;40(12):1795–815.PubMedCentralPubMedCrossRef
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