Post Operative Care

Service de Gynécologie et Obstétrique, Centre d’Études Périnatales de l’Océan Indien (CEPOI) – EA7388, CHU Réunion, Hôpital Félix Guyon, Saint Denis de la Réunion, France


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    During hospital stay: Hospital stay is usually no more than 24 h. We have performed LSCP on a few out patients; it is possible to do so but most of women prefer staying one night at hospital in our population. Foley catheter can be removed after 6 h and the patient can eat and rise. At this stage, you have to check for complications like bowel occlusion, abdominal wall hematoma, infection and urinary retention, especially if a sub urethral sling has been inserted. The woman can be discharged as soon as everything is back to normal function.


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    After discharge, post operative care relies on precise and complete counseling of the patient. These are the main items to be discussed with the patient.

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      No sports during one month. After that period, avoid sports like running, jumping (tennis, Zumba …), horse riding, during one more month. Prefer swimming, stretching, walking, aso..). Two months after LSCP, the meshes are supposed to be totally incorporated into live connective tissue and activity may go back to normal without restriction.

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Oct 2, 2017 | Posted by in UROLOGY | Comments Off on Post Operative Care

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