Pharmacological Causes and Treatments of Nausea and Vomiting

Drug class

Representative individual agents

Mechanisms of action

Percent with nausea or vomiting (%)







μ-opioid receptor agonists




μ-opioid receptor agonists plus norepinephrine and/or serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Anti-Parkinsonian/antirestless legs drugs







D2 receptor agonists









Serotonin reuptake inhibitors





Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors

Fibromyalgia treatments



Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors


Antidiabetic agents




Glucagon-like peptide1 receptor agonists


Smoking cessation drugs


Nicotine receptor agonist



Nicotine receptor partial agonist

Weight reduction agent


5-HT2C receptor agonist


Alzheimer’s disease/myasthenia gravis medications






Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors



Combined butyryl- and acetylcholinesterase inhibitor




Motilin receptor agonists


Opiate-Induced Nausea and Vomiting

Opiates are among the most common causes of medication-induced nausea and vomiting. Twenty-seven percent of patients with noncancer pain managed with opiates reported nausea in one recent study, while 9 % noted vomiting [20]. In a systematic review of randomized trials of opiate medications for pain control, nausea and vomiting were experienced by 32 and 15 % of patients, respectively [21]. Opiate drugs are believed to elicit these symptoms by actions within the central and peripheral nervous systems. These effects include binding to μ-opioid receptors in the area postrema, the nucleus tractus solitarius, the vestibular apparatus, and the gut myenteric and submucosal plexi where they stimulate uncoordinated contractile activity. Other receptor subtypes may participate in opiate-induced nausea and vomiting including k and δ-opioid, D2, 5-HT3, and NK1 receptors. Furthermore, morphine can increase synthesis, release, and metabolism of serotonin [22]. Most investigators observe similar degrees of nausea and vomiting from use of all opiate medications when adjusted for potency. However, some reports suggest that some agents such as tapentadol and hydromorphone may elicit less nausea and/or vomiting compared to morphine or oxycodone [23].

Chemotherapy-Induced Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting are very common complications of cancer chemotherapy. Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is classified as acute, delayed, and anticipatory. Chemotherapy drugs have been stratified into four risk categories for CINV including those that are at high (90 % risk of CINV without antiemetic therapy), moderate (30–90 %), low (10–30 %), and minimal (<10 %) risk. Highly emetogenic agents include cisplatin, high-dose cyclophosphamide, streptozotocin, carmustine, and dacarbazine. Even with antiemetic prophylaxis, acute and delayed vomiting are reported by 35 and 50 % of patients receiving highly emetogenic drugs, respectively [24]. Anticipatory nausea and vomiting occur in 25–34 % of individuals within the first four courses of chemotherapy, especially in younger patients. Risk scores have been developed to predict the risk of CINV and include poor social functioning, nausea before administration of chemotherapy, female sex, age <50 years, delivery of these highly emetogenic drugs, and prior history of CINV [25]. Compared to those at low risk, patients at high risk are three to four times more likely to experience CINV. Patients under treatment for hematologic malignancies appear to be a higher risk of CINV, perhaps secondary to their younger age and the emetogenicity of the chemotherapeutic agents employed in this setting [25].

Pathways underlying CINV have been extensively characterized in animal and human models and provide the rational basis for its prophylaxis and treatment. Acute vomiting after highly emetogenic agents like cisplatin is associated with elevations in plasma and ileal tissue serotonin, serotonin immunoreactive mucosal cells, and urinary levels of the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) within hours of chemotherapy administration. Conversely, milder chemotherapeutic drugs do not increase plasma serotonin or urinary 5-HIAA concentrations. Mechanistic studies have observed release of serotonin from intestinal mucosal enterochromaffin cells which then bind to vagal afferent 5-HT3 receptors projecting to the area postrema. Highly emetogenic agents like cisplatin also increase serotonin turnover in the brain and activate several structures including the dorsal vagal nuclei and central amygdala. The risk for acute CINV development is increased with some 5-HT3 receptor gene polymorphisms, reflecting participation of serotonin pathways. Conversely, delayed CINV is mostly mediated by serotonin-independent pathways as there is little 5-HIAA excretion in the urine and poor responses to 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. Rather, evidence suggests an important role for central NK1 receptor-mediated mechanisms as suggested by the capability of central but not peripheral NK1 receptor antagonists to reduce delayed CINV [3]. However, studies observing reductions in delayed CINV after treatment with the long-acting 5-HT3 receptor antagonist palonosetron suggest there may be interactions between 5-HT3 and NK1 receptor pathways in this emetic phase [26]. In contrast to acute CINV, delayed emesis is prevented by ablation of the area postrema but is unaffected by vagotomy. Other pathways which may participate in delayed CINV include 5-HT4 receptor, adrenoceptor, and peripheral muscarinic receptor pathways.

Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting

Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) occurs after 17–37 % of operations. Drug risk factors for this condition include general anesthesia with volatile agents or nitrous oxide, intraoperative neostigmine, and intra- and postoperative opiate use. Indeed, opiate use after anesthesia is one of 5 factors in a recently developed risk score predicting rates of PONV [27]. Non-medication-related risk factors for PONV include abdominal or orthopedic surgery, female sex, older age, obesity, anxiety previous PONV, histories of migraines or motion sickness, and prior Helicobacter pylori infection. Mechanisms underlying PONV have not been completely defined; however, some reports suggest that inhalational anesthestics (e.g., halothane, isoflurane) can modify 5-HT3 receptor function [28]. A range of variants of genes encoding M3, D2, 5-HT3, μ-opioid receptors, and α2-adrenoceptors have been associated with PONV which may underlie susceptibility to this complication. Other polymorphisms associated with PONV may influence transport and metabolism of opiates or antiemetics like the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist ondansetron.

Medication-Induced Nausea and Vomiting Unrelated to Receptor Activation

Several medications elicit nausea and vomiting by mechanisms unrelated to receptor activation or neurotransmitter release. Salicylates and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are proposed to produce these symptoms by local mucosal irritation in the stomach and duodenum with subsequent activation of vagal afferent pathways. Similar local effects may be involved in nausea and vomiting after ingestion of potassium supplements or vitamin preparations. Medication effects on ion channels may mediate nausea and vomiting evoked by some cardiac antiarrhythmics, antihypertensives, anticonvulsants, calcium channel antagonists, and diuretics.

Medications Used to Treat Nausea and Vomiting

Medications prescribed to treat or prevent nausea and vomiting include antiemetic agents acting on an assortment of receptor pathways in the central or peripheral nervous systems, prokinetic drugs that increase motor activity or accelerate transit in the stomach or small bowel, and medications that modulate neural activity to reduce noxious gut sensations.

Antiemetic Agents

Several antiemetic agents are available that act by effects on different receptor subtypes (Table 9.2).

Table 9.2
Antiemetic medications

Drug class

Representative individual agents (Antiemetic doses)

Side effects

Clinical indications

Histamine H1 receptor antagonists

Meclizine (25 mg oral every day)

Dimenhydrinate (50 mg oral every 4–6 h)

Promethazine (12.5–50 mg oral/rectal every 4–6 h)

Dry mouth


Motion sickness

Labyrinthine disorders



Acetylcholine muscarinic M1 receptor antagonists

Scopolamine (1.5 mg transdermal every 72 h)

Dry mouth and eyes

Blurred vision


Urinary retention

Impaired concentration

Motion sickness

Labyrinthine disorders


Dopamine D2 receptor antagonists

Prochlorperazine (5–10 mg oral 3–4 times daily; 25 mg rectal twice daily; up to 10 mg IM/IV 3–4 times daily)

Trimethobenzamide (300 mg oral three times daily; 200 mg IV three times daily)

Sleep disturbances


Mood disturbances



Tardive dyskinesia

Blurred vision


Sexual dysfunction





Radiation-induced nausea and vomiting

Serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists

Ondansetron (4–8 mg oral/oral dissolving tablet 2–3 times daily; 4 mg IV three times daily)

Granisetron (1 mg oral twice daily; 3.1 g/24 h transdermal; 1 mg IV)

Dolasetron (50–100 mg oral; 100 mg IV)

Palonosetron (0.075–0.25 mg IV)




Cardiac arrhythmias

Sudden cardiac death


Radiation-induced nausea and vomiting


Hyperemesis gravidarum

Emesis in AIDS

Neurokinin NK1 receptor antagonists

Aprepitant (40–125 mg oral)

Fosaprepitant (115–150 mg IV)

Netupitant (300 mg with 0.5 mg palonosetron oral)







Cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonists

Dronabinol (2.5–10 mg oral 2–4 times daily)

Nabilone (1–6 mg oral 2–3 times daily)

Weight gain






Dexamethasone (4–12 mg oral, 4–5 mg IV)








Lorazepam (1 mg IV)


Anticipatory nausea and vomiting

Histamine Receptor Antagonists

Antihistamines such as meclizine, dimenhydrinate, and promethazine bind to H1 receptors in the brainstem and vestibular nuclei and are useful for vomiting in disorders in which there is labyrinthine activation (e.g., motion sickness, labyrinthitis), gastroenteritis, uremia, and PONV. Prominent side effects with this drug class include sedation and mouth dryness. Second-generation histamine receptor antagonists with less sedation like cetirizine and fexofenadine are ineffective antiemetics [29].

Muscarinic Receptor Antagonists

Muscarinic receptor antagonists such as scopolamine and hyoscine bind to M1 receptors in the vestibular nuclei and medulla to prevent or treat motion sickness with similar potency as antihistamines. Anticholinegic agents given alone or with other antiemetic classes also have documented efficacy in prophylaxis against PONV after orthopedic, plastic, gynecologic, abdominal, and otologic surgeries. However, these agents significantly slow gastric emptying thus they should be used with some caution in gastroparesis. One investigation reported no benefits of the peripherally active anticholinergic drug methscopolamine on motion sickness, indicating central actions of this drug class [30]. Muscarinic receptor antagonists elicit prominent dryness of the mouth and eyes and can also cause sedation, reduced concentration, constipation, and urinary retention (especially in older men).

Dopamine Receptor Antagonists

Dopamine D2 receptor antagonists (with possible additional action on D3 receptors) act in the area postrema and are frequently used as antiemetics in patients with vomiting secondary to acute gastroenteritis, PONV, radiation therapy, some medications, and some forms of CINV. These include phenothiazine (e.g., prochlorperazine, chlorpromazine, trimethobenzamide) and butyrophenone (e.g., droperidol, haloperidol) agents. Frequently reported side effects of these agents include sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, movement disorders (e.g., akithisia, parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia), and hyperprolactinemic effects (e.g., gynecomastia, lactation, amenorrhea, loss of libido). Many dopamine receptor antagonist antiemetics also bind to histaminic and muscarinic receptors as well. Consequently, patients treated with these agents may also report antihistamine and anticholinergic side effects. Among phenothiazines, prochlorperazine is several fold more selective for D2 receptors compared to H1 receptors while chlorpromazine shows no selectivity for the two receptor subtypes [2].

Serotonin Receptor Antagonists

Short acting oral, intravenous, and transdermal serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists (e.g., ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron) show prophylactic efficacy in a range of clinical conditions including acute CINV, radiation-induced vomiting, PONV, and medication-induced nausea and vomiting occurring with antidepressant treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [31]. However, these agents are less effective for delayed CINV. Other patient subsets showing antiemetic responses to 5-HT3 receptor antagonists include those with hepatic impairment or renal failure, bulimia nervosa, pregnancy, and nausea and vomiting secondary to human inmmunodeficiency virus infection. One study reported comparable efficacy from intravenous 5-HT3 antagonists as with the H1 receptor antagonist promethazine [32]. 5-HT3 receptor antagonists act by binding to receptors on peripheral vagal afferent terminals and in the brainstem in the area postrema, nucleus tractus solitarius, and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus [3]. In most comparisons, the different short acting agents ondansetron, granisetron, and dolasetron have similar efficacy and the intravenous formulations are not more effective versus oral preparations. Palonosetron is a second-generation 5-HT3 antagonist with a longer half-life that triggers receptor alteration leading to persistent inhibition of receptor function after the drug is withdrawn [33]. Furthermore, palonosetron blunts cross-talk between NK1 and 5-HT3 pathways. Because of these different properties, palonosetron provides better prevention of delayed CINV compared to shorter acting 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. Adverse effects of this drug class include headaches, constipation, abnormal liver chemistry values, as well as cardiac arrhythmias and increases in the risk of sudden cardiac death in patients with QTc interval prolongation on electrocardiography (EKG).

Neurokinin Receptor Antagonists

Oral aprepitant and intravenous fosaprepitant bind to neurokinin NK1 receptors in the area postrema, nucleus tractus solitarius, and possibly the reticular formation and have shown efficacy in prophylaxis of acute and delayed CINV, PONV, and motion sickness [34]. Documented cross-talk between NK1 and 5-HT3 pathways suggests synergism of antiemetic effects of antagonists at both receptor subtypes [9]. The oral and parenteral formulations exhibit equivalent antiemetic efficacy. Side effects of NK1 antagonist therapy include appetite suppression, altered bowel function, and singultus. Newer NK1 antagonists (e.g., rolapitant, netupitant) exhibit stronger binding characteristics and longer duration of activity and may offer advantages over older agents in treatment of vomiting as well as severe nausea occurring with chemotherapy. Netupitant was recently approved as part of a combination drug with palonosetron by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat acute and delayed CINV.

Cannabinoid Receptor Agonists

Cannabinoids (e.g., dronabinol, nabilone) exert antiemetic effects by action as agonists on CB1 receptors in the insular cortex of the brain, dorsal vagal complex, and other central and peripheral nervous system sites. Cannabinoids are best characterized as therapies for both acute and delayed CINV. In this setting, cannabinoid drugs are more potent antemetics than D2 receptor antagonists for moderately emetogenic chemotherapy but are only equivalently effective for severely emetogenic regimens. The combination of dronabinol with the D2 receptor antagonist prochlorperazine reduces the duration and severity of chemotherapy-induced nausea more than either agent alone, but dronabinol and the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist ondansetron were equally effective in reducing CINV severity yet were not more effective in combination in another comparison study [35]. Other cannabis-based medicines have been released worldwide for treatment of nausea and vomiting. Cannabidiol is available as a sublingual spray; a second product combining cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol (Sativex) showed efficacy in reducing delayed nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy in a phase II trial [36]. In this study, 57 % of patients on active drug reported no delayed nausea and 71 % had no delayed vomiting compared to 22 % for each symptom with placebo. In addition to their antiemetic effects, CB1 receptor agonists have been employed as appetite stimulants. Cannabinoid drugs produce significant side effects, especially in elderly patients, including sedation, lethargy, euphoria, cognitive dysfunction, and rarely hallucinations. To date, prescription cannabinoids have not been identified as causes of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome.


Corticosteroids (e.g., dexamethasone) commonly are prescribed as prophylactic agent to prevent acute and delayed CINV and PONV. Glucocorticoid receptors are present in the area postrema and nucleus tractus solitarius. Additional antiemetic actions of dexamethasone may include modulation of vagal 5-HT3 receptor activity [37]. When used as antiemetics, corticosteroids may cause severe side effects like insomnia, dyspepsia, and anxiety.

Other Medications

Benzodiazepines are often given for anticipatory nausea as part of CINV treatment, but it is not clear they have true antiemetic actions. Medications which act on central and peripheral adrenoceptor pathways reduce nausea and vomiting in some scenarios. Ephedrine, the α1 adrenoceptor agonist phenylephrine, and the centrally acting α2 adrenoceptor agonists clonidine and dexmedetomidine can reduce PONV in selected settings. Clonidine also has shown antiemetic benefits in conditions with autonomic disturbances, and in cases with diabetic gastroparesis and in refractory cyclic vomiting syndrome [38]. Subcutaneous methylnaltrexone, approved for opiate-induced constipation, decreases nausea secondary to morphine administration in animal models [39]. Case reports also have reported improvements in patients with refractory nausea and vomiting with the anticonvulsant carbamazepine.

Prokinetic Agents

Several prokinetic agents are available that stimulate gastric emptying or small bowel propulsion by varied mechanisms (Table 9.3).

Table 9.3
Prokinetic medications

Available agents (Prokinetic doses)

Mechanisms of action

Side effects

Clinical indications

Metoclopramide (5–10 mg oral/oral dissolving tablet/IM/IV 3–4 times daily before meals)

Dopamine D2 receptor antagonist

Serotonin 5-HT4 receptor agonist

Serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist


Mood disturbances

Sleep disturbances


Tardive dyskinesia


Sexual dysfunction


Functional dyspepsia

Domperidone (10 mg oral three times daily before meals)

Peripheral dopamine D2 receptor antagonist


Sexual dysfunction

Cardiac arrhythmias

Sudden cardiac death


Functional dyspepsia

Erythromycin (125 mg oral suspension/IV 3–4 times daily before meals)

Azithromycin (125 mg oral suspension/IV 3–4 times daily before meals)

Motilin receptor agonist

Abdominal pain

Nausea and vomiting


Cardiac arrhythmias

Sudden cardiac death


Intestinal pseudoobstruction

Pyridostigmine (30–120 mg oral three times daily)

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor

Abdominal pain




Cardiac arrhythmias

Heart block


Intestinal pseudoobstruction

Diabetic constipation

Octreotide (50–100 mcg subcutaneous at bedtime)

Somatostatin analog


Altered glycemic control



Intestinal pseudoobstruction with bacterial overgrowth


Metoclopramide accelerates gastric emptying by activating 5-HT4 receptors and antagonizing D2 receptors in the GI tract. This agent has additional central antiemetic actions as a D2 receptor antagonist in the area postrema, as well as antagonist effects on H1 and 5-HT3 receptors. The motor stimulatory properties of metoclopramide are restricted to the proximal gut, thus this drug is not effective for small bowel or colonic transit propulsion. Central nervous system complaints (e.g., anxiety, depression, sleep disruption, movement disorders) and hyperprolactinemic complications (e.g., gynecomastia, amenorrhea, impotence) are commonly reported and may preclude use of the drug in up to one-third of patients. The United States Food and Drug Administration issued a Black Box Warning in 2009 for the risk of irreversible tardive dyskinesia with chronic metoclopramide use. This adverse event has been most often observed with longstanding use (>20 months), most commonly with daily doses exceeding 30 mg and while being taken by women and individuals over age 70 years [40]. Likely as a consequence of this warning, prescription rates for metoclopramide have fallen from 70 to 24 % of patients [41]. Because this condition can develop insidiously and can be irreversible, the risks should be explained in detail and the discussions documented in the medical records; furthermore, patients should be examined several times yearly.

Motilin Receptor Agonists

Motilin receptor agonists including erythromycin and other macrolide antibiotics like azithromycin and clarithromycin are potent stimulants of phasic antral contractions and accelerants of gastric emptying. Unlike metoclopramide, there are no proven central actions for erythromycin although recent animal models of motion sickness raise the possibility of such antiemetic capabilities of this class of drugs [42]. Motilin agonists have two main drawbacks as prokinetics. First, they have a narrow therapeutic range, failing to elicit contractions at low doses but generating spastic activity at higher doses that are associated with induction of abdominal pain and vomiting. Second, patients commonly develop tolerance to the prokinetic effects of erythromycin. Consequently, some have reserved this drug class for acute rather chronic therapy of gastroparesis. In addition to their GI side effects, macrolide agents increase the risk of sudden cardiac death more than twofold through induction of ventricular arrhythmias relating to QTc interval prolongation [43]. This risk increases to fivefold among patients who additionally are prescribed CYP3A inhibitors.


Domperidone is a peripheral D2 antagonist which exhibits both prokinetic effects on the stomach and antiemetic activity by effects in the brainstem, thereby providing benefits to both patients with gastroparesis and functional dyspepsia. Unlike metoclopramide, domperidone does not cross the blood-brain barrier and is not associated with an increased risk of movement disorders. However, hyperprolactinemic side effects may occur because of the relatively porous nature of this barrier in the anterior pituitary. Recent case-control series document three- to fourfold increases in sudden cardiac death in patients with prolonged QTc intervals on EKG testing. These risks are increased at daily domperidone doses >30 mg and in patients over 60 years old [44, 45]. As a consequence, recent worldwide policy statements are now advocating limiting the dose and duration of domperidone therapy and restricting its use in high risk populations. The drug is not approved by the FDA, but still can be obtained from foreign pharmacies and pharmacy websites. Currently, the FDA permits domperidone prescription under the auspices of an Investigational New Drug program for clinicians who receive both FDA and local Institutional Review Board approval. Patients participating in this program must be willing to undergo frequent testing with EKG and electrolyte determinations and to avoid intake of other pharmaceuticals that prolong QT intervals.

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Nov 6, 2017 | Posted by in GASTROENTEROLOGY | Comments Off on Pharmacological Causes and Treatments of Nausea and Vomiting

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