Peritoneal Dialysis and Home Hemodialysis

Peritoneal Dialysis and Home Hemodialysis

Lisa Koester

Brent Miller

Peritoneal Dialysis

General Principles

  • Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a form of renal replacement therapy that utilizes the patient’s peritoneal membrane and capillaries as a semipermeable membrane between the blood and an infused dialysis solution in the peritoneal space.

  • Equilibration of solutes across the peritoneal membrane has long been known. The development of sterile, physiologic solutions and reliable peritoneal access allowed for the use of PD first in the acute setting and then in the chronic setting in the 1970s.1

  • With technical advancements over the ensuing decades, PD has become a viable option for patients with end-stage renal disease; however, less than 15% of dialysis patients in the United States utilize PD as opposed to hemodialysis (HD).

  • Unlike HD, PD is a continuous dialysis treatment usually performed all day, 7 days weekly.

  • As compared to HD, actual treatment costs of PD are similar; however, the overall cost of care is higher for HD when vascular access complications and medication usage are factored. Essentially, the supply costs of PD counterbalance the fixed overhead and labor costs of center-based HD.

  • Patients on PD require fewer hospitalizations and shorter durations of stay.

  • Although neither dialysis modality offers a survival advantage over the other, greater satisfaction and flexibility are qualities often promoted by patients on PD as compared to those on HD.


  • Diffusion

    • Most solute (except sodium and calcium) removal in PD occurs by diffusion via the peritoneal capillaries with a small component of convection.

    • Substances retained in renal failure (e.g., urea, creatinine, potassium, and phosphorus) are present in higher concentrations in the blood and thus diffuse down the gradient into the dialysis solution.

    • Dextrose, which is present in high concentrations (up to 3860 mg/dL) in the dialysis solution, diffuses inwardly over time during a PD exchange.

    • The alkaline equivalent, usually lactate, also diffuses inwardly, correcting the metabolic acidosis present in renal failure. PD fluid may contain both D- and L-lactate, though patients rarely have issues converting them to bicarbonate or symptoms due to mild elevations of either.

  • Ultrafiltration

    • A plasma ultrafiltrate removes water and solute from the body.

    • As opposed to HD, where hydrostatic pressure across the dialysis membrane drives ultrafiltration, osmotic pressure, typically from dextrose, drives ultrafiltration.

    • The hyperosmolar gradient is produced most commonly by the high dextrose concentration in the dialysis solution, although colloidal oncotic pressure from icodextrin and osmotic pressure from amino acids are also utilized.

  • Absorption

    • Absorption of peritoneal fluid via the lymphatics of the abdominal wall can account for over 1 L/day of fluid absorbed.

    • This counteracts the removal via diffusion and osmosis through the peritoneal capillaries, making dialysis less efficient.

    • Increased abdominal pressure via position (sitting > standing > supine) or large volumes promotes absorption of peritoneal fluid.

Patient Selection

  • Patients need to be highly motivated and capable of performing regular treatments within their home environment, without direct supervision of a trained medical specialist.

  • Patients who prefer PD over HD tend to be more independent, as the flexible schedule is more conducive to employment and travel as compared to the rigid schedule of in-center HD.

  • Some relative and absolute contraindications for PD include the following:

    • The presence of uncorrectable mechanical defects (irreparable abdominal hernia).

    • Recent intra-abdominal surgery (including aortic vascular graft).

    • Frequent diverticulitis and/or other intra-abdominal infections and pathology.

    • Abdominal wall cellulitis.

    • A history of repeated abdominal operations with adhesion formation.

    • Patients who are physically unable to perform their own exchanges and who lack a suitable caregiver at home.


Catheter and Setup

  • Most centers use a two-cuff, silastic intraperitoneal catheter. Many different shapes are available and no shape has proven more efficacious than another.

  • Laparoscopic placement of the catheter is generally preferred to ensure proper positioning and allow repair of subclinical hernias, defects, adhesions, and redundant omentum. Percutaneous placement under ultrasound and fluoroscopy has also been effective. Open surgical placement of PD catheters is no longer routinely performed.

  • The intra-abdominal portion contains many side-port perforations to maximize fluid flow.

  • Although catheters can be used immediately after surgical placement, a preferred healing period of 10 to 28 days prior to initiation of dialysis allows healing of the exit-site and reduces the incidence of early subcutaneous leaks or infection.

  • The deep cuff is placed in the abdominal wall musculature and after healing secures the catheter in its position.

  • The subcutaneous superficial cuff allows for granulation tissue to form, creating an additional barrier to infection; however, externalization of this cuff may occur.

  • The exit-site may be placed anywhere and must be visible to the patient for hygiene and not where the catheter is subject to irritation (e.g., belt line).

  • Tunneled presternal catheters are associated with reduced infectious complications in obese patients.

  • The Y-set is the standard setup in manual PD (Fig. 21-1).

    FIGURE 21-1. The Y-set for peritoneal dialysis (PD), with demonstration of the “flush-before-fill” technique.

  • Infection risk is reduced as there is only one connection point (at the stem emerging from the patient) where sterile technique may accidentally be broken.

  • The flush-before-fill technique is where the patient first flushes air out of the tubing by allowing a small amount of dialysis solution to pass into the drain bag; the drain bag is then clamped and the rest of the dialysis solution is infused into the peritoneal cavity via gravity (10 to 15 minutes).

  • Between exchanges, the bags are disconnected and the stem is capped.

  • When the specified dwell time is complete, a new transfer set is attached and the peritoneal cavity is drained via gravity (20 to 25 minutes) before a new infusion is started, again with the flush-before-fill technique.

  • It is generally recommended that the catheter should not be submerged in water, although many physicians allow swimming in salt water.

Dialysis Solution

  • Standard PD solutions contain sodium, chloride, lactate, magnesium, calcium, and varying concentrations of dextrose (Table 21-1).

  • Most commercial solutions contain a sodium concentration of 132 mEq/L to allow a net sodium diffusion; this protects against hypernatremia that might otherwise occur, particularly with the more hypertonic solutions.


    Sodium 132 mEq/L
    Potassium 0 mEq/L
    Chloride Variable (95–105 mEq/L)
    Calcium 2.5 mEq/L (1.25 mMol/L) or 3.5 mEq/L (1.75 mMol/L)
    Phosphorus 0 mEq/L
    Magnesium 1.5 mEq/L or 0.5–0.75 mEq/L
    Lactate 35 mEq/L or 40 mEq/L
    Dextrose Variable (1.5%, 2.5%, 4.25%)


    Dextrose Glucose (g/dL) Osmolarity (mOsm/L) Color Code
    1.5% (1.5 g/dL) 1.36 346 Yellow
    2.5% (2.5 g/dL) 2.27 396 Green
    4.25% (4.25 g/dL) 3.86 485 Red
    Icodextrin (non-dextrose solution)   282 Purple

  • Potassium is not present in standard solutions and hypokalemia is usually corrected with oral supplementation.

  • Phosphorus is also absent but PD is not able to remove the daily dietary load and most patients require both dietary restriction and oral phosphorus binders.

  • In the present era of wide-spread calcium-containing phosphorus binders, a PD solution with a lower calcium concentration (2.5 mEq/L) is preferred to prevent placing a patient in positive calcium balance.

  • Lactate has been the primary alkaline equivalent used in PD because of technical difficulty with bicarbonate in the manufacturing process; the resultant acidic pH of 5.5 can cause inflow pain and may be damaging to the mesothelium.

  • Newer dual-chamber bags with bicarbonate are available, allowing for mixing at the time of use, although they are not yet available in the United States.

  • The hypertonic dextrose concentration can be 1.5%, 2.5%, or 4.25%, with the higher concentrations providing a stronger osmotic force leading to more ultrafiltration.

  • Most commercially available solutions have color-coded tabs with which patients may be more familiar rather than the actual percentage of dextrose (Table 21-2).

  • A drawback of dextrose-containing solutions is that 60% to 80% can diffuse inwardly during a dwell, thereby dissipating the osmotic gradient, limiting the achieved ultrafiltration and giving the patient a glucose load.

  • Newer solutions with long-chain glucose polymers (icodextrin) allow for a more sustained colloid oncotic effect, roughly equivalent to the ultrafiltration of a 2.5% dextrose solution over 12- to 18-hour period. The metabolic products of icodextrin can lead to falsely elevated glucose measurements on some diabetic test strips and blood sugar results in patients on icodextrin must be interpreted cautiously.

  • Amino acids can also be used as an osmotic agent, particularly in malnourished patients, although frequent or long-term use may lead to a metabolic acidosis and elevations in the serum urea concentration; ultrafiltration capacity is limited, roughly equivalent to a 1.5% dextrose solution.

Peritoneal Membrane

  • The membrane separating the blood in the capillaries from the solution in the peritoneal cavity consists of many layers.

    • Unstirred layer in the blood

    • Capillary endothelium

    • Capillary basement membrane

    • Interstitium

    • Peritoneal basement membrane

    • Peritoneal mesothelium

    • Unstirred layer in the peritoneal solution

  • Most resistance to solute movement occurs at the capillary endothelium (via filtration pores) and interstitium (which may be of variable thickness).


    Membrane Type D/P Creatinine Ratio Characteristics
    High >0.81 Transports solutes quickly, poor ultrafiltration and problems with protein loss
    High average 0.65–0.81 Transports solutes well, with adequate ultrafiltration
    Low average 0.50–0.64 Transports solutes somewhat slowly, with good ultrafiltration
    Low <0.50 Transports solutes slowly, with excellent ultrafiltration
    D/P, dialysate-to-plasma.

  • The total surface area in adults is about 2 m2, consisting of both the parietal and visceral layers although most exchange is through the parietal peritoneum. Not all capillaries are readily available to participate in solute exchange as some may be too far from the cavity under baseline conditions.

  • Larger dwell volumes can stretch the membrane, recruiting more capillaries to participate in solute exchange. Peritonitis increases the vascularity of the membrane thus increasing peritoneal transport. Patients will often ultrafiltrate less during an episode of peritonitis.

  • The “three-pore model” describes large pores (>25 nm) through which proteins and other macromolecules pass, small pores (4 to 6 nm) for electrolytes and solutes like urea and creatinine, and ultra-small pores (0.3 to 0.5 nm), aquaporins, allowing only solute-free water to pass, acting like a sieve.

  • The peritoneal cavity can typically accommodate 2 to 3 L of fluid without discomfort or respiratory compromise.

  • Not all membranes are alike, and there is considerable amount of patient-to-patient variability in the character of the peritoneal membrane. Patients’ peritoneal membrane transport characteristics also change with time and events, usually increasing over time.

  • Four classes of membrane transport characteristics are defined based on the rate of creatinine diffusion and glucose absorption (Table 21-3).

    • A peritoneal equilibration test (PET) allows one to determine the type of membrane a patient possesses and then tailor the PD prescription to maximize efficiency.2

      • A 2-L infusion of 2.5% dextrose solution is allowed to dwell for 4 hours.

      • The dialysate-to-plasma (D/P) ratio of creatinine is calculated.

      • The ratio of dialysate glucose at 4 hours to 0 hours is also calculated.

    • Higher D/P values correlate with better solute diffusion and clearance; however, the osmotic gradient is also more rapidly lost, limiting ultrafiltration. Lower D/P values correlate with slower solute diffusion and clearance but a maintained osmotic gradient with better ultrafiltration.

  • The Canada-USA (CANUSA) Study Group found a greater risk of technique failure or death in patients with high transport membranes undergoing long, manual exchanges; the underlying mechanism for this increased risk is thought to involve poor ultrafiltration (with resultant hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy) and increased protein losses.3 Most patients with high transport characteristics are placed on short, automated exchanges with no long dwells to counteract this physiology.

Modalities and Prescription

Manual Exchanges

  • Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) involves patient-operated manual exchanges performed throughout the day.

  • Fluid volumes of 2 to 3 L are typical, with dwell times each ranging from 6 to 8 hours.

  • Most patients are first educated and trained in CAPD prior to learning other modalities, as this can be used as a backup or emergency modality in the event of a power outage or machine malfunction.

  • Patients admitted to the hospital overnight can resort to CAPD if nurse staffing or machine availability is limited.

  • A sample prescription would be 2 L of 2.5% dextrose solution with four exchanges of approximately 6 hours each (or can be unevenly spaced at more convenient times of the day such as awakening, noon, dinner, and bedtime, with the longest dwell overnight).

  • Patients with significant residual renal function can be started on 2 or 3 exchanges instead.

Automated Cycler Exchanges

  • In continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis (CCPD), also known as automated PD, the patient undergoes automated exchanges overnight, with three or more relatively short cycles.

  • The final exchange remains in the peritoneal cavity on awakening, and the patient disconnects from the machine and is free to go about doing daily activities.

  • The “continuous” label in the name of this modality refers to the retained daytime dwell that allows for solute transfer to occur around the clock.

  • An extra manual exchange is sometimes added during the day if clearance or ultrafiltration targets are not reached. In general, anuric patients have day dwells.

  • A sample prescription would have four dwells of 2 hours each, with 2.5 L of 2.5% dextrose solution, and a final fill (daytime dwell) of 2 L of icodextrin prior to disconnecting.


  • In choosing a PD modality, the patient’s membrane type should be known, as determined from the results of the PET.

  • Those with high transport membranes dissipate their osmotic gradients more rapidly, and short repeated dwells may be required to achieve adequate ultrafiltration (bringing in fresh hypertonic solution); these patients fare better on CCPD.

  • Those with low transport membranes have difficulty with solute diffusion and would benefit from the long, evenly spaced dwells of CAPD.

  • Patients with either high-average or low-average membranes can usually achieve adequate solute removal and ultrafiltration with either modality; thus, selection can generally depend on patient preference.

Adequacy of PD

Clearance Targets

Apr 17, 2020 | Posted by in NEPHROLOGY | Comments Off on Peritoneal Dialysis and Home Hemodialysis

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