Perineal Pelvic Floor Ultrasound: Applications and Literature Review

Fig. 4.1
(a) This view demonstrates correct positioning as the starting 2D field of view includes the pubic symphysis (S) anteriorly and the levator plate (LP) posteriorly. Also noted are the bladder (B), uterus (U), vagina (V), and anorectum (R); (b) demonstrates how the image will appear upside down on the screen as default unless the default is changed by the sonographer. © Shobeiri


Fig. 4.2
Midsagittal (left) and axial (right) views of translabial ultrasound of pelvic floor–asymptomatic patient at rest. The different image orientation in comparison to Fig. 4.1 can be appreciated. The uterus, vagina (v), urethra (U), anorectal angle (ARA), pubic bone (PB), and puborectalis muscle (PR) are noted

The opposite organ movement is seen when the patient is asked to perform a Valsalva maneuver, when instructed to “bear down” or “push as if you wished to have a bowel motion”; the urethra and vaginal walls are shifted in a dorso-caudal direction with the anorectal angle straightening (Fig. 4.3).


Fig. 4.3
Valsalva maneuver by asymptomatic patient. Notice the minimal dorso-caudal displacement of urethra and bladder and straightening of the anorectal angle

While imaging the pelvic floor at maximum contraction is important for studying the biometry of the levator anal muscle and can be used by urogynecologists and physiotherapists to provide patients with feedback during pelvic floor muscle training program, 2D imaging at Valsalva can reveal various pathologies like urethra and bladder neck hypermobility, multi-compartmental prolapse, mesh/tape erosion or displacement or even bladder/urethra diverticula and bladder tumors [9]. The specific use of pPFUS in depicting pathology in different vaginal compartments will be studied further along in this chapter.

3D/4D Perineal Ultrasonography Equipment

The most commonly published data comes from GE machines (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA). Phillips, Hitachi, and others make similar or superior machines. However, GE’s 4D View is available for offline analysis and use with 3D or 4D ultrasound volumes obtained using GE’s Voluson series systems. The cheapest and most easily available GE system is Voluson e or i (Fig. 4.4). Despite its compact size the system is very capable when used with a GE RAB4-8-RS transducer (Fig. 4.5). The systems were developed and designed to visualize fetus’ surface structures and adapted for pelvic floor imaging. GE Kretz 4D view allows manipulation of image characteristics and output of stills, cine loops and rotational volumes in bitmap and AVI format. Slightly higher resolutions can be obtained if the endocavitary GE RIC5-9 W-RS is used on the perineum. The characteristics of these transducers are shown in Table 4.1.


Fig. 4.4
GE Voluson e ultrasound machine (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA). © Shobeiri 2013


Fig. 4.5
GE RAB4-8-RS transducer (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA). © Shobeiri 2013

Table 4.1
Characteristics of GE RAB4-8-RS used for perineal ultrasound, and GE RIC5-9 W-RS used for perineal ultrasound (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA)






Compatible with

A306046_2_En_4_Figa_HTML.jpg RAB4-8-RS

Real time 4D convex transducer

63.6 × 37.8 mm

2–8 MHz

70°/85° × 70°

Voluson i
Real time 4D endocavity

A306046_2_En_4_Figb_HTML.jpg RIC5-9 W-RS

Next generation real time 4D micro-convex endocavitary transducer, with wide FOV

22.4 × 22.6 mm

4–9 MHz

146°/146° × 120°

Voluson i

FOV field of view

The GE transducer is placed between labia majora and the 2D image as outlined above is displayed on the screen. Depending on the setting of your machine the image orientation may be different. We place the ultrasound machine to the patient’s left and operate the probe with the left hand (Fig. 4.6), which leaves the right hand available for running the console (Fig. 4.7). Once you have the appropriate 2D view, maximize the angle of acquisition to 75–85° and proceed with 3D imaging (Fig. 4.8). During or after acquisition of volumes it is possible to process imaging information into slices of predetermined number and spacing, reminiscent of computer tomography. This technique has been termed tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI) by manufacturers. The combination of true 4D (volume cine loop) capability and TUI allows simultaneous observation of the effect of maneuvers. Using this methodology, the minimal levator hiatus (MLH) , defined in the midsagittal plane as the shortest line between the posterior surface of the symphysis pubis and the levator plate as the plane of reference, with 2.5 mm steps recorded from 5 mm below this plane to 12.5 mm above.


Fig. 4.6
Left-handed application of the transducer during perineal ultrasonography ©. Shobeiri 2013


Fig. 4.7
The dominant hand generally operated the console. Unlike the BK console, (BK Ultrasound, Analogic, Peabody, MA, USA), the GE Voluson e buttons on the console (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA) are multifunctional; their function corresponds to the menu at the bottom of the screen. © Shobeiri 2013


Fig. 4.8
3D pelvic floor volume acquisition with the GE RAB4-8-RS transducer. The internalized mechanism in the probe moves the crystals obviating the need for hand movement. The hand and the elbow should be rested in a steady position for good quality imaging. The volume obtained is displayed on the screen. © Shobeiri 2013

GE 4D View Software

The software is available on the GE machines and also through “Voluson club” for Voluson ultrasound machine purchaser. Separate licenses for the software are expensive and not available to those who do not have a machine.

2D/3D/4D Perineal Ultrasonography (pPFUS)

Basic Procedure and Equipment

For more details about this, refer to Chap. 3, “Instrumentation and Techniques for Perineal and Introital Pelvic Floor Ultrasound.”

pPFUS Role in Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Trauma During Childbirth

The ability of 3D pPFUS to produce high-resolution images of the pelvic floor in 3 planes has rendered it a valuable tool in studying pelvic floor disorders stemming from childbirth injury. Although vaginal birth has long been linked with pelvic organ prolapse and urinary and fecal incontinence [1012], recent advances in ultrasound and MRI have enabled researchers to identify the underlying pelvic floor injuries. Dietz et al. have reported levator ani muscle injury (avulsion) in 15–30% of parous women with one or more vaginal deliveries [13, 14]. Similar findings were reported by use of MRI [12]. Levator ani injuries can be depicted on 3D pPFUS/translabial ultrasound in the axial plane or the rendered volume, which is reproduced automatically by synthesis of the sagittal, coronal, and axial planes. For this, the plane of minimal hiatal dimensions is identified in the midsagittal view, as the shortest distance between the inferior most aspects of the symphysis pubis to the anorectal angle, marked by the levator plate [15]. In order for best views to be achieved on this plane, a step-by-step standardized rotation technique is described below:

  1. 1.

    The transverse (axial) 3D volume is rotated approximately 90° clockwise in the plane of the puborectalis muscle (PRM) for an appropriate anterior-posterior (AP) orientation of the image. (The plane is defined as a line joining the inferior border of the pubic symphysis and the apex of the anorectal angle.)


  2. 2.

    The cursor dot is placed in the area of the pubic bone that allows the symphysis pubis to come into view on the coronal view.


  3. 3.

    The coronal image is then analyzed millimeter by millimeter to identify and mark the location where the 2 pubic rami meet to form the inferior border of the symphysis pubis.


  4. 4.

    The sagittal plane is then rotated to align the inferior border of the symphysis pubis with the apex of the anorectal angle, noting that this allows the PRM to come into the full view on the transverse (axial) plane.


In this plane, measurement of the hiatal dimensions can be taken: anteroposterior and transverse diameter, as well as hiatal area, either at rest, muscle contraction or at Valsalva (Fig. 4.9). In addition avulsion injuries can be depicted by reference to this plane, however data suggest that these injuries are best demonstrated at pelvic floor contraction and particularly so on Tomographic Ultrasound Imaging (TUI) mode in order to appreciate the extent of injury (partial injury or complete avulsion) [16]. Fig. 4.10 shows a levator muscle injury (LAM) avulsion in a parous woman, while levator hiatal overdistension can be appreciated in Fig. 4.11.


Fig. 4.9
3D perineal pelvic floor ultrasound volume post-processing step by step: (a) perineal ultrasound of the pelvic floor hiatus with the sagittal acquisition plane—sagittal plane optimized by visualizing the pubic symphysis and the anorectal angle; (b) volume is rotated to orient the axial plane upright. The multiplanar of the 3D perineal volume shown with coronal, sagittal, and axial (transverse) planes identified; (c) the cursor dot is moved in the axial (transverse) plane in the area of the pubic symphysis. The pubic rami and pubic symphysis are visible in the coronal plane. The dot-marker is positioned on the pubic symphysis; (d) in the sagittal plane the volume is rotated to align the pubic symphysis with the anorectal angle which—represents the puborectalis muscle (PRM) plane. The PRM is seen encircling the pelvic floor hiatus in the transverse image; (e) the perineal view of the pelvic floor hiatus after completion of the volume rotation. The rendered thick slice (10 mm) allows for more detailed assessment of the hiatal structures. The pelvic floor hiatus anatomy includes cross-section of the urethra, vagina, and the anorectum. The hiatus is encircled by the PRM


Fig. 4.10
Levator hiatus biometry on an asymptomatic patient where measurements of the antero-posterior and transverse diameters, as well as area are taken. Symphysis pubis (PS), urethra (u), vagina (V), anorectal angle (ARA), puborectalis muscle (PR)


Fig. 4.11
3D perineal pelvic floor ultrasound of the axial 10 mm thick slice rendered hiatal image showing normal hiatal structures (a) and example of the puborectalis muscle injury (b, c). Note how urethra and vagina shift away from the midline to the side where the puborectalis muscle (injury is greater)

Levator ani muscle injury has been proposed as one of the potential causes for pelvic organ prolapse and to a lesser degree stress urinary incontinence [13, 14]. Studies on MRI of the pelvic floor have looked into grading LAM injuries and suggested an association with prolapse [16], however no universal agreement exists so far on a classification system for such defects [17]. This becomes highly relevant when considering data that suggest that the origin of the LAM from the pubic bone may not be visible bilaterally in up to 10% nulliparous women, alluding to inherent limitations in 3D ultrasonography or/and anatomical variations in the LAM morphology [18].

Several risk factors, associated with childbirth, have been identified for LAM injury; forceps delivery incurs an odds ratio (OR) of up to 14.7, protracted second stage of labor an OR of 2.27, while vacuum delivery does not seem to constitute a risk factor [19, 20]. In turn, LAM injury, as a result of vaginal delivery, has been shown to correlate with prolapse in the anterior and midvaginal compartments, but not with rectocoele or stress urinary incontinence [14]. LAM defects are also a strong predisposing factor for recurrent prolapse in women with previous surgical repair [21].

pPFUS Role in Evaluation of Urinary Incontinence

One of the very first applications of 2D perineal/introital ultrasound of the pelvic floor was the assessment of bladder neck position in women with stress urinary incontinence. In 1995 Schaer et al. [3]. described a coordinate system for bladder neck and urethral mobility ultrasound appearance; x-axis is determined by a straight line through the central portion of the pubic symphysis, while a line perpendicular to that at the lower level of the pubic symphysis represents the y-axis. The urethrovesical angle or the UVJ is measured by creating a perpendicular line from the x-axis on the image, and following this line to the margin of the bladder base when the patient is at rest. The most common index in assessment of bladder neck position and urethral mobility are the urethral height (H), which is defined as the distance between the lower edge of the pubic symphysis and the bladder neck [22] (Fig. 4.12). In continent women normal values measured for urethrovesical angle is 96.8° at rest and 108.1° with Valsalva maneuver, and for height are 20.6 and 14.0 mm, respectively [22].


Fig. 4.12
3D translabial ultrasound on a woman with stage 2 posterior wall prolapse showing levator hiatal overdistension (ballooning) at Valsalva effort in axial and rendered image. Note the rectocoele protruding in the coronal and rendered image

Another index that can be studied with pPFUS in regard to the bladder neck is the posterior urethrovesical angle. This is the angle between the urethral axis and the bladder floor and can be measured at rest, at maximum contraction or maximum Valsalva (Fig. 4.13).


Fig. 4.13
The posterior urethrovesical angle measurement method with perineal ultrasound described by Schaer et al. [3]. The rectangular coordinate system was constructed with the y-axis at the inferior symphysis pubis and the x-axis perpendicular through the mid-symphysis pubis. The posterior urethrovesical angle (B) was measured with a line through the urethral axis and the other line through the at least one-third of the bladder base

Previous studies have shown high reproducibility of the ultrasound measurement of bladder neck descent [23]. Although there is no definition of normality regarding bladder neck descent, cut-offs between 15–40 mm have been proposed to define hypermobility. Various confounders such as bladder volume, patient’s position, and catheterization have been shown to influence measurements. Interestingly, mobility appears to be greater when the bladder is empty, whereas better imaging of BN funneling is observed when the bladder is full [24]. It is also worth noting that executing, and more so standardizing, an effective Valsalva maneuver can often be difficult, especially in nulliparous women who frequently co-activate the levator muscle [25].

Bladder neck descent has both a congenital and an environmental etiology, the latter being mainly linked with direct birth trauma and prolonged second stage of labor [26, 27]. Perineal ultrasound imaging of the bladder neck with a standard Valsalva pressure of 40 cm H2O has been used as a method of predicting the development of stress urinary incontinence postnatally; a woman in the third trimester with a bladder neck movement of greater than 1 cm or 40° has a 50% chance of persisting postnatal stress incontinence. If the bladder neck movement is less than this, then the risk of postnatal stress incontinence is 5% [28]. Antenatal pelvic floor exercises can halve the incidence of postnatal stress incontinence in the high risk group [29]. Correlation between ultrasound findings of bladder neck descent measurements and urodynamic testing has been inconsistent [30, 31] and largely does not help distinguish continent and incontinent women [32].

Another easily visualized feature of the urethrovesical junction is urethral funneling [33]; widening of urethral meatus may be observed on Valsalva, and sometimes even at rest, and is often, but not always, associated with urine leakage.

3D ultrasound scanning of the pelvic floor can also clearly depict the urethral sphincter, offering a useful tool for investigating both urethral anatomy and function [34, 35]. This technique had been previously validated by correlating urethral images from cadavers with histological findings [36]. Athanasiou et al. have demonstrated that women with stress urinary incontinence have smaller urethral sphincter volumes, as well as shorter and thinner urethras than their continent counterparts [37]. A recent study showed that 3D pPFUS is reliable in measuring urethral sphincter volume in nulliparous asymptomatic women [38]. The technique, which involves volume calculation on 1-mm cross-sectional areas at set distances across the urethra rather than the use of standardized mathematical equations, is demonstrated in Fig. 4.14.


Fig. 4.14
(Left) 3D perineal pelvic floor ultrasound image of the female urethra . The volume measurements of the core sphincter and total sphincter were taken in the axial plane (bottom left). Bladder (B), inner core (IC), urethra lumen (U), rhabdosphincter (RS). (Right) Schematic presentation; multiple shaded cross-sectional areas of the urethral sphincter measured by tracing the outline of the urethral sphincter at 1-mm intervals. The volume is computed from the cross-sectional areas multiplied by the slice gap of 1 mm

By use of this technique researchers have demonstrated that black nulliparous premenopausal asymptomatic women have a larger urethral rhabdosphincter than their Caucasian counterparts, perhaps partially explaining the racial differences in the prevalence of stress urinary incontinence [39, 40]. Although the clinical benefit of measuring urethral sphincter volume in patients with urinary incontinence is so far unsubstantiated, the value of perineal ultrasound as an adjunct in guiding women with stress urinary incontinence through pelvic floor muscle training has been demonstrated [41, 42].

2D perineal ultrasound has been utilized as a diagnostic adjunct for overactive bladder and detrusor overactivity. Increased bladder wall thickness (BWT) (proposed cut-off is 5 mm) has been described in patients with overactive bladder (OAB) or detrusor overactivity and is hypothesized to be associated with detrusor hypertrophy secondary to isometric contractions [43, 44]. Recent systematic reviews have looked at different techniques of BWT measurement and suggested that discrepancies between the described techniques do not allow for safe conclusions about its diagnostic accuracy to be drawn (Fig. 4.15) [45].


Fig. 4.15
2D ultrasound image of BWT measurement. Measurements are taken at the trigone (1), anterior wall (2), and dome (3) of the bladder and the average thickness is calculated. The image shows the transvaginal approach, however the exact same views can be obtained via the introital or perineal technique

pPFUS Role in Evaluation of Pelvic Organ Prolapse

The advent of 3D/4D technology in perineal/translabial ultrasound has popularized the modality as an aid to the clinical evaluation of uterovaginal prolapse. One of the first papers by Dietz et al. described a quantification method for POP by use of pPFUS and reported good correlation with clinical staging of prolapse by pelvic organ prolapse quantification system (POPQ), more so in the anterior and midvaginal compartment [46]. Lone et al. explored the relationship between 2D perineal ultrasound and POPQ system in staging prolapse and concluded that the accuracy of pelvic floor ultrasound in quantifying prolapse is limited [47]. Occasionally, a clinical finding of anterior wall prolapse may form a false impression of cystocele, while the bulging the tissue is in fact a urethral diverticulum or an anterior enterocele. pPFUS of the pelvic floor can be helpful in enhancing the diagnosis and thus dictate the appropriate management (Fig. 4.16).


Fig. 4.16
2D ultrasound sagittal view of a urethral diverticulum (D). The bladder (B) is shown cephalad to the diverticulum

Ultrasound imaging of the posterior compartment is characterized by good agreement between the degree of rectocele on examination and the rate of rectal ampulla descent on pPFUS at Valsalva; intra-class correlation with clinical examination was 0.75 for ampullary descent, 0.93 for rectocele depth, and 0.91 for rectocele width [48]. Further data suggest that rectovaginal septal defects can be easily identified on pPFUS and help differentiate between a rectocoele with a defective septum, a distensible septum accompanied by prolapse symptoms, a recto-enterocele or indeed an intussusception [48]. Some studies on the use of pelvic floor imaging on patients with defecatory symptoms showed a good degree of agreement between ultrasound and defecography [49], while others reported a lower degree of agreement between the two modalities for the diagnosis of rectocele, but confirmed the high concordance for intussusception [50]. Despite dynamic perineal ultrasound showing good agreement with defecography in the diagnosis of cul-de-sac hernia in patients with evacuatory difficulty, the two techniques did not agree on the contents of the hernia, suggesting a complementary role for pPFUS in optimizing the plan for surgical treatment [51].

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