Surgery, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Percutaneous Nephrostomy (PCN)
Surgical Nephrostomy (SN)
A nephrostomy inserted by a surgeon or radiologist under general anaesthetic in the operating theatre at the time of PCNL to provide endoscopic access from the skin to the kidney, with the patient placed in the operative position.
Skinny Needle Surgical Nephrostomy (SNSN)
SNSN is of historical interest. It was routinely used by radiologists in the early days of PCN to introduce contrast into the renal pelvis to enable a targeted PCN. SNSN may be a useful fall back in cases such as a large upper ureteric calculus obstructing the kidney where it is not possible to bypass the stone or inject contrast into the kidney.
To perform SNSN, the patient lies prone. A long fine needle such as a lumbar puncture needle is inserted vertically through the skin in the lumbar triangle just lateral to the psoas directed to the predicted site of the renal pelvis. Once urine is aspirated, contrast is injected to outline the pelvic and calyceal anatomy. Then a routine PCN is inserted under screening.
Of course, in departments where ultrasound puncture is practised, this manoeuvre is redundant.
Radiological Nephrostomy (RN)
A nephrostomy inserted by a radiologist under local anaesthetic in the radiology department to establish percutaneous renal access for drainage, antegrade imaging, or antegrade manipulations such as the insertion of double J stents, basketing of calculi, balloon dilatations, etc.
Surgical Nephrostomy
In my experience, creating the nephrostomy access to the kidney is the most difficult aspect of PCNL for surgeons, particularly when learning PCNL.
PCN appears difficult.
Most manuals and individual surgeons have differing approaches and techniques for PCN.
Most urologists are more familiar with x-ray image intensifier (II) screening than ultrasound.
II is readily available in every hospital operating suite. This handbook describes surgical PCN using II screening.
Three-dimensional CT imaging for renal puncture is not readily available in most operating suites.
Puncture Technique
The PCN technique that works best for me is simple and requires only a basic C-arm II and biplanar fluoroscopy.
This technique of PCN is based on the location of an object in three-dimensional space using Cartesian coordinates.
In the Cartesian system, the “origin” is defined as the intersection of the X-, Y– and Z-axes. These axes represent the horizontal (Y), “straight ahead” (X) and vertical (Z) planes as they appear to the surgeon. The aim of this PCN technique is to create the Cartesian coordinates in the mind of the surgeon, where the “origin” is the anticipated entry point of the PCN needle into the kidney.
Fig. 4.1
The Cartesian spatial coordinates
The spatial set up of the surgeon, kidney and image intensifier are critical for the understanding and employment of this technique.
By placing the surgeon, kidney and II monitor all on the same line, with the kidney between the surgeon and the monitor, the X (straight ahead) and Y (transverse) axes are automatically aligned.
Fig. 4.2
Position of the surgeon, kidney and monitor to establish the X and Y axes for puncture
Having established this set up with the X and Y axes, the surgeon needs only to calculate the angle and depth of the Z or vertical axis, to insert the needle into the calyx at the point of origin.
Fig. 4.3
The Z-axis, the depth and angle of which has to be estimated by the surgeon
Having established the X and Y axes, the origin is vertically below the intersection of the X and Y axes on the skin. This point may be marked on the skin with the tip of a pair of artery forceps during II screening. By inserting the nephrostomy needle through the skin, parallel to the X-axis and at right angles to the Y-axis, the surgeon needs only to calculate the angle of the needle to the X-axis and the depth to which the needle will need to be advanced. With experience, this is usually simple and becomes almost second nature.
Parallax is a commonly used principle in astronomy, science and medicine. Parallax is defined as an apparent displacement of an object resulting from a change in the position from which it is viewed.
When applied to percutaneous renal puncture, the object that is “apparently displaced” is the needle tip, the “displacement” being relative to the kidney. The “observer” is the surgeon whose “eyes” are the fluoroscopy image from C-Arm camera as displayed on the x-ray monitors. As the surgeon rotates the C-Arm from the vertical position during fluoroscopy, with the axis of the beam focussed on the kidney, the needle will move relative to the kidney.
Parallax can be a difficult concept to understand and transfer to x-ray screening.
A simple model to illustrate parallax can be made by lining up three chairs in a straight line with a space between each chair. First, stand looking along the line of the chairs, each separated by a metre. This view represents the II screen from 12 o’clock, or vertical, when the needle tip is above or below, but not in the kidney.
Fig. 4.4
Model for understanding parallax using three chairs
Step 1
Imagine the middle chair to be the kidney and the other chairs the nephrostomy needle. This view mimics the II image from 12 o’clock. If this is viewed from 12 o’clock on the II, the “needle” appears to be in the kidney, whether it is superficial or deep to the kidney. Now take a few steps to the right. As you do focus your gaze on the middle chair, mimicking rotation of the C-Arm to 2 o’clock, with the x-ray beam focussed on the kidney. Return to the centre position and then move to the left (“10 o’clock”), observing that the relationships of the chairs reverse.
Fig. 4.5
Model for parallax when the needle is not in the calyx
As you move, the chair closest to you (which represents a needle superficial to the kidney) appears to move away from you and the distant chair (the “deep needle”) towards you. This is parallax. A gap appears to develop between the “kidney and needle”, which widens, the further you walk around the chairs. Also, the chairs appear to rotate.
In both scenarios, the object that is furthest away from the observer (the deepest in the PCNL) is the one that appears to move the greater distance.
This model represents parallax when the needle is not in the kidney. If the needle is superficial to the kidney, the kidney is the object that will appear to “move” the furthest.
Parallax can also be utilised to confirm that the needle tip is in the kidney, or adjacent to the calculus. We call this absence of separation or relative movement “Reverse Parallax”. When the observation point changes with rotation of the C-Arm, the objects will still appear to rotate, but they will not separate.
Now place all the chairs in direct contact, with no spaces between and repeat the exercise. Although the three chairs will appear to rotate, no “gaps” will appear between them.
Fig. 4.6
“Reverse parallax model”. No “gap” develops between the objects with a change of observer position, but they appear to rotate
So, when performing a nephrostomy, the surgeon inserts the puncture needle with the II camera vertical or at 12 o’clock. When it appears to be in the calyx on this A-P view, the radiographer will then, at the direction of the surgeon, slowly rotate the C-Arm on its axis, first to the right (2 o’clock) then back to the left of vertical (10 o’clock), continuously screening.
If the needle tip and the calyx move together with no gap developing between them, the needle is either in or just at the edge of the calyx. The surgeon can choose to further advance the needle or remove the stylet.
If a gap appears, the needle is not in the calyx.
If, as the gap widens on rotation of the C-Arm, the needle appears to move further than the kidney then the needle is deep to the kidney.
The surgeon then removes the needle and repunctures along a more superficial track, with the II camera at 12 o’clock.
Similarly, if the needle appears to move less, it is superficial to the kidney, so the needle is reinserted more vertically and deeply.
In practice, the application and understanding of parallax requires experience.
“Reverse parallax” is an easy concept and very helpful to confirm that the needle is correctly in the kidney. Utilising parallax when the needle is not in the kidney is a more difficult concept to grasp, but becomes easy with practise. I suggest you discuss parallax with your radiologist. Radiologists are very familiar with the concept of parallax and teaching the skill, which is how I learned it.
Fig. 4.7
Parallax in practise, the C-Arm “looking at” or “viewing” the kidney from 10, 12 and 2 o’clock
I have found that the insertion of the needle along the vertical vector is easily learnt by experience. Only occasionally do I find it necessary to rotate the C-Arm (parallax) to judge the depth and angle of needle insertion in a patient of average build.
Needle puncture in thin and obese patients can be challenging. In both, estimating depth can be deceptive. I find I overestimate the depth in thin patients and underestimate the depth in a large patient, so my initial puncture is often too deep in thin patients and too superficial in an obese case.
For example, when performing PCNL on an obese patient, it is very easy to place the needle superficial to the kidney. The AP image on the II monitor does not show depth. Deep kidney: e.g., obese patient, horseshoe or malrotated kidney, skeletal abnormality.
Fig. 4.8
Nephrostomy needle superficial to the kidney in an obese patient. The needle appears to be in the calyx on the 12 o’clock (vertical) image on the II. This first puncture is represented by the pale, shaded needle. After establishing that the needle tip is superficial by parallax, the needle (the dark needle) is reinserted more vertically and deeply
Conversely, in a very thin or a paediatric patient, the initial puncture is often deep into the kidney.
Fig. 4.9
Nephrostomy needle deep into the kidney in a thin patient. On the 12 o’clock view, it appears to be in the kidney. The pale needle of the first puncture attempt is confirmed as deep into the kidney using parallax. The needle is removed and reinserted (dark needle) on a more shallow and less angled trajectory.
These variations in anatomy and depth need to be borne in mind by the surgeon and anticipated prior to PCN. They become apparent with practice. They should be utilised in conjunction with other features that assist the surgeon in knowing when the needle is in the kidney, such as needle movement with respiration, the “half moon” sign and parallax.
Technique of Percutaneous Renal Puncture
I use a standard technique of cystoscopy and ureteric catheterisation with the patient positioned in lithotomy, followed by the renal puncture with the patient placed prone on the operating table. The prone position provides access to a wider area of renal surface and shorter track than the supine position. As almost all of my PCNLs are for complex staghorn calculi and usually require multiple tracks, I do not use the supine approach. However, I do not have a negative attitude towards supine PCNL. Prone works best for me and the calculi I manage.
Lithotomy Position
Step 2