Fig. 9.1
Features of neuroendocrine neoplasms as seen on fine-needle aspiration cytology. A well-differentiated tumor presents with regular cell morphology (a) and a low Ki-67 labeling index (b), while a poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma exhibits more evident cell atypia with a recognizable mitotic figure (red arrow) (c) alongside a very high Ki-67 labeling index (d)
Conversely, poorly differentiated NETs show sheets of loosely cohesive and highly atypical cells, irregular and small to large nuclei, even to coarse chromatin pattern and variable cytoplasm. Nuclear molding, stripped nuclei and mitoses are not uncommonly observed (Fig. 9.1c,d). The diagnostic accuracy of cytology is powered by synaptophysin and chromogranin A reactivity by neoplastic cells and additional immunohistochemistry investigation (TTF-1, CDX-2, PAX-8, Islet 1, serotonin, PSAP) may help identify or confirm the site of origin of the neoplasms [6, 15]. An appropriate and reasonable antibody panel can be applied to cytological preparations for differentiating other primary pancreatic lesions and neoplasms, including chronic pancreatitis with islet aggregation, ductal adenocarcinoma, solid pseudopapillary tumor, acinar cell carcinoma, pancreatoblastoma, whose detailed analysis is beyond the scope of this work.
FNAC findings cannot reliably predict the biological behavior of abdominal NETs, even though the presence of mitoses, irregular nuclear membranes and necrosis appear to be more likely associated with an aggressive behavior [15]. While tumor grading is routinely accomplished on surgical and biopsy specimens according to existing guidelines [1–4], several studies focused on the usefulness of FNAC samples for grading these tumors [16–18]. However, the diagnostic accuracy of this technique ranges from 58–86% and it remains unclear if the Ki-67 labeling index (Ki-67 LI) obtained from EUS-FNA samples accurately reflects that obtained on surgical specimens [16–18]. Results may be influenced by small tumor size (<20 mm) and intratumor heterogeneity in Ki-67 LI measurement, especially in larger tumors, thereby diminishing the cytologyhistology concordance rate [16–18]. Another reason for this relatively lower concordance rate is the unpredictable number of cells obtained by FNAC as demonstrated by an increase of diagnostic accuracy when 2000 tumor cells or more are obtained [19]. The recent introduction of techniques for obtaining core tissue samples and cell blocks will further improve the reliability of diagnostic FNAC techniques in the preoperative phase.
9.3 9.3 Small Biopsy
Small biopsies obtained by PUS or EUS investigation allow primary or metastatic GEP-NETs to be preoperatively diagnosed through the adoption of larger needles with cutting edges, which collect adequate tissue fragments. Another source of diagnostic material are endoscopic biopsies from the stomach or large bowel in the case of mass-forming lesions. Core tissue and endoscopic biopsies with different dimensions are optimal materials for histologic interpretation, tissue staining and molecular investigation. Core needle biopsies (CNB) using 25–20-gauge needles, endoscopic sampling and Tru-Cut needle biopsies with 18–19-gauge needles are the technical instruments most often used in clinical practice (Fig. 9.2a–d).

Fig. 9.2
Features of neuroendocrine neoplasms as seen in core biopsy. A well-formed tissue cylinder has been obtained by core biopsy (a), containing abundant tissue featuring a well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumor (b) with strong synaptophysin immunohistochemistry (c) and moderate Ki-67 labeling index (d) for the final diagnosis of NET G2
Despite small size, CNB is advantageous because tissue architecture is well preserved for tumor diagnosis and biological assessment in paraffin embedded material [20–22]. Upon histology, tissue fragments lie often intermingled with blood clots due to the high vascularization of most NETs, in which isolated neoplastic cells are preserved enabling a definitive tumor categorization.
There is a great debate in the reported utilization of CNB in NETs patients, with either a preferential use of CNB over FNAC or even limitation of CNB to only indeterminate cases on FNAC being reported on literature [23, 24]. CNB specificity ranges from 96% to 100% for diagnosing primary and secondary NETs, with sensitivity ranging between 60% and 90% [23, 24]. It is accepted that CNB samples provide more accurate subtyping on some tumors than do FNAC samples, with an incremental value of histology over cytology in the specific characterization of pancreatic neoplasms other than adenocarcinoma [25, 26]. On the other hand, it has been proposed to carry out the on-site evaluation of biopsy adequacy by rolling the cores across slides to obtain cytological specimens for immediate assessment [27, 28]. This procedure on CNB can improve the overall diagnostic sensitivity by 8% [29], supporting the view that the combination of cytology and histology is by far superior to either one individually [23, 30, 31]. Overall, tissue fragments of GEP-NETs make up a precious reservoir of material for differential diagnosis, immunohistochemistry characterization and molecular testing by providing the opportunity for multiple tissue sections [20–22]. This is particularly crucial in liver metastases of unproven origin NETs, where a combination of different markers (TTF-1, CDX-2, PAX-8, Islet 1, serotonin, PSAP) may help characterize the cell lineages of tumor growths [5–7, 32].
Whether biopsy samples of primary or metastatic NETs are optimal material also to grade tumors is still a debated but undeniable issue for its important clinical implications. Recent prospective studies have demonstrated that either FNAC [20] or biopsy [33, 34] was adequate for histological diagnosis and Ki-67 LI assessment in patients with non-functioning pancreatic NETs, but the crucial question remains as to whether this recruited material is really representative of the whole lesion due to intratumor heterogeneity [35]. For example, pancreatic NETs larger than 1.8–2.0 cm sampled by CNB showed a lower concordance between Ki-67 LI and tumor grading than smaller tumors [34], indicating that the intratumor heterogeneity accounted for such a discrepancy [20, 33–35].
Some studies have indicated that biopsies from liver metastases of the GEP NETs failed to reliably separate G1 from G2 as compared to the same assessment on the whole tissue sections [35], thus confirming a major role for intratumor heterogeneous distribution of cell clones with different proliferation activity. This phenomenon can even become grueling, when diversely and unpredictably distributed neuroendocrine components with well-differentiated and poorly differentiated features coexist in the same tumor mass as suggested for NETs arising in the GEP tract [36], lung and thymus [37]. However, a unique study has thus far demonstrated that Ki-67 LI assessment may be concordant between biopsy samples and resection specimens of lung NETs when strict counting guidelines were applied [38]. These included the identification of hot spot regions, which remains a matter of perception, in either type of material and the KI-67 LI assessment on 2,000 cells, 2 mm2 or the entire biopsy fragments to account for tumor sampling, tissue fragment sizing and intratumor heterogeneous distribution of defining criteria [38]. This innovative approach paves also the way to using Ki-67 LI for better grading of these tumors in close combination with morphologic classification [38].
A crucial issue regards the management of biopsies or FNAC of liver metastases from NETs originating in extra-GEP anatomical sites, such as the lung, where terminology (typical and atypical carcinoid instead of NETs) and defining criteria (grading based on morphology rather than Ki-67 LI) are quite different [39]. In these cases, clinical correlation is always fundamental and the relevant terminology should be adapted and commented to avoid an improper generalization of classification criteria.
9.4 9.4 Surgical Specimens
Surgical specimens represent the ideal and irreplaceable material of investigational studies, where most features of the GEP-NETs can be elucidated, although representative only of a fraction of lesions, predominantly NETs, amenable to surgical resection [40].
They are the basis for the deepest knowledge on the pathobiology of these neoplasms, inasmuch as many biological, diagnostic, prognostic and predictive characteristics can be here developed [1]. Therefore, surgical specimens should be optimally fixed, processed and stored to avoid technical artifacts and then accurately evaluated on gross and microscopic pathology [1]. Furthermore, storing frozen material and blood samples from paired patients is a powerful tool for many research activities on genomics, metabolomics or proteomics of NETs. In general, gross features do not help differentiate GEP-NETs from each other and from the more common non-neuroendocrine tumors. However, the distribution and number of lesions may provide helpful hints to recognize varying subtypes of NETs.
Most gastrinomas (74%) and somatostatinomas (84%) arise on the right of the superior mesenteric artery in the pancreatic head, whereas most insulinomas (74%) and glucagonomas (77%) are positioned on the left of this artery in the body and tail of the pancreas [1]. Inside the pancreas VIPomas are more prevalent in the distal pancreas (77%), while non-functioning NETs have been reported to be either uniformly distributed within the whole organ or preferentially restricted to the cephalic region. Gastrinomas and somatostatinomas may frequently arise in extrapancreatic locations, such as duodenum or proximal jejunum. Ninety per cent of gastrinomas occur within the so-called “gastrinoma triangle”, a virtual anatomic area of triangular shape bounded by the junction of the cystic and common bile ducts, the junction of the second and the third portions of the duodenum, and the junction of the head and the body of the pancreas. The most common site of sporadic gastrinomas is the head of the pancreas, followed by the first and second portions of the duodenum and the periduodenopancreatic lymph nodes as metastatic deposits of unrecognized duodenal tumors. In turn, the localization in bile ducts or stomach or in other anatomical sites including the jejunum [1], liver, kidney, ovary, and parathyroid is very rare, in opposition to the normal distribution of gastrin-producing neuroendocrine cells in the gastric antrum and the duodenal wall [4].
In MEN1 patients, gastrinomas most commonly originate in the duodenum, and, less frequently, in the pancreas. Duodenal somatostatinomas are more frequent than those arising in the pancreas, and are generally located in the second portion of the duodenum, often in the ampullary-periampullary region. Unlike gastrinomas and somatostatinomas of the pancreas, which are nearly always functionally active, the same duodenal neuroendocrine tumors are associated with hormonal symptoms in only 40–45% of the patients. GEP-NETs may present as either sporadic or familial tumors. Sporadic lesions are generally single, although multifocal tumors, either synchronous or metachronous, have been described in 2–13% of pancreatic insulinomas, 40% of duodenal gastrinomas, 30% of duodenal somatostatinomas and gastric NETs associated with chronic atrophic gastritis [1]. Multifocal pancreatic, duodenal or gastric NETs are instead the rule in MEN1 patients.
9.4.1 9.4.1 Gastric NETs
There are three main categories of gastric NETs, most of which are well-differentiated tumors (G1 and G2 NETs) composed of enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells arising in the fundal-type mucosa or in the body-antrum border, while neuroendocrine carcinoma (NECs), tautologically G3, accounts for about 10% of them [1, 41]. NETs in turn are split into type I (≈74%, F>M, VI–VII decade) when associated with autoimmune atrophic gastritis, type II (≈6%, F=M, V decade) when related to MEN1 or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and type III (≈10%, F<M, VI decade) when sporadic and without endocrinological syndrome. Type I and II ECL NETs are small (<1–1.5 cm), non-functioning and multicentric, either synchronous or metachronous, and responsible for low to intermediate incidence of lymph node (5% in type I; up to 30% in type II) or liver (2% and 10%, respectively) metastases. In contrast, type III is solitary, larger (most often, >2 cm) and sometimes functioning, with lymph node and/or liver metastases in 70% of cases [1, 41].
NECs present with non-specific symptoms similar to conventional gastric cancer, and is mostly found to be extensively metastatic [1]. There is also mixed adenoneuroendocrine carcinoma (MANEC) where the neuroendocrine component accounts for at least 30%, and which is usually G3 and, rarely, G1–G2 [1, 42], while other pure neuroendocrine neoplasms composed of enterochromaffin (EC) cells (with no preferential distribution) or G cells in the antrum are exceedingly uncommon [1].
9.4.2 9.4.2 Pancreatic NETs
Pancreatic NETs are usually well-differentiated tumors (G1 and G2 NETs) composed of cells closely resembling their normal counterparts and characterized by mild to moderate cell atypia and solid, gyriform, trabecular or glandular growth pattern [1, 40]. NECs are quite rare, sometimes associated with hormone secretion syndromes and prognostically unfavorable.
Although there is usually no relationship between the staining intensity for hormonal products and the presence or severity of the clinical symptoms, individual functioning tumors may be immunohistochemically negative for the high rate of release of the hormones into the bloodstream. Furthermore, the immunoreactivity for a given hormone does not have clinical implications, because non-functioning tumors may also exhibit immunostaining for a variety of hormones which are not released in the bloodstream [1, 40].
Progression of NETs to high-grade NECs is a rare but well-documented phenomenon in the pancreas and elsewhere in the GEP tract [36] or the thymus [37], thus realizing a hybrid category with intermediate tumor behavior according to an innovative concept of secondary high-grade neuroendocrine neoplasm [43].
9.4.3 9.4.3 Small Bowel NETs
Most NETs developing in the small intestine arise from the distal jejunum and ileum, and are mainly composed of EC cells and, rarely, L cells (G1 and G2 NETs) [1]. NECs are virtually undescribed. The typical presentation is in the form of white-yellowish nodules, multiple in about one-third of instances [44], with intact or eroded mucosa, which deeply infiltrate the muscular layers of the intestinal wall reaching the subserosal adipose tissue or the peritoneum, where emboli in lymph vessel and vascular channels are common. Tumor cells usually show a nesting pattern of growth with peripheral palisading, which may be of some value to recognize these tumors in metastatic sites. Extensive fibrosis of the intestinal wall and mesentery and fibrous changes of the intestinal artery walls frequently cause visceral adhesions, volvulus and infarct by vascular occlusion [1].
9.4.4 9.4.4 Appendix NETs
Appendix NETs affect young to middle-aged patients, are slightly prevalent in females, and are usually non-functioning. Most neoplasms arise at the tip of the appendix, but also the middle part or the base may be involved and fulfill criteria for G1 NETs and G2 NETs, whilst NECs are exceedingly rare in the appendix [1].
These tumors show a trabecular to solid histologic appearance and are composed of EC cells (producing serotonin and substance P) or L cells (producing glucagon-like peptides, glicentin and PP/PYY) [45]. Other NETs of the appendix feature gland-like tubular structures resembling metastatic adenocarcinoma, which are positive for neuroendocrine markers, glucagon and serotonin [45] or show a combination of classical NETs and goblet cell carcinoid as separate components [46]. EC cell NETs of the appendix are related to subepithelial neuroendocrine and Schwann cell aggregates present in the lamina propria and submucosa (so-called Masson’s neuroendocrine complexes), whereas this association with nerves is lacking in the corresponding small bowel NETs.

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