Although pancreatic cancer is the most common of periampullary tumors, cancers of the ampulla, the duodenum, and the distal bile duct have a better long-term survival after curative pancreaticoduodenectomy. Although rare, there also are cystic pancreatic tumors and endocrine tumors, for which surgical extirpation is indicated.


It is essential that the surgeon be familiar with the arterial variations to avoid injury and particularly to avoid hepatic ischemia in the jaundiced patient. The important variations are those of the right hepatic artery. The right hepatic artery usually crosses in front of the portal vein, but in a small percentage of cases, it passes behind the portal vein, raising a suspicion of an accessory or replaced right hepatic artery. This arises from the superior mesenteric artery and passes on the right and somewhat posterior to the common bile duct (see Chapter 1, Fig. 1-27). The difference between a true right accessory or replaced hepatic artery and a right hepatic artery passing behind the portal vein usually can be determined by palpation just above the duodenum, where a true ectopic artery will be felt.

In most cases, the right hepatic artery passes behind the bile duct, but a right hepatic artery passing in front of the common bile duct is common (Chapter 1) and should be identified during mobilization of the gallbladder and cystic duct. Unresectability is not defined by variant anatomy but rather by the local invasion of major vascular structures independent of their position. Thus the presence of an accessory or replaced right hepatic artery from the superior mesenteric artery does not preclude resection of the pancreatic head. Often the vessel will pass posteriorly and can be carefully dissected free.

Lymphatic drainage from pancreatic head lesions results in a high incidence of lymph node positivity in the posterior pancreaticoduodenal region. This major drainage area should be resected, taking all the tissue in front of the vena cava, the renal veins, and the nodes between aorta and vena cava.


Computed tomographic (CT) scanning is the central investigation for the assessment of resectability in pancreatic cancer. Once metastatic disease has been excluded, the most important consideration as to resectability will be the degree of vascular involvement (Fig. 10-1). More subtle degrees of involvement can be suspected when the clear fat plane surrounding the celiac axis or the superior mesenteric artery is lost (Fig. 10-2).

Arterial encroachment or encasement by adenocarcinoma of the pancreas precludes resection for cure. However, venous involvement of the superior mesenteric or portal vein does not necessarily preclude resection (Fig. 10-3). The presence of obvious enlarged varices on the CT scan almost always precludes any resection for cure. More subtle involvement of the superior mesenteric vein or the portal vein is more difficult to interpret. Nevertheless, any significant degree of venous involvement will almost always mean that there is some degree of extension of the tumor to the arteries, usually the superior mesenteric artery, by posterior encroachment behind the superior mesenteric and portal veins. Complete obstruction of the splenic vein does not preclude resection, but proximal splenic involvement raises the issue of involvement of the base of the celiac axis.

Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and endoscopic ultrasound are used on a selective basis.


Continuous pancreatic secretion has been considered to hinder healing of the pancreatic stump. This led to the hypothesis that by reducing the exocrine secretion, the incidence of pancreatic fistula could be reduced accordingly.

Octreotide, the octapeptide analog of somatostatin, is a powerful inhibitor of pancreatic exocrine secretion. Numerous randomized prospective trials have examined the role of prophylactic, perioperative octreotide and its impact on the outcome after pancreatic surgery (Büchler et al., 1992; Friess et al., 1995).

I believe that, as recommended by Büchler (2007) for all patients scheduled for pancreatic resections, prophylactic subcutaneous octreotide (Sandostatin), beginning with the first dose of 200 mcg given at induction, should be used. It is suggested that if the pancreas is considered high risk by the surgeon because of a soft consistency or a pancreatic duct size of less than 3 mm in diameter, the postsurgical regimen would be three daily doses of 200 mcg of octreotide for the next 5 days. Conversely, if the gland is firm with a relatively wide duct, each individual dosage would be 100 mcg.


The procedure usually begins with a laparoscopy in an effort to determine remote metastasis and with the use of laparoscopic ultrasound to detect the presence or absence of unsuspected hepatic metastases or vascular encasement.


A technique in common use is described. However, I prefer the variations in technique of pancreaticojejunostomy and choledochojejunostomy, which are detailed in the following (see Figs. 10-16 and 10-17) and depicted in the videos.


If laparoscopy shows no evidence of metastatic disease or of peritoneal deposits and the laparoscopic ports have been placed appropriately in the planned bilateral subcostal incision, the incision is made. A midline incision or an extended right subcostal incision is used. The abdomen is opened and exploratory laparotomy performed. The liver is evaluated for metastases, and invasion of the transverse mesocolon is particularly examined.

The lesion is then evaluated for resectability. The colon is mobilized (Fig. 10-5) and the inferior vena cava is dissected free of all tissue. The third and fourth part of the duodenum is reflected and the pancreas elevated so that a hand can be passed behind the pancreas to palpate the tumor mass (Fig. 10-6). This usually determines whether or not the likelihood of posterior extension to the superior mesenteric artery is present. Gross invasion of the superior mesenteric artery presupposes venous encasement and unless the artery is completely free, the procedure is terminated. The omentum is elevated and the lesser sac is entered. The omentum is detached from the colon and the inferior border of the pancreas identified. The anterior surface of the superior mesenteric vein is identified (see below), and the right gastro-epiploic vein divided and the anterior branch of the inferior pancreaticoduodenal vein ligated just below the pancreas. The middle colic vessels that drain into the superior mesenteric vein may be preserved but can be divided without consequence. The presence of any significant varices in the omentum or colonic mesentery should raise concern as to portal vein or superior mesenteric vein obstruction.

The pancreas is then elevated from the anterior surface of the superior mesenteric vein (Fig. 10-7). If this dissection plane is free and before completion of the dissection from below, attention is directed to the superior border of the pancreas, where the common hepatic artery is identified (Fig. 10-8).

The magnitude of the common hepatic artery pulsation is consciously examined to avoid a median arcuate ligament syndrome. The gastroduodenal artery is identified and if there is no adherence or encasement of the common hepatic artery, the gastroduodenal artery is doubly ligated and divided, as is the right gastric artery (see Fig. 10-8).

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