Overview of Urinary Tract Infections

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
Dirk Lange and Ben Chew (eds.)The Role of Bacteria in Urology10.1007/978-3-319-17732-8_2

2. Overview of Urinary Tract Infections

Joey Lo1, Way Ho Choi1, Justin Y. H. Chan1 and Dirk Lange2, 3, 4  

Department of Urologic Sciences, The Stone Centre at Vancouver General Hospital, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Basic Science Research, The Stone Centre at Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Department of Urologic Sciences, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3Z6, Canada

Jack Bell Research Centre, 2660 Oak Street, Vancouver, BC, V6H 3Z6, Canada



Dirk LangeDirector


For the longest time both urinary tract and urine were thought of as sterile, however recent evidence seems to suggest the presence of a urinary tract microbiome, believed to play a significant role in maintaining overall urinary health [1]. Similarly to the intestinal microbiome, the urinary tract microbiome likely plays a role in keeping uropathogens at bay, preventing them from getting the upper hand. When they do take over any part of the urinary tract, patients will develop a urinary tract infection (UTIs). Depending on the location along the urinary tract, infections are classified into upper or lower UTIs. Lower UTIs generally involve the bladder (called cystitis), urethra (urethritis) and prostate (prostatitis) while upper UTIs involve the kidneys and are also considered ascending infections due to the bacteria ascending from the bladder to the kidneys. Here we provide an overview of each type of UTI and discuss some of the most common pathogens involved along with a brief discussion about the most common pathogenic mechanisms for each.


Cystitis is the presence of bacteria confined to the urinary bladder [2], characterized by dysuria, frequency, urgency, cloudy urine, with or without suprapubic pain [25]. It is often associated with pyuria, and occasionally with haematuria [2]. The infection can be classified as either uncomplicated or complicated, where uncomplicated cystitis refers to cases where the host is healthy with no structural or functional abnormalities, and is neither pregnant nor has indwelling devices medical devices such as urinary stents or catheters. All cystitis cases that do not fit these criteria are considered complicated [4]. Approximately 95 % of all urinary tract infections (UTIs) are uncomplicated bladder infections, which will be the focus of this section [6].

Acute, uncomplicated cystitis (AUC) occurs in both men and women, but is primarily present in young, sexually active women, with a frequency of 0.5–0.7 episodes per person annually [3, 4, 7]. Of those infected, approximately 25 % will develop recurrent infections within 6 months, with a significant proportion experiencing a second recurrence within 1 year [4, 8].

Diagnosis is typically based on positive urine cultures in symptomatic individuals. Common pathogens responsible for AUC include uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), which comprises 80–90 % of the cases, and Staphylococcus saprophyticus, which is responsible for 5–10 % of infections [3, 9]. Occasionally, other Enterobacteriaceae, such as Proteus mirabilis and Klebsiella spp., or Enterococci are isolated [3, 10]. Since treatment of such infections is highly dependent on the mechanisms of action of infective agents, it is important to understand the pathogenesis behind the main culprits of cystitis. Here, we describe the virulence factors utilized by UPEC and S. saprophyticus in the course of a bladder infection.


Cystitis often results from colonization of the vagina and urethra with fecal flora, followed by subsequent ascent of the microorganisms into the bladder [11]. Once inside the bladder, uropathogens find ways to adhere to and infect uroepithelial cells, or they become internalized by host cells where they proliferate while hiding away from host immune responses prior to sequential infection [6].

Uropathogenic E. coli

In the case of UPEC, the bacterium expresses an array of diverse virulence factors [6]. A major facilitator of host cell invasion includes a filamentous adhesive organelle known as type 1 pili, hair-like fibres which are distributed throughout the bacterial surface [6]. This particular structure is formed by two adapter proteins, known as FimF and FimG, along with a mannose-binding adhesin, FimH. FimH mediates bacterial adherence to many host glycoproteins and non-glycosylated peptide epitopes, and is both necessary and sufficient for the initiation of the invasion process which leads to the internalization of the bound bacterium into the host cell. Once internalized, the UPEC can use the host cells as a protected niche to proliferate and persist, forming aggregations and biofilms known as intracellular bacterial communities. Moreover, the pathogen becomes better shielded from host defense mechanisms as well as from a number of antibiotic treatments which fail to reach the internalized microorganism [6]. Often, it is the eventual resurgence of these dormant reservoirs that give rise to the significant percentage of recurrent or relapsing cystitis cases [6].

Indeed, type 1 pili are only one method used by UPEC to invade the host bladder epithelial cells. Other virulence factors which stimulate bacterial uptake by uroepithelial cells include interactions between UPEC Afa/Dr fimbrial adhesins and host receptors, as well as the activation and subsequent degradation of host Pho GTPases by CNF1. To enhance its pathogenicity, the bacterium also expresses an abundance of diversified virulence factors where only a small portion of what exists has been discovered thus far, including various fimbrial and afimbrial adhesins for attachment, siderophores for scavenging essential iron from host cells, as well as secreted toxins that alter host cell signaling pathways, modulate inflammatory response, and stimulate cell death [6].

Staphylococcus saprophyticus

The second most common bacterium responsible for cystitis is S. saprophyticus, a Gram-positive, obligate human pathogen [12]. Despite it being the predominant cause of Gram-positive UTIs, relatively little is known regarding the mechanism it uses to invade the urinary tract system or how host cells respond to infection [12]. Some discovered virulence factors of S. saprophyticus include extracellular slime, lipoteichoic acids which aid in the adhesion to uroepithelial cells, Aas, an adhesive and autolytic protein which allows for attachment to uroepithelial cells, the adherence factor and haemagglutinin UafA, the collagen- and fibronectin-binding protein SdrI, surface-associated lipase Ssp, serine-rich adhesin UafB, and the enzyme urease [13]. More recently, using C3H/HeN murine models, Kline et al. were able to demonstrate that S. saprophyticus induces the shedding of epithelial cells in the bladder [12]. Additionally, the authors found virulence factors SssP and SdrI to be important for the persistence but not initial colonization of the bacterium [12]. Another newly identified virulence factor includes the surface protein SssF, which King et al. found to be highly prevalent in clinical isolates and was associated with resistance to the antibacterial activity of linoleic acids [14].

Although less studied than the UPEC, findings associated with the pathogenesis of S. saprophyticus thus far suggests that similar to UPEC, an array of virulence factors are involved such that no single factor is sufficient to cause disease. Rather, it is the timely, procedural expression of multiple, potentially redundant factors interacting together that contributes to the successful establishment of cystitis [13].

Treatment and Preventive Measures

Current treatment for cystitis involves the use of antibiotics [3]. However, the major drawback to this type of treatment is the development of antibiotic resistance by uropathogens [2]. As such, a wide variation in prescribing practices currently exists [15].

With treatment options being limited and increasing development of antibiotic resistance by uropathogens, it is important to take preventive measures against the development of cystitis. One type of such prevention is the consumption of cranberry juice, which has been widely used for several decades for the prevention and treatment of UTIs [2]. It has been suggested that cranberry reduces the development of UTIs by preventing bacterial adherence to uroepithelial cells [2, 16]. Specifically, cranberry inhibits the binding of P-fimbriae of UPEC via mannose-specific, lectin-like structures to mannose-like residues on mucosal cells [4]. It was supported by past studies where the interaction of E. coli with uroepithelial cells was shown to be mediated by a receptor containing D-mannose; both D-mannose and methyl γ-D-mannopyranoside inhibited this adherence in a dose-dependent manner, displacing the uropathogens from their attachment sites on epithelial cells [4]. However, the exact mechanism by which cranberry juice works to prevent UTIs remains to be elucidated.

Other preventive measures, particularly against recurrence, include using long-term, low-dose prophylactic antimicrobial taken at bedtime [10]. However, such applications are susceptible to the development of resistance and may lead to health problems.

If cystitis does not get treated properly, more complicated infections may arise, particularly if the uropathogens ascends to the kidneys and cause infection, a condition known as pyelonephritis [2].


Pyelonephritis is the inflammation of the upper urinary tract system commonly caused by bacterial infection. Women are more likely than men to develop pyelonephritis due to a shorter urethra. Other factors that predispose people to pyelonephritis are diabetes, kidney stones, bladder tumours, vesicoureteral reflux and other obstructions to the urinary tract that disrupt the normal flow of urine.

Gram-negative bacteria predominate in causing the disease. In particular, E. coli comprise the majority of pyelonephritis-associated bacteria while Klebsiella spp. and Proteus spp. constitute the second and third most common bacteria [17, 18]. Gram-positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Enterroccus faecalis, Streptococcus galactiae as well as Mycobacterium tuberculosis are also implicated in rare cases of pyelonephritis but are rarely described in literature [17, 18]. Research in past years has focused on two common ways for bacteria to infect the kidneys and upper urinary tract (UT); the ascending mechanism and the hematogenous mechanism [18]. The ascending mechanism requires the initial migration of uropathogenic bacteria from the opening of the urethra up into the bladder similar to cystitis. The difference is that in pyelonephritis, the bacteria then migrate higher up from the pelvic mucosa into the upper urinary tract primarily by the action of bladder reflux and to some extent flagellar-driven bacterial movement. In addition, obstruction of the normal flow of urine may also contribute to the retention of contaminated urine in the bladder that may propagate into the upper urinary tract and towards the kidneys. In contrast, the hematogenous mechanism is the seeding of circulating bacteria in the blood (bacteremia) as a result of infection at a site distant to the kidneys [18]. Despite the difference in infection pathways, both mechanisms are used by the same set of bacteria, namely E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Proteus spp. It is important to note however, that most papers describing bacterial virulence mechanisms focus on the more common ascending mechanism.

Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis

Although E. coli, Klebsiella spp. and Proteus spp. are completely different species, they share similar virulence mechanisms in pyelonephritis [1921]. While much research has gone into understanding these virulence mechanisms what remains uncertain is, however, whether any single virulence factor is responsible for pathogenesis. In the case of ascending mechanism, the bacteria originate from the host’s own fecal sources [17, 18]. Upon introduction into the urethra, the bacteria migrate upwards towards the bladder via mechanisms including the use of flagella, a whip like structure that propels bacteria forward [19]. As the pathogens migrate up the lower urinary tract they interact with and attach to uroepithelial cells using specially expressed structures on their surface known as adhesins, mainly P fimbriae and Type 1 fimbriae [1924]. Adhesion to the uroepithelium allows them to in part overcome an important host protective mechanism in urine flow.

In addition to overcoming urine flow, uropathogens also have to evade the immune system. Once bacteria ascend the ureter, they adhere to renal tubular epithelial cells. This adhesion, along with Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) LPS- TLR4 interaction and the disruption of blood cells by haemolysins, trigger signalling pathways which include the ceramide signalling pathway and LPS-induced TLR-4 dependent signalling pathways [22, 23, 25, 26]. This leads to an upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines (mainly IL-6 and IL-8) and chemokines (including CC-chemokines MCP-1 and RANTES) which recruit other host immune cells [25, 26].

To overcome this challenge, bacteria express capsular polysaccharide on their surface, which forms a thick protective layer that prevents opsonisation by activated complement components as well as phagocytosis by macrophages and other relevant immune cells [1921]. While bacterial infection is the actual cause of pyelonephritis, the resultant tissue damage is not necessarily caused by the bacteria themselves, but rather the immune response they activate; particularly granulocytes such as polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) which cause degenerative changes to renal tubular epithelia such as mitochondrial swelling, dilated endoplasmic reticula, increased electron lucency of the cytoplasm and formation of cytoplasmic vacuoles [27]. Conversely, depletion of PMNLs in a rat model almost completely abrogates renal parenchymal damage with minimal bacterial invasion for up to 40 h [27].

Since free iron is limited in the urinary tract, some bacteria express haemolysin, which is an enzyme that ruptures red blood cells thereby forcing the release of iron into the urinary environment where they capture it using siderophores such as Enterobactin, Yersiniabactin and Aerobactin, which are iron scavenging proteins [1921].

Infection with Proteus mirabilis and some strains of E. coli is further complicated by the fact that they express urease, an enzyme that breaks down urea in the urine as an energy source to produce ammonia, resulting in a significant rise in urine pH [28]. In addition to promoting ammonia-induced cytotoxicity of the renal epithelium, the increase in pH also triggers the precipitation of magnesium ammonium phosphate and the eventual formation of struvite stones, which grow rapidly in some cases forming staghorn stones which are branched stones that take over the majority of the kidneys collecting system [28].

Differences Between E. coli Strains in Pyelonephritis and Cystitis

Pyelonephritis and cystitis typically involve bacterial infection by E. coli. Thus, it is often difficult to identify bacterial mechanisms unique to any particular condition. In one of a few rare comparison studies, it has been observed that Pyelonephritis-associated E. coli strains often carry 2–3 copies of the pap gene cluster while Cystitis-associated E. coli strains only carry one cluster [29]. Similarly, it has also been shown that pyelonephritis and prostatitis E. coli isolates exhibit more virulence factors overall than cystitis isolates [29]. In particular, pyelonephritis E. coli isolates have higher prevalence of the following virulence factors when compared with cystitis: pap gene cluster (pap A, C, E, F, G) that encodes p fimbriae, aerobactin receptor (iutA), siderophore receptor (ireA), colicin V(cvaC) a toxin that inhibits bacterial growth of other or similar bacterial strains, G fimbriae (gafD), M fimbriae (bmaE), increased serum survival gene (iss), invasion of brain endothelium A (ibeA) and pathogenicity marker (malX) [29].

Other observations include different adhesion and growth rates between E. coli isolates from pyelonephritis and cystitis. As expected, pyelonephritis strains adhere better to uroepithelial cells, are more likely to mediate mannose-resistant hemagglutination, and are often more P fimbriated due to the increased copy number of pap gene clusters per bacteria [30].

As for growth rates, pyelonephritis E. coli strains infect initially at lower concentrations but tend to persist in the bladder, kidney, and urine, so that by the end of a 7-day observation period they are present in higher concentrations in the kidney than are the cystitis strains [30]. In contrast, Cystitis strains colonize the bladder in higher numbers at an early stage (up to 3 days), induce more pronounced histologic changes in the bladder, and are more rapidly eliminated from the urinary tract than pyelonephritis strains [30].

Unfortunately, other groups of bacteria including Klebsiella spp. and Proteus spp. are much less studied and thus, no comparisons could be found in literature.


Urethritis is a urinary tract condition characterized by the inflammation of the urethra. In adults, urethritis is mainly of infectious nature and usually transmitted by sexual contact [31]. In fact, one of the most prevalent types of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in men is nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) [32]. Pathogenic microbes most commonly responsible for NGU include: Chlamydia trachomatis (30–50 % of NGU cases) and Mycoplasma genitalium (10–30 % of NGU cases) [32]. Other pathogens found to be implicated in urethritis include Ureaplasma urealyticum, Haemophilus species, Streptococcus species, Gardnerella vaginalis, herpes simplex viruses, adenoviruses and Trichomonas species [32, 33]. Another form of urethritis is gonococcal urethritis (GU). GU is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae [33]. In men, if the bacteria from NGU and GU are allowed to spread, urethritis may lead to epididymo-orchitis (inflammation of the epididymis or testis) and result in impaired fertility [34].

C. trichomatis exists in two morphological forms: the intracellular reticulate body form (RB) and the (extracellular) elementary body form (EB) [35]. The EB form of C. trichomatis is metabolically inactive, but is infectious [36, 37]. It is this form of C. trichomatis that is responsible for the initial colonization of the urethra and in turn the development of NGU. When the EB form of C. trichomatis enters the urethra, they infect susceptible host cells by using a heparin sulfate-like glycosaminoglycan molecule on their cell surface to bind an unknown host cell receptor [37]. Although the receptor is unknown, it is known that these host receptors are localized to the apical surface of polarized cells thus, making the genital epithelium the target of C. trichomatis [36]. Following binding, the EB uses a Type 3 Secretion system to translocate bacterial proteins known as Tarp (translocated actin-recruiting phosphoproteins) into host cells which results in actin recruitment and promotes internalization [36, 38]. When the EBs are endocytosed, they are placed into a membrane bound compartment known as an inclusion and is further transported into the perinuclear location in the infected cell. Following internalization, in approximately 6–8 h, the C. trichomatis EBs differentiate into RBs [37]. RBs are metabolically active and are mainly responsible for C. trichomatis proliferation via binary fission [35, 37]. In 24–72 h, the newly generated C. trichomatis progeny differentiate into EBs and induce cell lysis in order to escape and infect more cells [36, 37]. In response to C. trichomatis infection, the host initiates a proinflammatory Th1 immune response [39] inducing cell mediated immunity resulting in an inflamed urethra. In the case of an extreme Th1 immune response, tissue damage may result [40].
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