Overview of Imaging of the Urinary Tract and the Role of CT Urography

Overview of Imaging of the Urinary Tract and the Role of CT Urography

Joseph P. Silletti MD

Michael P. O’Leary MD

From calculus disease to hematuria, imaging has been of great importance in the diagnosis of many diseases of the urinary tract. Advances in imaging technology have changed the practice of uroradiology significantly. CT urography represents one of the most advanced developments in imaging the urinary tract to date. This chapter describes a brief history of uroradiology and focuses on current indications for CT urography. Other imaging modalities are compared, and the role of CT urography in the management of urinary tract disease is discussed.


Early uroradiology techniques were based on the abdominal plain film and were, for the most part, performed for the evaluation of calculus disease (1). Subsequently, retrograde pyelography was developed, and it was first performed with the injection of contrast material directly into the ureters from a cystoscopic approach utilizing colloidal silver, air, carbon dioxide, and other compounds. Retrograde pyelography represented the first imaging study in which contrast material was used to depict anatomy and structural abnormalities.

In 1930, Moses Swick (2), a urologist, developed the first safe intravenous contrast material, Uroselectan, a single iodine atom connected to a pyridine ring. This innovation led to the development of intravenous urography (IVU). With further advancements in the composition of iodinated contrast material in the 1950s and 1960s, the modern intravenous urogram evolved (3). Initially, linear tomography of the kidneys or nephrotomography was added if a renal parenchymal lesion was suspected, and arteriography was performed when the mass was suspicious. In 1974, Bosniak (4) showed that nephrotomography increased the detection of renal masses compared to IVU alone, leading to increased use of this technique. In the late 1970s, ultrasound replaced arteriography as the adjunctive imaging modality of choice for renal masses detected with IVU. Ultrasound, even in its earliest form, was capable of differentiating solid from cystic renal lesions without ionizing radiation or contrast material. In the 1980s and 1990s, CT quickly emerged as a powerful tool in the diagnosis of many diseases of the urinary tract, including renal masses. CT also outperformed other imaging modalities in the diagnosis of renal infection, trauma, and calculi. However, IVU was still needed to image the urothelium. In the late 1990s, MRI became an important modality in the diagnosis of urologic disease, especially in patients with renal insufficiency and in patients with an allergy to iodinated contrast media. Finally, with the advent of multidetector CT, CT became capable of producing a large number of thin section images in a short period of time. As a result, the spatial, temporal, and contrast resolution became sufficient to image the urothelium. Thus, CT could be used to evaluate all major anatomic segments of the urinary tract. Protocols were developed that provided IVU-like images of the urinary tract, referred to as CT urography, and included CT scans of the abdomen and pelvis both before and after the administration of IV contrast material.

Indications for Upper Tract Imaging

CT urography is useful in patients with hematuria. Since hematuria has many causes, a thorough evaluation of both the upper and lower tracts is needed to diagnose malignancy, infection, and other causes of hematuria. CT urography may be used to detect renal masses, urothelial tumors, and the sequelae of complicated infection. CT urography is also useful in the setting of trauma and in the identification and classification of congenital anomalies. An additional important use of CT is in the evaluation of patients with flank pain, in whom unenhanced CT scans are sufficient in most cases. Use of CT or CT urography in evaluating patients with all of the previously mentioned conditions is addressed in the following sections.

Flank Pain

Flank pain often requires imaging to discern its etiology. In healthy, young individuals, unilateral flank pain that radiates to the ipsilateral groin is most likely caused by ureterolithiasis. However, in patients with right-sided flank pain or pain radiating to the right lower quadrant, other abdominal pathology, such as appendicitis or ovarian torsion, should also be considered. Therefore, imaging is often needed to diagnose the cause of flank pain. Unenhanced CT has supplanted IVU as the initial test of choice to evaluate patients with flank pain. CT is a faster, more informative, and highly sensitive test that carries no risk of adverse reactions associated with intravenous contrast material (5). In addition, CT can be used to determine a stone’s size and position in the ureter, which may facilitate treatment planning.

Nonradiating unilateral flank pain may be a sign of other urinary tract pathology, including renal cell carcinoma. The classic triad of flank pain, palpable mass, and hematuria is uncommon, occurring in only 1% of patients with renal cell carcinoma (6). Indeed, most renal cell carcinomas are discovered incidentally during abdominal imaging performed for nonrenal complaints. Flank pain may also be due to urinary obstruction, typically noted on imaging as hydronephrosis; the discomfort is thought to be due to stretching of the renal capsule. Unilateral hydronephrosis may be secondary to intrinsic or extrinsic causes anywhere along the course of the ureter from the ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) to the ureterovesical junction. Patients with UPJ obstruction present with hydronephrosis in the absence of hydroureter. Most cases of congenital UPJ obstruction are caused by an atonic segment of ureter at the level of the UPJ (noted histologically as an alteration of circular muscle fibers and collagen fibers) (7) or extrinsic compression by a crossing lower pole vessel (8). Congenital UPJ obstruction may be repaired using open surgical or endoscopic approaches.

Congenital abnormalities are less common in adults than children, but they are still important causes of unilateral flank pain and hydronephrosis. Retrocaval and circumcaval ureters may lead to unilateral flank pain (9). Also, the presence of a
congenitally duplicated system may have elements of obstruction, as seen in patients with ureteroceles, ectopic ureters, or vesicoureteral reflux (10).

Other common intrinsic causes of unilateral flank pain and hydronephrosis include benign ureteral strictures, typically due to calculus disease, and tumors, the most common of which is transitional cell carcinoma (TSS). Other causes of ureteral strictures include prior pelvic or retroperitoneal surgery, radiation therapy, previous ureteral instrumentation, and trauma.

Extrinsic causes of hydronephrosis are common. Retroperitoneal and pelvic masses, whether benign or malignant, may obstruct the ureter (11). In addition, a number of extrinsic inflammatory causes may lead to ureteral strictures, including primary retroperitoneal fibrosis (12), inflammatory abdominal aortic and iliac aneurysms (13), and diverticulitis (14).

When assessing patients with flank pain, unenhanced CT may be sufficient in diagnosing calculus disease. However, when flank pain is unexplained, or when hydronephrosis is identified and also unexplained, imaging of the entire upper tract is recommended. IVU and retrograde pyelography may both be used to evaluate the ureter for intrinsic causes, but in general, these tests provide a paucity of information regarding extrinsic causes and abnormalities of extraurinary abdominal organs. CT urography can be used to evaluate the entire urinary tract for both intrinsic and extrinsic causes of obstruction and flank pain, and since the whole abdomen and pelvis are imaged, all abdominal and pelvic organs may also be evaluated.

Urinary Tract Infection

Infections of the urinary tract are common and usually self-limited. Almost all cases of cystitis are diagnosed on the basis of signs and symptoms alone, treated quickly, and require no imaging. Pyelonephritis, although more serious, is often diagnosed without imaging; however, in some cases, imaging may be needed to confirm the diagnosis. CT urography may be performed to evaluate for a renal or perirenal abscess, emphysematous pyelonephritis, or pyonephrosis in patients with a urinary tract infection who do not respond appropriately to antibiotic therapy. Emphysematous pyelonephritis is an acute necrotizing infection of the renal parenchyma (15). Pyonephrosis (16) is an infection that involves the collecting system usually in the setting of obstructing calculi. Patients with pyonephrosis complain of acute unilateral flank pain, high fever, and, occasionally, nausea and vomiting. These patients are acutely ill and may be septic at presentation.

In patients with chronic fevers, recurrent urinary tract infections, vague flank discomfort, and malaise, the diagnosis of xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis should be considered (17). Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis is usually secondary to a chronically obstructing staghorn calculus and is typically accompanied by a poorly functioning kidney.

Renal papillary necrosis may be due to a variety of disorders, including infection, diabetes, sickle cell disease, and analgesic abuse. Rarely, patients may present with acute ureteral obstruction from a sloughed papilla (18).

In patients with recurrent urinary tract infections, the presence of a foreign body or stone, especially struvite stones, may be the nidus of recurrent infections (19). A calculus in either the upper or lower urinary tract may act as a nidus for persistent infection or for continued pyuria despite antibiotics.

In patients with vague, long-standing urinary symptoms in the setting of sterile urine and without other identifiable causes, tuberculosis of the urinary tract should be considered. Urinary tract infection occurs via hematogenous spread of the organisms to the renal parenchyma initially. Spread to the collecting system may ensue; the renal pelvis, ureter, and bladder are sequentially infected (20).

In all patients with a urinary tract infection who do not respond appropriately to antibiotic therapy, imaging of the upper tract is useful for identifying complications (21). Complicated renal infection may be detected with ultrasound or CT (21). However, CT, particularly CT urography, is more sensitive and better depicts the extent of disease (21).

Trauma to the urinary tract, whether blunt, penetrating, or iatrogenic, is always considered serious in nature because the loss of a functioning kidney and even death are possible sequelae. Following blunt trauma to the upper urinary tract, the most common complaint is flank pain, and hematuria is usually present. All stable patients with posttraumatic hematuria require imaging of the upper urinary tract to exclude upper tract injury (22). CT is the modality of choice because it can be used to identify all grades of trauma and is the most sensitive test for detecting renal contusion, laceration, and hematoma, as well as identifying severe injuries such as renal fracture, renal artery occlusion, and ureteropelvic junction avulsion (23). CT urography has not been described in the literature as being useful in the setting of trauma, and therefore examples are not provided in this textbook. However, CT urography is likely to be useful in the future. All patients with suspected trauma should be imaged during both nephrographic and excretory phases of contrast material administration. The nephrographic phase evaluates parenchymal abnormalities, such as hematoma, contusion, and laceration; the excretory phase evaluates collecting system injury. In patients with severe obstruction, the collecting system may not be opacified. In these cases, a distinct transition point of hydroureter may be present on CT. In patients with ureteral transection, a urinoma is typically present (24).

Congenital Abnormalities

CT urography is useful for detecting abnormalities in the number and location of kidneys as well as variants in the intrarenal collecting system and ureteral anatomy. For example, horseshoe and pelvic kidneys may be detected using CT in almost all cases (25, 26). CT urography provides multiplanar and three-dimensional images that are useful for identifying the precise type of congenital anomaly.

Surgical Planning

CT urography can be used to detect and stage urinary tract malignancies. The anatomic relationship of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder to adjacent
structures may also be displayed for surgical planning. CT urography may be used to describe the size and location of renal masses prior to nephron-sparing surgery (27, 28). Also, since CT can be used to describe the size and location of renal calculi, open, endoscopic, or extracorporeal management strategies may be planned.

Hematuria: Definition and Diagnosis

Hematuria, whether gross or microscopic, may be a sign of urinary tract pathology. Gross hematuria is alarming to both the patient and the primary care provider and often leads to referral to a urologist. Whether and how to evaluate patients with microscopic hematuria is controversial in part because there is no consensus regarding the definition of microscopic hematuria. Also, a small percentage of the normal population has microscopic hematuria. Thus, the American Urologic Association commissioned a panel to formulate best practice guidelines on asymptomatic microscopic hematuria. This document is used here to review our recommendations (29).


Gross hematuria is defined as the detection of blood in the urine with the unaided eye from either a voided or a catheterized specimen. Microscopic hematuria is not as simply defined. Several factors contribute to the definition of microscopic hematuria, including the urine collection method, hematuria detection method, number of positive results, and patient characteristics.

Urinalysis for the detection of microscopic hematuria should be collected in one of two ways—by a fresh-voided, midstream, “clean-catch” urine sample or by sterile catheterization (29). The second may be reserved for patients who are obese, patients with phimosis or other anatomical reasons for potential contamination, or patients whose previous samples were contaminated as noted by the presence of squamous epithelial cells on microscopic analysis. Urine samples should not be contaminated with oxidizing agents such as betadine because this may lead to a false-positive dipstick analysis (30).

Detection of microscopic blood in the urine is most simply performed with a urinary dipstick. The urinary dipstick detects the presence of hemoglobin, either free or within red blood cells (RBCs), by an oxidation reaction with substances present on the dipstick resulting in a change in color (30). The sensitivity of dipstick urinalysis is between 91% and 100% (31), but its specificity in detecting less than five RBCs per high power field is between 65% and 99% (32, 33). The chamber count and sediment count both confirm the presence of hematuria because the dipstick test may detect myoglobin. They can also be used to quantitate the number of RBCs. Although the chamber count may be more accurate, the American Urological Association Best Practice Policy Panel recommends using the sediment count (29

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