Open Lateral-to-Medial Colectomy
Benjamin M. Martin
Farah A. Husain
Edward Lin
Surgical resection of the right colon may be indicated for malignant, premalignant, and benign etiologies. The location and underlying pathology determine the extent of resection. An extended right hemicolectomy may be needed for lesions spanning the hepatic flexure to mid-transverse colon, multiple adenomas, or synchronous lesions.
Malignant—colon cancer, appendiceal cancer
Premalignant—polyps not amenable to endoscopic removal
Benign—ischemia, inflammatory bowel disease, right-sided diverticulitis, infection, cecal volvulus, bleeding from arteriovenous malformation, trauma
Even in the era of minimally invasive colon resections, 9-21% of laparoscopic colectomies require open conversion because of the patient’s inability to tolerate CO2 insufflation or because of dense intra-abdominal adhesions from previous surgery.
There are no absolute contraindications to an open right colectomy. Difficult circumstances such as a patient with severe cardiopulmonary disease and a large right-sided polyp that is not amenable to endoscopic removal present distinct challenges. Each patient should be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for appropriateness.
Before elective colon resection, medical comorbidities should be identified and optimized. This may include correction of anemia, electrolyte and acid-base disorders, fluid deficits, and malnutrition. Most patients will have undergone a contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen and pelvis during the diagnostic workup, providing a road map to the mesenteric vasculature. Chest CT is also indicated for those with stage II or greater colon cancer to rule out metastatic disease, as well as a complete colonoscopy to identify potential synchronous lesions. Aside from the cecum and rectum, the accuracy of exact tumor location cannot always be ascertained by colonoscopy. When feasible, endoscopic ink tattooing or clip marking should be performed because intraoperative colonoscopy to localize the tumor is time consuming and may unnecessarily induce bowel distension.
Traditionally, preoperative bowel preparation has been performed before elective colon resection. This point has been debated without clear resolution. If time permits, a mechanical bowel preparation with a polyethylene glycol solution followed by the oral antibiotics neomycin and erythromycin, the eponymous Nichol’s prep, can be used. Otherwise, any oral lavage solution is acceptable. It is important to note that the surgeon is not always afforded the luxury of time in preoperative planning and bowel cleansing. Fortunately, bowel preparation may not be as critical for right colon resections when compared to left colon and rectosigmoid resections.
Oncologic colon resection and lymph node harvest are based on the vascular supply of their subsegments. The colon and rectum are derived from the embryologic midgut and hindgut, with the blood supply following the superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery, respectively. Derivatives of the midgut include the cecum and the right half to two-thirds of the transverse colon. The derivatives of the hindgut are the left one-third to one-half of the transverse colon, the descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, and the superior portion of the anal canal.
The cecum is located in the right iliac fossa and is approximately 10 cm long, with the widest transverse diameter of all the colon segments averaging 7.5 cm. It is completely enveloped in visceral peritoneum and is usually mobile. The gonadal vessels and the right ureter typically course posterior to the medial border of the cecum. The terminal ileum empties from a medial-to-lateral direction into the cecum through a thickened invagination called the ileocecal valve. The valve prevents retrograde flow from the colon into the small bowel, but in approximately 25-30% of individuals the ileocecal valve is incompetent. The incompetent valve is most evident during colonoscopy when colonic air readily passes into the small intestine, resulting in marked abdominal distension and patient discomfort. Patients with distal colonic obstruction and a functional ileocecal valve typically have colonic dilatation on radiography that mimics a closed-loop obstruction. Although the cecum is quite distensible, a diameter greater than 12 cm can result in ischemic necrosis and perforation.
Ascending Colon
From the cecum, the ascending colon is the 12-20 cm segment that courses superior toward the liver on the right side. With the exception of its posterior surface, which is fixed to the retroperitoneum, the ascending colon is covered laterally and anteriorly by visceral peritoneum. The psoas muscle, second portion of the duodenum, right ureter, and the inferior pole of the right kidney have important anatomic relationships to the posterior aspect of the ascending colon. Laterally, the ascending colon is attached to the parietal peritoneum via an embryonic fusion plane between the visceral and parietal peritoneum. This subtle anatomic landmark, sometimes called the “white line of Toldt,” is relatively avascular and serves as the classic landmark for surgical mobilization of the ascending colon away from its retroperitoneal attachments. The hepatic flexure of the ascending colon rests under the right liver and turns medially and anteriorly into the transverse colon. The hepatic flexure can often be identified during colonoscopy by the purplish impression of the liver on the superior aspect of the colon wall when the scope reaches the right side.
Transverse Colon
The transverse colon is suspended between the hepatic flexure and the splenic flexure on its mesentery and spans 40-50 cm, sharing important anatomic relationships with the stomach, tail of the pancreas, spleen, and the left kidney. It is completely invested with peritoneum and has a long mesentery known as the transverse mesocolon, which may be redundant enough to reach into the pelvis. Anatomically, the transverse colon is attached to the greater curvature of the stomach by the gastrocolic ligament or omentum. The greater omentum is attached by a thin, relatively avascular membrane to the antimesenteric surface of the transverse colon. Locally advanced tumors of the transverse colon may involve the stomach, pancreas, and/or duodenum posteriorly, as well as the spleen and omentum.
Blood Supply
The right colon and up to two-thirds of the proximal transverse colon are derived from the midgut, a region supplied by the superior mesenteric artery. The distal transverse colon and left colon are derived from the hindgut, supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery (Fig. 2-1). All the terminal vessels that vascularize a limited area of the bowel wall are supplied by these arteries. Collateralization is excellent along marginal arteries at the mesenteric border, serving as an important source of a segment’s blood supply when a major vessel is occluded. The presence of these marginal arteries also allows the sacrifice of major vessels, facilitating the colon’s mobilization for anastomosis. An extreme example
of such a mobilization would be a colonic interposition for esophageal replacement. The lymphatics and innervation of the colon follow the vascular supply.
of such a mobilization would be a colonic interposition for esophageal replacement. The lymphatics and innervation of the colon follow the vascular supply.
The superior mesenteric artery (SMA) supplies the entire small bowel with 12-18 jejunal and ileal branches to the left and three major colonic branches to the right. The ileocolic vessel is the most constant of these branches and supplies the terminal ileum, appendix, and cecum. The right colic artery is the most variable blood supply of the colon and may be absent in up to 20% of patients. When present, the right colic artery can originate from the SMA as a branch of the ileocolic artery or middle colic artery. The right colic artery communicates with the middle colic artery through the marginal arteries.
The middle colic artery is a major source of blood supply to the colon and is an important surgical landmark when planning a colon resection because it is a demarcation point for the clinical definition of a right or left hemicolectomy. This artery arises proximally as the SMA enters the small bowel mesentery at the inferior border of the pancreas. The middle colic artery then ascends into the transverse mesocolon and classically splits into the right and left colonic blood supply through the marginal arteries. The middle colic artery may be absent in some patients, and the presence of an accessory middle colic artery may be seen in 10% of patients.
With the exception of the inferior mesenteric vein, the colon’s venous anatomy parallels the arterial supply of the corresponding midgut- or hindgut-derived segments. Drainage of the midgut-derived right colon is achieved by the superior mesenteric venous system, which includes the ileocolic, right colic, and middle colic veins. This configuration forms the superior mesenteric vein and joins the splenic vein to empty into the portal venous system as it superiorly progresses.

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