Causes of malnutrition
Contributing factors
Decreased nutrient intake
Nausea and vomiting
Taste changes
Unpalatable diets/specialist feeds
Reduced gastric capacity and discomfort from ascites or organomegaly
Fluid and sodium restriction due to ascites
Investigations and procedures interrupting meals or feeds
Absence or reduction of bile flow
Pancreatic insufficiency
Mucosal edema due to portal hypertension
Altered metabolism
Reduced glycogen storage
Impaired gluconeogenesis
Increased fat and protein oxidation
Increased energy expenditure
Stress factors such as infection
Increased respiratory effort from ascites or organomegaly
Increased metabolically active cells mass
Insufficient Nutrient Intake
Poor intake of nutrients may be due to nausea and vomiting, pruritis, taste changes associated with medications, unpalatable feeds, reduced gastric capacity, and discomfort due to ascites and organomegaly. With ascites, some degree of fluid and sodium restriction is usually required, and this can further reduce oral intake . In the hospital environment, intake may be affected by investigations or procedures or unpalatable hospital meals. There is some evidence that anorexia may be due to increased tumor necrosis factor or leptin [3].
Malabsorption may be due to reduced bile flow, pancreatic enzyme deficiency, or mucosal edema. The result can be faltering growth and fat-soluble vitamin deficiency. Long-chain triglycerides (LCT) require emulsification by bile in the intestine, and therefore, the absence or reduction of bile flow leads to fat malabsorption . In some types of liver disease such as Alagille’s syndrome, malabsorption may also be due to pancreatic enzyme insufficiency [4]. Finally, inflammation and mucosal edema in the small bowel due to portal hypertension may cause protein malabsorption [5].
Altered Metabolism
As liver failure progresses, the metabolism of carbohydrate, protein, and fat may be altered . There is a reduction in glycogen storage and an increased breakdown of fat and protein to meet energy demands alongside inefficient use of the substrates which are available [6]. The result is wasting of fat and lean body mass, hypoglycemia, hypoproteinemia , and hyperammonemia [7].
Increased Energy Expenditure
Children with end-stage liver disease have been shown to have a resting energy expenditure almost 30 % higher than controls [8, 9]. Increased requirements may be due to inefficient energy production due to altered metabolism, catabolic stresses such as infection or increased respiratory effort from ascites or organomegaly [6] . Greer et al. [9] suggest that increased requirements may also be due to differences in body composition, with children with end-stage liver disease having less body fat and a higher relative proportion of metabolically active cells.
Insufficient Nutrient Intake
Feeding strategies should take into account the often multifactorial causes of poor nutrient intake. When oral intake is significantly reduced because of persistent nausea or vomiting or the discomfort of pruritis or unpalatable feeds, supplemental tube feeding may be required. This can be given during the day as bolus feeds and/or as a continuous overnight infusion. Where there is ascites or organomegaly, high-energy, low-volume feeds may help with the problem of reduced gastric capacity. With ascites, a rigid sodium restriction is not recommended, but rather a general reduction is salty foods. In hospital, extended periods of nil by mouth and feeding interruptions due to investigations and procedures should be kept to a minimum, and every effort should be made to make meal times enjoyable.
Where there is fat malabsorption, an energy dense diet is given combined with medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) supplementation. MCTs do not require emulsification with bile, diffusing easily into the intestinal cells, where they are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. There is little evidence regarding how much dietary fat should be MCT. MCTs are not a source of essential fatty acids (EFAs), and as the percentage of MCT increases it is more difficult to meet requirements for EFAs. The European Society for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) guidelines are that infant formula should contain 4.5–10.8 % energy as linoleic acid, and the ratio of alpha-linoleic:linolenic should be 5–15:1 [10]. The majority of feeds which are currently available in the UK provide approximately 50 % of the fat as MCT and meet requirements for EFAs (refer to Table 72.2). If an MCT feed with a particularly high MCT content, for example, Emsogen®, is used for a prolonged period of time, supplementing with a source of EFAs is warranted, for example, walnut oil supplemented at 1 ml/100 kcal. In cases where mucosal edema due to portal hypertension may be contributing to malabsorption, it may also be beneficial to give hydrolyzed protein to maximize absorption. Where there is a low stool elastase indicating pancreatic insufficiency, supplementation with pancreatic enzymes may be beneficial.
Table 72.2
Specialist MCT-rich formulas and feeds
Feed per 100 ml | Age | Standard dilution (%) | Energy (kcal) | Protein (g) | Na (mmol) | MCT (%) | Supplemented with BCAA | % E linoleic | n-6:n-3 ratio |
Heparon Junior® | From birth | 18 | 86.4 | 2 | 0.56 | 49 | Yes | 8.2 | 6.8–1 |
Pepti Junior® | From birth | 12.8 | 66 | 1.8 | 0.78 | 50 | No | 4.31 | 5:1 |
Pregestimil® | From birth | 13.5 | 68 | 1.9 | 1.26 | 54 | No | 6.84 | 8:1 |
Monogen® | From birth | 17.5 | 74 | 2 | 1.5 | 80 | No | 1.1 | 6.2:1 |
Infatrini Peptisorb® | From birth to 18 months | n/a | 100 | 2.6 | 1.4 | 50 | No | ||
Peptamen Junior® | 1–10 years | 22 | 100 | 3 | 2.9 | 60 | No | ||
Paediasure Peptide® | 1–6 years | n/a | 100 | 3 | 3.04 | 50 | No | ||
Nutrini Peptisorb® | 1–6 years | n/a | 100 | 2.8 | 2.6 | 46 | No | ||
Nutrison MCT® | > 6 years | n/a | 100 | 5 | 4.3 | 60 | No |
Altered Metabolism
Dietary strategies are centered on trying to preserve lean body mass, avoid hypoglycemia, and minimize hyperammonemia.
Preserving Lean Body Mass
To minimize catabolism, periods of fasting should be reduced so that an exogenous supply of nutrients is used in preference to body fat and muscle stores. This can be achieved by giving feeds or meals more frequently or using a feeding pump for continuous feeding. Studies have shown that supplementation with branched-chain amino acids (valine, leucine, and isoleucine) may help to improve nutritional status in liver disease [11]. As branched-chain amino acids are metabolized extrahepatically, they continue to be available for protein synthesis and as an energy substrate in liver failure. This may help to preserve muscle and fat mass. Mager et al. [12] showed that there is an increased requirement for BCAA even in children with relatively mild liver disease .
Avoiding Hypoglycemia
In addition to the above strategies, it may be necessary to increase the carbohydrate content of the feed to maintain blood sugars. This can be done by increasing the concentration of powdered formulas, using a high-energy feed or adding glucose polymers (refer to section “Achieving Increased Nutritional Requirements”). In older children, the inclusion of starchy carbohydrates and bedtime snacks may be necessary. Intravenous dextrose and close monitoring of blood sugars may be required, especially during periods of fasting or illness.
Managing Hyperammonemia
A major site of ammonia production is the large intestine, where protein is broken down by bacteria to produce ammonia. Ammonia is converted to urea in the liver, which is then excreted by the kidneys. In liver failure, this process is disrupted resulting in accumulation of ammonia in the blood. Exposure of brain tissue to toxic levels of ammonia leads to hepatic encephalopathy. A dietary protein restriction (2 g/kg protein) is often used initially as a way of reducing ammonia production in the gut [13]. A prolonged protein restriction is counterproductive as this leads to increased muscle breakdown, the by-product of which is ammonia [13, 14]. Furthermore, a severe protein restriction can worsen malnutrition in a group of patients whose baseline protein requirements are already higher than normal [15–17]. A randomized controlled trial comparing protein-restricted diets to normal protein diets in a small group of adults found no difference in the course of encephalopathy between the two groups [18]. The main difference was increased muscle breakdown in the protein-restricted group. For these reasons, a protein restriction may be used initially but is not recommended long term as it may worsen encephalopathy and nutritional status [19].
Increased Energy Expenditure
Due to increased resting energy expenditure and nutrient malabsorption, energy and protein requirements for children with chronic liver disease are generally well above the estimated average requirement (EAR). Table 72.3 shows that children may need up to 160 % of the EAR for energy and between 3 and 4 g/kg protein for adequate growth [15–17, 20, 21].
Estimations of energy and protein requirements are used only as a guide; requirements are calculated based on the individual, taking into account age, gender, nutritional status, disease state, and growth. Calculated requirements are not static and should be recalculated as part of monitoring procedures.
Achieving Increased Nutritional Requirements
In order to achieve nutritional requirements, it is usually necessary to increase the nutrient density of the diet. This can be done by increasing the concentration of powder-based feeds, supplementing the diet with high-energy sip or tube feeds, adding energy supplements to the diet, and increasing the nutrient density of meals and snacks.
Concentrating Feeds
To increase the nutrient density of a powder-based formula, the concentration can be increased beyond the standard recommended dilution, usually in 2 % increments. For example, the concentration of Heparon Junior® could be increased in two stages from 18 to 22 % which would increase the energy from 86.4 to 105.6 kcal/100 ml. Feeds should be concentrated cautiously given that as the concentration increases so too do all the micronutrients and macronutrients, the renal solute load, osmolality, and the risk of osmotic diarrhea. When concentrating feeds, explicit instructions should be provided to the carers to avoid errors when making up feeds.
Supplementation with High-Energy Sip or Tube Feeds
Nutrient dense feeds can be given orally or via feeding tube. Not all of the feeds provide complete nutrition; some supplements contain no fat (e.g., Fortijuce®) or incomplete micronutrients (e.g., Scandishake®) and should be given alongside a balanced diet. See Table 72.4 for examples of standard high-energy sip and tube feeds .
Table 72.4
Examples of high-energy sip and tube feeds
Feed per 100 ml | Age (years) | Weight (kg) | Complete nutrition? | Energy (kcal) | Protein (g) | Fat (g) |
Infatrini® | 0–1.5 | < 9kg | Yes | 100 | 2.6 | 5.4 |
Paediasure Plus® | 1–6 | 8–30 | Yes | 150 | 4.2 | 7.47 |
Paediasure Plus Juce® | 1–6 | 8–30 | No | 150 | 4.2 | 0 |
Scandishake® | > 6 | n/a | No | 200 | 4 | 10.1 |
Fortijuce® | > 3 | n/a | No | 150 | 4 | 0 |
Fortini® | 1–6 | 8–20 | Yes | 150 | 3.4 | 6.8 |
Frebini Energy® | 1–10 | 8–30 | Yes | 150 | 3.75 | 6.67 |
Resource Junior® | 1–10 | > 8 | Yes | 150 | 3 | 6.2 |
Nutrini Energy® | 1–6 | 8–20 | Yes | 150 | 4 | 6.7 |
Nutrison Energy® | > 6 | n/a | Yes | 150 | 6 | 5.8 |
Energy Supplementation
The addition of nonprotein energy to the diet can affect the overall balance of a feed or meal. When adding energy, it is important to maintain a protein:energy ratio of between 7.5 and 12 % for infants and between 5 and 15 % for older children [22]. Energy can be added in the form of glucose polymers, fats, or a combination of the two (refer to Table 72.5). These supplements are usually added in 1 % increments and increased daily depending on tolerance. As a guide, the total carbohydrate concentrations recommended are 10–15 % for infants and up to 30 % in older children. For fat, recommendations are 5–6 % for infants and 7 % for older children [22].
Table 72.5
Energy supplementation
Product per 100 g | Energy (kcal) | Glucose (g) | Fat (g) | Protein (g) | Comments |
Glucose polymers | |||||
Super Soluble Maxijul® | 380 | 100 | 0 | 0 | |
Polycal® | 384 | 96 | 0 | 0 | |
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