Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS)
(Interstim, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA)
Direct stimulation to the sacral nerve roots; the Brindley device
(Finetech Medical, Hertfordshire, UK)
Pudendal nerve interruption or blockade; Tai procedure
Nerve reroute: Xiao procedure
Create artificial “skin–central nervous system–bladder” reflex pathway
Direct bladder wall electrode placement and stimulation
Transurethral intravesical stimulation
Sacral Nerve Stimulation
The sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) device (InterStim, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) has approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for the indications of refractory urge incontinence, refractory urgency, and frequency, and approved indications include urinary urge incontinence, urgency–frequency, nonobstructive urinary retention, and fecal incontinence. As a minimally invasive urologic procedure, it has demonstrated long-term efficacy and safety.
Electrical stimulation of the sacral nerve can paradoxically inhibit urge incontinence in overactive bladder-wet patients and yet restore spontaneous urination in underactive bladder patients with idiopathic urinary retention. The effects of sacral neuromodulation depend on electrical stimulation of the afferent axons in the spinal roots that in turn modulate voiding and continence reflex pathways in the central nervous system (Leng and Chancellor 2005). The stimulation effect is afferent mediated because the intensities of stimulation do not activate movements of striated muscles.
How does neuromodulation treat nonobstructive urinary retention? I believe that SNS activates the somatic afferent inputs that modulate sensory processing and micturition reflex pathways in the sacral spinal cord (Yoshimura and Chancellor 2011). In cases of UAB and dysfunctional voiding, SNS can inhibit the aberrant guarding reflexes.
Micturition Reflexes and Nerve Pathways
Most visceral organs such as the blood vessels, heart, and gastrointestinal tract receive a tonic autonomic regulation and are “turned on” most of the time. The urinary bladder is different because it is functionally “turned off” most of the time except for the six to eight times a day when a person voluntarily urinates.
The bladder is turned on in an “all-or-none” manner to eliminate urine (Fig. 8.1). The ability to “turn on,” in switch-like fashion, to urinate is facilitated by positive feedback loops in the micturition reflex pathway. Amplification of bladder afferent activity can activate sufficient efferent excitatory signals to the bladder to initiate micturition. This positive feedback is effective for promoting sustained bladder contraction until the bladder is emptied (Yoshimura and Chancellor 2011).

Fig. 8.1
Diagram illustrating the anatomy of the lower urinary tract and the “switch-like” function of the micturition reflex pathway. During urine storage, a low level of afferent activity activates efferent input to the urethral sphincter. A high level of afferent activity induced by bladder distention activates the switching circuit in the central nervous system (CNS), producing firing in the efferent pathways to the bladder, inhibition of the efferent outflow to the sphincter, and urine elimination. The guarding reflex prevents urinary incontinence. When there is a sudden increase in intravesical pressure, such as during a cough, the urinary sphincter contracts via the spinal guarding reflex to prevent urinary incontinence. The spinal guarding reflex is turned off by the brain to urinate (Permission from Yoshimura and Chancellor (2011))
Bladder afferent nerves send signals of bladder fullness and discomfort to the brain in order to initiate the micturition reflex (Yoshimura and de Groat 1997; de Groat 1997). The bladder afferent pathways are composed mostly of two types of axons: small myelinated A-delta fibers and unmyelinated C-fibers. A-delta fibers transmit signals mainly from mechanoreceptors that detect bladder fullness. The C-fibers mainly detect noxious signals and initiate painful sensations. The bladder C-fiber nociceptors perform a similar function and signal the central nervous system during urinary tract infection, inflammation after radiation, or intravesical chemotherapy. C-fiber bladder afferents can also trigger voiding in abnormal conditions such as neurogenic detrusor overactivity (Yoshimura and de Groat 1997).
Guarding Reflexes
The urethra and urinary sphincter are on a “turned-on” state except for short periods when we urinate and voluntarily relax our sphincter muscle. There is an important bladder to urethral reflex that is mediated by sympathetic efferent pathways to the urethra. This excitatory reflex promotes urethral smooth muscle contraction during the bladder storage phase and thus is called the guarding reflex (de Groat et al. 1997).
The guarding reflex is not activated during micturition, but rather, when bladder pressure is momentarily increased during events such as a sneeze or cough. A second guarding reflex is triggered and amplified by bladder afferent signaling, which then synapses with sacral interneurons that in turn activate urethral external sphincter efferent neurons via the pudendal nerve (Shaker and Hassouna 1998; Yoshimura and Chancellor 2011). The activation of pudendal urethral efferent pathways contracts the external urinary sphincter and prevents stress urinary incontinence (Fig. 8.2).

Fig. 8.2
Mechanism of storage and voiding reflexes. (a) Storage reflexes. During the storage of urine, distention of the bladder produces low-level bladder afferent firing. Afferent firing in turn stimulates the sympathetic outflow to the bladder outlet (base and urethra) and pudendal outflow to the external urethral sphincter. These responses occur by spinal reflex pathways and represent “guarding reflexes,” which promote continence. Sympathetic firing also inhibits detrusor muscle and transmission in bladder ganglia. (b) Voiding reflexes. At the initiation of micturition, intense vesical afferent activity activates the brainstem micturition center, which inhibits the spinal guarding reflexes (sympathetic and pudendal outflow to the urethra). The pontine micturition center also stimulates the parasympathetic outflow to the bladder and internal sphincter smooth muscle. Maintenance of the voiding reflex is through ascending afferent input from the spinal cord, which may pass through the periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) before reaching the pontine micturition center (Permission from Yoshimura and Chancellor (2011))
Rationale for Neuromodulation to Facilitate Voiding
Brain pathways are necessary to turn off sphincter and urethral guarding reflexes to allow efficient bladder emptying. Thus, spinal cord injury produces bladder–external sphincter dyssynergia and inefficient bladder emptying by eliminating the brain mechanisms. This may also occur after more subtle neurologic lesions in patients with idiopathic urinary retention. Before the development of brain control of micturition, at least in animals, the stimulation of somatic afferent pathways passing through the pudendal nerve from the perineum can initiate efficient voiding by activating bladder efferent pathways and turning off the excitatory pathways to the urethral outlet (de Groat 1997). Sacral nerve stimulation may elicit similar responses in patients with urinary retention and turn off excitatory outflow to the urethral outlet and promote bladder emptying. Because sphincter activity can generate afferent input to the spinal cord that can in turn inhibit reflex bladder activity, an additional benefit of suppressing sphincter reflexes would be a facilitation of bladder activity.
The voiding and guarding reflexes discussed are activated at different and opposite times. When we urinate, the voiding reflex is turned on and the guarding reflex is turned off. When we are sleeping, the voiding reflex is turned off while the guarding reflex is turned on. Anatomically the neuronal wiring of the voiding and guarding reflexes is located in close proximity to each other in the S2–S4 levels of the human spinal cord (Table 8.2). For patients with UAB, neuromodulation’s benefit is believed to activate the pudendal nerve afferents originating from the pelvic organs into the spinal cord and restore the inhibited voiding reflexes by suppressing exaggerated guarding reflexes (Leng and Chancellor 2005; Yoshimura and Chancellor 2011) (Fig. 8.3). In patients with overactive bladder, pudendal afferents may activate the afferent limb of inhibitory reflexes that promote bladder storage. This blocks input to the pontine micturition center, thereby restricting involuntary detrusor contractions without interfering with normal voiding patterns. In patients with fecal incontinence, the pudendal afferent somatic fibers are believed to be working by inhibiting colonic propulsive activity and activating the internal anal sphincter.

Table 8.2
Sacral 2, 3, and 4 nerve root stimulation reflex responses
Nerve root | Sensation | Pelvic floor | Ipsilateral leg |
S2 | “Pulling” sensation of vagina or penis | Anal sphincter contraction | Lateral leg rotation, contraction of foot and toes |
S3 | “Pulling” in rectum, variable sensations in labia, tip of penis, or scrotum | “Bellows” response of pelvic floor, bladder, and urethral sphincter contraction | Great toe plantar flexion |
S4 | “Pulling” in rectum | “Bellows” response of pelvic floor | Usually none |

Fig. 8.3
When there is a sudden increase in intravesical pressure, such as during a cough, the urinary sphincter contracts by means of the spinal guarding reflex to prevent urinary incontinence (guarding reflex). The spinal guarding reflexes can be turned off by the brain for urination. In cases of neurologic diseases or pelvic floor overactivity, the brain cannot turn off the guarding reflex, and retention can occur. The sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) restores voluntary micturition in cases of voiding dysfunction and urinary retention but inhibits the guarding reflex (Permission from Yoshimura and Chancellor (2011))
Sacral Stimulation Techniques
Current approved indications for sacral neuromodulation include urinary urge incontinence, urgency–frequency, nonobstructive urinary retention, and fecal incontinence (Noblett and Cadish 2014). SNS involves a two-stage procedure. The initial phase is considered the test stimulation period where the patient is allowed to evaluate whether the therapy is effective. There are two techniques that exist to perform the test stimulation.
Percutaneous Nerve Evaluation (PNE)
Percutaneous nerve evaluation (PNE) involves placing a temporary wire electrode through the S3 sacral foramen under local anesthesia. This can be done with or without fluoroscopic guidance. The wire is connected to an external generator worn for a trial period of 3–7 days (Fig. 8.4). Those with at least 50 % improvement in symptoms during the test phase are candidates for permanent implant of the lead and implantable pulse generator (IPG). The advantage of the PNE is that it is a minimally invasive office procedure requiring only local anesthesia. The disadvantage is that the wire is not securely anchored in place and the lead can migrate away from the proper position with patient’s daily activity.

Fig. 8.4
Percutaneous nerve stimulation with optimal placement of the needle at approximately 60° angle into the medial and superior portion of the S3 foramen (With permission from Medtronic, Inc.)
Staged Implant
The second option is a staged implant introduced by Spinelli et al. (2003). This procedure involves the placement of a quadripolar lead wire next to a sacral nerve root using a self-anchoring lead, and the patient undergoes a test phase for 7–14 days. The advantage of this technique is that it allows for a longer trial period with minimal risk of lead migration. During the second stage, the previously placed tined lead remains in place and is connected to an implanted IPG. The disadvantage of the staged implant is that it requires two visits to the operating room and may be more costly (Figs. 8.5 and 8.6).

Fig. 8.5
During the trial period, the device consists of the chronic lead wire connected to the temporary wire extension (With permission from Medtronic, Inc.)

Fig. 8.6
Sacral nerve stimulation InterStim permanent implantable device components (With permission from Medtronic, Inc.)
Sacral Neuromodulation Results
In a registry study from 1993 to 1997, a mixture of overactive bladder and UAB patients were evaluated with SNS. Thirty-one of the 51 UAB patients (61 %) were able to eliminate catheter use, and another 16 % had a 50 % reduction in catheter use. At 6 months with the stimulation off, the mean volume per catheterization increased back up to 264 ml (van Kerrebroeck et al. 2007). Aboseif and coworkers (2002) evaluated the efficacy and change in quality of life in patients with idiopathic nonobstructive urinary retention. Thirty-two patients requiring intermittent catheterization underwent PNE. Permanent implants were placed in 20 patients (17 women) who showed more than 50 % improvement in symptoms. Eighteen patients (90 %) were subsequently able to void and no longer required catheterization; one patient required bilateral SNS implants. Average-voided volumes increased from 48 to 198 m. Post-void residual volume decreased from 315 to 60 ml. Eighteen patients (90 %) reported more than 50 % improvement in quality of life, although the questionnaire used in the study was not described.
A randomized multicenter trial to evaluate the efficacy of SNS for urinary retention was performed by Jonas et al. (2001). After a PNE for up to a week, 68 patients (38 % of those evaluated) with chronic urinary retention qualified for permanent implantation. Patients were randomly assigned to the treatment or control group, in which treatment was delayed for 6 months. Successful results were initially achieved in 83 % of patients who received the implant, with 69 % able to discontinue intermittent catheterization completely. At 18 months, 71 % of patients available for follow-up had sustained improvement. These results have been corroborated by later studies with longer follow-up (Datta et al. 2008; White et al. 2008).

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