Fig. 13.1
The three corpora of the penis. The glans penis is an expansion of the distal corpus spongiosum (Gray’s Anatomy, 1918)

Fig. 13.2
Cross section of penis. Each corpora is surrounded by a tunica albuginea (Gray’s Anatomy, 1918)
The corpus spongiosum contains the urethra throughout the penile shaft [3]. It is positioned in a ventral groove between the corpora cavernosa. Similar to the corpora cavernosa, the corpus spongiosum has a tunica albuginea covering. The erectile tissue within the corpus spongiosum is less robust than that of the corpora cavernosa. The corpus spongiosum expands at its distal end to form the glans penis covering the tips of the corpora cavernosa (Fig. 13.1). The urethral meatus is positioned ventrally at the glans tip. Beyond where the corpora cavernosa split and become the crura, the corpus spongiosum widens to form the bulbospongiosus (bulb of the penis) within the perineum [4] (Fig. 13.3).

Fig. 13.3
The male perineum demonstrating the urethral bulb and surrounding structures (Gray’s Anatomy, 1918)
The Urethra
The urethra is divided into six segments [4] (Fig. 13.4):

Fig. 13.4
Sagittal view of the male perineum and penis. The urethral segments are shown (Gray’s Anatomy, 1918)
The fossa navicularis is within the glans penis. It is lined with stratified squamous epithelium.
The penile or pendulous urethra extends from where the fossa navicularis begins to where the bulbospongiosus ends. Simple squamous epithelium makes up the lining of this area.
The bulbous urethra is that portion proximal to the penile urethra and is covered by the bulbospongiosus muscle. Its proximal extent is where the bulbospongiosus attaches to the perineal body. It is lined distally with squamous epithelium that gradually changes to transitional epithelium as it slopes up to the membranous urethra.
The membranous urethra is surrounded by the external urethral sphincter complex and is lined with transitional epithelium.
The prostatic urethra is proximal to the membranous urethra and surrounded by prostate tissue. Transitional epithelium lines the prostatic urethra and extends into the bladder.
The bladder neck is the area circumferentially distal to the trigone adjacent and variably including the prostate.
Five sphincter-type areas are found surrounding the male posterior urethra [4–6]. These are (1) the bladder neck, (2) the prostate itself with its muscular stroma, (3) the external smooth muscle sphincter at the level of the membranous urethra, (4) the external rhabdosphincter, and (5) muscles of recruitment in the area of the membranous urethra. These sphincters have continence correlations with regard to various types of injuries and subsequent penile and urethral reconstructive procedures.
Fascial Layers
Two main fascial coverings surround the three erectile bodies [4, 5]. Buck’s fascia is the deep penile fascia. The dartos fascia is the superficial penile fascia. Buck’s fascia is a resilient elastic layer that immediately surrounds all three corpora. Dorsally on the corpora cavernosa, the deep dorsal vein, dorsal arteries, and dorsal nerves lie above the tunica albuginea attached to the inner surface of Buck’s fascia. Ventrally, Buck’s fascia splits surrounding the corpus spongiosum. Distally, Buck’s fascia is attached to the glans penis at the corona. Proximally, it covers each crus of the corpora cavernosa attaching to the ischiopubic rami. Buck’s fascia also encloses the bulb and is fixed with it to the perineal membrane or urogenital diaphragm [4, 7].
Dartos fascia of the penis lies immediately beneath the penile skin and just above Buck’s fascia. It consists of loosely arranged alveolar tissue and contains the superficial arteries, veins, and nerves of the penis. Unique to the penis is that there is no subcuticular adipose layer. The superficial fascia of the perineum consists of two layers: the superficial, areolar, fatty layer and the deeper, more substantial membranous layer [6]. The latter is also known as Colles’ fascia. The tunica dartos of the scrotum is a subcutaneous layer containing smooth muscle fibers that give the scrotal skin its rugose appearance. The dartos fascia of the penis is continuous with the superficial fascia of the perineum and the tunica dartos of the scrotum. These three fascial layers combine at the base of the penis to form the suspensory structures of the penis: the fundiform and suspensory ligaments [4, 7]. The outer fundiform ligament is continuous with the caudal portion of the linea alba and travels around the penis creating a hammock underneath it. The inner suspensory ligament is triangularly shaped and secures the dartos fascia of the penis to the anterior aspect of the pubic bone.
Arterial Supply
The arterial blood supply of the penile skin is from the left and right inferior external pudendal vessels arising from the first portion of the femoral artery [4, 7]. These inferior external vessels traverse the upper medial portion of the femoral triangle and divide into two main branches. They traverse the penile shaft within the dartos fascia running dorsolaterally and ventrolaterally with extensive collaterals across the midline. These fine branches form an extensive subdermal vascular plexus. Venous tributaries accompany the arteries. This rich vascular supply concomitant with the penile skin’s mobility imparts the ideal characteristics for its use in urethral substitution [3, 4]. The scrotal wall and ventral penile skin derive their blood supply from posterior scrotal artery which is a superficial branch from the internal pudendal artery. Tributaries for this system travel within the tunica dartos.
The blood supply to the deep penile structures emanates from the common penile artery, the continuation of the internal pudendal artery after it gives off its perineal branch [7]. After traversing the perineal membrane, the common penile artery abuts the inferior pubic ramus medially and then divides into its terminal branches near the urethral bulb. However, there can be variations in this blood supply. These terminal penile branches can originate from an accessory pudendal artery arising from the obturator artery or the internal pudendal artery prior to its entrance into the greater sciatic foramen. The accessory pudendal artery makes its way to the root of the penis by traveling along the lower detrusor area anterolateral to the prostate.
The three terminal branches of the common penile artery are (Fig. 13.5):

Fig. 13.5
The three terminal branches of the common penile artery: the bulbourethral, dorsal, and cavernosal arteries (Gray’s Anatomy, 1918)
The bulbourethral artery—a short artery or arteries which pierce the perineal membrane and Buck’s fascia entering the bulb of the penis. A variation is when it arises as a branch of the dorsal or cavernosal artery. The urethral artery, stemming from the bulbourethral artery or as a separate branch of the common penile artery, travels in the corpus spongiosum ventrolateral to the urethra. It terminates in the glans anastomosing with the terminal branches of the dorsal arteries.
The dorsal artery—the terminal branch of the internal pudendal or accessory pudendal artery. The dorsal artery travels along the dorsum of the penis between the deep dorsal vein medially and the dorsal nerve laterally. It has a coiled configuration which straightens out as the penis elongates with erection [4, 6]. Along its course, it gives off three to ten circumflex cavernosal arteries that accompany circumflex veins around the lateral surface of the corpora cavernosa. These circumflex arterial branches supply the corpus spongiosum. The dorsal artery’s terminal branches arborize in the glans. This dual blood supply to the corpus spongiosum is of paramount importance in reconstructive surgical procedures, permitting the urethra to be divided with its distal vascularity coming retrograde from the glans unless disease, trauma, or previous surgery has altered or obstructed these vessels [3]. Sometimes, dorsal artery branches perforate the tunica albuginea and connect to the cavernosal arteries, though the functional significance of these anastomoses varies with regard to erectile function [8, 9].
The cavernosal artery—usually a single artery on each side that arises as the terminal branch of the common penile artery. It enters the corpus cavernosum at the hilum running the length of the penile shaft. The cavernosal artery gives off the many helicine arteries that comprise the arterial component of the corporal erectile process. The helicine arteries empty directly into the cavernous sinusoidal spaces. Numerous types of variations have been seen on diagnostic evaluations assessing erectile function [8, 9]. These have included variations in the origin and number of cavernosal arteries. Cavernosal arteries have been seen to arise from an accessory pudendal artery and frequently the cavernosal arteries branch before entering the corpora. A branch can enter the contralateral corpus cavernosum or a single cavernosal artery can branch within the ipsilateral corpus to supply both corpora. Hypoplasia of cavernosal arteries has been seen on diagnostic studies as well [8].
Venous Drainage
Three venous systems drain the penis (Figs. 13.6 and 13.7) [4, 5, 7]:

Fig. 13.6
Venous drainage of the penis (penile view) (Gray’s Anatomy, 1918)

Fig. 13.7
Venous drainage of the penis (pelvic view) (Gray’s Anatomy, 1918)
Superficial. The superficial veins are contained in the dartos fascia, run dorsolaterally, and unite at the base of the penis to form a single superficial dorsal vein. The superficial dorsal vein usually drains into the left saphenous vein. Rarely, it can drain into the right saphenous vein or form two trunks that can drain into both saphenous veins. Some superficial veins may drain into the superficial external pudendal veins. Still further, connections between the superficial veins and the deep dorsal vein of the penis can occur.
Intermediate. The intermediate venous system consists of the deep dorsal vein and circumflex veins lying within and beneath Buck’s fascia and the venae comitantes that travel with the dorsal arteries. Blood from the sinusoids of the erectile spaces is drained via venules into a subtunical venous network. Emissary veins from this subtunical network pierce the tunica albuginea emerging on the dorsolateral surface of the corpora cavernosa to drain into the circumflex veins or directly into the deep dorsal vein. The circumflex veins, more prominent in the distal two thirds of the penis, arise from the corpus spongiosum. The emissary veins drain into the circumflex veins as the circumflex veins pass around the lateral aspect of the corpora cavernosa beneath the dorsal arteries and nerves to empty into the deep dorsal vein. The circumflex veins communicate with each other ispilaterally and contralaterally to form between 3 and 12 common venous channels that are usually accompanied by branches of the dorsal nerve and artery. The circumflex veins can also communicate ventrally forming bilateral periurethral veins. These latter veins must be identified as they can be important in the surgical treatment of veno-occlusive dysfunction-related impotence. Five to eight small veins from the glans penis form a retrocoronal plexus. This plexus drains into the deep dorsal vein which sits in a midline groove between the corporal bodies. As noted earlier, connections can exist between the deep and superficial dorsal veins. The deep dorsal vein may consist of a number of anastomosing tributaries along the penile shaft. The deep dorsal vein receives blood from the emissary and circumflex veins and passes beneath the pubis at the level of the suspensory ligament. It leaves the shaft of the penis to drain into the periprostatic plexus known as Santorini’s plexus.
Deep. The deep venous system consists of the cavernosal and crural veins. In the proximal third of the corpora cavernosa, emissary veins join together to form multiple thin-walled trunks on the dorsomedial surface of each crus adjacent to the ischial tuberosities. They merge into one or two cavernosal veins bilaterally in the penile hilum medial to the cavernosal arteries and nerves. The cavernosal veins drain into Santorini’s plexus or may diverge laterally between the bulbospongiosus and the penile crus to drain into the internal pudendal veins. Small veins from the penile bulb also empty into the cavernosal veins. Small crural veins from the dorsolateral surface of the crura drain into the internal pudendal veins. The internal pudendal veins along with the internal pudendal artery and pudendal nerve enter Alcock’s canal. The internal pudendal veins then drain into the internal iliac vein [1, 4, 7].
Lymphatic Drainage (Fig. 13.8)

Fig. 13.8
Lymphatic drainage of the penis (Gray’s Anatomy, 1918)
The lymphatic drainage of the prepuce and penile shaft skin converges dorsally and then divides at the base of the penis to drain into the right and left superficial inguinal nodes [4, 7]. The glans’ lymph tributaries collect at the frenulum, then encircle the corona dorsally. These lymph vessels then traverse the penis below Buck’s fascia to drain into the femoral triangle’s deep inguinal lymph nodes. Some of these lymph vessels drain into the presymphyseal lymph nodes and via this route drain into the superficial inguinal lymph nodes and the lateral external iliac lymph nodes [10].
Nerve Supply (Fig. 13.9)

Fig. 13.9
Nerve supply of the penis (Gray’s Anatomy, 1918)
The afferent and efferent nerve supply of the penis is derived from the pudendal and cavernosal nerves [4, 7, 11]. The pudendal nerves supply somatic motor and sensory innervation. The cavernosal nerves are the autonomic nerve supply controlling erectile function [12]. The autonomic nerves consist of the parasympathetic and sympathetic efferent and visceral afferent nerve fibers. Along with the internal pudendal vessels noted earlier, the pudendal nerves enter the perineum through the lesser sciatic notch at the posterior border of the ischiorectal fossa and enter the fibrofascial sheath of Alcock’s canal to the posterior perineal membrane [4, 7].
The dorsal nerve of the penis is the first branch of the pudendal nerve in Alcock’s canal [4, 7]. It courses ventral to the main trunk of the pudendal nerve traveling above the obturator internus muscle and below the levator ani. The dorsal nerve continues dorsally on the penile shaft lateral to the dorsal artery on the inner surface of Buck’s fascia. Multiple nerve branches from the dorsal nerve supply proprioceptive and sensory nerve terminals on the surface of the tunica albuginea and sensory terminals in the skin and glans.
The autonomic innervation of the penis arises from the pelvic plexus. This plexus consists of preganglionic parasympathetic efferent fibers from the sacral center (S2–S4), pre- and postganglionic sympathetic efferent fibers from the thoracolumbar center (T11–L2), and visceral afferents to both centers. The cavernous nerves arise from the pelvic plexus, run lateral to the tips of the seminal vesicles, posterolateral to the prostate and through the wall of the membranous urethra just lateral to the striated sphincter. They pierce the perineal membrane innervating Cowper’s glands, then enter the corpora cavernosa. The cavernosal nerve is dorsomedial to the cavernosal artery within each corpus [1, 3–5, 7].
Microvascular Erectile Dysfunction Surgery
Surgical restoration of blood flow to the corpora has been utilized for vascular erectile dysfunction in a select minority of patients [13–19]. Conversely, venous leak surgery has been performed for corporal veno-occlusive dysfunction. However, venous surgery has fallen out of favor as will be discussed below. In both of these scenarios, appropriate candidate selection and diagnostic testing are imperative. Even with strict adherence to these criteria, variable rates of success have been achieved with these procedures [19]. The American Urological Association Clinical Guidelines Panel on Erectile Dysfunction [16] has recommended that the only standard of care surgical alternative for patients with acquired organic erectile dysfunction is implantation of a penile prosthesis. Penile vascular surgery is still considered experimental. However, the members of the Panel listed the following optional treatment: “Arterial reconstructive surgery is a treatment option only in healthy individuals with recently acquired erectile dysfunction secondary to a focal arterial occlusion and in the absence of any evidence of generalized vascular disease” [16].
Microvascular Arterial Bypass Surgery
The main objective of penile microvascular revascularization is to bypass obstructive lesions in the hypogastric-cavernosal system, thereby increasing cavernosal arterial perfusion pressure [13–15, 17, 18]. As will be discussed below, this is best achieved in younger patients who have sustained a traumatic blunt pelvic/perineal injury, resulting in damage to vessels leading to the corpora cavernosa.
The initial experience with penile revascularization surgery is credited to Michal et al. [20] in the 1970s. They initially used the inferior epigastric artery as the donor vessel anastomosed directly to the corpus cavernosum (Michal I procedure). This resulted in flow rates of more than 100 mL/min and intraoperative erections. Unfortunately, nearly all of the cases had anastomotic stenosis and poor success rates [14]. Subsequently, they anastomosed the inferior epigastric artery to the dorsal artery of the penis in an end-to-side manner (Michal II procedure). Here, a 56% success rate was achieved [14, 20]. Virag et al. [21] modified this procedure in the early 1980s by arterializing an isolated segment of dorsal vein. Here, the donor inferior epigastric artery was anastomosed to the deep dorsal vein increasing penile perfusion in a retrograde fashion. They reported a 49% success rate and an additional 20% improvement rate [14, 21]. Furlow and Fisher [22] also reported dorsal vein arterialization with ligation of its circumflex branches to prevent glanular hyperemia. Their success rate was 62% [22]. Sharaby et al. [19] created a side-to-side fistula between the dorsal artery and deep dorsal vein. They then used a spatulated inferior epigastric artery as the input source to this arteriovenous combination realizing an 80% success rate [14]. A variety of modifications were utilized (Table 13.1). A lack of patient eligibility criteria and standardized protocols and techniques likely contributed to the variable results and subsequent low popularity of these procedures. Current microarterial bypass surgical techniques involve anastomosing the inferior epigastric artery to either the dorsal vein or artery [13–15]. Although the artery-to-vein anastomosis is technically easier than that of artery-to-artery, the former is more likely to fail. The dorsal vein has valves that can retard penile reperfusion. These valves may also cause anastomotic thrombosis. A valvulotome or Fogarty balloon catheter can be used to remove the valves but may also cause endothelial injury, resulting in activation of the clotting system’s intrinsic pathway leading to thrombosis and failures. Artery-to-artery microarterial bypass surgery obviates the penile hyperemia seen with dorsal vein arterializations noted earlier [13–15, 17, 18].
Table 13.1
Modifications of microvascular penile revascularization procedures
Michal I | Inferior epigastric artery to corpus cavernosum |
Michal II | Inferior epigastric artery to dorsal artery |
Crespo | Femoral artery to central artery of the corpus cavernosum or dorsal artery with autologous venous graft interposed between the two |
Virag I | Inferior epigastric artery to deep dorsal vein |
Virag II | Inferior epigastric artery to deep dorsal vein (proximal vein ligated) |
Virag III | Inferior epigastric artery to deep dorsal vein via saphenous vein bypass (proximal vein ligated) |
Virag IV | Virag I plus a shunt between the deep dorsal vein and cavernous body |
Virag V | Virag II plus a shunt between the deep dorsal vein and cavernous body |
Virag VI | Virag III plus a shunt between the deep dorsal vein and cavernous body |
Hauri | Inferior epigastric artery with one anastomosis to deep dorsal vein and one dorsal artery |
Furlow–Fisher | Modification of Virag II with ligation of both proximal and distal ends of deep dorsal vein |
Venous Leak Surgery
Surgical correction of veno-occlusive erectile dysfunction has included penile venous ligation, crural banding, and spongiolysis in a small subset of patients [18, 23, 24].
Microvascular penile venous surgery is utilized to correct venous leak [18, 23, 24]. As the corpora expand during erection, the subtunical venules are compressed creating venous outflow resistance. This is the corporal veno-occlusive mechanism. Venous leak impotence equates with the inability to maintain an erection secondary to abnormal venous outflow from the corpora cavernosa. Penile trauma, Peyronie’s disease, urethral stricture incision/excision, congenital corpora cavernosal venous drainage abnormalities, and priapism surgery can all result in focal defects in the corporal veno-occlusive mechanism.
Penile venous reconstructive surgery to limit the venous outflow of the penis is not recommended according to the American Urological Association Clinical Guidelines Panel on Erectile Dysfunction [16]. The Panel cites the difficulty in distinguishing functional smooth muscle dysfunction from anatomical tunical abnormalities. They also describe the difficulty in determining the proportion of erectile dysfunction secondary to a veno-occlusive etiology independent of general arterial hypofunction and how to diagnose and treat this subset of patients.
Presently, venous leak surgery has been nearly abandoned since the predominant pathology is smooth muscle dysfunction and ligating the draining veins does not remedy the veno-occlusive dysfunction [25].
In appropriately selected erectile dysfunction patients with both poor arterial inflow and veno-occlusive dysfunction, a combination of surgical revascularization and venous ligation procedure can be performed. However, despite a patent anastomosis and adequate veno-occlusion, significant failure rates may be seen secondary to end-organ corporal disease and poor distal arterial runoff beyond the anastomosis [18, 25, 26].
Other Treatment Options
Evaluation of the patient with erectile dysfunction should proceed along a patient-centered evaluation using a goal-directed approach as described by Lue [27] in 2007. Alternative nonsurgical and surgical treatment modalities should be discussed with the patient. Patients with mild to moderate vascular disease may benefit from oral PDE-5 inhibitors or intracavernosal vasoactive injection therapy. Similarly, vacuum devices and penile prostheses are alternative therapies for patients with arterial and/or veno-occlusive dysfunction etiologies.
Patient Selection for Microvascular Penile Revascularization
Medical History
The optimal patient for penile revascularization is a younger patient, less than 55 years of age, with focal arterial lesions limiting flow to the corpora cavernosa [13–18]. A comprehensive history and physical examination is performed. He should be psychologically stable and understand alternative treatment choices as mentioned earlier. First-line, less-invasive treatments are usually tried first. Blunt perineal trauma or pelvic fracture should be the likely culprit of the arterial lesions. Using a narrow bicycle seat with a protruding nose extension during bicycle riding causes compression of the ischiopubic rami, perineum, and the contents of Alcock’s canal [13, 28–30]. Resultant suprasystolic perineal compression pressures occlude penile perfusion and potentially induce endothelial injury, resulting in arterial vasculogenic erectile dysfunction. A wide bicycle seat without a nose extension results in pressure applied to the ischial tuberosities, thus sparing compression of the perineum allowing penile arterial inflow [30]. Vascular risk factors such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, and coronary artery disease should be absent as these portend more diffuse disease with a worse prognosis after revascularization. Tobacco use needs to be eliminated at least 6 months prior to surgery. A normal libido, reduction in erectile rigidity during sexual activity, improved rigidity and sustaining ability in the morning, and poor spontaneous erections requiring increased stimulation to achieve these are characteristics of the ideal patient’s history.
Physical Examination
Laboratory Examination
Specialized Testing
Nocturnal penile tumescence testing is performed to rule out a psychogenic cause [13–15, 17, 18]. Tumescence, rigidity, and number of erectile episodes are recorded. Duplex Doppler ultrasonography with intracavernous vasodilator injection reveals functional and anatomic information [8, 9, 31]. Redosing of the vasodilating agent may be necessary. If the cavernosal artery peak systolic velocity is less than 25 cm/s, a vascular etiology is highly likely and corresponds with abnormal pudendal angiography [8, 9, 13–15, 17, 18, 27, 31]. Peak systolic velocities between 25 and 30 cm/s are borderline for arterial insufficiency but values are age dependent [8, 9, 13–15, 17, 18, 27, 31]. End diastolic velocities less than 5 cm/s are consistent with normal corporo-occlusive function [8, 9, 13–15, 17, 18, 27, 31]. Anatomically, the presence of communicating branches between the dorsal artery and cavernosal artery distal to the occlusive lesions is evaluated. This is necessary so that when new blood flow is restored to the dorsal artery, it will result in increased intracorporal pressure. Dorsal artery diameters and flow direction through septal communicators are also assessed. Hence, the best recipient dorsal artery can be chosen. Subsequently, dynamic infusion cavernosometry/cavernosography (DICC) is performed to demonstrate arterial pressure gradients between the cavernosal and brachial arteries [8, 9, 13–15, 17, 18, 27]. A gradient of more than 30 mmHg between the penile occlusion pressure and mean brachial pressure demonstrates functional arterial disease. DICC is also used to rule out veno-occlusive dysfunction. Flows to maintain less than 5 cc/min and pressure decays less than 45 mmHg over 30 s essentially rule out venous leak [8, 9, 13–15, 17, 18, 27, 31].
A common iliac arteriogram and a selective internal pudendal arteriogram are mandatory to identify the location of the obstructive arterial lesion as well as the best-suited donor vessel usually the inferior epigastric artery [8, 9, 13–15, 17, 18]. The inferior epigastric artery should be of sufficient length to allow a tension-free anastomosis to the dorsal artery. Common trunks between the inferior epigastric artery and the obturator arteries should be absent to avoid diminution of inferior epigastric artery perfusion pressures via the steal syndrome. The distal occlusive lesion in one or both hypogastric-cavernous arterial beds is usually located within the common penile or cavernosal artery and should be less than 2 mm in diameter [13]. Blockages in the internal pudendal arteries that are between 2 and 4 mm can be treated with endovascular stents. However, occlusive lesions in the internal pudendal arteries have a significant association with systemic atherosclerotic disease which portends a worse prognosis with regard to patency and success [25].
Surgical Technique of Microvascular Penile Revascularization
Technically, the operation consists of three stages [13–15, 17, 18] (1) dorsal artery or recipient vessel dissection, (2) inferior epigastric artery or donor vessel harvesting, and (3) microsurgical anastomosis.
Preoperative prophylactic antibiotics are administered, usually a third-generation cephalosporin or vancomycin if a penicillin allergy exists. The patient is positioned supine with both upper extremities padded and secured next to his body to minimize pressure-induced and nerve-related injuries. The lower extremities and all dependent areas are likewise protected. Sequential compression devices are placed around each lower extremity. General endotracheal anesthesia with muscle relaxation is utilized as this facilitates harvesting the donor inferior epigastric vessel artery off of the rectus muscle. The genitalia and abdomen are shaved, prepped, and draped. A 16 French Foley catheter is placed in the usual sterile fashion.
Recipient Vessel (Dorsal Artery) Dissection
A curvilinear inguinoscrotal incision is made on the side opposite to the planned abdominal incision for the donor inferior epigastric artery harvesting (Fig. 13.10). This incision provides optimal proximal and distal exposure of the dorsal neurovascular bundle, and penile shortening is prevented by preserving the fundiform ligament. Additionally, better cosmesis is achieved by obviating postoperative scars on the penile shaft or base. The incision is made approximately two finger breadths from the base of the penis, from a point opposite the ventral root, to the scrotal median raphe. A Scott ring retractor with elastic hooks maximizes exposure. Blunt dissection deepens the incision through the dartos layer. The ipsilateral tunica albuginea is identified at the midshaft. The penis is then stretched and blunt finger dissection along the tunica albuginea is performed distally deep and inferior to the spermatic cord along the lateral aspect of the penile shaft. Injury to the fundiform ligament is avoided. The penis, including the glans, is inverted completely through the incision. A plane is created between Buck’s and Colles’ fascia around the distal penile shaft using blunt finger dissection. A Penrose drain is placed in this area. The neurovascular bundle is exposed. As noted in “Anatomy of the Penis and Male Perineum” section, the dorsal arteries of the penis are lateral to the deep dorsal vein and medial to the respective dorsal nerves. Dissection of the dorsal artery is limited at this point in the procedure to minimize ischemic, mechanical, and thermal trauma to these vessels. Topical papaverine hydrochloride irrigation is applied liberally to the vessels to prevent vasospasm-induced vasoconstriction and resultant endothelial and smooth muscle cell injury. In the past, both dorsal arteries were dissected and anastomosed to the bifurcation of the inferior epigastric artery. However, a significant improvement in erectile function was not made manifest in patients who underwent a bilateral anastomosis compared to those who had a unilateral anastomosis. Hence, the current consensus is that performing a single anastomosis minimizes surgical time and preserves the contralateral dorsal artery in case a second penile revascularization is required. The preselected right or left dorsal artery is identified and its course is bluntly followed proximally underneath the fundiform ligament. The fundiform ligament is left intact during this dissection allowing the penis to maintain elasticity during postoperative erection. Blunt dissection is performed between the proximal fundiform ligament and the pubic bone toward the external ring on the side of the preselected inferior epigastric artery. This dissection creates a transfer route allowing the inferior epigastric artery access to the dorsal artery of the penis while preserving the fundiform ligament. The penis is reverted back to its normal anatomic position and the inguinoscrotal incision is closed temporarily with skin staples.