Well-differentiated tumor (G1-G2)1
Resectable extrahepatic disease 2
Type I or selected type II metastases 3
Future liver remnant ≥30%
Low perioperative risk
No carcinoid heart disease
Primary NET resected or resectable
Frilling et al. classified three types of NELMs: single metastasis (type I), bulky isolated metastasis accompanied by smaller deposits (type II) and disseminated metastases (type III) [6]. For type I patients with a solitary well-differentiated metastasis (Fig. 13.1), curative liver resection is normally feasible and includes wedge hepatic resections or anatomic hepatectomies, achieving clear resection margins (R0) and a sufficient future liver remnant (FLR). Type II and III metastases usually correspond to unresectable disease due to either massive hepatic involvement or small FLR (<30%) (Fig. 13.2). In these cases, curative resection is rarely possible but, when feasible, as in selected type II cases, a staged approach should be considered, including portal vein occlusion (radiological embolization or surgical ligature), two-staged hepatectomy or associating liver partitioning and portal vein ligation (ALPPS) procedure, if necessary coupled with local interstitial treatments in order to decrease the risk of postoperative liver failure [7, 8]. However, surgical resection is not the treatment of choice for type II and III disease, which are well controlled by non-surgical therapies such as transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE), selective internal radiation therapy, radiofrequency ablation or chemotherapy, alone or in combination.

Fig. 13.1
CT scan showing a single liver metastasis (type I) in segment V–VI from pancreatic NET

Fig. 13.2
CT scan showing a large tumor bulk in the liver (type III) from a G2 pancreatic NET
Palliative cytoreduction is indicated for unresectable metastases (types II–III) to control either local tumor-related complications (i.e., mass effect) or systemic symptoms secondary to secretion of biologically active peptides. Removal of more than 90% of the tumor bulk achieves a potential survival benefit and relief from symptoms that otherwise may not be feasible by other non-surgical techniques. Sarmiento et al. reported one of the largest experiences of cytoreductive surgery for NELMs (170 patients) achieving symptom control in 96% of patients with functioning unresectable NELMs [9]; however, 59% of these patients experienced symptom recurrence and 84% of patients had evidence of disease recurrence at 5 years after surgery.
In cases of symptomatic NETs, the perioperative use of somatostatin analogs is mandatory for prevention of the “carcinoid crisis” [10].
The overall recurrence or progression rate after liver resection for NELMs is approximately 80% at 5 years. A recent Cochrane review reported 5- and 10-year survival rates of 74% and 51%, respectively, after surgery for NELMs [5]. However, very few patients remained disease-free and the 5-year recurrence rate could be more than 90% [9]. The high incidence of recurrence after resection is related both to the positive margins and to the underestimation of the liver disease. A recent systematic review found a median R0 resection rate of 63% of cases, with a median progression-free survival of only 15 months and a 5-year disease-free survival of 29% [11]. Elias et al. found that preoperative imaging techniques and intraoperative ultrasound underestimated the extent of liver disease in more than 50% of cases, so that would explain the high percentage of incomplete resections and high recurrence rate after resection (75% at 10 years) [12]. However, despite high tumor recurrence, there is a significant increase in survival time and symptom control, even in incomplete surgical resections (R1 or R2). Other factors related to survival and recurrence of NELMs after surgery have been recently analyzed by an Italian multicenter study which classified patients in three classes of risk based on the number and size of NELMs and the Ki-67 index. The authors found a significant difference between three classes of patients with a 10-year survival rate ranging from 97% (low risk class) to 20% (high risk class) [13].
In cases of intrahepatic recurrence, repeat liver resection may be considered in selected patients, possibly in association with ablative techniques. Glazer et al. reported their experience of repeat hepatectomies for recurrent NELMs and performed up to four re-resections in the same patient. Eighty patients with intrahepatic recurrence were treated by second resection or ablation with a 5-year survival of 62.5%. Among them, 25% (20/80) underwent a third resection/ ablation and 60% of them (12/20) underwent a fourth resection with a 50% of survival at a median follow-up of 7.6 years [14]. Patients should be carefully selected based on a number of factors including a thorough assessment of the perioperative risk and following the same criteria as the first liver resection. Alternatively, non-surgical techniques such as TACE, radioembolization or systemic chemotherapy should be considered.
13.1.2 13.1.2 Synchronous Liver Metastases
More than 50% of GEP-NET patients have bilobar and synchronous liver metastases [15]. In these cases, an aggressive surgical approach is widely accepted. The indication for surgical resection of both the primary tumor and liver metastases depends on the site of the primary NET and the type of NELMs (Table 13.1).
Generally, synchronous or staged resections are performed if the primary NET and liver metastases are both amenable to potentially curative resection with acceptable morbidity and mortality rate. Kianmanesh et al. reported a series of 41 patients with synchronous NELMs treated by a two-stage approach [16]: the first step consisted in the resection of the primary NET (small bowel, pancreas tail or rectum), wedge resections of left-sided metastases (segments 1–4) and right portal vein ligation; in the second step a right hepatectomy was performed with a sufficient FLR due to achieved hypertrophy of the left liver. The 5-year overall survival and disease-free survival were 95% and 50%, respectively. These data were also confirmed by Gaujoux et al. who found that concomitant resection of the primary NET and liver metastases can be performed with low mortality (3%) and acceptable morbidity [17].
Another factor to consider for synchronous resection is the location of the primary NET: even though most authors found no significant differences in postoperative complications between pancreatic and digestive tract surgery, perioperative risk should always be taken into account before surgical planning, especially if the primary NET is located in the pancreatic head and a pancreatoduodenectomy is performed in combination with a major hepatectomy: in this case, patients should be carefully selected based on both operative risk and tumor biological behavior [17].
In cases of unresectable synchronous NELMs, because of the relatively prolonged life expectancy of patients with a well-differentiated slow-growing GEP-NET treated by non-surgical therapies, resection of the primary tumor could be performed to avoid tumor-related complications or hormone secretion symptoms. Some authors suggest resection of the primary NET with unresectable liver metastases even for non-functioning and asymptomatic tumors because it may facilitate liver-directed therapies during active follow-up, improving progression-free survival [18]. These findings have been confirmed in the UKINETS study that found resection of the primary tumor to be one of independent factors of prolonged survival for midgut NETs with unresectable liver metastases [19].
13.2 13.2 Neoadjuvant and Adjuvant Treatments
Neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatments have been introduced in single case reports and smaller series. Few authors reported a benefit of neoadjuvant treatment by immunochemotherapy or peptide receptor radionuclide therapy or both, resulting in enhanced tumor resectability. No difference in survival was found between patients treated by adjuvant chemotherapy with streptozocin and fluorouracil versus non-treated patients after liver resection or transplantation [20].
Thus, neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy are not currently recommended for treating resectable liver metastases from NETs.
13.3 13.3 Liver Transplantation
Unresectable NELMs, unlike other metastatic malignancies, have been accepted as an indication for orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). However clear evidence is lacking regarding the role of OLT in the treatment of unresectable NELMs because of the low incidence of the disease and the wide variety of alternative treatments without adequate available data comparing transplantation for unresectable liver metastases to other treatment modalities. Liver transplantation would ideally allow otherwise unfeasible removal of all metastases of the liver, but it is burdened with higher operative mortality and donor shortage. Moreover, the experience is scarce because liver transplantation for metastatic NETs represents 0.3% and 0.2% of overall liver transplants [21].
OLT for NELMs can offer a significant survival benefit when patients are selected properly. Mazzaferro et al. [22] emphasized the role of patient selection on post-transplant outcomes and proposed the following criteria (Table 13.2): young recipient (less than 55 years), low-grade tumor, Ki-67 index ≤10%, metastatic disease involvement no more than 50% of hepatic volume, primary tumor drained by the portal vein system (midgut and pancreatic NETs) and removed with all extrahepatic deposits (perihilar lymph nodes) before OLT, no metastatic spread to other organs, absence of right heart insufficiency. This approach led to 5-year survival close to 90% and these criteria are currently accepted by most transplantation centers with comparable results. The same Milan group compared two homogeneous groups of patients treated with transplant versus non-transplant techniques and found a significant long-term advantage of liver transplantation over other options (10-year overall survival, 88.8% vs 22.4%; 10-year progression-free survival, 13.1% vs 89%) [23]. These excellent results were not confirmed by other multicenter series (Table 13.3). Le Treut et al. recently reported the largest retrospective multicenter review of 213 patients undergoing OLT for NELMs and found a 5-year survival of 52%, with a 3-month mortality of 10%, and identified three poor prognostic factors affecting postoperative deaths: age more than 45 years, hepatomegaly and concomitant surgery in addition to OLT [24]. The same authors argued that if patients without those risk factors were selected, the 5-year survival rate would reach 80%. These survival rates were also confirmed in another recent review of the UNOS database with a 5-year survival rate of 49.2% in the pre-MELD era that increased to 57.8% after the application of the MELD score (since 2002) [25].
Table 13.2
Indications and contraindications for orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) for neuroendocrine liver metastases
Indications | Contraindications |
• Low-grade tumor (G1–G2) | • High-grade tumor (G3) |
• Primary tumor and extrahepatic deposits removed before OLT | • Metastases to other organs |
• Non GEP-NETs or tumor not drained by the portal system (esophagus, rectum) | |
• Primary tumor drained by the portal vein system (pancreas and midgut NETs) | |
• Advanced carcinoid heart disease | |
• Hepatic involvement ≤50% | • Other medical or surgical contraindication to OLT |
•Ki-67 index ≤ 10%* | |
• Stable disease (>6 months of follow-up prior to transplant consideration)** | |
•Age ≤55 years** |
Table 13.3
Recurrence and survival rates of liver transplantation for neuroendocrine liver metastases: selection of multicenter and single-center series published since 1998
Authors | Study type | N. of patients | 5-year survival | 5-year disease-free survival |
Mazzaferro et al. 2016 [23] | Prospective Single center | 42 | 97% | NR |
Le Treut et al. 2013 [24] | Retrospective Multicenter | 213 | 52% | 30% |
Nguyen et al. 2011 [25] | Retrospective Multicenter | 184 | 49% | NR |
Sher et al. 2009 [28] | Retrospective Multicenter | 83 | 49% | 32% |
Le Treut et al. 2008 [29] | Retrospective Multicenter | 85 | 47% | 20% |
Mazzaferro et al. 2007 [22] | Prospective Single center | 24 | 90% | 77% |
Olausson et al. 2007 [26] | Prospective Single center | 15* | 90% | 20% |
Frilling et al. 2006 [30] | Prospective Single center | 15 | 67% | 48% |
Rosenau et al. 2002 [31] | Retrospective Single center | 19 | 80% | 21% |
Lehnert et al. 1998 [32] | Retrospective Multicenter | 103 | 47% | 24% |
Other authors reported similar results even without applying a strict patient selection according to the aforementioned Milan criteria. Olausson et al. performed 15 transplants (10 OLT and 5 multivisceral) for metastatic NETs with expanded criteria: high proliferation rate (Ki-67 >10%), large tumor burden exceeding 50% of the hepatic volume and older age (>64 years) [26]. However, this experience is too limited for proper evaluation, and other non-surgical treatments should be considered.
Although the short- and long-term outcomes of liver transplantation for NELMs have improved during the last two decades, the recurrence rate after liver transplantation for metastatic NETs still remains high. A recent systematic review of the literature identified the following risk factors for recurrence after OLT: older age (>50 years), symptomatic tumor, primary tumor in the pancreas or a non-gastrointestinal location, non-carcinoid primary tumor, a high Ki-67 index, large liver involvement (>50%) and poor tumor differentiation (G3) [27]. However, in most of the reported series, liver transplantation was offered only after failure of other techniques, whereas it should be considered as a curative option. As for hepatocellular carcinoma, downstaging procedures while on the waiting list should be included in the general protocol of liver transplantation for NELMs [4].
The use of organs from the deceased donor pool for neuroendocrine metastatic disease presents ethical and cost-effectiveness problems. The absence of precise guidelines for liver transplantation for NELMs and the shortage of donors hamper access of these patients to this therapeutic option, as in hepatocellular carcinoma or other rare hepatic tumors. Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) may be a solution to overcome this obstacle, providing a life-saving organ with acceptable mortality and morbidity. However, large experiences of living donation for NET are not available and current data are limited to very small case series.
13.4 13.4 Locoregional Treatments
Surgical resection represents the first-choice approach for the liver metastases from NETs with an overall survival of approximately 114 months as compared to 25 months for the unresectable non-treated lesions [33]. Chemotherapy presents a limited role for NETs with a modest rate of disease control ranging from 0–38% [34]. Preliminary data for novel therapeutic agents demonstrate a promising progression-free survival [35].
13.4.1 13.4.1 Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT)
Patients with positive somatostatin receptor (SSTR) tumors can be enrolled for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) with radiolabeled somatostatin analogs [36].
The criterion to enroll patients for PRRT is demonstration of SSTR2 expression by 111In-pentetreotide scintigraphy or by positron emission tomography/ computed tomography (PET/CT) with 68Ga-DOTA-peptides. PRRT is administered systemically in multiple cycles up to the maximum administrable activity or to the dose limit of 25 Gy to the kidney, which is the dose-limiting organ. To reduce the irradiation of the kidneys, patients are usually co-infused with cationic amino acids before and after PRRT [37]. Complete or partial response can be achieved in up to 30–38% of the treated patients, with a significant improvement of the overall survival (i.e., 48 months). Patients treated with 177Lu-DOTATATE showed a significant improvement of quality of life. Recent clinical reports suggest that the combined used of 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE may be more effective [38].

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