Rapidly evolving knowledge of the pathogenesis and natural history of colorectal cancer (CRC), especially in high-risk groups, is allowing the development of new tools to identify those who will benefit most from preventive measures. Currently, screening for adenomas, dysplasia, and early-stage invasive cancers provides the best opportunity to prevent and improve survival from CRC. Screening of high-risk groups almost always includes colonoscopy. This review discusses what represents quality colonoscopy. Proper risk stratification, understanding the natural history of each disease, proper patient counseling, and optimal techniques all help define quality colonoscopy in high-risk groups.
Gastrointestinal (GI) malignancies account for more than 3 million new cancers per year worldwide and are responsible for almost 2.5 million deaths annually. Each year, approximately 1 million new cases of colorectal cancer (CRC) occur worldwide with substantial morbidity and mortality. For colon cancer in the United States, 147,000 new cases and 50,000 colon cancer–related deaths have been estimated for 2009. The long natural history of colorectal neoplasia affords the opportunity to improve survival from this disease through preventive measures. Rapid growth of knowledge about the molecular and biologic characteristics of GI cancers has provided useful insights into the pathogenesis of GI neoplasms and cancer in general. Because most GI cancers arise over long periods as a result of interactions between genetic predisposition and environmental insults, it has become possible to identify preneoplastic and early neoplastic lesions better and to improve survival rates. Rapidly evolving knowledge of the pathogenesis and natural history of GI cancers, especially in high-risk groups, is allowing the development of new tools to identify those who will benefit most from preventive measures. Current, screening for adenomas, dysplasia, and early-stage invasive cancers provides the best opportunity to improve survival. Growing knowledge of CRC pathogenesis and its natural history is also allowing the better definition of proper surveilance intervals. Recently, guidelines for screening for colorectal neoplasia have been substantially revised by several organizations based on developing technologies and a growing body of data regarding the efficacy of CRC screening. Although screening guidelines for the average-risk population provide a variety of options, screening of high-risk groups almost always includes colonoscopy. Proper risk stratification, understanding the natural history of each disease, and optimal techniques all help define quality colonoscopy in high-risk groups.
What defines a high-risk patient? Because the subject of this issue of Gastrointestinal Endosocopy Clinics of North America is “Quality Colonoscopy,” this article deals principally with those individuals at high risk for developing CRC, although many individuals included in this group also are at increased risk for developing other cancers in the GI tract and elsewhere. The term, high-risk , is a matter of interpretation, because the relative and absolute risks for colon cancer associated with some disease entities remain to be clearly defined. Value to society defined in terms of quality/cost and numbers of lives saved also differ from the magnitude of relative benefit in small, but very high-risk, groups (eg, familial adenomatous polypsosis). Fig. 1 illustrates this point. Although the relative risk of CRC in a given population may be high, the total number of individuals in a particular high-risk group may be small. Box 1 categorizes various groups according to risk based on current knowledge. Several recent reviews have provided guidelines for the clinical management of individuals at increased or high risk for developing CRC. This review necessarily touches on overall screening and management but concentrates on the issues of quality colonoscopy.

Average risk
Individuals ≥50 years of age with
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No family history of colorectal neoplasia (adenoma or cancer)
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No personal history of adenoma or CRC
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No personal history of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
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Increased risk
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Personal history of CRC
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Personal history of adenoma a
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Positive family history of sporadic CRC b
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Positive family history of sporadic adenoma b
High risk
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Hereditary nonpolyposis CRC (HNPCC) or Lynch syndrome
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Polyposis syndromes
Classical familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
Attenuated FAP
MYH-associated polyposis
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
Juvenile polyposis syndrome
Hyperplastic polyposis syndrome
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IBD (ulcerative colitis [UC] or Crohn disease [CD]) c
a The risk of developing CRC in individuals with a personal history of adenoma varies according to the size, histology, and multiplicity of index lesions.
b The risk of developing CRC in those with a positive family history of sporadic adenoma or CRC depends on the number and degree (first degree, second degree, and so forth) of affected relatives and the age at which neoplasia occurred in these individuals.
c Individuals with IBD have been categorized as “increased risk” or “high risk” according to different guidelines.
Management of individuals with the Lynch syndrome (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer)
Lynch syndrome or HNPCC is the most common form of genetically determined colon cancer predisposition in which a specific genetic abnormality has been identified. Lynch syndrome is an autosomal dominant disorder with high penetration and accounts for approximately 3% to 4% of CRCs. Approximately 80% of cases meeting the clinical criteria for Lynch syndrome are associated with germline mutations in genes responsible for repair of DNA errors, called mismatches, that occur during DNA replication. The majority of reported germline mutations in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) genes have been associated with the MSH2 gene on chromosome 2 (40% to 50%) and the MLH1 gene on chromosome 3 (20% to 30%). Mutations in MSH6 , PMS1 , and PMS2 have also been reported. No locus has been identified, however, for many HNPCC families. The lifetime risk of CRC approaches 70% to 80% in affected individuals carrying a MMR gene mutation. During DNA synthesis, DNA polymerase may create single base-pair mismatches resulting in structural abnormalities (so-called loop-outs) involving unpaired bases. These alterations tend to occur at repetitive DNA sequences, termed microsatellites , leading to a microsatellite instability (MSI), a hallmark of CRC occurring in the setting of Lynch syndrome. The definition of HNPCC was standardized and most strictly defined by the International Collaborative Group on Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer. These Amsterdam criteria include (1) at least three relatives with histologically verified CRC, one of them a first-degree relative of the other two (FAP excluded); (2) at least two successive generations affected; and (3) in one of the individuals, diagnosis of CRC before age 50 years. Because these criteria do not account for the frequent occurrence of extracolonic cancers in such families (endometrial, ovary, stomach, ureter/renal, pelvis, pancreas, brain, hepatobiliary tract, small bowel, and multiple sebaceous adenomas and carcinomas and keratoacanthomas in the Muir-Torre syndrome variant of Lynch syndrome) or for small kindreds, broader clinical criteria have been developed, including the modified Amsterdam criteria (Amsterdam II) and the revised Bethesda guidelines, published by a National Cancer Institute–sponsored workshop on HNPCC ( Box 2 ). The latter include CRC with MSI-H (presence of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, Crohn-like lymphocytic reaction, mucinous/signet cell differentiation, or medullary growth pattern).
Amsterdam II criteria
There should be at least three relatives with CRC or with a Lynch syndrome–associated cancer (endometrium, small bowel, ureter, or renal pelvis).
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One relative should be a first-degree relative of the other two
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At least two successive generations should be affected
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At least one tumor should be diagnosed before the age of 50 years
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FAP should be excluded
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Tumors should be verified by histologic examination
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Revised Bethesda guidelines
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CRC diagnosed in an individual <50 years of age
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Presence of synchronous or metachronous CRC or other Lynch syndrome–associated tumor a regardless of age
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CRC with MSI-H phenotype diagnosed in an individual <60 years of age
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Patient with CRC and a first-degree relative with a Lynch syndrome–related tumor, with one of the cancers diagnosed at <50 years of age
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Patient with CRC with two or more first-degree or second-degree relatives with a Lynch syndrome–related tumor, regardless of age
a Endometrial, ovary, stomach, ureter/renal, pelvis, pancreas, brain, hepatobiliary tract, small bowel, and multiple sebaceous adenomas and carcinomas and keratoacanthomas in the Muir-Torre syndrome variant of Lynch syndrome.
In Lynch syndrome, discrete polyps, but not polyposis, may antedate the cancers. Adenomas in the proximal colon may be flat or slightly raised lesions with foci of adenomatous change confined to the upper half of a crypt (flat adenomas). Lynch syndrome is characterized by a tendency toward proximal sites of colon tumors (approximately 70% of CRCs are proximal to the splenic flexure), multiple primary malignancies (synchronous and metachronous), and a higher incidence of mucinous carcinomas. These CRCs usually appear at age 40 to 50 years, 2 decades earlier than CRC in the general population.
Individuals with Lynch syndrome are at increased lifetime risk for developing CRC compared with the general population (70% to 80% vs 6%). Several studies suggest a higher CRC risk in men compared with women and a higher risk in MLH1 mutation carriers than in MSH2 mutation carriers. Development of metachronous primary CRCs is also common in Lynch syndrome, with one study reporting a risk of 40% for a second CRC within 7 years of the first cancer. Algorithmic approaches to screening and surveillance of families with Lynch syndrome or those suspected of having Lynch syndrome have been adopted by professional societies with clinical practice guidelines for genetic testing and risk assessment for patients and families. Genetic testing and counseling is an essential part of quality care in families with known MMR gene mutations. Because 70% to 80% of CRCs in the setting of Lynch syndrome are proximal to the splenic flexure, colonoscopy is the mandated screening modality for the colon. Most guidelines suggest that screening begin at age 20 to 25 or 10 years before the youngest case in the immediate family and repeated every 1 to 2 years in at-risk individuals with MMR gene mutations (discussed later).
The evidence supporting colonoscopic surveillance in individuals with Lynch syndrome is provided by several observational studies. A 15-year observational cohort study of HNPCC families from Finland demonstrated that in 133 at-risk individuals undergoing prospective asymptomatic screening at 3-year intervals, invasive CRC incidence was reduced by 62% compared with 119 controls from the same families who did not undergo surveillance. Follow-up of these individuals demonstrated reduced mortality in those undergoing surveillance colonoscopy compared with those who did not undergo surveillance. CRC occurred in 6% of screened individuals and 16% of unscreened individuals. These rates were 18% versus 41% in MMR carriers. All CRCs in the screened group were early stage with no associated mortality versus 9 deaths in the unscreened group. Several observational studies do show, however, that interval cancers develop within a 3-year interval after colonoscopy, and a study of 114 families with proved or suspected MMR mutations suggested that a surveillance interval of 2 years or less is required is required to diagnose CRC at an early stage in these individuals. A recent study using the Dutch Lynch syndrome registry also concluded that members of Lynch syndrome families have a lower risk of developing CRC with surveillance interval of 1 to 2 years compared with interval of 2 to 3 years. These observations and the evidence that there may be an accelerated rate of colon carcinogenesis in the setting of Lynch syndrome have led to the recommendation that surveillance colonoscopy be performed every 1to 2 years in at-risk individuals. Some have recommended, based on observational data concerning cumulative cancer rates, that the surveillance interval be reduced to 1 year after age 40.
The success and cost-effectiveness of colon cancer screening and surveillance in any population is highly dependent on compliance with recommended guidelines. Quality colonoscopy requires that best practices regarding recommendations for screening and surveillance be adhered to by physicians and patients. This is not always the case. Stoffel and colleagues conducted a study using a cross-sectional questionnaire among individuals with a personal or family history of CRC who fulfilled the Bethesda guidelines for evaluation of Lynch syndrome; 181 individuals further met the Amsterdam criteria for the Lynch syndrome and/or had an identified mutation in a MMR gene. Of these high-risk individuals, 73% had what was defined as an appropriate surveillance with colonsocopies every 2 years. Of those individuals who did not meet the criteria for a proper surveillance interval, 53% had colonoscopies at 3- to 5-year intervals. Because subjects were recruited through four US genetics clinics, compliance is likely to be worse in less specialized settings. As discussed previously, interval cancer does occur despite adherence to surveillance colonoscopy. It is also important to communicate to patients that despite surveillance, there is a small risk of developing CRC. In one recent study, 6% of individuals developed CRC despite surveillance, and 10% of these cancers were at an advanced stage (Dukes C or stage III).
CRCs occurring in the setting of Lynch syndrome are often right sided and precursor adenomas are commonly flat. This has led to the common use of red flag techniques, such as chromoendosocopy, in an attempt to better detect these lesions.
High-magnification colonoscopy with chromoendoscopy using indigo carmine or methylene blue may improve the detection of neoplastic lesions in the colon of individuals with Lynch syndrome. Hurlstone and colleagues performed back-to-back colonoscopies in 25 individuals who met the Amsterdam I criteria for HNPCC. Conventional colonoscopy with targeted chromoscopy was followed by pancolonic chromoscopic colonoscopy using indigo carmine. Panchromoscopy identified significantly more adenomas than conventional chromoscopy ( P = .001) and a significantly higher number of flat adenomas ( P = .004). In a small study, LeCompte and colleagues found that indigo carmine dye spraying in the proximal colon increased adenoma detection. Stoffel and colleagues evaluated the colonic adenoma miss rate among Lynch syndrome patients undergoing surveilance colonoscopy. The mean interval since last colonoscopy was 17.5 months. They compared the sensitivity of indigo carmine panchromoendoscopy with intensive white light inspection for identifying polyps missed by an initial standard colonoscopy performed during the same visit. Chromoendoscopy detected more polyps, but after controlling for several variables, chromoendosocopy did not detect more adenomas than intensive inspection in this pilot study of 28 individuals. This trial points out the importance of controlling for withdrawal times in such studies. There was an initial adenoma miss rate of 55% with the first white light screening colonoscopy. Additional adenomas were detected by both chromoendoscopy and intensive standard colonoscopy (20-minute pull back from cecum) on a second examination.
In approximately 30% of families that meet Amsterdam I criteria for Lynch syndrome, MSI testing and testing for MMR gemline mutations is negative. These individuals develop CRC at a more advanced age and have fewer cancers than those with Lynch syndrome. In families without MMR deficiency, a less-intensive surveillance protocol is recommended with colonoscopy at 3- to 5-year intervals, starting at 5 to 10 years before the first diagnosis of CRC or at 45 years of age.
Individuals in Lynch syndrome families who test negative for a known mutation and who are asymptomatic should undergo routine screening recommended for individuals with a family history of CRC.

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