Risk of Infection
• Independently associated with serious infections [28]
• Risk of infection particularly with prolonged high doses, e.g., daily doses >20 mg (or 1–2 mg/kg/day in pediatric patients) for >1–2 weeks
• Myelosuppression: predictable in thiopurine-S-methyltransferase (TPMT) deficient patients, unpredictable in ~5 % of patients [30]
• Infections reported: viral, fungal, bacterial [31]. Precise infection risk unclear. Infections in 7.4 %, serious infection in 1.8 % of 386 patients over 18 years [32]
• No increased risk in TREAT registry [19]
• TPMT testing prior to treatment recommended
• Routine FBC monitoring recommended
• Increase in pneumonia in rheumatoid arthritis population (RR: 1.16; 95 % CI: 1.02–1.33) [25]
• Infection risk in IBD patients not well defined
• Association with opportunistic infections (Aspergillus and Pneumocystis) and catheter related sepsis [33]. Infection risk in IBD patients not well studied
• Monitor levels and FBC
• Pneumocystis prophylaxis recommended with lymphopenia
Anti-TNF monoclonal antibodies
– infliximab
– adalimumab
– certolozimab pegol
Anti-adhesion molecules
– natalizumab
• Overall twofold increase in risk of infection compared with placebo in adults with UC or CD [23]
• Increased risk of infection in TREAT study over 5.2 year follow-up [7]
• Increased risk of TB reactivation (OR 4.68, 95 % CI 1.18–18.60; NNTH = 681, 95 % CI 143–14,706) for nine biologics reviewed in Cochrane analysis, compared to control [27]
• Risk of serious infections: Certolizumab pegol associated with significantly higher risk compared to control treatment and other biologics (OR 3.51, 95 % CI 1.59–7.79; NNTH = 17, 95 % CI 7–68). Trend toward increased risk of serious infections for all biologics (OR 1.19, 95 % CI 0.94–1.52) [27]
• Reactivation of latent hepatitis B infection [34]
• Natalizumab (anti-CD20): risk of JC virus reactivation [36]
• Pretreatment screening for
– latent TB
– hepatitis B and hepatitis C
– other chronic/endemic infections as discussed
• Natalizumab: strict restrictions on use
Combinations of immunomodulatory therapy are associated with an increased risk of infection [10]. In a retrospective study of IBD patients from the Mayo Clinic, treatment with a single immunomodulation increased the risk of infection almost threefold (odds ratio [OR] 2.9; 95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.5–7.3). A more substantial increase in the likelihood of infection occurred in patients receiving two or more drugs in combination (OR 14.5; 95 % CI 4.9–43). Cumulative doses of corticosteroids, but not other drugs, were associated with an increased risk of infection.
Other Factors
Increasing age is a risk factor for infection in general, and the age at diagnosis of IBD is a factor related to increased morbidity and mortality in IBD patients [7], even after adjusting for use of immunosuppressive therapy [10, 13, 37]. Longer IBD disease duration has also been identified as a risk factor [7, 38]. Preexisting comorbidities, such as chronic lung disease, have been identified as contributing factors in studies of patients with rheumatologic disease, and, although such conditions have not been widely studied in IBD, they still should be noted. It is important to view the infectious risk of an IBD patient as that related to their lifetime exposures including consideration of infectious agents endemic for their places of residence [17] and exposures due to occupation and lifestyle [17].
Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management
Prevention of infection in IBD patients is best managed through a range of activities, including: (a) thorough clinical and laboratory investigations before starting immunomodulatory therapy, preferably at the time of IBD diagnosis; (b) vaccination and chemoprophylaxis when appropriate; (c) treatment of preexisting viral infections, such as chronic active hepatitis B infection; (d) investigation for concomitant infection during episodes of disease relapse; (e) adjustment of immunotherapy when infection occurs; and (f) patient education. Other factors inherent in the overall good clinical management of IBD patients, such as minimizing risk of malnutrition through institution of nutritional therapies, have also been shown to impact on the prevention of infection.
Patient Assessment Prior to Immunomodulatory Therapy
The ideal time to fully evaluate IBD patients for their history and risk of infectious diseases is at diagnosis, prior to commencement of significant immunomodulatory therapy . As described in Table 59.2, a thorough and specific clinical history, physical examination, laboratory tests, and other investigations, where warranted, are indicated [9, 17, 21, 22]. This assessment should be followed by a plan for vaccination (see detailed section below) and treatment, if indicated, for any preexisting infections such as tuberculosis or hepatitis B (also discussed below). Local guidelines for the use of directed antimicrobial therapy should generally be observed, as they take into account drug availability and local antimicrobial resistance patterns. Detailed recommendations for the management of infections in IBD patients have been incorporated in European consensus guidelines [9] and detailed clinical practice reviews and commentaries [17, 22, 24] which are recommended reading for all specialists treating IBD patients. Clinicians managing patients with IBD should consider implementing a systematic approach to support clinician and patient compliance with these guideline recommendations, such as screening and vaccination checklists, which have been shown to improve uptake [39, 40].
Detailed interview |
• History of travel and/or living in tropical areas or countries with endemic infections |
• History of previous infections |
– Bacterial |
– VZV infection: age, reactivation to zoster? |
– HSV infection: sites, frequency and severity of recurrences |
– Fungal infections: oral and vaginal candidiasis, intertrigo, nail infections |
• Risk of latent or active tuberculosis |
– Country of origin, prolonged stay in countries where TB is endemic, history of contact with TB patients |
– Prior BCG vaccination? (date) |
– History of latent or active tuberculosis and treatment given |
• Immunization status and documentation of vaccination (dates, number of doses, post-vaccination serology—if done) |
– Tetanus, diphtheria, poliomyelitis, pneumococcus, meningococcus, BCG |
– Rubella, measles, and mumps, hepatitis Ba, HPV |
– Others? |
• Future plans to travel abroad to endemic areas |
Clinical examination |
• Identification of systemic and/or local current infections |
• Evaluation of dental status (dentist review) |
• Gynecological visit and Pap smear (then regularly as per local screening guidelines) |
Routine laboratory and other investigations |
• Neutrophil count, lymphocyte count and, in the case of lymphopenia, CD4 lymphocyte count |
• Urine analysis in patients with a history of urinary tract infection and urinary symptoms |
• Serology |
– VZV in patients without a clear history of varicella immunization |
– HBVa, HCV, CMV, and HIV serology |
• In patients with chronic HCV or HBV infection, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) assay, and assessment of liver disease |
• For patients having lived in tropical/endemic areas: Strongyloides serology, eosinophil count, and stool examination |
• Tuberculin skin test (TST) or Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA)—according to each country’s specific guidelines |
• Chest X-ray |
Identification and Treatment of Acute Infection
Relapse of IBD is clearly associated with intercurrent infection. A number of studies suggest that infection, most commonly gastrointestinal infection, is present in approximately 10 % of disease relapses [41–43]. With acute presentations, a high index of suspicion is important as the symptoms and signs of typical infection may be attenuated due to the blunted immune response [17]. For example, stool testing for enteric pathogens should be a routine undertaking in patients who present with a relapse of IBD [6, 9]. Treatment of active infection might avoid inappropriate or unnecessary use of steroids or other immunomodulatory therapy [6].
A multidisciplinary approach to management from the patient’s gastroenterologist, infectious diseases specialist and organ specific specialist(s) is ideal [17]. Decisions regarding the need for reduction or withdrawal of immunosuppressive therapy will vary, depending on the type of infection and available evidence [9]. While it is optimal to withdraw certain therapies, particularly corticosteroids, in the setting of most types of infections, in certain situations, such as non-serious bacterial infections, a response to appropriate treatment without change in immunomodulatory therapy may occur.
Patient Education
Patient education is essential to minimizing the risk of infectious diseases [9, 17]. Patients should be counseled regarding early recognition of symptoms and presentation for medical care. Advice regarding the avoidance of high-risk foods, such as unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses and cold meats (for Listeria), and raw or undercooked poultry/eggs (for Salmonella), is also important. As discussed in detail below, the risk of vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) and the benefits of vaccination for both the patient and their family need to be explained. It is very important that IBD patients are provided with travel advice, around both infection risk and specific and appropriate preventative measures for their intended destinations, as well as vaccination (see below).
Specific Infections
Site-Specific Infection s
Skin, respiratory tract and urinary tract infections are all more likely in those with IBD. For example, patients with CD appear to be at increased risk of urinary tract infections [12, 44], possibly related to the transmural and fistulating nature of their disease. There is a risk of post-operative infections, such as surgical site infection, pneumonia, or catheter-related infection, which appears particularly high in patients on concurrent and high-dose corticosteroids [11, 13, 45, 46]. Other specific sites for more occult bacterial infections, such as bone/joint and dental sites, need to be considered in ill patients [47].
Viral Infection s
Herpes Viruses (Cytomegalovirus, Herpes Simplex Viruses, Varicella-Zoster Virus, and Epstein–Barr Virus)
These human herpes viruses are all unique for their ability to exist in a state of latency in human tissues following primary infection, and the potential to reactivate, with or without disease sequelae. In immunocompromised patients, including those with IBD, severe and disseminated herpes virus infections have been reported. For example, primary infection or reactivation of cytomegalovirus (CMV) can cause disease in almost any organ in immunosuppressed patients. CMV mimicking an acute exacerbation of IBD has been associated with increased morbidity, mortality and surgical intervention [48, 49]. Not all CMV reactivation results in clinical disease and because of the high prevalence of infection, screening for CMV infection prior to introducing immunomodulatory therapy is not recommended [9]. Use of antiviral therapy (such as ganciclovir) is recommended for severe or systemic disease, together with reduction or discontinuation of immunomodulatory therapy [9].
More frequent and severe reactivation of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is reported in IBD patients, particularly those on multiple immunosuppressives [9, 10]. Serological screening for past infection is not necessary. However, antiviral treatment of acute disease (using acyclovir, famcyclovir, and valacyclovir) in high-risk patients should occur, and preemptive or prophylactic therapy can also be considered in patients with frequent or severe recurrences [9].
Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is characterized by its ability to cause more severe primary infection (chickenpox), or to reactivate to cause herpes zoster with greater frequency or morbidity, in immunocompromised hosts [47]. Morbidity and mortality from VZV disease has been reported in IBD patients on immunosuppressive agents, particularly anti-TNF therapy [50–53]. Although antiviral therapy can be helpful in ameliorating disease, prevention via vaccination, ideally prior to immunosuppression, is recommended (see vaccination section below).
Severe clinical Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection has been reported in patients with IBD, but EBV is more notably associated with lymphoproliferative disease, particularly primary intestinal lymphoma, due to impaired T-cell immunosurveillance, in immunocompromised patients [54, 55]. Screening prior to initiation of immunomodulatory therapy should be considered, although seroprevalence is high and frequent, usually self-limited or subclinical, reactivation can occur [20].
Viral Hepatitis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infectio n
Two large cohort studies found that most HBV infected patients who had reactivation in the context of IBD therapy were on two or more immunomodulators and/or had detectable HBV-DNA, as well as not receiving antiviral prophylaxis [9, 56, 57]. Screening for preexisting hepatitis B infection is essential in IBD patients; guidelines have been published for the treatment of hepatitis B infection with advice on management of immunosuppressive therapy in IBD patients [9, 22]. Antiviral therapy, regardless of the extent of viremia, is recommended before, during and after immunomodulator treatment, in patients who are hepatitis B surface antigen positive [9, 34].
In patients with preexisting hepatitis C infection , use of immunomodulators including TNF inhibitors appears relatively safe; however, more data are needed [47]. Antiviral therapy for hepatitis C infection may increase toxicity of drugs used for management of IBD, and thus should be used with caution [9]. Similarly, patients with preexisting HIV infection and IBD have not been well studied, and management of HIV should probably be commenced according to usual protocols initially [17]. Most patients, particularly those stabilized on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), can be treated with TNF inhibitors if required [9]. These viruses have not been identified as causing opportunistic infection in IBD patients; however, patients should take every step to prevent their acquisition.
Influenza and Other Viruses (Human Papillomavirus, JC Virus)
There is a lack of specific data on the incidence and severity of influenza in IBD patients . However, immunomodulatory therapy is generally considered to increase the risk of influenza complications, including secondary bacterial infection [9]. IBD patients are therefore recommended to have annual influenza vaccination [20]. In addition, IBD patients should be offered diagnostic testing and early treatment with antiviral agents (oseltamivir or zanamivir) for suspected influenza [20].
There is evidence of a higher incidence of HPV-related cervical dysplasia in female IBD patients, which emphasizes the need for regular cervical screening and vaccination (discussed below) [58, 59]. Reactivation of latent JC virus causing fatal progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has been described in immunosuppressed patients treated with biologics, including the monoclonal antibody against alpha-4 integrin (natalizumab) which has been used to treat refractory Crohn) ’s disease. There are no screening tests, treatment or vaccination for this virus, which, although rare, highlights the potentially serious consequences of immunosuppressive therapy.
Bacterial Infections
As discussed earlier, enteric bacterial infections are associated with relapse of IBD, most commonly Clostridium difficile, Campylobacter jejuni, and Salmonella species. C. difficile particularly affects those with preexisting extensive colonic involvement, with UC patients infected more commonly than those with CD [6, 60]. Asymptomatic carriage rates in IBD patients appear higher than in the general population [60, 61]. There are high rates of detection at presentation, and recurrence rates ranging from 9 % to 57 % [60]. C. difficile infections are recognized to cause increased morbidity and mortality in IBD patients, including a need for surgical treatment; however, more data on risk factors and outcomes, including the association with IBD medications, are needed, particularly since the emergence of the hypervirulent strain B1NNAPI/027 [60, 61].
IBD patients are also considered to be at increased risk of invasive pneumococcal disease, and should be offered vaccination (discussed below). There is evidence for a strong relationship between TNF inhibitors and an increased risk for listeriosis, with age and concomitant use of other immunomodulatory medications playing a role. Nocardia species have also caused infections (skin, soft tissue, pulmonary and central nervous system) in patients on immunomodulatory therapy. Severe infection with other bacterial pathogens, such as Legionella pneumophila (causing atypical pneumonia or “Legionnaires’ disease”), has also been reported in IBD patients on anti-TNF medications [9, 20].
Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Infection s
Tuberculosis (TB) affects nearly one-third of the world’s population. The lifetime reactivation risk of latent infection (LTBI) is approximately 10 %, but is almost certainly higher in immunocompromised persons [47]. Of interest is evidence emerging of the considerable overlap between susceptibility loci for IBD and mycobacterial infection and shared pathways between host responses to mycobacteria and those predisposing to IBD [2]. IBD patients appear to be at increased risk of reactivation of LTBI, on standard immunomodulatory therapy, with risk increased even further on anti-TNF therapy [17]. A Cochrane review of over 200 studies of the use of biologics given for any disease found that, overall, there was an almost fivefold increased risk of TB reactivation compared to controls (OR 4.68, 95 % CI 1.18–18.60) [27]. TB reactivation has been seen particularly with infliximab, although other biologics including adalimumab may carry a similar risk [27, 47]. The likelihood of extrapulmonary and disseminated TB appears to be higher in patients on TNF inhibitors [9]. Two studies, in Spain and Japan, have demonstrated that screening for, and treating, LTBI prior to commencement of infliximab decreased the incidence of TB in patients with autoimmune diseases [9, 62, 63]. A thorough clinical history and examination, chest X-ray and screening test for LTBI (either by a tuberculin skin test [TST] or “Mantoux,” and/or a blood sample for interferon gamma release assay [IGRA]) are essential prior to starting immunotherapy in IBD patients (see Table 59.2). Both of these methods of screening have limitations, however, and should be interpreted with caution and expert input, particularly in high-risk patients. Guidelines for treatment of LTBI, and of suspected or confirmed TB disease in immunocompromised patients, including those with IBD, have been published, and should be considered in consultation with specialist advice [9].
Parasitic and Fungal Infections
IBD patients also appear to be at increased risk of certain fungal and parasitic infections , although these are relatively rare overall. Histoplasmosis may lead to life-threatening illness in patients undergoing TNF therapy, but has mainly been identified in those who have lived in endemic areas [47]. Coccidioidomycosis also appears to occur more commonly in patients living in endemic areas who are on TNF therapy, but mostly as acute infection rather than reactivation [47]. Cryptococcus neoformans is another opportunistic fungal pathogen that can cause serious infections in immunocompromised patients. Infections with Candida species were among the most common identified in IBD patients on corticosteroids alone [10]. Invasive aspergillosis, due to this ubiquitous fungus, is predominantly seen in severely immunocompromised hosts. Aspergillosis has been reported in IBD patients using TNF inhibitors, although the exact risk has not been well defined [20].
Pneumocystis carinii (jiroveci) can cause severe pneumonia (PCP) in immunocompromised patients, with risk factors including older age, coexisting pulmonary disease and lymphopenia, although the overall incidence is low at 10.6 per 100,000 [64]. In a review of over 5500 patients in Australia and New Zealand, PCP occurred most commonly within the first few months of taking combination therapy [38]. Antibiotic prophylaxis should be strongly considered for patients with lymphopenia, and in those taking TNF inhibitors, high dose corticosteroids or a calcineurin inhibitor [6, 9, 64, 65].
The risks for parasitic infections , such as Toxoplasma gondii and Strongyloides stercoralis, have not been well quantified, but both these organisms are known to cause severe disease in immunocompromised hosts. Toxoplasmosis most commonly presents as a focal encephalitis, and has been reported in IBD patients on immunomodulatory therapy [20]. Infection with the nematode Strongyloides stercoralis is common in developing countries with poor sanitation. Reactivation of infection in immunocompromised hosts can cause disseminated disease, with a high case fatality rate. Screening and preemptive therapy are recommended for those from endemic areas (see Table 59.2).
Vaccine Preventable Diseases and Responses to Immunization
A number of the infections detailed above are vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) . The key factors that contribute to increased risk of VPD in IBD patients are described above and are also depicted in Fig. 59.1. This section will review the utility, immunogenicity and safety of vaccines in IBD patients, and present strategies for optimizing immunization in these patients. This includes reviewing and documenting vaccines already received, giving “booster” doses of vaccines that may have been previously ) administered, and the use of additional vaccines to be considered in IBD patients.

Fig. 59.1
Key factors contributing to increased risk of vaccine preventable diseases (VPD ) in IBD patients. Adapted from Crawford et al. Expert Review of Vaccines. 2011;10(2):175–86 (with permission)
Vaccines are categorized as inactivated (a killed or non-replicating whole or part of the organism or “antigen”) or live attenuated (containing a modified or weakened form of the virus or bacteria, which actively replicates in the host to generate an immune response). Inactivated vaccines can be given to patients with IBD, even those on immunosuppressive therapy. Although there are some studies which suggest that the immune response to vaccination may be less optimal in patients with IBD than in healthy individuals, in other studies vaccine responses in IBD patients are not different to healthy controls. Overall, the immune response to vaccination is still very likely to provide significant protection in this vulnerable population.
Live attenuated viral vaccines, are generally considered to be contraindicated in patients on immunosuppressive therapy, although there are some exceptions. For example, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine should not be administered to IBD patients on immunosuppressive therapies due to the risk of unchecked vaccine virus replication causing disease [66]. There have been case reports of measles vaccine virus causing severe morbidity and mortality in patients taking immunosuppressive therapy. Other live attenuated vaccines, such as varicella, herpes zoster, and yellow fever vaccines, although generally not recommended, can be considered on a case by case basis, taking account of the specific vaccine and the patient characteristics detailed below. Household contacts of IBD patients should not be administered the live attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV), but can receive inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). It is also recommended that household contacts are immunized against VPDs such as influenza, pertussis, and varicella to prevent disease transmission to IBD patients [67, 68].
Table 59.3 provides a summary of recommendations from current guidelines and expert reviews for many vaccines in IBD patients.
Table 59.3
Recommendations for immunization of IBD patients [alphabetical]
Vaccine preventable disease | Vaccine type | Recommendations for use in IBD patientsa |
Routine | ||
Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis | Inactivated (also separate Tetanus, and Diphtheria/Tetanus vaccines) | Recommended in childhood, with boosters in adulthood (frequency depending on local guidelines) |
Hepatitis B (also see hepatitis A vaccine below) | Inactivated | Routinely recommended at birth /in childhood in many countries. Check serology, and consider vaccination if non-immune (evidence for fulminant hepatitis B disease in immunosuppressed IBD patients) |
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) | Inactivated | Routinely recommended in childhood in some countries. Consider single dose if not given in childhood |
Human papillomavirus | Inactivated | Routinely recommended in childhood in some countries. Serology not useful in clinical setting. Consider vaccination if age-eligible and not previously vaccinated |
Influenza | Inactivated or Live attenuated intranasal | Recommended annually in IBD patients. Use inactivated vaccine |
Measles Mumps Rubella | Live attenuated (also available as single Measles, Rubella and Measles/Rubella vaccines) | Routinely recommended in childhood. Two doses needed for adequate protection. Do not use in significantly immunosuppressed IBD patients |
Meningococcal | Inactivated (conjugated, recombinant multicomponent and polysaccharide formulations with different serotypes) | Conjugate vaccines recommended routinely in some countries. Consider use of conjugate vaccine (4-valent) and/or use of recombinant meningococcal B vaccine, depending on local epidemiology and/or travel |
Pneumococcal | Inactivated (conjugated and polysaccharide formulations with different serotypes) | Routinely recommended in childhood in some countries. Additional doses and/or primary vaccination recommended in IBD patients. Recommendations for use and number of doses of conjugate (7-valent, 10-valent, or 13-valent) or polysaccharide (23-valent) vary by country |
Poliomyelitis | Inactivated trivalent (IPV) or oral live attenuated (OPV) | Routinely recommended in childhood. Serology not required. If booster indicated use IPV. OPV contraindicated in immunosuppressed patients and their household contacts |
Rotavirus | Oral live attenuated | Only indicated for infants. Not applicable for IBD patients |
Varicella Herpes zoster | Live attenuated Live attenuated (high titer VZV) | Both vaccines contraindicated in immunosuppressed patients. Check serology for previous natural VZV infection. If negative, and not previously immunized, varicella vaccine can be considered if not immunosuppressed (adolescents and adults need 2-dose schedule). Zoster vaccine for use in those aged >50 years |
Travel-related and other selected vaccines | ||
Hepatitis A | Inactivated | Routinely recommended in childhood in some countries. Recommended for travellers to hepatitis A endemic countries. Consider for IBD patients |
Typhoid fever | Oral live attenuated or inactivated | For travel/residence in endemic areas. Use inactivated (Vi polysaccharide vaccine), not oral live attenuated |
Yellow fever | Live attenuated | Contraindicated in immunosuppressed. Waiver for certificate of vaccination for travel is available for medically ineligible persons. Need alternative measures to protect against mosquito bites or consider not travelling to YF endemic areas |
Cholera | Inactivated | Rarely indicated. Efficacy modest |
Japanese encephalitis | Inactivated | Recommended for travel/prolonged stay in endemic areas |
Rabies | Inactivated | Not generally indicated in IBD patients |
BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) | Live attenuated | Contraindicated in immunosuppressed. BCG efficacious for protection against severe TB when given in infancy. Not indicated in IBD patients |
Vaccine Safety in IBD Patients
Inactivated vaccines in IBD patients are generally considered to have a similar safety profile to that in non-IBD patients [72]. The suggestion of a potential temporal association between vaccines and the onset of autoimmune diseases is long-standing, but the weight of evidence does not support a causative effect [73–75].
In addition, a number of studies have investigated the temporal link between immunization and the onset of autoimmune conditions, such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, with no link found [76, 77].
Although there have been case reports of flares of disease activity post vaccination, including UC flares post influenza vaccine [78], overwhelmingly the data available from well-designed controlled studies does not support a causal relationship between vaccination and disease flares. Some of this evidence comes from vaccine immunogenicity and safety trials in the IBD population [79–83].
Although no large observational studies in IBD have been performed studies of vaccination and disease relapse in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosis and multiple sclerosis have not shown any evidence for an association [84, 85]. It is important that exacerbations of chronic diseases are included as conditions of interest for vaccine post-marketing surveillance, using appropriate active surveillance methodologies at a population level [86].
Strategies to Promote Immunization
Although there is increasing awareness among gastroenterologists of the increased risk of VPD [18] low levels of vaccine coverage have been found in outpatient surveys of IBD patients [87]. This emphasizes the important role of gastroenterologists in recommending and, when possible, planning for and delivering vaccines to the IBD population [88]. One survey of adult gastroenterologists found that 39 % (17 out of 44) of respondents did not routinely vaccinate IBD patients [89]. Many respondents only reviewed whether routine childhood vaccinations were up to date, and only 11 % clarified vaccination status prior to TNF inhibitor use. Even if vaccination is a shared care responsibility between the patient’s primary care doctor and gastroenterologist, close collaboration and communication between all physicians is essential. The use of electronic reminder systems and “flags” has been identified as one method to clarify the immunization status and make a vaccination plan [18, 89]. Implementation of an IBD patient-specific screening tool based upon established guidelines can also increase the proportion of patients who undergo recommended screening and vaccination [40]. Individual patient vaccination plans should take into account existing guidelines relevant to the patient’s location, and also account for any preexisting risk factors [72].
Assessment of Immunization Status in IBD Patients
All immunization guidelines have in common the recommendation that IBD patients should be reviewed at diagnosis to ensure that all routine vaccinations have been received according to their local immunization schedule [72]. Consideration should also be given to additional vaccines, such as pneumococcal, influenza (annual), varicella, and HPV vaccines, and other immunizations depending on the availability and national schedule [67, 69, 72, 90]. The few published studies on compliance with immunization guidelines in IBD patients suggest that vaccine coverage among IBD patients is low and not well documented [40, 88]. A US survey of 169 adolescents and adults diagnosed with IBD attending an IBD specialty clinic identified that 86 % were on immunosuppressive therapies [88]. On recall of immunization status, only 28 % of patients reported having received influenza vaccine and 9 % pneumococcal vaccine. Serological assessment for hepatitis B virus indicated that only 47 (28 %) had been vaccinated. This study also found most patients (81 %) had a history of varicella (chickenpox) but 31 patients were uncertain and only 12 reported varicella vaccination, leaving 19 (11 %) potentially “at risk” of varicella infection [88]. In these 19 patients, seven had varicella serology performed and 57 % (four out of seven) were confirmed to be seronegative.
One of the difficulties in obtaining a good vaccination history at IBD diagnosis is relying on recall as a measure of vaccination status. In a number of studies self-reporting of vaccination status has been found to be a relatively sensitive tool, but of low specificity. A cross-sectional survey of patients of a US Veteran Affairs Medical Center found self-reported influenza vaccination had a sensitivity of 1.0 and specificity of 0.79. Self-reported pneumococcal vaccination status had a sensitivity of 0.97 and a specificity of 0.53. This may reflect the fact that influenza vaccine is recommended annually and recalled more readily, whereas other vaccines, such as pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine , may have been administered a number of years previously and forgotten [91]. Similarly, an Australian hospital-based study of nearly 5000 adults aged ≥65 years had high sensitivity (98 %) for self-reported influenza vaccination status but low specificity (56 %) [92]. This highlights that vaccine history needs to be carefully clarified and should be verified whenever possible with the patient’s primary care provider. While there are some population-based immunization registers, they exist variably in most regions of the world, and are often for children rather than adults [93].
Role of Serologic Testin g
In certain instances, serology can be used to measure the response to vaccination; however, the tests performed are laboratory dependent and may only be suitable for use as a research tool, or for detecting antibody from prior natural infection (not vaccination). Serology can be helpful, such as when there is a clear correlate of protection, such as the presence of hepatitis B surface antibody 6 weeks post hepatitis B vaccination. Other vaccine antibody responses for which routine serology is generally considered reliable as a test of seroconversion (and likely protection) include measles, mumps, and tetanus. However, for most VPD, even the best serologic marker does not provide a strict correlate of protection, and so, if doubt exists as to whether a patient has previously had the recommended number of vaccine doses, revaccination is generally recommended. Individual physicians may consider using serology to guide decision making regarding vaccination of IBD patients for VPD such as varicella [88, 94].
Maternal Vaccination and IBD
Inflammatory bowel disease in pregnancy is increasingly identified as an important area of management [95]. Pregnancy is also a time of increased risk of vaccine preventable diseases such as influenza [96] so optimizing protection via vaccination is important. Other vaccines that can be administered in pregnancy include pertussis, both to protect the mother and the infant [97]. If female IBD patients are on biologics during pregnancy, it is important to avoid live vaccines in infants for the first 6 months, particularly BCG vaccine as there is a risk of infant mortality [9, 98, 99].
Vaccines for IBD Patients
Hepatitis A Vaccine
Hepatitis A is an important vaccine preventable disease, with protection recommended in medical conditions such as IBD [9, 100]. A two-dose schedule at 0 and 6–12 months is recommended and may be administered as a combined hepatitis A–hepatitis B vaccine (see Table 59.3) [101]. The serum immune response to hepatitis A vaccine is adequate in some studies [102] but in others is reduced in patients on two or more immunosuppressive agents (92.6 % [50/54] versus 98.4 % [359/365], p = 0.03) [103].
Hepatitis B Vaccine
There is a risk of reactivation of hepatitis B infection with the use of immunosuppressive therapies in IBD as detailed above [104–107], so excluding latent infection and ensuring satisfactory response to hepatitis B vaccination in patients with IBD is crucial and should be conducted at diagnosis. Populations vary widely in the seroprevalence of hepatitis B, which is impacted by both disease epidemiology in the country of residence and vaccination policy. In one IBD outpatient serosurvey only 28 % had serological evidence of hepatitis B protection [88]. Similarly, a detailed hepatitis status review of 315 IBD patients (252 Crohn’s ) disease and 63 ulcerative colitis ) who had been vaccinated as part of the routine immunization schedule in France years earlier revealed an adequate post-vaccination anti-Hep B surface antibody (anti-HepBsAb of >10 IU/mL) in 49 % of patients [105]. In a multivariate analysis, age at diagnosis of >31 years (p = 0.005) and disease duration of >7 years (p = 0.005) were associated with a lack of effective vaccination protection [105]. This was similar to a cross-sectional multicenter study in Spain [108]. The response has also been found to be lower in individuals with long-term IBD progression, low serum albumin levels, and corticosteroid therapy [109].
Importantly, a high proportion of IBD patients with protective anti-HepB surface antibody titers can lose them over time, with one study finding 18 % loss of protection per patient year of follow-up and threefold higher in those on anti-TNF therapy [110].
As a non-live vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine can be given to IBD patients irrespective of whether they are receiving immunosuppressive therapy. Vaccination is generally in a three-dose course over a 6-month period [67, 69]. If a previously fully immunized person is shown to be non-immune, an additional “booster” dose should be administered, and confirmation of serological response (>10 mIU/mL) should be undertaken 4–6 weeks after the dose. If the patient continues to show non-response to a booster dose, strategies such as high dose vaccination, repeat boosting and/or intradermal administration can be considered, as these approaches have been successful in other high-risk populations such as hemodialysis patients [111]. A double dose of a combined hepatitis B vaccine is a strategy that has also been shown to improve seroconversion rates, with an OR of 4 (95 % CI 2–8; p < 0.001) in multivariate analysis, compared with standard dosing [112].

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