Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms—LUTS

Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms—LUTS

Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTSs) are classified as storage symptoms (previously referred to as irritative symptoms) or voiding symptoms (previously referred to as obstructive symptoms). From a functional standpoint, LUTS can be most easily understood as a result of either a failure to store or a failure to empty. This functional classification is not perfect because there is some symptom overlap, but it is a good start to establishing an etiologic cause. The single best way to appreciate a patient’s LUTS is to ask them to keep a voiding diary for 1 to 2 days. It forces the patient to focus on the details of their symptoms and results in a far more accurate history that can frequently avoid unnecessary and costly invasive procedures. The patient should make a record of all fluid intake (time, type, and quantity) and every voiding episode (time and volume).

Jun 10, 2016 | Posted by in UROLOGY | Comments Off on Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms—LUTS

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