Fig. 20.1
Overall survival after liver transplantation for nonresectable CLM. The Kaplan–Meier (KM) plot shows overall survival from the time of liver transplantation (red line). Stapled lines show 95% CI for the KM plot. Blue line shows DFS. All deaths were due to the underlying cancer disease. No patients were lost to follow-up (From Hagness M, Foss A, Line PD, et al. Liver transplantation for nonresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer. Ann Surg. 2013;257(5):800–806)
The initial study protocol was quite strict with regard to extent of disease and response to chemotherapy; but after 11 months without included patients, a protocol amendment with wider inclusion criteria was approved. These consisted broadly of minimum 6 weeks of chemotherapy, good performance status (ECOG 0–1), and absence of extra-hepatic disease. Thus, the principal selection criterion was unresectability of metastases assessed at the multidisciplinary conference in our institution. Accordingly, the study population ended up being very heterogeneous with regard to T and N stage, CEA levels, previous exposure, and response to oncological treatment. At the time of liver transplantation, 16 patients had progressed on first or later lines of chemotherapy, six patients had progressed on all standard lines of chemotherapy, and 38% of the patients had received second-line chemotherapy. The hepatic tumor load was extensive; median number of metastatic lesions was eight (range 4–40 metastases), and median diameter of the largest lesion was 4.5 cm (range 2.8–13.0 cm) [26].
In liver resection surgery for CLM, there is a strong relationship between postoperative survival and clinical scoring systems [27]. Since hepatic resection for CLM is routinely performed in resectable patients, these clinical scoring systems are not used in the decision-making on whether to perform hepatic resection or not in single cases.
The selection of patients to liver transplantation for CLM is, however, highly important due to the scarcity of donor livers. Outcome for a new indication should in general be comparable or better than outcome for established transplant indications. The heterogeneity of the SECA population made it likely that the prognostic profiles of the patients were highly diverse.
The two patients demonstrating the shortest survival in the material had tumor breaching the liver capsule, and cancer infiltration of diaphragm were found after vital structures were divided and transplantation unavoidable [26]. In hindsight, these cases would not have been transplanted with our current knowledge. By analyzing preoperative status and outcome following liver transplantation, four factors were found to be significantly associated with decreased survival:
Maximal hepatic tumor diameter above 5.5 cm
Time from primary cancer surgery less than 2 years
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) of more than 80 μg/l
Progressive disease at time of liver transplantation.
These are established clinical prognostic factors known from studies on liver resection, and are included in clinical scoring systems. Five of the six deceased patients had all of these factors present (Fig. 20.2). Very cautious interpretation of these findings is stressed because of the small study population, but the results indicate a possible potential for selecting patients based on established clinical parameters, and by this further improving outcome [26]. Since the first report in 2013, the SECA data has matured with more than 2 years. At median follow-up of 65 months (range 19–85 months) post liver transplantation, the four prognostic factors were still significantly associated with survival, and if the five patients with all four factors present are excluded, the survival at 6 and 7 years was 60% [26, 28].

Fig. 20.2
Preoperative factors affecting survival. The 16 first patients in the study who had observational time of more than 2 years or who died within this period were analyzed. Median observational time was 50 months (range, 25–60 months). (a) Kaplan–Meier (KM) plots for patients with maximum tumor diameter above and below the median diameter of 5.5 cm. (b) KM plots with CEA levels before transplantation above and below 80 μg/L. (c) KM plots for patients with time from primary surgery to liver transplantation more than 2 years and less than 2 years. (d) The number of patients who had progressive disease (PD) on chemotherapy at the time of liver transplantation was plotted against the number of patients with stable disease (SD) or that had partial response to chemotherapy (PR). The factors displayed in panels a–d present in each patient was summed up, giving factors from 0 to 4. The number of factors for each patient was significantly associated with survival (P < 0.001, Cox regression). e KM plots for three groups of patients, those having 0–1 factors, those having 2–3 factors, or those having all four factors. Log–rank method is used for the calculation of P values in all panels (From Hagness M, Foss A, Line PD, et al. Liver transplantation for nonresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer. Ann Surg. 2013;257(5):800–806)
All patients in the SECA study who were observed for more than 11 months experienced recurrence of disease. The median time to recurrence was 6 months (range 2–24 months); 17 patients experienced lung metastases, and seven patients recurred in the liver graft. At the end of follow-up, seven patients were alive with no evidence of disease, eight patients were alive with recurrence, and six patients were deceased.
The initial recurrence pattern was: 68% lung metastases, 11% liver and lung metastases, 11% lymph node metastases, 5% liver and ovarian metastasis, and 5% experienced local recurrence of rectal tumor as first recurrence [29]. No patient had metastases to the new liver only as first site, and liver metastases developed exclusively as part of disseminated disease. At end of follow-up, six of the seven patients that developed liver metastases were dead. Median time from diagnosis of liver metastases to death was 14 months (range 4–21 months). In contrast, all the 12 patients with recurrences that did not include the liver were alive at end of follow-up, and patients with pulmonary first-site recurrence had a 5-year overall survival of 72% [29]. One might speculate to what extent the pulmonary metastases are true recurrences, or represents selection failures in the sense that they were present at the time of transplant. In order to address this question, reassessment of CT scans by one experienced radiologist was performed. Tracing back from evident metastases in all the 17 patients with pulmonary manifestations, it became evident that seven of them had pulmonary metastases appearing as small nodules at time of liver transplantation. Four of them had pulmonary deposits on earlier CT scans as well (2, 2, 3, and 12 months prior to liver transplantation respectively). The survival analysis showed that the presence of these metastases at the time of liver transplantation did not have negative impact on survival. An interesting clinical observation regarding lung metastases were that they proved to be very slow-growing. Thus, they were observed over extended periods in most patients, and treated surgically, or by radiofrequency ablation whenever possible. For lung surgery, a nodule size of about 15 mm was chosen to ensure that the metastases should be readily identifiable at surgery.
The SECA study was an uncontrolled pilot study; thus the results, although very favorable for nonresectable liver metastases, could not be easily compared to standard treatment. In order to evaluate a survival comparison between transplantation and a modern chemotherapy study, data from a similar cohort of patients included in the NORDIC-VII study were obtained [30]. The NORDIC-VII study was a three-arm, multicenter Phase III trial, on Nordic FLOX and two different regimens containing cetuximab and FLOX, as first-line treatment of metastatic CRC [31]. Patients that had nonresectable CLM, no extrahepatic disease, no BRAF mutation, and similar age were extracted from the NORDIC-VII database. The study population characteristics ended up comparable to the SECA population; however, 5-year overall survival was 9% after start of first-line chemotherapy (n = 47), significantly lower than the 5-year overall survival in the SECA study [30] (Fig. 20.3).

Fig. 20.3
Kaplan–Meier OS curve for patients included in the liver transplantation group (SECA study, hatched line) and the chemotherapy group (NORDIC VII study, solid line). (a) All SECA patients (n = 21) versus all NORDIC VII patients (n = 47). (b) All SECA patients (n = 21) versus the NORDIC VII patients with the longest OS (n = 21) (From Dueland S, Guren T, Hagness M, et al. Chemotherapy or liver transplantation for nonresectable liver metastases from colorectal cancer? Ann Surg. 2015;261(5):956–960)
Several patients in the SECA study had unfortunate tumor characteristics (Fig. 20.4). Six of the patients had progressive disease on all standard lines of chemotherapy; three after three lines of chemotherapy, and three with mutation of Kras after second line of chemotherapy. For these patients, the median overall survival was 41 months and 5-year overall survival was 41%. In the Nordic-VII study, the median overall survival for a similar cohort was significantly shorter, 5.6 months, and all patients were dead before 2 years [32].

Fig. 20.4
The explanted liver of a SECA study patient; female weighing 60 kg with a liver of 4.7 kg. She had progressed on all three lines of chemotherapy and the tumor had infiltrated the diaphragm. The patients had 5 l of ascites drained at a local hospital the day before liver transplantation. She had the shortest overall survival in the SECA study, only 6 months
In comparison, the only drug that has demonstrated prolonged survival in treatment of metastatic CRC after progression on all lines of chemotherapy is regorafenib. In a multicenter trial with this drug, the median survival was enhanced from 5.0 (placebo) to 6.4 months [33]. In addition, the comparison with the matched group of CLM only in the NORDIC-VIII study strengthens the impression that liver transplantation for nonresectable CLM is superior to chemotherapy alone.
Thus, the results clearly suggest that liver transplantation for CLM can be indicated in properly selected patients. However, this is the only study currently reported on the subject, the sample size was small and the frequency of recurrences almost universal, and the data need to mature further to evaluate the true long-term results [34]. Thus, the role of liver transplantation for CLM is not sufficiently clarified, and should still be subject to scientific prospective studies.
Further Developments
In order to develop liver transplantation for CLM into routine practice, it is necessary to establish the boundaries between liver transplantation and chemotherapy, between liver transplantation and liver resection, and between liver transplantation for CLM and established indications for liver transplantation. This involves identification of patient groups likely to benefit from liver transplantation, and development of patient selection strategies. Graft availability is the main limiting factor for wide application of this treatment modality. The probable expansion of available donor livers after the introduction of new eradicating drugs for hepatitis C is a factor to consider in this context. Also, the results from the SECA study already exceed the results from some of the current indications for liver transplantation. It is notable that 5–10% of liver transplantations performed are retransplantations, after which 5-year OS reaches around 50% [35], a figure that is achievable in crudely selected CLM patients.
Patient Selection
Optimally, what one is looking for when selecting patients to liver transplantation for CLM is cases with unresectable disease due to unfortunate anatomy and not because of unfortunate biology.
Based on our current results and the knowledge from the vast amount of studies in liver resection, it seems reasonable to suggest that the majority of the following clinical criteria should be considered in future studies:
Response to chemotherapy
Time interval from surgery of the primary tumor of >12 months
CEA levels at the time of transplantation
Size of the hepatic tumors
N0 status of the primary tumor
Currently, a SECA 2 trial, acting as a follow-up to our initial study and based on the above-mentioned criteria, is ongoing in Oslo.
Can the Access to Liver Grafts to CLM Patients Be Improved?
Only a small number of patients with CLM can realistically be offered transplantation, and this should be as part of prospective studies. One way to expand the number of available liver grafts could be an increased use of split-liver donor transplantation. Classical split-liver transplantation with an extended right graft (segment 1 + 4–8) for adults and segment 2 + 3 to a pediatric recipient has been shown to be an excellent option for expanding the donor pool, and provides good-quality liver grafts [36]. Segment 2 + 3 is, however, almost never sufficient for normal-sized adults [37]; thus, the net gain in grafts available for liver transplantation is very modest using this approach. An extended right lobe graft containing segments 4–8 has an outcome comparable to that of a full-sized liver graft, whereas insufficient size of a partial graft will result in postoperative liver failure due to inability to meet metabolic demands. Furthermore, a small liver volume can lead to development of the small-for-size syndrome (SFSS), characterized by sinusoidal disruption and hemorrhage, and elevated portal pressure and portal hyperperfusion [38, 39]. In liver transplantation, a graft to body–weight ratio (GBWR) of >0.8 is generally considered safe in terms of both metabolic needs and avoidance of SFSS, given an acceptable graft quality. Below this level, the risk of graft failure due to SFSS is greatly increased. However, a GBWR of less than 0.8 might be tolerated if the damaging effects of elevated portal pressure is attenuated by means of a temporary portocaval shunt [39]. The tolerable portal pressure limit seems to be at about 20 mmHg and below in liver transplantation. A similar strong association between elevated portal vein pressure values above 22 mmHg and postoperative liver dysfunction after liver resection has been reported [40].

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