Liver Biochemistry

and Ian A. D. Bouchier2

Bishop Auckland, UK

Edinburgh, Midlothian, UK


Many advances in our knowledge about liver disease have followed the wider use of liver biopsy, and development of techniques such as ultrasonography, magnetic resonance and computed tomography. Nevertheless, blood tests remain the first investigations in the assessment of liver dysfunction. None of the tests is entirely specific, and interpretation usually depends on examination of a constellation of results together with the clinical presentation. There is no true ‘liver function test’, but merely abnormal serum biochemistry which could be explained by liver disease.

12.1 Serum Bilirubin (Table 12.1)

Although harmless in adults the visible nature of hyperbilirubinaemia makes this an obvious marker of liver disease. Jaundice may, however, result from three distinct processes:

  • Haemolysis. There is excess production of unconjugated bilirubin due to red cell destruction. The jaundice is usually independent of hepatobiliary disease, unless there is secondary hypersplenism.

  • Hepatocellular damage. There is a failure of conjugation of bilirubin, which accumulates in the bloodstream, but some reduction in excretory capacity for conjugated bilirubin may also contribute to the raised serum bilirubin.

  • Cholestasis. Conjugated bilirubin is not excreted because of dysfunction of the bile secretory mechanism at the bile canaliculus (intrahepatic cholestasis) or because of an extrahepatic obstruction.

Table 12.1
Changes in bile pigment metabolism associated with the various types of jaundice


Stool appearance






Conjugated bilirubin

Unconjugated bilirubin

Haemolytic jaundice







Cholestatic jaundice






Normal or increased

Hepatocellular jaundice


Variable (high, low, normal)





These causes can be inter-related. For example, cirrhosis with some liver cell necrosis may be accompanied by intrahepatic cholestasis and haemolysis.

Patients with carotenaemia from excess dietary carotene or associated with hypothyroidism may also develop yellow skin, but unlike hyperbilirubinaemia there is no conjunctival colouring.

Jaundice is usually detectable when serum bilirubin rises above 50 μmol/I and can often be seen at lower levels. Variable tissue levels in fluctuating jaundice may mean that skin and conjunctival appearances do not correlate. Laboratory measurements of serum bilirubin are based on a diazo colour reaction which forms the purple azobilirubin. Conjugated (direct) bilirubin reacts quickly. Unconjugated (indirect) bilirubin reacts slowly and requires the addition of alcohol for complete reaction. There are considerable technical problems associated with fractionation of bilirubin, and at very low levels of total bilirubin, as well as when there is considerable elevation, the ratio of conjugated to unconjugated bilirubin is unreliable. An alternative assay using alkaline methanolysis and high performance liquid chromatography yields lower and different results, which could be useful in assessing the significance of marginal hyperbilirubinaemia.

12.1.1 Interpretation

The normal serum bilirubin level is <17 μmol/l in women and <23 μmol/I in men. Half or less is conjugated. Haemolysis is associated with increased unconjugated bilirubin but, unless there is associated liver disease, the conjugated bilirubin level remains low.

In cholestasis (‘obstructive’ jaundice, either intra- or extrahepatic) levels of conjugated bilirubin are characteristically raised. Prolonged cholestasis may, however, lead to liver failure, and there may also be some elevation of unconjugated bilirubin.

In hepatocellular damage levels of both bilirubin fractions are raised, although unconjugated bilirubin usually predominates. Occasionally the rise is due entirely to conjugated bilirubin. For serial monitoring of the progress of liver disease total bilirubin measurement is adequate.

12.2 Urine Bilirubin

Conjugated, but not unconjugated bilirubin is excreted in the urine.

12.3 Urine Urobilinogen

Urobilinogens are formed from bilirubin by bacterial action in the intestine. Most are excreted in the faeces but some are absorbed and excreted in the urine. The excretion is maximal between 2 and 4 pm, and is enhanced by an alkaline urine. On exposure to air the urobilinogen is oxidized to urobilin, which darkens the urine.

12.3.1 Method

Ehrlich’s reagent is made up by dissolving 2 g p-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in 100 ml 20% hydrochloric acid: 1 ml is added to 10 ml freshly voided urine. If a large amount of bilirubin is present it is precipitated by adding 10% barium chloride to the urine and the filtrate is tested.

12.3.2 Interpretation

Normal urine gives either no colour reaction or only a faint red colour which is intensified by gentle heating. A distinctly red colour in the cold is indicative of increased amounts of urobilinogen. A rough quantitation can be made by serial dilutions of the coloured urine to find the greatest dilution which shows a pink colour. Normal urine shows no colour when diluted more than 1: 20. A false-negative result may be obtained if urine is tested after it has been standing for some time at room temperature. Antibiotic therapy may result in urobilinogen being absent from the urine because of the destruction of the intestinal bacteria.

The test is useful for distinguishing between obstructive jaundice, and hepatocellular and haemolytic jaundice: in the former there is no urobilinogen in the urine, whereas in the latter conditions urobilirubinogenuria may be present. A positive result can be found in many febrile patients.

Porphobilinogen also forms a red compound with Ehrlich’s reagent. In order to differentiate porphobilinogens from urobilinogens 1 ml saturated sodium acetate and 2 ml chlorofonn are added to the test tube containing the urine and Ehrlich’s reagent. The tube is shaken and the mixture allowed to settle. Urobilinogen dissolves into the lower (chloroform) layer which turns pink, but no such change occurs with porphobilinogen which remains in the colourless upper aqueous phase. Testing for urine urobilinogen has been simplified by the introduction of a dipstick test which provides a semi-quantitative record.

In the presence of cholestasis the stools become pale because of absence of bile pigment in the intestine. This does not occur in haemolysis or hepatocellular jaundice.

12.4 Serum Enzymes

A number of intracellular enzymes appear in the serum when liver cells are damaged. Different patterns of elevation suggest different disorders, but none is pathognomic. Elevated serum levels of enzymes are due to their leakage from cells linked with the increased synthesis of enzymes because of induction prior to necrosis.

12.4.1 Transaminases

Serum levels of both aspartate aminotransferase (AST, SGOT; EC2.6.1.1) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT; EC2.6.1.2) are elevated in hepatocellular damage. ALT is slightly more specific to the liver.

The normal serum concentrations are up to 40 lU/l for AST and up to 50 lU/l for ALT. Marked elevations in concentration occur in acute hepatitis and hepatic necrosis, and levels of 150–1000 lU/l are fairly common. Lesser degrees of elevation, usually <150 lU/l, are recorded in infectious mononucleosis, drug induced cholestasis, metastatic cancer of the liver, cirrhosis and extrahepatic obstruction. Occasionally marked increases in the levels of both of ALT and AST are found in extrahepatic obstruction. On the other hand, patients may die from acute hepatitis without showing an elevation in serum enzyme concentrations.

Thus transaminase levels have their limitations in the diagnosis of liver disease and jaundice. The serum transaminase concentration may be the only biochemical abnormality present in patients with hepatitis: measurement of this enzyme has been used in epidemiological screening studies.

ALT and AST are present in many of the body cells and elevated serum levels accompany bowel necrosis, pancreatitis, myocardial infarction and other disorders. Since these conditions are usually readily distinguished from liver disease, the source of an elevated level is seldom a problem when investigating a patient. In patients with liver disease and an AST level more than twice that of ALT, alcohol is likely to be the cause.

12.4.2 Alkaline Phosphatase

Serum alkaline phosphatase (EC3.1.3.1) originates from the liver, bones, intestines and placenta. The upper limit of normal is 100 lU/l. Children and adolescents normally have increased serum alkaline phosphatase levels because of bone growth.

This enzyme is a relatively insensitive test of hepatocellular function. The concentration is raised in the presence of intra-or extrahepatic biliary obstruction. A normal value excludes mechanical obstruction of the bile ducts with 95% confidence. A more moderate increase in enzyme levels is found in acute hepatitis and cirrhosis. High levels in a patient with cirrhosis suggest the presence of either co-existent biliary tract disease or a hepatoma. Elevated concentrations in the absence of jaundice may be found in primary and secondary liver tumours, primary biliary cirrhosis, lesions of the bile duct, abscesses, granulomas and amyloidosis. While this enzyme is of help for determining whether there is obstruction to the outflow of bile, or irritation of the biliary epithelium, it is of no value in deciding the site of the lesion.

Elevated serum concentrations are found in bone disorders in which there is increased osteoblastic activity, such as Paget’s disease, osteogenic secondary deposits, osteomalacia and rickets. The identification and differentiation of the serum alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes is technically difficult. The electrophoretic characteristics of the alkaline phosphatases of skeletal and hepatic origin are similar, but they can be separated on polyacrylamide gel.

12.4.3 Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase

Measurement of this enzyme (gamma-GT; EC2.3.2.2.) is the most sensitive widely available test of disordered hepatobiliary function. Unfortunately it is nonspecific, and the level can be raised in pancreatic and renal disease, as well as by drug-associated induction of liver enzymes.

Normal values are up to 50 lU/l. It is particularly useful in the diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease. Elevated levels are characteristic of biliary disease and all the disorders which raise hepatic alkaline phosphatase levels. Since gamma-GT levels are not raised in bone disease, their estimation may help to elucidate the cause of elevated alkaline phosphatase levels. Measurement of gamma-GT is more useful than of 5-nucleotidase, which has been superseded.

12.4.4 Other Enzymes

Other enzymes are somewhat more specific indicators of liver cell damage but their estimation is seldom necessary. Serum isocitric dehydrogenase and glutathione-S-transferase are examples. Serum beta-glucuronidase activity has been recommended as a biochemical index of liver disease in the anicteric subject. It is of no value when the patient is jaundiced.

12.5 Proteins

12.5.1 Albumin

This is synthesized in the liver. The normal serum values of 35–50 g/l can be affected by a number of factors: they are elevated in dehydration and low in fluid retention. Serum albumin may fall because of increased loss, especially in the nephrotic syndrome or in protein-losing enteropathy. Reduced synthesis may occur in severe malnutrition, such as kwashiorkor, as a result of insufficient dietary intake of essential amino acids. Congenitally low levels of albumin occur in alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency, which can cause neonatal hepatitis, cirrhosis and emphysema.

The level of serum albumin is helpful in assessing the severity of liver cell failure as well as in predicting the likely cause of ascites. It should always be available to assist the interpretation of serum calcium levels.

12.5.2 Globulins

Many laboratories report globulin levels as the difference between serum total protein and serum albumin. This is only of limited use. Much more information is gained by paper immunoglobulin electrophoresis or by quantitation of serum immunoglobulins. Immunoglobulins

The normal values for the major immunoglobulins are:

  • IgG 7–18 g/l

  • IgA 0.5–4.5 g/l

  • IgM 0.3–2.5 g/l

The pattern of immunoglublins is rarely diagnostic and may be affected by diseases which do not involve the gastrointestinal system. There is often considerable overlap in abnormal levels between diseases.

IgG levels are elevated in acute infections including viral hepatitis, and also in chronic autoimmune hepatitis; they are reduced in hypogammaglobulinaemia. IgM levels are elevated in primary biliary cirrhosis and macroglobulinaemia. IgA levels may be high in cirrhosis. They are usually normal in coeliac disease, and about one patient in 70 has low levels of IgA. Elevated levels in a patient with coeliac disease should raise the suspicion of a lymphoma.

Measurement of IgE levels (normal up to 100 u/l) may prove of value in appraisal of allergic symptoms. Electrophoresis

This may provide further information. In myeloma there is a distinct monoclonal band in the gammaglobulins, which accounts for the elevated IgG levels. A diffuse increase in gammaglobulins is seen in viral hepatitis and may also occur in cirrhosis. By contrast, an increase in alpha2– and beta-globulins is more characteristic of cholestasis. Alpha1-globulin is markedly reduced or absent in alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency and in neonatal hepatitis.

12.6 Coagulation Tests

Multiple coagulation defects are not uncommon in patients with acute and chronic liver disease. Combined deficiencies of factors II (prothrombin), V, VII and X contribute to an abnormally prolonged prothrombin time. The determination of the one-stage prothrombin time is a useful simple test of liver function.

Because vitamin K is a co-factor of hepatic prothrombin synthesis there may be a prolonged prothrombin time in cholestatic jaundice from any cause. The ability of parenteral vitamin K (10 mg vitamin K1 given IV/IM for 3 days) to convert the prothrombin time to normal values has been used as a diagnostic test for the aetiology of jaundice. Patients with extrahepatic biliary obstruction respond to vitamin KI injections, but in severe hepatocellular disease the prothrombin time remains unchanged. This is not a reliable diagnostic test.

Other haematological defects which may be found in liver disease include deficiencies of factors IX (plasma thromboplastin component), XI (plasma thromboplastin antecedent) and platelets.

Liver disease may be accompanied by diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC), in which fibrin degradation products appear in the serum (>40 mg/l), the platelet count falls sharply and there is evidence of haemolysis.

12.7 Blood Ammonia

Ammonia levels rise in hepatic coma. Methods for measuring the blood ammonia concentration are complex and this is not performed routinely in the management of patients with liver failure. While venous or arterial blood can be sampled the latter is favoured. The normal arterial blood ammonia concentration is <I mg/l.

Elevated concentrations may be found in hepatocellular failure or when there is shunting of blood from the liver. Arterial blood ammonia levels do not correlate well with the clinical severity of hepatic coma and this correlation is even poorer if venous samples are measured. Elevations of blood ammonia concentration are also found in a variety of rare congenital defects of urea synthesis.

12.8 Bile Acids

It is possible to measure the concentration of serum bile acids by enzyme fluorimetry or gas liquid chromatography. Both total and the major individual bile acids can be quantitated accurately. Normal fasting levels are <4.5 μmol/l, and postprandial levels <6.5 μmol/l: these are increased in a wide variety of hepatobiliary diseases. Serum bile acids vary with fasting and feeding, during the menstrual cycle, and with vitamin C status in liver disease. Patients on ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) therapy regularly have fasting serum UDCA levels of 4+ μmol/l: lower values indicate non-compliance.

There can be a seven-fold fluctuation of total bile acid values through the day. Levels may also be elevated in bacterial colonization of the small bowel and associated with hyperlipidaemia. Serum bile acids are, therefore, not entirely specific to hepatobiliary disease, and although they can be used for screening and monitoring liver disease they do not add further information to the conventional screen of ‘liver function’ tests.

Bile acid tolerance tests and clearance studies in which serum levels are measured after oral or intravenous administration of unlabelled or radio-labelled bile acids, give results which are too variable to be helpful in individual diagnosis.

Serum levels of 7-alpha-hydroxycholesterol (the essential precursor in hepatic bile acid synthesis) correlate with liver cirrhosis.

12.9 Lipids

One ‘normal’ upper limit for serum cholesterol is 7.8 mmol/l, and for triglycerides is 2.5 mmol/I; higher values are definitely abnormal. The serum level of total cholesterol rises in both intra- and extrahepatic cholestasis. This results from the presence of an abnormal lipoprotein (LPX) in the serum which can be measured immunochemically. Very low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are characteristic of cholestasis: the lower limit of normal is about I mmol/l.

The presence of altered or abnormal lipoprotein components can be associated with many liver diseases. Raised levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density (LDL) and very low-density (VLDL) lipoprotein in various combinations is seen.

This may be important since markedly elevated levels of serum triglycerides (> 10 mmol/I) cause turbidity and interfere with most other biochemical measurements. Alcoholism is the most common cause of secondary hyperlipidaemia, and may itself cause cirrhosis and pancreatitis.

12.10 Others

Fluid-electrolyte disturbances including secondary aldosteronism are encountered in liver disease: hyponatraemia (Na <130 mmol/l) and hypokalaemia (K < 3.5 mmol/l) are common. Although low serum sodium levels are often well tolerated, low serum potassium can potentiate hepatic encephalopathy. Urea is synthesized in the liver: low levels (<3.3 mmol/l) may indicate severe hepatocellular dysfunction but can also reflect dilution with fluid retention. Blood urea levels may be apparently normal in patients with liver disease and associated renal impairment, and serum creatinine (normal range 45–150 μmol/l) is a much better index of renal failure.

Vitamin BI2 is normally present in liver cells and levels are elevated in metastatic liver disease, liver abscess and hepatitis. Levels also rise in patients receiving hydroxocobalamin therapy. Plasma glucose levels may be informative as both diabetes mellitus and hypoglycaemia occur in liver disease.

12.11 Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD)

Alcohol is the most common cause of liver disease in Western societies. The main hurdle in diagnosis is to suspect the cause, and the patient’s general demeanour may give clues.

The ‘CAGE’ questionnaire is a simple 4-point system to assess alcohol abuse. A patient who answers ‘yes’ to all four questions is an alcoholic, and a score of two or three out of four is suspicious.

  1. 1.

    Have you ever tried to Cut down alcoholic intake?


  2. 2.

    Have you ever been Annoyed by criticism of your drinking?


  3. 3.

    Have you ever felt Guilty about the amount you drink?


  4. 4.

    Do you ever take an Eyeopener – a drink to start the day?


Patients may be teetotal at the time when they are suffering the effects of previous heavy drinking, and an assessment of the amount drunk needs to take into account changing patterns.

Patients are not always honest about excess alcohol intake, and laboratory tests are often valuable in establishing diagnoses. They are not infallible, and all can produce normal results in people with severe alcoholic liver disease. In addition, a significant minority of alcohol abusers have non-alcohol-related liver disease.

Measurement of the alcohol level in the blood is extremely useful. If there is any alcohol at all in a morning sample then the patient is probably drinking to excess.

The assessment of long-term heavy drinking is helped by various tests. The most useful are raised gamma-GT levels (>50 lU/l) and mean corpuscular volumes (>95 fl). The alkaline phosphatase level may also be raised to a lesser extent, and the platelet count reduced. Chest radiology may reveal old or recent rib fractures in binge drinkers. Specialized tests such as measurement of glutamate dehydrogenase, mitochondrial AST, carbohydrate-deficient transferrin and apolipoprotein A1 may prove useful but are not generally available.

12.12 Immunology

Useful in vitro migration and transformation tests may be performed by culture and challenge of lymphocytes with drugs suspected of causing toxic reactions.These should be considered if a patient has suffered a serious drug reaction: they may establish the diagnosis without the need for potentially hazardous in vivo challenge tests.

The peripheral T-cell population is reduced in alcoholic liver disease, chronic acute hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis. Human leukocyte antigens HLA-B40 and HLA-B8 are said to be more frequent in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis than in non-cirrhotic alcoholics and cirrhosis of other causes.

12.12.1 Tumour Antigens Alpha-Fetoprotein

This may be detected in the serum of patients with hepatoma (primary liver cell carcinoma). In some parts of the world almost all hepatoma patients have detectable levels, though in northern Europe and North America the figure is lower. It is a reliable test if strongly positive, but expression of results semiquantitatively has shown some weakly positive results of uncertain significance. It may also be detected in ascitic fluid. This test is also positive in pregnant women carrying fetuses with spinal malformations, and in neonatal hepatitis. The normal level is up to 10 μg/l, but hepatoma patients commonly have values in 4 figures or more. Carcinoembryonic and Oncofetal Antigens

These markers of colonic and pancreatic carcinomas may have a role in monitoring the progress of proved disease, including the detection of tumour recurrence and metastasis to the liver and other sites of the body. The normal value for CEA is up to 2.5 μg/l.

12.12.2 Tissue Antibodies

Circulating antibodies to various tissue components have been described in liver disease. While these antibodies are of great theoretical interest, their detection has variable diagnostic significance. Anti-neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody (pANCA)

This is a very common finding in primary sclerosing cholangitis (78%) and chronic auto-immune hepatitis (88%). It is less common in primary biliary cirrhosis, but is not seen in non-auto-immune liver disease. It does, however, occur in many non-hepatic diseases. Antimitochondrial Antibody (AMA)

These antibodies are found in the sera of 95% of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (primary biliary cholangitis), a disease of the hepatic ductules which is not usually cirrhotic. They are rarely present in viral or drug-associated hepatitis. Of great diagnostic value is the finding that these antibodies are rarely present in extrahepatic obstruction and then only in a very low titre. These antibodies provide the most diagnostic help of all the antibody tests.

The M2 ATPase-associated antigen is even more specific for primary biliary cirrhosis, and should now be a routine. Antismooth Muscle Antibody (SMA)

About one-half of patients with chronic auto-immune hepatitis are positive for antibodies reactive with smooth muscle. Positive reactions also occur in 30% of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, 25% of patients with idiopathic cirrhosis and 15% of those with alcoholic liver disease.

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