Fig. 49.1
Scanning electron photomicrographs of carriers that have adsorbed leukocytes during leukocytapheresis. (a) The Adacolumn is filled with cellulose acetate beads as leukocytapheresis carriers that selectively adsorb granulocytes, monocytes/macrophages, a significant fraction of platelets together with a small number of lymphocytes. These are the leukocytes that bear the FcR and complement receptors. The scanning electron photomicrographs show adsorption of monocytes and granulocytes to a carrier. (b) The Cellsorba column is a filter consisting of polyester non-woven fabric that non-selectively removes leukocytes. The scanning photomicrographs show leukocytes trapped in the Cellsorba filter. (b) is a higher magnification view of (a)

Fig. 49.2
(a) The outline of the procedure for leukocytapheresis . (b) Extracorporeal blood flow view of the Adacolumn and Cellsorba filter. The direction of blood flow indicated by the arrows shows that whereas blood inlet for the Adacolumn is from the lower port, for the Cellsorba is from the upper port
The first clinical trial of Adacolumn in patients with active UC was an open multicenter controlled study conducted at 14 hospitals throughout Japan [48]. Of 105 eligible patients, 53 were in group I for Adacolumn and 52 in group II for conventional drug therapy. According to the study design, in group II, prednisolone (PSL) was increased to 63 ± 13.82 mg/day per patient at week 1 to promote remission compared with 23.5 ± 3.42 mg/day per patient in group I. In both groups, the PSL dose could be reduced if remission or improvement was observed. At week 7 (efficacy assessment time point), the average dose of PSL in group I was 14.2 ± 2.25 mg/day per patient vs 22.9 ± 2.07 mg/day in group II. Overall, 31 of 53 group I patients (58.5 %) responded to Adacolumn leukocytapheresis therapy, 11 achieved remission, 20 had their symptoms improved and 22 did not respond. In group II, 23 of 52 patients (44.2 %) responded to conventional drug therapy, seven had remission, 16 had their symptoms improved and 29 did not respond. Likewise, in group I, a total of eight non serious adverse effects like transient flushing, light headedness in five patients were reported, but no patient discontinued the apheresis treatment due to adverse reactions. In contrast, in group II, 40 adverse events in 24 patients were observed; 21 of 24 patients received medical treatment and three patients discontinued the treatment.
Subsequently, Hanai and colleagues [28, 29] reported treating 41 patients with severe UC by using the Adacolumn to deplete their peripheral blood granulocytes and monocytes/macrophages. No additional drug therapy was initiated while their ongoing medications were tapered as symptoms improved. Pretreatment circulating neutrophil counts were very high, 9.3 ± 0.5 × 109/L, about three times the level seen in controls [30] and significant reductions were seen at week 12 of treatment, 4.9 ± 0.4 × 109/L. Hemoglobin (Hb) at week 12 relative to baseline had increased by 25 %, which might relate to the cessation of rectal bleeding following remission or improvements of clinical symptoms. Along with a fall in the patients’ clinical activity index (CAI), disease activity index (DAI) and peripheral blood neutrophil counts, there was a comparable fall in CRP [29].
In one of the aforementioned studies by Hanai and colleagues [29], a total of 146 patients with active UC were given salicylates as the first-line medication. Ninety-two did not improve and were put on intensive corticosteroid (PSL) therapy. Among these 92 cases, 31 patients did not improve (steroid refractory) and underwent Adacolumn leukocytapheresis therapy. These patients had a CAI of >12, a DAI of >10 and were treated twice weekly for 2–3 consecutive weeks and then at one session per week. At the conclusion of five treatment sessions, 60 % of these steroid refractory patients achieved remission or were significantly improved. At the conclusion of ten treatment sessions, the remission rate was an 80 %. The corticosteroid refractory patients in this study represented a sub-group of patients with severe UC that are at a significant risk of serious complications. Indeed treatment failure after 5–10 days of intensive corticosteroids is often considered to be an indication for colectomy or exposure to CyA [46, 49]. However, only 4 of the 31 (13 %) patients underwent colectomy. At 12 months, 79 % of patients had maintained their remission, which compares with a relapse rate of 60–80 % for CyA [48], but unlike CyA [50] Adacolumn was without major side effects. These initial response rates achieved by Hanai et al. have subsequently been reproduced both in Japan and in Europe [51–55]. In one of these studies, Kanke et al. [51] reported that 90 min per Adacolumn session was significantly better than 60 min per session.
Currently, treatment of ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and generalized pustular psoriasis by the Adacolumn are covered by the Japan national health insurance system. Additionally, the Adacolumn is CE-marked for the treatment of ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, generalized pustular psoriasis, and Behçet’s disease in the European Union. In China, the Adacolumn has been approved as medical device by the SFDA of China, and a multicenter clinical study has been undertaken to show efficacy outcomes in active IBD.
Adacolumn Leukocytapheresis as First-Line Medication for Steroid Naïve Patients
In one of the first publications on Adacolumn leukocytapheresis in IBD, Hanai, and colleagues reported treating 41 patients with UC in active stage. Eight of the 41 patients treated by Hanai et al. [29] were steroid naïve at entry. All eight (100 %) went into a clinical remission with the Adacolumn treatment and remained steroid naïve during the treatment and follow-up time. Subsequently, Suzuki et al. [56, 57] reported treating 20 steroid naïve patients with active UC by Adacolumn leukocytapheresis. These patients had moderate to severe UC; mean CAI was 8.8, range 5 –17. At entry, all patients were on 5-ASA (1.5–2.25 g/day). Each patient was to receive up to a maximum of ten Adacolumn sessions, at a frequency of two sessions/week. Efficacy was assessed 1 week after the last session. CAI fell to clinical remission levels (CAI < 4) in the majority of patients after six sessions, only two of the 20 patients required all ten sessions. At post treatment, the mean CAI was 3; range 0–12 (P = 0.0001) and 17 of 20 patients (85 %) were in clinical remission. There were significant changes in total peripheral white blood cell counts (WBC ×109/L), 9.8 ± 1.0 (range 5.9–22.5) vs 7.0 ± 0.6 (range 3.5–15.3) for pre and post treatment, respectively (P = 0.003) together with decreases in CRP (P = 0003). During the Adacolumn leukocytapheresis therapy, two incidences of transient mild headache were reported. In both cases, the headache receded within 3 h without medication. Further text on this subgroup of UC patients is presented in the subsequent sections of this chapter.
Adacolumn Leukocytapheresis Suppressed Relapse in Asymptomatic Patients
Bjarnason and colleagues in London evaluated the efficacy of Adacolumn leukocytapheresis to suppress relapse in asymptomatic IBD patients at a high risk of experiencing a clinical relapse [58]. This approach reflects a fundamental change in the philosophy of treating IBD. Instead of treating active disease, asymptomatic patients are identified solely on the basis of a very high fecal calprotectin concentration, a neutrophil selective protein that provides quantitative measure of intestinal inflammatory activity [21–23]. The high calprotectin levels (over 250 μg/g) place them in a very high risk group for relapse of their disease [21]. This prospective, randomized controlled study, assigned patients to Adacolumn leukocytapheresis, undergoing 5, once a week leukocytapheresis treatment in an outpatient setting, or to unchanged treatment. Follow-up was monthly for 6 months for clinical relapse. Thirty-one patients who met the inclusion criteria were included from 244 potential subjects who underwent screening. In the Adacolumn group 64 % maintained their remission compared to 24 % in the control group (P = 0.03). Life table analysis demonstrated the mean survival in the Adacolumn group was 181 days vs 104 days in the control arm (P = 0.01). It would appear that 5 weekly sessions of Adacolumn in such patients will have a significant effect and potentially avoid the morbidity associated with clinical relapse and subsequent drug therapy.
Adacolumn Leukocytapheresis in the Treatment of Crohn’s Disease
The vast majority of studies with the Adacolumn have been in patients with UC. However, there is evidence to suggest that Adacolumn leukocytapheresis is effective in patients with CD as well. The first study in CD was reported by Matsui and colleagues [59]. In that study, seven patients with CD refractory to conventional medication including nutritional therapy, each received five Adacolumn sessions. Five of seven patients achieved remission. It should be relevant to state here that the only two nonresponders in Matsui’s study [60] had the CD lesions confined to the small intestine, not a common site to find infiltrated neutrophils. In the follow-up study by Fukuda et al. [61], 21 patients with severe drug and nutritional therapy refractory CD received five Adacolumn sessions each. Efficacy rate was 52.5 % in these severe patients. More recently, Domenech et al. [55] reported treating 12 steroid dependent patients with CD. The remission rate in this study was 70 %, which is higher than in the study reported by Fukuda et al. [61]. Finally, Lofberg and colleagues [62] have reported treating seven patients with CD who were refractory or had relapsed despite medication. Six had received infliximab, but without success. Adacolumn leukocytapheresis was performed at one session per week for 5 weeks. Efficacy was assessed at week 7 and 12 months. The median value of Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI) scores decreased from 290 at week 1 to 184 at week 7 (P = 0.031). At the 12 months follow-up, CDAI had decreased further to 128.5 (P = 0.0156).
Immunomodulation Associated with Adacolumn Leukocytapheresis
Although the aim of treatment with the Adacolumn has been to remove excess and activated granulocytes and monocytes from the circulation, it has been difficult to explain why some patients continue to improve long after the treatment is concluded. Also the low relapse rate reported by Hanai et al. [29] cannot be fully explained by our current understanding of neutrophil function per se. Alternative mechanisms of actions have therefore been sought. Adacolumn is filled with cellulose acetate beads to which leukocytes that bear the FcγR and complement receptors adhere [44, 45]. The adsorbed leukocytes release an array of active substances both toxic and nontoxic, but some anti-inflammatory as well. Most of these substances are of short half-life and may not reach the patients’ circulation in appreciable amounts. Several investigators have carried out analysis on blood samples taken from the Adacolumn inflow and outflow (blood return line to patients) during leukocytapheresis. Both Hanai et al. [63] and Suzuki et al. [56] found a significant increase in blood levels of soluble TNF-α receptors I and II. Soluble TNF receptors are reported to neutralize TNF without invoking TNF-like actions [64]. Similarly, several studies report a marked decrease in the capacity of peripheral blood leukocytes to release inflammatory cytokines including TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 following Adacolumn leukocytapheresis [28, 30, 48, 65]. The procedure appears to produce a similar effect on leukocyte trafficking receptors. Thus the expression of both L selectin [30, 44, 48, 65] and the chemokine receptor, CXCR3 [44] was markedly reduced and was sustained well beyond the last leukocytapheresis session, while the expression of the leukocyte integrin, Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) was upregulated [30, 45]. These actions should suppress leukocyte extravasation.
Recently, Ishihara et al. [66] reported novel immunomodulatory actions for the Adacolumn by using an experimental model. They established an SCID adoptive transfer model of chronic colitis. Injection of apoptotic cells (ACs) into the model in the presence of B cells led to interesting findings. The ACs-mediated effect was lost in the absence of B cells or presence of regulatory B cells (Breg)-depleted cells. Further, the Adacolumn induced neutrophil apoptosis during passage of blood through the column due to the generation of small amounts of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the column. Finally, suppression of colitis was seen upon injection of ROS exposed neutrophils into the model. Their results suggested that the Adacolumn not only depletes elevated and activated neutrophils and monocytes (myeloid lineage) from the circulation but also indirectly promotes expansion or activation of Breg, which are involved in maintaining regulatory T cells (Treg) [67]. In clinical settings, the Adacolumn has been associated with expansion of Treg, an increase in interleukin-10 level and a decrease of anti-nuclear antibodies titer [47, 68]. Figure 49.3 summarizes the immunomodulatory actions of the Adacolumn leukocytapheresis.

Fig. 49.3
Pathways leading to neutrophil apoptosis and immunoregulation by the Adacolumn. Patients with IBD show inappropriate innate and adaptive immune responses to commensal bacteria due to imbalance of mucosal immune profile. Neutrophil apoptosis is suppressed by elevated levels of endotoxin, and certain inflammatory cytokines as well as by corticosteroids, which are given to most patients with active IBD. (1) Selective adsorption of elevated and activated neutrophils to the column carriers (GMA beads) involving FcγR and complement receptors. Ligations of FcγR and complement receptor, leading to the formation of apoptotic neutrophils in the circulation via generation of reactive oxygens. (2) Apoptotic neutrophils are taken up by dendritic cells or by direct contact with B cells leading to the generation of regulatory B cells (Breg). (3) Breg and regulatory T cells (Treg) are also expanding. Breg and Treg will suppress autoreactive T-cells or effecter T-cells in the intestinal mucosa of IBD patients. IBD inflammatory bowel disease, FcγR Fc gamma receptor, CR3 complement receptor 3, C3bi inactive C3b component of complement, ROS reactive oxygen species
The Cellsorba Leukocyte Removal System
The Cellsorba leukocyte removal filter column (Fig. 49.1b) is developed by Asahi Kasei Medical in Japan and has been comprehensively described by Sawada et al. [69]. This system is also a direct blood perfusion device (Fig. 49.2). Blood access is from the antecubital vein in one arm and return via the antecubital vein in the contralateral arm. Alternative access sites may be used if necessary. Cellsorba uses a filter consisting of polyester non-woven fabric that non-selectively removes approximately 13.0 × 109 leukocytes from the circulating blood during one treatment session [70]. The column is capable of removing almost 100 % of neutrophils and monocytes including macrophages and 30–60 % of lymphocytes when measured between the inlet and the outlet of the column [69].
The first major application of Cellsorba for the treatment of UC was undertaken in 1995 by Sawada et al. [71]. Cellsorba leukocytapheresis was administered five times at 1 week intervals for 5 consecutive weeks during intensive therapy and 5 times, at approximately 1 month intervals for 5 months during maintenance therapy to 13 patients with IBD (eight UC and five CD patients). Improved clinical response during the intensive therapy was seen in 11 of 13 patients (84.6 %); 6 of 8 UC patients (75.0 %) and 5 of 5 CD patients (100 %). The remission was maintained in 8 of 13 patients (61.5 %) during the maintenance therapy.
A multicenter trial was carried out in Japan to assess the efficacy and safety of Cellsorba vs corticosteroid therapy in patients with active UC refractory to conventional medication [69]. This was a controlled multicenter study with randomized assignment of 76 patients with UC to two groups. The 39 patients in the Cellsorba group received weekly leukocytapheresis for 5 consecutive weeks as an intensive therapy, which was added to the on-going drug therapy, while steroids were maintained but not increased. Leukocytapheresis was gradually reduced to one session every 4 weeks as maintenance therapy. In the high dose PSL group (n = 37), PSL was added or increased to 30–40 mg/day for moderately severe and to 60–80 mg/day for severe patients and was then gradually tapered. The Cellsorba group showed a significantly higher efficacy compared with PSL (74 % vs 38 %; P = 0.005) and lower incidence of side effects (24 % vs 68 %; P < 0.001).
Further, Sawada and colleagues [72] investigated the efficacy of Cellsorba leukocytapheresis in a multicenter trial using active and sham devices in a double-blind study with focus on assessing the placebo effect of extracorporeal circulation. Twenty-five patients with active UC of severe or moderately severe level were assigned to the active treatment or sham treatment. Six patients who did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded at screening and 19 (ten in the active group and nine in the sham group) were included. Cellsorba leukocytapheresis was performed once a week for 5 weeks followed by two additional sessions during the following 4 weeks, at 2 weeks intervals. Corticosteroids and other concomitant medications were continued at the same dosage for 4 weeks. CAI showed that the active group achieved a significantly greater improvement (80 %, eight of ten patients) compared with the sham apheresis group (33 %, three of nine patients; P < 0.05). Although there was a significant advantage in favor of the active treatment, the total number of patients was rather small in this study. Likewise, patients had active UC refractory to conventional drug therapy and most of them were receiving concomitant corticosteroid. A similar study with a large cohort of patients with strict control of their concomitant medications is warranted to verify the results of this study.
Sawada et al. [73] further reported the efficacy and safety of Cellsorba in treating patients with severe or fulminant UC or toxic megacolon. Six patients were included and Cellsorba leukocytapheresis was performed three times per week for 2 weeks, followed by four further sessions in the following 4 weeks. Four of six patients improved and achieved remission, and the remaining two patients had to undergo colectomy while their symptoms had been reduced by Cellsorba. Further larger studies are essential to fully assess the efficacy of Cellsorba in this clinical setting.
In earlier studies, Sawada et al. [74] and Yamaji et al. [75], reported fluctuations in the leukocyte count in the peripheral blood during Cellsorba leukocytapheresis. The count fell to 20–40 % of the baseline level at 20–30 min after the start of each session. Cellsorba itself had a sustained removal performance in excess of 90 % of the baseline value for the circulating blood leukocytes [76]. Therefore, it appears that leukocytes from the marginal pools including the bone marrow , spleen and vessel walls compensate for the lost leukocytes during a session. This finding led to the concept and investigation of Cellsorba as a therapy for UC. It is believed that activated peripheral blood leukocytes serve as “primed reserve cells” which might include leukocytes that originally have been activated in the lymph nodes. During active IBD, this pool provides a sustainable supply of activated leukocytes for infiltration into the colonic mucosa. By depleting this pool, leukocytapheresis can, in effect influence the source of activated leukocytes in the marginal pools as well. Indeed, infiltration of activated leukocytes into the intestinal mucosa has been considered as a major factor in the etiology of IBD [1, 21, 26].
Perhaps a word of caution is warranted in relation to any leukocytapheresis procedure which depletes lymphocytes. Thus, a study by King and colleagues [77] indicates that the state of lymphopenia may promote the development of autoimmunity. Likewise, it is known that human diseases of autoimmune etiology often present with lymphopenia [59]. These findings led us to say that transient lymphopenia during Cellsorba leukocytapheresis potentially may trigger homeostatic T cell expansion-associated autoimmune disease. Accordingly, if a patient with UC develops autoimmune disease following exposure to Cellsorba, the transient lymphopenia can be suspected to have predisposed to the condition. Currently, treatment of ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis by Cellsorba are covered by the Japan health insurance system. In Europe, Cellsorba has been CE-marked and approved as medical device. In Table 49.1, typical efficacy outcomes for the Adacolumn and the Cellsorba filter column are presented.
Table 49.1
Typical efficacy outcomes for leukocytapheresis in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) or with Crohn’s disease (CD)
Investigation undertaken | Main findings | Author, Ref. |
Prospective study in a mixed population of UC patients | Steroid naive patients remitted after five sessions, severe patients responded to ten sessions | Hanai et al. [29] |
Leukocytapheresis vs prednisolone in UC patients | Five sessions had significantly better safety and efficacy than the corticosteroid | Shimoyama et al. [48] |
Efficacy of 60 min vs 90 min leukocytapheresis in UC patients | Ten leukocytapheresis sessions at 60 min or at 90 min showed similar clinical efficacy | Kanke et al. [51] |
Leukocytapheresis in steroid-refractory or dependent UC patients | Remission rate in patients with severe UC was 20 % vs 70 % in patients with moderate UC | Naganuma et al. [52] |
Treatment of active distal UC with leukocytapheresis | In this difficult cohort of 30 cases, 21 patients (70 %) achieved remission | Yamamoto et al. [53] |
Leukocytapheresis in 12 steroid-dependent CD patients | Efficacy rate in this small cohort of CD patients was 70 % | Domenech et al. [55] |
GMA as a first line treatment in steroid naive UC patients | A remission rate of 85 % was achieved, and 17 patients were spared from drug therapy | Suzuki et al. [56] |
The first GMA trial in patients with CD refractory to pharmacologics | Five of seven patients achieved clinical remission, the two nonresponders had small intestinal CD | Matsui et al. [60] |
Multicenter, leukocytapheresis in drug refractory CD | CD activity index decreased from 276 to 215 after five sessions (P = 0.0005) | Fukuda et al. [61] |
Looking at mucosal biopsies pre and post GMA in CD and UC patients | Interferon-γ producing leukocytes in the intestinal mucosa were depleted | Muratov et al. [62] |
Efficacy of LCAP in UC patients on corticosteroids | This study reported 74 % efficacy for LCAP + concomitant steroid | Sawada et al. [69] |
Efficacy of LCAP vs sham apheresis; filter was omitted | The remission rates were 80 % for active therapy and 33 % for sham apheresis | Sawada et al. [72] |
LCAP in fulminant UC, toxic megacolon | Four of six patients responded to LCAP after ten sessions | Sawada et al. [73] |
The efficacy of GMA in relation to patients’ bodyweight | The remission rate for 3 L processed blood per session was better than for 1.8 L/session | Yoshimura et al. [78] |
GMA, ten sessions over 10 weeks vs ten sessions over 5 weeks | Intensive GMA produced higher efficacy in a shorter time vs routine, weekly GMA | Sakuraba et al. [79] |
Safety and feasibility of daily leukocytapheresis, five sessions in 5 days | Daily leukocytapheresis was safe and well tolerated without any serious adverse event | Yamamoto et al. [80] |
Controlled trial in severe UC refractory to available pharmacologics | Efficacy difference between active and sham apheresis did not reach significance level | Sands et al. [81] |
Controlled trial in severe CD refractory to available pharmacologics | Efficacy difference between active and sham apheresis did not reach significance level | Sands et al. [82] |
Long-term post marketing surveillance on GMA therapy | Efficacy and safety of GMA was reported in a large UC patients population in Japan | Hibi et al. [83] |
Long-term post marketing surveillance on LCAP filter column | Efficacy of LCAP was reported in 847 UC patients from Japan | Yokoyama et al. [84] |
Immunomodulation Associated with Cellsorba Leukcocytapheresis
In the first major study by Sawada et al. [71] in patients with IBD, flow cytometry revealed that patients who improved had a higher percentage of HLA-DR+, HLA-DR+CD3+, and HLA-DR+CD8+ cells (pro-inflammatory) at entry. The levels of these cells, CRP and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) decreased to within the normal range by the end of therapy. In contrast, patients who showed poor response to leukocytapheresis, CRP and ESR did not change. Cellsorba leukocytapheresis also affected the cytokine production [74, 75]. The levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-8, and IFN-α were high in responders at entry and were significantly reduced by leukocytapheresis [85]. These cytokines are mainly secreted by activated peripheral blood leukocytes [86, 87]. Additionally, the level of IL-4, an immunoregulatory cytokine increased after leukocytapheresis [88]. These observations indicate that Cellsorba leukocytapheresis is associated with changes in cytokine profile in the disease state, returning to normality via inhibition of several pro-inflammatory cytokines and by stimulation of an immunoregulatory cytokine.
Andoh et al. [89] evaluated the alterations in circulating T cell subsets after Cellsorba leukocytapheresis therapy in 18 patients with UC. Peripheral blood was obtained within 5 min before and 5 min after leukocytapheresis therapy. The average number of lymphocytes, T and B cells were significantly decreased after Cellsorba (P < 0.01). The number of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were also significantly decreased (P < 0.01), but the CD4+/CD8+ ratio did not change. Also, the number of CD45RO+CD4+ memory T cells significantly decreased. Using intracellular cytokine staining method, they showed that IFN-γ expressing (Th1) cells had significantly decreased after leukocytapheresis while there was no significant change in the number of IL-4-expressing (Th2) cells. The Th1/Th2 ratio was significantly decreased after Cellsorba.
The Science Behind Leukocytapheresis as a Natural Biologic Therapy
IBD may be viewed as the consequence of an exuberant immune profile triggered and maintained by inflammatory cytokines including TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12, IFN-γ, IL-17, and others [19, 20]. This might be a major factor for IBD showing poor response to conventional drug therapy [1, 29, 90, 91]. Indeed, administrations of these agents, often at high doses over long periods of time can produce additional complications [1, 50, 73, 92, 93]. Further, it is true to say that for decades, drug therapy of IBD has been empirical rather than based on sound understanding of the disease mechanisms (poorly understood etiology). The current view is that treatment interventions targeted at inflammatory mediators (like biologicals) should be more effective and produce minimal side effects. Accordingly, the present era of antibody based therapy targeting specific cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules represent some progress, albeit truly effective in a minority of treated patients [91, 94, 95]. Cytokines in particular represent the best validated therapeutic targets and it is logical to view cytokines as major causes of persistent intestinal inflammation. However, major sources of inflammatory cytokines include leukocytes of the myeloid lineage [86, 87], which in IBD are elevated [29, 30] with activation behavior [26], prolonged survival time [33] and are found in vast numbers within the inflamed intestinal mucosa [1, 21]. Granulocyte infiltration into the mucosal tissue indeed can predict relapse of both UC and CD [21, 58]. This indicates that during quiescent IBD, activated leukocytes infiltrate the intestinal mucosa and have a major role in mucosal inflammation, injury and IBD relapse [1, 21, 26, 58]. Indeed, leukocyte activation and prolonged survival is a feature of persistent inflammation and neutrophil mediated mucosal damage has been shown to be associated with the development of IBD [21, 26, 31, 32]. Accordingly, selective depletion of activated peripheral blood leukocytes by centrifugation, the Adacolumn or Cellsorba has been associated with dramatic efficacy and a marked reduction of inflammatory cytokines produced by leukocytes [28, 29, 45, 74, 75].
Naïve T cells preferentially recirculate between blood and secondary lymphoid tissues, entering lymph nodes from the blood by crossing high endothelial venules. After encountering the activated dendritic cells undergoing antigen presentation in the mesenteric lymph nodes, the naïve T cells become activated, proliferate and differentiate into activated effector T cells. These effector T cells then acquire the gut-homing receptors, integrin αβ4β7. Thus, colitogenic effector T cells, unlike naïve T cells can migrate efficiently to sites of inflammation [96], subsequently entering afferent lymphatic vessels and travel to local lymph nodes [93, 96–99]. In parabiotic mouse models, endogenous memory T cells in most peripheral tissues react in equilibrium with migrating blood-borne donor T cells within a week [100], suggesting that there is rapid recirculation of T cells in peripheral tissues. These recent understandings suggest that selective removal of these colitogenic activated effector T cells by leukocytapheresis should reduce the cellular components of IBD.

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