Algorithm for management of undescended testis
Anesthesia – GA
Position of the patient – Head down
57.2.1 Ports Position
Camera port
B and C
Working ports
The mobilised testis is brought down through a tract which is created by one of the following methods.
- (a)
Through the scrotal incision a trocar (10 or 12 mm) is introduced and manipulated into the inguinal canal.
- (b)
Through the scrotal incision a haemostat is inserted.
- (c)
Under the guidance of laparoscope an instrument is introduced through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. An incision is made in the scrotum over the instrument. This instrument guides a clamp from below into the peritoneum to bring down the testis.
57.3 Conclusion
Laparoscopy is the first step in localizing a non palpable testis or proving its absence. The testis found in inguinal canal on laparoscopic examination needs inguinal exploration or laparoscopic mobilization based on the surgeons’ choice. Single stage orchiopexy for low intra abdominal testis and two stage orchiopexy for high intra abdominal testis give good results. Bilateral undescended testes is also dealt laparoscopically on the same principles as unilateral undescended testis with distinct advantages of no additional incision or ports.
57.3.1 Single Stage Laparoscopic Orchiopexy

Fig 57.1
Initial view showing left testis at internal ring level. Gonadal vessels and vas seen

Fig 57.2
Sigmoid mobilised medially

Fig 57.3
Peritoneum over gonadal vessels dissected