Fig. 12.1
Port position for right pyelolithotomy
Fig. 12.2
Right colon being mobilised medially
Fig. 12.3
Retroperitoneum dissected; ureter and IVC clearly made out
Fig. 12.4
Ureter traced till pelvis and pelvis dissected
Fig. 12.5
Transverse pyelotomy started
Fig. 12.6
Pyelotomy completed and stone visualised
Fig. 12.7
Stone being extracted
Fig. 12.8
Stone being placed in glove bag
Fig. 12.9
Pyelotomy closure with 4-0 vicryl suture started
Fig. 12.10
Pyelotomy closure in progress
Fig. 12.11
Pyelotomy closure in progress
Fig. 12.12
Stent being inserted retrograde through preplaced guidewire