Fig. 61.1
Uterine prolapse with cystocele

Fig. 61.2
Patient placed in modified lithotomy position

Fig. 61.3
Ports position

Fig. 61.4
Deaver retractor placed vaginally helps to angulate the fornix

Fig. 61.5
Initial view of pelvis

Fig. 61.6
Endo view showing the Deaver retractor helping to angulate the fornix

Fig. 61.7
Uterus is suspended anteriorly

Fig. 61.8
Incision of peritoneum over sacral promontory

Fig. 61.9
Peritoneal incision extended inferiorly up to pelvic floor

Fig. 61.10
Dissection along right levator ani

Fig. 61.11
Pararectal dissection completed on both sides

Fig. 61.12
Suture through right levator ani

Fig. 61.13
One limb of mesh fixed to right levator ani using 2-0 prolene suture