Fig. 59.1
Port position for laparoscopic renal transplantation

Fig. 59.2
Patient and surgeon position

Fig. 59.3
Initial view of vessels in right iliac fossa

Fig. 59.4
Peritoneotomy with minimal bowel mobilisation

Fig. 59.5
Round ligament being divided

Fig. 59.6
Peritoneal flap created

Fig. 59.7
Skeletonisation of external iliac artery and vein in progress

Fig. 59.8
External iliac vein dissection complete

Fig. 59.9
External iliac artery dissection in progress

Fig. 59.10
Vessel dissection complete

Fig. 59.11
Bench dissection of donor kidney

Fig. 59.12
Six centimeter Pfannensteil incision for placing the renal graft

Fig. 59.13
Renal graft inserted through the incision

Fig. 59.14
Wound being closed

Fig. 59.15
Kidney in the peritoneal cavity

Fig. 59.16
Vein controlled in both ends with vessel loops

Fig. 59.17
Venotomy complete

Fig. 59.18
Venous anastomosis started with 6-0 prolene suture

Fig. 59.19
Venous anastomosis in progress – first suture in place