Fig. 24.1
Picture showing port placement for laparoscopic right ileal ureter: 10 mm port above umbilicus for camera; 12 mm port ×2 5 cm above and below the umbilicus, 5 mm port 1 cm below the xiphoid for liver retraction and additional 12 mm port in right iliac fossa for Endo-GIA stapler

Fig. 24.2
(a) Ureter identification and removal of Double J stent; (b) renal pelvis mobilization and suspension; (c) Bowel transection using Endo_GIA stapler; (d) transected bowel temporarily fixed to renal pelvis; (e) end-to-end anastomosis after distal transection; (f) pyeloileal anasotomosis; (g) ileovesical anastomosis; (h) completed isoperistaltic ileal ureter

Fig. 24.3
Right colon reflected

Fig. 24.4
Ureter traced proximally and pelvis dissected

Fig. 24.5
Stay suture taken in pelvis

Fig. 24.6
Bowel isolation using stapler

Fig. 24.7
Proximal end of bowel divided

Fig. 24.8
Proximal end of segment fixed with stay