Fig. 41.1
Nephrostogram showing distal ureteric stricture with thimble bladder in a single functioning kidney with renal failure (left nephrectomy done for TB pyonephrosis)

Fig. 41.2
Ports position as seen from foot end. C – camera port, 15 mm port for stapler

Fig. 41.3
Omentum divided from greater curvature preserving gastroepiploic arcade

Fig. 41.4
Lesser sac space developed

Fig. 41.5
Staplers (five or six may be needed) for isolating gastric flap based on right gastroepiploic artery

Fig. 41.6
Gastric flap developed

Fig. 41.7
Vertical cystotomy done after adding one more port in LIF (surgeon moves to left side of patient and foot end elevated)