© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
Daniel C. Baumgart (ed.)Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis10.1007/978-3-319-33703-6_2121. Laboratory Evaluation, Including Novel Diagnostic Markers
Institut des Maladies de l’Appareil Digestif (IMAD), Hotel Dieu, CHU de Nantes, 44093 Nantes cedex, France
CHU de Saint Etienne, Hopital Nord, Service de Gastroentérologie, 42277 Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, France
CRPFecal biomarkersSerological markers6-TGNTrough levelAnti-drug antibodyAbbreviations
Inflammatory bowel disease
C-reactive protein
Interleukin 6
Interleukin-1 beta
Tumor necrosis factor
Crohn’s disease
Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s disease activity index
Harvey–Bradshaw index
Crohn’s disease endoscopic score index
Trough levels
Fecal calprotectin
Irritable bowel syndrome
Positive predictive value
Negative predictive value
Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
Anti-outer membrane porin C
Anti-Pseudomonas fluorescence-associated sequence I2
Anti-bacterial flagellin
Anti-mannobioside carbohydrate antibodies
Anti-chitobioside carbohydrate antibodies
Anti-laminariobioside carbohydrate antibodies
Thiopurine S-methyltransferase
Xanthine oxidase
6-thiouric acid
Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase
Red blood cell
Anti-drug antibody
Immunosuppressive therapy
C-Reactive Protein
Increased serum concentrations of acute-phase proteins can be found in active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The production of C-reactive protein (CRP) occurs almost exclusively in the liver by the hepatocytes upon stimulation by interleukin-6 (IL-6), which is increased in patients with IBD [1], and to a lesser extent by IL-1β and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) [2]. CRP tests are widely available, relatively inexpensive and allow for a regular monitoring of IBD patients.
At Diagnosis
CRP levels are raised in both Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), but many studies have demonstrated that CRP levels are significantly higher in CD than UC for all categories of disease severity. Although the reason is unknown, an explanation could be that UC is limited to the mucosa whereas CD involves a transmural inflammation of the gut wall. At IBD diagnosis, 25 % of patients with CD and 71 % with ulcerative colitis have CRP levels within the normal range. Indeed, CRP generation is extremely variable between individuals and may be related to variation in CRP genotype; a recent study demonstrated that elevated CRP levels could be associated with nucleotide polymorphisms in CRP genotype (rs1205, rs1130864, and rs1417938) at IBD diagnosis [3]. Hence, in the case of nonspecific digestive symptoms, CRP alone is not a good biological marker to differentiate IBD from functional disorders.
Correlation with IBD Activity and Location
Measurement of clinical activity in IBD using the Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI) or the Harvey–Bradshaw index (HBI) can suffer from subjective interpretation. Some studies have evaluated whether noninvasive markers such as CRP could be tools to help clinicians to measure disease activity objectively in CD patients. Solem et al. aimed to correlate CRP with clinical, endoscopic, histologic, and radiographic activity in CD: in this retrospective analysis of 104 patients, moderate-to-severe clinical activity, as well as active lesions at colonoscopy or histologically active inflammation, were significantly associated with elevated CRP levels. Conversely, abnormal radiologic findings in the small bowel were not significantly correlated with elevated CRP levels [4]. These results add weight to those of studies finding low CRP levels for an ileal location of CD in comparison to an ileocolonic or colonic location [5, 6].
A recent meta-analysis (19 studies) evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of CRP and other biological markers for the assessment of endoscopically detectable activity in symptomatic IBD patients. This study, which included 2499 IBD patients, showed that CRP ≥5 mg/L has a relatively high specificity (92 %) but poor sensitivity (49 %) for endoscopic activity. This result means that a negative value did not reliably exclude the possibility of active inflammation [7]. Similarly, Denis et al. found that in CD patients with clinically active disease (CDAI >150) and normal CRP levels (<5 mg/L), colonoscopy revealed endoscopic lesions, although these lesions were only mild (CDEIS ≤6) [8].
A Factor Predictive of Response to Treatment
A high-level systemic inflammation in CD patients treated with anti-TNF alpha is associated with a positive clinical response to infliximab (IFX). Louis et al. found that the response rate was significantly higher in patients with an elevated (>5 mg/L) than a normal (<5 mg/L) CRP value before treatment (76 % versus 46 %; P = 0.004) [9], and the authors suggested that CRP level may help to identify better candidates for IFX treatment. In the same way, Jürgens et al. demonstrated that more patients with high baseline CRP levels responded to IFX than those with normal levels (P = 0.014). Moreover, early normalization of CRP levels correlated with sustained long-term response (P < 0.001) [10] without the need for a therapeutic adjustment [11].
A Factor Predictive of Disease Outcome
Some studies have shown an increased risk of relapse in CD patients with elevated CRP during follow-up [12, 13]. Moreover, in a prospective study, Henriksen et al. demonstrated that high CRP levels at diagnosis were significantly associated with increased risk of subsequent surgery in IBD patients, especially those with ileal location (L1) and CRP >53 mg/L (OR = 6.0; P = 0.03) for CD patients and with extensive colitis and CRP >23 mg/L (OR = 4.8; P = 0.02) for UC patients [14].
A recent study indicated that following initiation of infliximab therapy, CRP could be predictive of loss of response in CD patients. Indeed, at week 22 of initiation, a CRP level >5 mg/L and a trough level (TL) >5.5 μg/mL, and the presence of anti-drug antibody (ADA) could predict a loss of response in 50 % of patients within 20 months [15].
CRP has been identified as a predictive factor for relapse in CD patients after anti-TNF withdrawal. Louis et al., in the prospective STORI study conducted by the GETAID group, investigated anti-TNF withdrawal in CD patients with longstanding remission of at least 6 months treated with combination therapy for at least 12 months (i.e., anti-TNF plus azathioprine or methotrexate). In this study, relapse occurred in 50 % of these patients within 18 months of IFX withdrawal. Based on multivariate analysis, the study demonstrated that a CRP level ≥5 mg/L before anti-TNF discontinuation was one of the risk factors for subsequent relapse [16]. In a post hoc analysis of this study, Meuwis et al. also found that the median CRP level, measured every 2 months until follow-up or relapse, was higher in relapsers compared with nonrelapsers (3.9 vs 2.8 mg/L; P = 0.07) [17].
Fecal Biomarkers
Fecal calprotectin (FC) and lactoferrin (LF) are the two most commonly used fecal markers in IBD. FC is a calcium- and zinc-binding protein found in large amounts in neutrophil granulocytes and, by consequence, increased in the presence of intestinal inflammation , with a high sensitivity. However, FC is not a specific marker of IBD and can also be increased in neoplasia, infections, gastritis with Helicobacter pylori, NSAID use, polyps…
In patients with a clinical suspicion of IBD (with symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea…) the main interest of FC is due to its high negative predictive value to detect intestinal inflammation. The prospective study of Tibble et al. reported in 2000 demonstrated that at levels <30 mg/L, FC had 100 % sensitivity and 97 % specificity to discriminate between active CD and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) [18]. A meta-analysis published by Van Rhennen et al. that included 13 studies (670 adults, 371 children) confirmed that high FC levels can differentiate IBD from IBS, with a pooled sensitivity of 93 % and a pooled specificity of 96 % [19]. In this meta-analysis, the authors concluded that screening by measuring FC levels helps to avoid a colonoscopy. This aspect was reported in an economic study that estimated a 50 % reduction in colonoscopies after pre-endoscopic screening with FC, using a cutoff level of 50 μg/g [20]. FC measurement can also be helpful in children, but a level over 100 μg/g has been calculated as the cutoff that can distinguish between active inflammatory disorders and functional bowel disorders [21].
Correlation with Endoscopic Activity
Although some studies did not find a good correlation between FC and IBD clinical activity [22, 23], others have reported a significant correlation between FC levels and endoscopic activity in IBD. In CD patients, in a prospective study, Schoepfer et al. demonstrated that FC >70 μg/g was the most predictive marker of endoscopic activity (based on Simple Endoscopic Score for CD) with 80 % sensitivity and 60 % specificity, rather than CRP, blood leukocytes or the CDAI. In this study, FC was also the only marker that reliably discriminated inactive from mild, moderate, and highly active disease [24]. In the same way, Langhorst et al. demonstrated that FC was able to differentiate active IBD from inactive IBD and was consistently superior to CRP in its ability to reflect endoscopic inflammation [25].
In UC patients, Schoepfer et al. reported from a large study that FC more accurately reflects endoscopic activity (Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, r = 0.821) and Nancey et al. also demonstrated a good correlation (r = 0.75) between FC and endoscopic activity, with levels above 250 μg/g associated with active disease (P < 0.001) [26, 27]. A recent meta-analysis evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of FC for the assessment of endoscopically defined disease activity in IBD. Including 2499 patients, this meta-analysis confirmed that FC is more sensitive than CRP to predict endoscopic activity (pooled sensitivity: 0.88 vs 0.49, respectively), both in UC and CD [7]. These data are particularly interesting in IBD patients with abdominal symptoms but with a lower clinical suspicion of active disease or relapse, in helping to decide who should be referred for further investigation.
Mucosal healing has become a therapeutic goal in IBD patients as it is associated with longstanding remission. D’Haens et al. demonstrated that FC levels ≤250 μg/g predicted endoscopic remission (defined by CDEIS ≤3) with 94.1 % sensitivity and 62.2 % specificity (PPV = 48.5 %, NPV = 96.6 %) [28]. Roseth et al. demonstrated that mucosal healing can be determined by a normalization of FC in IBD patients, showing that all patients with normal FC (median of 18 mg/L, range 1–50) had an appearance of both the colon and the terminal ileum that was completely normal endoscopically [29]. Moreover, in a recent study assessing IBD patients both in clinical remission and with mucosal healing , an elevated FC level alone was found in patients who relapsed compared to those without relapse (284 mg/kg vs 37 mg/kg; P < 0.01) suggesting the added value of FC over mucosal healing in the prediction of clinical remission [30].
A Factor Predictive of Response to Treatment and Disease Outcome
Many studies have studied the interest of FC measurement to predict IBD outcome in clinical practice. Molander et al. demonstrated in a cohort of 60 IBD patients that a normalization of FC (<100 μg/g) after induction therapy with TNFα blocking agents was predictive of sustained clinical remission after 12 months compared to an elevated post-induction FC level (88 % vs 38 %; P < 0.0001) [31]. In addition, in acute, severe UC, Ho et al. found that FC concentrations remained significantly higher in patients requiring colectomy compared to those responding to medical therapy (1200 μg/g vs 887 μg/g; P = 0.04) [32].
Studies have also evaluated whether FC measurement for IBD patients in clinical remission could be helpful to predict disease outcome over time or to evaluate a possible de-escalation of treatment. Mao et al. reported a meta-analysis demonstrating that in quiescent IBD patients, the pooled sensitivity and specificity of FC to predict relapse were 78 % and 73 %, respectively, and comparable between CD and UC. Similarly, de Vos et al. studied the interest of repeated FC measurement in UC patients in remission under IFX maintenance therapy, and demonstrated that two consecutive FC measurements >300 μg/g with a 1-month interval were the best predictor of flare during a 52-week follow-up (61.5 % sensitivity and 100 % specificity) [33]. For CD patients with longstanding remission of at least 6 months (STORI study), Louis et al. demonstrated that an FC level ≥250 μg/g before anti-TNF discontinuation was a risk factor for subsequent relapse [16]. In the same way, in a recently published study, Ben Horin et al. found that after anti-TNF discontinuation (both IFX and adalimumab), an abnormal CRP and/or FC ≥50 μg/g was predictive of risk of relapse even in patients with endoscopic mucosal healing [34]. Thus, regarding these studies, discontinuation of medical therapy for patients with high FC levels appears to be a risk for relapse.
In the special situation of surgery, a recent study evaluated the accuracy and usefulness of FC to identify asymptomatically operated patients in postoperative endoscopic remission or recurrence; at a level of 100 μg/g, FC distinguished between endoscopic remission and recurrence with 95 % sensitivity and 54 % specificity. Due to an excellent negative predictive value (93 %), the authors concluded that 30 % of colonoscopies could be replaced by a simple FC measurement to exclude postoperative recurrence [35].
Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding protein expressed by activated neutrophils and secreted by mucosal membranes. Some studies have reported similar performance of FC and LF tests [25, 36]. The mean sensitivity and specificity of fecal LF determination for the diagnosis of IBD are 80 % and 82 %, respectively [37]. Regarding Langhorst’s study, fecal markers (LF and FC) were able to differentiate IBD patients with endoscopically assessed inflammation from IBD patients without inflammation, and from IBS. In this study, neither of the two stool markers investigated was clearly superior in the ability to reflect endoscopic inflammation but they were both superior to CRP in diagnostic accuracy [25].
Serological Markers
Although incompletely understood, an abnormal immune response to the commensal intestinal flora (various microbial antigens) could generate the production of a panel of antibodies in IBD. Blaser et al. demonstrated for the first time in 1984 an increase in serum antibodies to seven bacterial pathogens in a group of CD patients [38]. Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies (ASCA) and atypical perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) have been the most widely investigated. However, knowledge of newly discovered antibodies directed against specific microbial antigens has expanded, such as anti-outer membrane porin C (anti-OmpC)—which is directed against the OmpC transport protein of Escherichia coli, anti-I2, anti-CBir1, and anti-glycan antibodies (AMCA, ACCA, and ALCA). The clinical significance of these antibodies is being actively investigated, however an increasing number of studies have suggested that patients expressing serological markers at high titers are more likely to have complicated disease [39, 40].
Serological markers have been studied in a “prediagnostic IBD phase.” Indeed, some studies have assessed the presence of serological markers many years before the diagnosis of IBD, suggesting that individuals at risk of IBD could be identified using a combination of serological markers (ANCA, ASCA, anti-CBir1, and anti-OmpC) [41, 42].
At diagnosis , ASCA are more frequently detected in CD patients (50–80 %) than in UC patients (2–14 %) or normal healthy subjects (1–7 %) [43, 44]. Conversely, ANCA have been reported in 60–80 % of UC patients but in only 30 % of CD patients [45]. In clinical practice, combination of ASCA and ANCA has been described as a valuable serological tool to differentiate CD from UC, especially for indeterminate colitis, which represents 10 % of IBD patients. Indeed, a very high specificity was obtained using a combination of both parameters (92 % for CD patients with ASCA+/ANCA− and 98 % for UC patients with ANCA+/ASCA−) [44, 46].
Correlation with Disease Location
Recently, some studies have demonstrated that these antibodies can be associated with disease location. Indeed, ASCA+ is more frequent in CD patients with upper disease or with a pure small bowel involvement compared with CD patients with a pure colonic location (81 % and 68 % vs 38 %) or ileocolonic location [44, 47, 48]. In the same way, Targan et al. found that CBir1 was associated with small bowel disease (OR = 2.16; P = 0.009) [49].
Correlation with Disease Severity
Some studies have shown that serological markers, and hence high-level immune responses towards microbial antigens, are associated with a more severe disease course. Numerous studies indicate that ASCA positivity is correlated with an earlier disease onset [50, 51], which is a recognized factor of disease aggressivity. Moreover, ASCA positivity in CD is associated with a higher risk of complicated disease, such as stricturing or penetrating disease, and of small bowel resection [39, 52, 53]. Indeed, Vasiliauskas et al. demonstrated that all patients with a high ASCA level (>50 U/mL) and the ANCA negative immune marker subprofile developed fibrostenosis (14/14, 100 %) and most of them experienced internal penetrating complications (11/14, 79 %). In this study, taking into account the prevalence and number of surgical procedures per patient with small bowel involvement, analysis revealed that surgery was required by 86 % (12/14) of the high-level-ASCA/ANCA-negative subgroup [53]. By contrast, in patients with UC, the increased frequency of ANCA in treatment-resistant left-sided ulcerative colitis suggests a possible association between these antibodies and relative resistance to medical therapy [52]. Moreover, patients with very high levels of ANCA had a much greater risk of developing pouchitis following ileal pouch-anal anastomosis [52, 54].
In the same way, it has been demonstrated that the newly discovered antibodies could also be associated with disease severity. In the study of Targan et al., CBir1 was associated with complicated CD (internal-penetrating, fibrostenosing disease features) in 61 %, compared to 42 % of patients with inflammatory-only CD (P = 0.002) [49]. Anti-OmpC antibody has been detected in 55 % of CD patients [55] and its measurement could be useful at diagnosis in ASCA-negative patients; Mow et al. demonstrated that CD patients with anti-OmpC antibody were more likely to have internal perforating disease (50.0 % vs 30.7 %; P = 0.001) and to require small bowel surgery (61.4 % vs 44.2 %; P = 0.003), whereas anti-I2 is an independent marker of fibrostenosis (64.4 % vs 40.7 %; P < 0.001) and is also associated with small bowel surgery (62.2 % vs 37.4 %; P < 0.001) [39].
A very recent study by Paul et al. confirmed the usefulness of anti-glycan antibodies (AMCA, ACCA, and ALCA), alone or combined with ASCA or ANCA, for determination of the course of IBD. Measuring a large panel of anti-glycans in a cohort of 195 IBD patients (107 CD, 85 UC), (1) a severe CD course was significantly more likely in the case of high levels of AMCA, ASCA, and ACCA (OR = 4.3, 3.5, and 2.8, respectively), and (2) a severe UC course was significantly associated with AMCA and ACCA (OR = 3.4 and 3.0, respectively) [40]. However, tests for these anti-glycan antibodies are not widely available in clinical practice.
Thiopurine Metabolites
Thiopurines in CD are mainly represented by 6-mercaptopurine (6-MP) and its prodrug azathioprine (AZA). AZA and 6-MP have proven efficacy to induce remission in active CD, to maintain remission and spare steroid treatment in quiescent, steroid-dependent CD, and to prevent recurrence after surgery. The clinical efficacy of thiopurines in IBD is related to the production of active metabolites. Three key enzymes are involved in 6-MP metabolism: thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) and xanthine oxidase (XO), which catalyze the production of the inactive metabolites, 6-methyl-mercaptopurine (6-MMP) and 6-thiouric acid (6TU), respectively; and hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT), which is the only enzyme that catalyzes the production of the active metabolite, 6-thioguanine nucleotide (6-TGN) that is responsible for thiopurine efficacy.
Monitoring thiopurine metabolites can help to predict treatment efficacy . Dubinski et al. demonstrated, in a prospective study of pediatric IBD patients, that a threshold 6-TGN level above 235 pmol/8 × 108 red blood cells (RBC) was predictive of a therapeutic response (P < 0.001) [56]. Numerous prospective studies have subsequently found a correlation between 6-TGN and clinical response [57–59] and a meta-analysis by Osterman et al. in 2006 confirmed that more patients with 6-TGN levels above 230–260 pmol/8 × 108 RBC were in remission than those with levels below this threshold value (62 % vs 36 %; P < 0.001) [60]. A meta-analysis by Moreau et al. also supported the same 6-TGN level, between 230–260 pmol/8 × 108 RBC, as a therapeutic threshold for clinical remission (pooled OR = 3.1) [61].
Metabolite measurement is particularly useful in patients with inadequate response at the initiation or during the course of thiopurine treatment. In the case of nonresponse to treatment, measurement of 6-TGN can easily identify noncompliant patients (total absence of both 6-TGN and 6-MMP levels), for whom a therapeutic education should be considered. For the others, metabolite measurement may help to understand the mechanism of the inadequate response: (1) low levels of both 6-TGN and 6-MMP can be related to a subtherapeutic dosing, for which an increased dose and a level recheck will be considered; (2) a low 6-TGN level with a high 6-MMP level could indicate that the patient preferentially metabolizes the 6-MP to 6-MMP, rather than to therapeutically active 6-TGN, by a phenomenon of thiopurine hypermethylation . In this particular case, some studies have demonstrated that it could be possible to optimize thiopurine treatment by reducing the thiopurine dose to 25–33 % but adding a low dose of allopurinol (50 mg), which is an inhibitor of the xanthine oxidase enzymatic pathway [62]. Conversely, (3) high levels of both 6-TGN and 6-MMP are the consequence of supratherapeutic dosing and a decreased dose will be proposed.
The measurement of thiopurine metabolites also allows the risk of treatment-related toxicity to be reduced. High 6-TGN levels (>450 pmol/8 × 108 RBC) can result in myelotoxicity [56, 63, 64]. In particular, high levels can be observed in patients with very low activity of the enzyme TPMT, and result in leukopenia observed early in the course of thiopurine treatment. Indeed, several polymorphisms have been described in the TMPT gene (chromosome 6) leading to different TPMT enzyme activities. Homozygous mutation of the TPMT gene, present in 0.3 % of patients, is associated with very low TPMT activity and a particular risk of myelotoxicity. Thus it is current practice to determine TPMT phenotype/genotype before prescribing AZA/6-MP, in order to predict those patients at risk of accumulating high levels of 6-TGN.
Dubinsky et al. described for the first time an association of 6-MMP levels above 5700 pmol/8 × 108 RBC with a threefold risk of hepatotoxicity [56, 65]. For these patients, who are preferential 6-MMP metabolizers, a study demonstrated that splitting the daily dose of thiopurine (switch from once daily to BID) can result in the reduction of 6-MMP metabolites (5955 vs 11,879 pmol/8 × 108 RBC; P < 0.0001) while maintaining 6-TGN levels (227 vs 250 pmol/8 × 108; P > 0.05) [66].

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