Fig. 12.1
Risk factors for cancer and impact of radiation therapy on male fertility
12.4 Radiation and Spermatogenesis
12.4.1 Animal Studies Rodent Model
Studies conducted on different rodent models have shown that radiation have direct and dose-dependent mutagenic effects on the germ cells. High doses lead to drastically lethal effects, chromosomal aneuploidy, and point mutations (Brent 1999). In experiments, adult mouse testes were subjected to irradiation with a single shot of 1 Gy or two shots of 1 Gy with 7 days interval (Shah et al. 2009). The researchers sampled the testes every third or fourth day postirradiation to follow the recovery pattern of spermatogenesis. Treatment with a single shot of 1 Gy radiation led to a gap in spermatogenesis noted by the loss of A1 to B-spermatogonia which lasted for approximately 10 days. As expected, treatment with two shots of 1 Gy had more severe effects on germ cell elimination compared to 1 Gy. Despite germ cell elimination, spermatogenesis recovered to normal values after 6–7 weeks of treatment in both groups (Shah et al. 2009). In another study, mice were irradiated with a dose of 2 Gy, and sperm recovery pattern was observed for 10 weeks posttreatment. In this study, spermatogenetic recovery was only 7 % at 7 weeks and reached to 84 % of the control values at 10 weeks after treatment (Searle and Beechey 1974). This shows that with a slightly higher dose of radiation, spermatogenetic recovery was much delayed. When mouse testes were irradiated with a slightly higher dose (2.4 Gy), testicular sperm count decreased significantly compared to controls at 30 days, while epididymis count decreased at 39 days after treatment (Meistrich and Samuels 1985). When using a 6 Gy dose of radiation, spermatogonial number did not recover completely but reached 90 % of the control values at 16 weeks after irradiation treatment (Erickson and Hall 1983).
Rat testis appears relatively more sensitive to irradiation damage compared to mouse testis and hence exhibits delayed spermatogenetic recovery. However, in the most widely studied and resistant strain of rats, i.e., Sprague-Dawley, the number of spermatogonia recovered to control levels within 5 weeks after 3 Gy radiation, and epididymal sperm count reached to 40 % of control after 19 weeks (Dym and Clermont 1970; Jegou et al. 1991). With treatment of 6 Gy radiations, the spermatogenetic recovery in rat was severely delayed, and 44 % of the tubules exhibited incomplete spermatogenesis even after 16 weeks of treatment (Erickson and Hall 1983). In cases of higher doses (>6 Gy), even at 26 weeks after treatment, spermatogenetic recovery was only 10 % compared to controls (Delic et al. 1986; Pinon-Lataillade et al. 1991). Nonhuman Primates
Compared to humans, the recovery of spermatogenesis after testicular exposure to radiations is faster in rodents (Abuelhija et al. 2013). In order to have a better understanding of the process of postirradiation spermatogenic recovery, an animal model that simulates the response of human testis to radiation is needed. Nonhuman primates show much similarity to the human testis including similarities in histological stages of spermatogonia (Ehmcke and Schlatt 2006), with dramatic decrease in spermatogonial number after 2 or 4 Gy. Such decline in spermatogonial number was persistent until 6 months postirradiation, and incomplete recovery began only at 18 months of treatment (Foppiani et al. 1999; Kamischke et al. 2003). After irradiation with 0.4–0.5 Gy of X-rays, the number of Apale spermatogonia (Ap) decreased to 13 % compared to control values after 11 days of treatment; however, the number of Adark spermatogonia (Ad) showed no significant change at this time period but was decreased at day 14 postirradiation (van Alphen et al. 1988). Repopulation of seminiferous epithelium started from day 75 postirradiation when treated with 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 Gy of X-rays. The number of spermatogonia (Ap and Ad) increased and reached 10 % of the control level at day 44 after treatment with 0.5 Gy dose and reached 90 % at day 200. Relatively higher doses (1.0 and 2.0 Gy) had more severe effects on spermatogonia recovery. After treatment with 1–2 Gy radiations, only 5 % of spermatogonia recovery was observed at day 44. Even at days 200 and 370 after treatment, the recovery was only 70 % (van Alphen et al. 1988). This suggests that in monkeys, the recovery of spermatogenesis is much delayed compared to rodents.
12.4.2 Human Studies
As mentioned earlier, human testes are relatively more sensitive to radiations compared to rodents. This means even subtle exposure to low-dose radiation can result in impairment of testicular function. For example, treatment with 1 Gy radiation showed significant reduction in the number of spermatocytes just after 14 day of treatment. The reduction in spermatocyte count was even more drastic at 25 days after treatment (Rowley et al. 1974). It was noted that reduction in spermatocytes count was not abrupt. Although radiation kills the cells immediately by necrosis and/or apoptosis or during their proliferation, the decline in spermatogonia number to their lowest level does not happen at once but instead occurs in a progressive manner. It may take several weeks to reach their lowest level depending upon the dose of irradiation (Rowley et al. 1974; Clifton and Bremner 1983). However, azoospermia is not achieved until 18 weeks of irradiation (Paulsen 1973). The actual reason of this gradual decline is not very clear, but one can speculate that a small population of non-cycling A-spermatogonia escapes the potential effects of radiation perhaps when they are in dormant phase of cell cycle (Meistrich 2013). Recovery of the A-spermatogonia starts after 21 weeks of irradiation which indicates that the self-renewal exceeds cell depletion at this time. As seen in animal studies, as well as in humans, the damage to spermatogenesis or testicular functions depends upon the radiation doses. High doses of radiation can result in permanent azoospermia leading to the killing of all spermatogonial stem cells. When a single dose of 10 Gy was given to the patients undergoing bone marrow transplantation, only 15 % of them regained their fertility (Meistrich 2013; Sanders et al. 1996).
The recovery of spermatogenesis after cancer treatment has been found to be linked to many factors such as the time of diagnosis, sperm parameters before the start of treatment, the nature of the treatment, both sperm parameters, and the nature of treatment, or sometimes no relation has been found with any of the above factors (Hansen et al. 1990; Petersen et al. 1999; Ishikawa et al. 2004; Bahadur et al. 2005; Pectasides et al. 2004; Eberhard et al. 2004; Lampe et al. 1997; Gandini et al. 2006). Therefore, regular cancer screening is imperative in patients with family history of cancer. This will allow the early detection and treatment of the disease with less severe effects on their future fertility.
12.5 Radiations and Sperm Parameters
12.5.1 Animal Studies
When mice were subjected to whole body irradiation of 2 Gy, a significant reduction in epididymal sperm count was observed in the irradiated group compared to the control, 28 days after treatment (Searle and Beechey 1974). This sperm concentration further reduced almost reaching zero at 42 and 49 days after treatment. Similar results in sperm count and morphology have been documented by others when testes of two different strains of mice (C57 BL and B6C3F1) were exposed to wider range (0, 0.3, 1.0, and 3 Gy) of X-rays. The highest dose (3 Gy) caused a drastic decrease in sperm number obtained from cauda epididymis of both the strains at 42 and 49 days postirradiation. Interestingly, the rise in percentage of sperm abnormalities was notable as early as 21 days and was seen in both groups (Bruce et al. 1974). In a recent study, treatment of mice with 2 Gy dose has shown significant reduction in cauda epididymal sperm count as well as percentage sperm viability in irradiated group compared with control group even after 24 h of treatment (Li et al. 2013).
When rats were irradiated (whole body irradiation), with a wider range of irradiation doses (0.675, 1.350, 2.700, and 4.050 Gy), abnormal sperm morphology was observed compared to control values in almost all doses. These abnormalities became more severe in 2.700 and 4.050 Gy groups, where most of the sperm tails were eroded out (Chatterjee et al. 1994).
In monkeys (Macaca fascicularis), when testes were irradiated with a single dose of 2 Gy X-rays, mean sperm concentration per ejaculate significantly decreased to 9.2 ± 3.5 × 106 at day 35 postirradiation compared to pretreatment value (60.3 ± 15.5 × 106). The decrease in sperm count was more drastic at 60 days postirradiation, and some monkeys appeared with azoospermia beyond that period (Foppiani et al. 1999). The same study found reduction in percentage sperm morphology (71.4 ± 9.9) 42 days after irradiation compared to pretreatment values (89.8 ± 3.0).
12.5.2 Human Studies
A multicenter prospective study conducted at CECOS network of France has published interesting data on radiotherapy and sperm parameters. They recruited 129 testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) patients. One semen sample was collected from each patient before starting the treatment to serve as his control, and then treatment was started. Subsequent semen samples were collected at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months postirradiation. The results showed significant reduction in sperm count and sperm motility at 3 months postirradiation, which remained significantly low until 12 months. The sperm count and motility reached control values only after 24 months postirradiation (Bujan et al. 2013; Di Bisceglie et al. 2013). In their study, sperm count decreased at 6 months after treatment and remained low compared to baseline values up to 12 months postirradiation. Eighteen months after treatment, almost all patients recovered normal sperm count, and their counts remained unchanged for the rest of study period (36 months).
Radiation effects are more severe if it involves total body irradiation (TBI) and/or combined with cyclophosphamide (CY). Out of 25 patients who underwent a combination of bone marrow transplantation and TBI/CY treatment, only one patient had recovered spermatogenesis levels to normal. The recovery time was much delayed (75 months) compared to those patients who had only radiation therapy (Jacob et al. 1998). The kinetics of recovery of spermatogenesis after radiation therapy is much more delayed compared to chemotherapy (Meistrich 2013; Bujan et al. 2013). In patients treated with hemi-pelvic or given pelvic radiotherapy, spermatogenic recovery did not start until 9 months postirradiation even with modest doses (0.5–0.8 Gy), and at higher dose (1.7 Gy), the delays were even more prolonged (Meistrich 2013).
12.6 Radiations and Sperm DNA
12.6.1 Animal Studies
Information on sperm DNA integrity after radiation treatment is scanty in animal models. Very few studies have been conducted on mouse. In one study, mice were subjected to acute testicular X-rays exposure with a maximum dose of 6 Gy. Spermatozoa were collected from epididymis 35 days postirradiation for DNA damage investigation. Analysis revealed that 30–40 % of spermatozoa had damaged DNA after the treatment. Some had chromosomal aneuploidy, and some others had DNA strand breaks (Pinkel et al. 1983). In an in vitro study, mouse spermatozoa recovered from epididymis were exposed to range of radiation doses (0–100 Gy). A linear dose-dependent DNA damage was observed in irradiated spermatozoa compared with controls (Haines et al. 1998). Further, in a more recent study on mice, Li et al. (2013) found a dose-dependent increase in sperm DNA fragmentation. They measured both sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and high DNA stainability (HDS) through sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA). The term DFI reflects the percentage of damaged DNA divided by the total sperm DNA which actually gives the loss of sperm DNA. HDS represents the immaturity and less condensed chromatin where sperm attain greater stainability. In these experiments, percentage of DFI was significantly higher in experimental group exposed to 2 Gy X-rays compared to control group (21.35 ± 0.78 vs 9.54 ± 0.31). Percentage HDS was also significantly higher in the experimental group compared to control group (12.03 ± 0.35 vs 3.90 ± 0.17). In another interesting study, sperm DNA damage was induced by exposing mice testicular region to different radiation doses (0.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 Gy). Comet assay was performed to quantify the sperm DNA damage. The percent tail DNA damage in spermatozoa exposed to 2.5 Gy was significantly higher compared to controls (7.98 ± 0.42 vs 5.44 ± 0.35). The difference became more significant at 5 Gy and 10 Gy (9.67 ± 0.44 and 12.14 ± 0.52) respectively (Kumar et al. 2013b).

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