Introduction: From Multiport Laparoscopic Surgery to Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgery

Fig. 1.1
The ANUBISCOPE® (Courtesy of Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany) is a flexible surgical endoscopic platform adapted to Laparo-Endoscopic Single-Site Surgery and to natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery. The shaft houses two 4.3-mm and one 3.2-mm working channels to insert operating instruments. The tip opens up like a clam shell to space instruments and offers surgical triangulation. Instruments have an articulated tip, allow for 5° of freedom, and are manipulated by two intuitive handles


Fig. 1.2
The robotic version of the ISISSCOPE® (Courtesy of Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany) is telemanipulated through an intuitive haptic interface that allows for very smooth and controlled micromovements

1.4 Conclusions

LESS has the potential to positively influence incision-related morbidity, cosmetic outcome, and overall perioperative morbidity in selected procedures. Specifically applied to the colorectal field, LESS may offer enhanced recovery, particularly when coupled with natural orifice specimen extraction or when the site of a planned stoma is used as the access point. However, the uptake of LESS will depend on further technological developments as well as on the creation and implementation of new generations of miniature robotic platforms.



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Mar 29, 2017 | Posted by in GASTROENTEROLOGY | Comments Off on Introduction: From Multiport Laparoscopic Surgery to Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgery

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