Imaging of Urethral Bulking Agents

Fig. 11.1
3D 180°anterior compartment scan with the BK 8848 transducer: In sagittal view, the urethral bulking agent can be seen around the proximal urethra overlying a sling. This is a common finding in patients who have a non-functional sling in place. Transducer (T), bladder (B), urethral bulking agent (UBA), urethra (U), pubic symphysis (PS), sling (S)

Similarly, manipulation of the 3D volume obtained with transducers such as the 2052 and the 8838 probes of the BK Ultrasound line of machines can also be done in the axial, sagittal, and coronal planes (see Fig. 11.2). Manipulation of the 3D volume in the sagittal plane helps to ascertain the exact location of the UBA in relation to the urethral length, while manipulation in the axial plane gives valuable information about the periurethral distribution of the UBA.


Fig. 11.2
(a) 360° scan. Urethral bulking instillation in the axial plane. Bladder (B), vagina (V), rectum (R), urethral bulking agent (UBA), right (RT), left (LT). Copyright Shobeiri. (b) 360° scan. Midurethral location of the urethral bulking (UB) agent marked out in the sagittal plane. Note the urethrovesical junction (UVJ) to the right of the picture. Transducer (T), rectum (R), anal canal (A), bladder (B). (c) 360°scan. Three urethral bulking (UB) balls seen in the coronal plane (CP) in the intended locations. Bladder (B), transducer (T), axial plane (A), caudad (C), coronal plane (CR), urethra (U), right (R), left (L). Copyright Shobeiri

The ultrasound signal produced by the UBAs varies, depending on the makeup of the agent. Collagen-based UBAs vary between hypoechoic, isoechoic, and hyperechoic [22] in echodensity, whereas the signal from a calcium-based agent will produce a hyperechoic structure on the image (see Fig. 11.1). Bulking deposits vary in size and shape and also vary in their symmetry of periurethral distribution. Because of the irregular and varying shape UBAs take after injection; three-dimensional ultrasound is ideal for imaging as opposed to a purely cross-sectional modality [22].

While superior images can be obtained with specialty transducers, UBAs can be imaged well with transducers commonly found in most ultrasound departments. It is reasonable to assume that a sonographer may inadvertently stumble upon urethral bulking during a pelvic or renal sonogram. While the bladder is seen on both transabdominal pelvic and renal sonograms, the urethra is not routinely imaged on either study. UBAs can mimic a bladder stone when imaged transabdominally with a convex transducer (Fig. 11.3). If a questionable echogenic structure is seen transabdominally, additional imaging may be ordered. Given that ultrasound is the method of choice for imaging UBAs, a few questions about the patient’s past medical history and few additional sonogram images may spare the patient the expense, inconvenience, and anxiety of additional imaging with another modality.


Fig. 11.3
Abdominal scan with a convex transducer (T) showing urethral bulking agent (UBA). Bladder (B), anterior (A) posterior (P). Copyright Shobeiri

Apart from pelvic floor specialists, few sonographers may have heard of UBAs or procedures. If sonographers are knowledgeable about UBAs and the images they produce, we have the tools available to help avoid unnecessary expense and CT radiation exposure to the patient. The same curved transducer used for transabdominal pelvic and renal sonograms can be used perineally to image the urethra. The patient should be scanned in the lithotomy position as when scanning transvaginally. The transducer should be prepped in a similar fashion as a traditional endovaginal transducer. An ample amount of gel should be dispensed on the transducer and then covered with a transducer cover or glove. It is important to ensure that there are no air pockets between the cover and the transducer. After applying gel on top of the cover, the transducer should be placed on the perineum. While tissue contact is required, care should be taken to avoid applying too much pressure [23]. The pubic symphysis, urethra, vagina, and rectum can all been seen clearly. The abdominal probes used for perineal pelvic floor imaging display the image on the screen as designed for an abdominal probe (Fig. 11.4) [24], not the anatomically correct orientation for pelvic floor imaging. Most experts in pelvic floor imaging prefer that the perineal image be displayed in a nontraditional orientation mainly because the preset on the ultrasound machines are meant to image the abdominal wall. The pelvic floor ultrasound image obtained by a wide array abdominal probe is therefore inverted and reversed (Fig. 11.5), as if the patient is standing, and the images are obtained from the left sagittal plane. We take the trouble of righting the image to the anatomically correct position. This orientation represents the female pelvis in the functional standing position (Fig. 11.6). This is considered our standard orientation in pelvic floor ultrasound imaging.


Fig. 11.4
Diagram showing how the perineal pelvic floor image is displayed when obtained using an abdominal probe. Pubic symphysis (PS), urethra (U), vagina (V), anal canal (AC). (With permission from Denson and Shobeiri [24])


Fig. 11.5
2D perineal scan in the sagittal plane showing orientation preferred by pelvic floor imaging experts. Pubic symphysis (PS), urethral bulking (UB), anal canal (AC) Copyright Shobeiri


Fig. 11.6
Diagram representing the female pelvis in functional standing position. Pubic symphysis (PS), vagina (V), urethra (U), anal canal (AC). (With permission from Denson and Shobeiri [24])

End-firing vaginal probes typically used to image the uterus and ovaries can also be used to image the urethra and the bladder neck. Unfortunately, the urethra is typically bypassed completely as the pelvic organs are imaged. The transducer and patient should be prepped as usual for traditional endovaginal sonogram. On insertion, the transducer should be angled anteriorly to clearly view the urethra and UBA (Fig. 11.7).


Fig. 11.7
Image obtained with end-firing vaginal probe. Pubic symphysis (PS), transducer (T), urethral bulking agent (UBA) Copyright Shobeiri

Ultrasonographic Parameters of Bulking Agent Injection

Regardless of the ultrasound machine or probes used for imaging, the basic parameters needing to be determined are the location of the UBA injection in relation to the urethral length and the periurethral distribution.

Ideal Site of Injection

The position of the injected material may be more important than its quantity for good bulking effect [25, 26]. It has been suggested that bulking materials should be placed around the proximal urethra just distal to the urethrovesical junction. This is because only proximal placement of the material can help achieve two of the mechanisms of continence attributed to UBAs: cephalad augmentation of the urethral length, thereby enabling increased abdominal pressure transmission in the first quarter of the urethra, and prevention of bladder neck opening during stress [27]. This is corroborated by a study [1] to identify sonographic parameters that are associated with successful outcomes following UBA injection. 360° 3D EVUS was performed in 100 treatment naïve patients following MPQ injection, and the location, volumes, periurethral distribution, and distance of the hyperechoic densities from the UVJ were assessed. The distance of the injected MPQ from the UVJ was determined by calculating the mean of the distance of the proximal limit of the left and right injected volumes from the UVJ (see Fig. 11.2b). For assessment of location of the injected MPQ, the urethra was divided along its length into three equal sections in the sagittal plane: proximal, middle, and distal [1]. The site of injection was considered to be proximal urethra, mid-urethra, or both if more than 50% of the area of either or both was filled with MPQ instillation (see Fig. 11.2b). The patients were divided into two groups: group A (72 patients) who had good clinical outcomes and group B (28 patients) who were not improved or worsened following the injection. Group A had a greater proportion of women with MPQ located around proximal urethra, while mid-urethral location was found to be significantly more frequent in group B (P = 0.036). The amount of MPQ injected in the two groups was, however, similar.

In a study of 23 women in which perineal ultrasound was carried out before and after periurethral collagen injection, it was reported that short-term continence status was related to the height of the “collagen bumps” on either side of the bladder neck [26]. Continence was not achieved in the study if the “bumps” were located less than 10 mm from the bladder neck [26]. In another study of 31 women, in whom perineal ultrasound was performed 3 months after the first periurethral collagen implant, a distance of collagen from the bladder neck of less than 7 mm was found to be associated with positive outcomes. The threshold of 7 mm was found to have a sensitivity of 83.3%, specificity of 85.7%, positive predictive value of 93.7%, and negative predictive value of 66.6% [28].

Although these studies support instillation of the material in the proximal urethra, description of the implants only in terms of the distance from the UVJ may not be adequate, as it does not take into account the extent to which the proximal urethra is filled with the implant [1]. For example, the implant may be only 3 mm in distance from the urethrovesical junction; however, it may only fill 10% of the proximal urethra and the rest of the implant may be placed mostly in the midurethra [1]. Significantly, in the study by the first author of this chapter, we did not find any statistically significant difference in the distance of the MPQ implants from the UVJ between groups [1].

Periurethral Distribution of MPQ

In our study the periurethral distribution of the UBA injection was also studied by manipulating the 3D data volume to determine the axial plane in which the instillation of MPQ was maximal. The area of each quadrant filled with MPQ was determined in the selected axial plane [1]. Each quadrant was considered to be adequately filled if more than 50% of the area of the quadrant in the selected axial plane was filled with MPQ. The 3D data volume for each patient was then assessed to determine the number of quadrants adequately filled with MPQ: If more than 50% of the area of 3 consecutive quadrants or all 4 quadrants were filled with MPQ, the patient was considered to have “circumferential” distribution. If less than 50% of the area of three consecutive quadrants or only 2 or 1 quadrant were filled with MPQ, the patient was considered to have “partial” distribution (see Figs. 11.8 and 11.9). The odds of a circumferential periurethral distribution in group A were found to be 13.62 times that in group B (95% CI: 5.12–56.95; P < 0.001).


Fig. 11.8
(a) 360° scan. Measuring the periurethral distribution of urethral bulking (UB) agent instillation in the axial plane. Anal canal (A), levator ani muscles (LA), urethra (U). (b) 360° scan. Circumferentially distributed urethral bulking (UB) agent in the axial plane. Transducer (T), levator ani muscles (LA), urethra (U), anal canal (A). (c) 360° scan. Partially distributed urethral bulking (UB) agent in the axial plane. Levator ani muscles (LA), anal canal (A), urethra (U)

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