How Is the Urinalysis Helpful in Patients with Kidney Disease?

How Is the Urinalysis Helpful in Patients with Kidney Disease?

In the past, urinalysis (UA) was a standard test done yearly in asymptomatic patients and routinely upon hospital admission. However, in the 1980s, this practice began to change owing to data indicating that routine UA on admission to the hospital rarely had an effect on patient care (Kroenke et al., 1986; Akin et al., 1987). The low yield of UA in unselected patients does not, however, contradict the statement that the UA is critically important in the diagnosis of renal and urologic disease. Indeed, it is generally the first test that the nephrologist looks at in evaluating acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease. It would not be inaccurate to state that the UA is to Nephrology what the electrocardiogram (EKG) is to Cardiology (Sheets and Lyman, 1986).

There are three portions of a complete UA: the appearance of the urine, the dipstick evaluation, and the microscopic examination. A negative dipstick usually obviates the need for a microscopic examination. If dipstick proteinuria is detected, it should be quantitated by a random urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) and/or urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (UPCR) (see Chapter 4).

In view of the importance of the UA in the clinical diagnosis of renal disease, it is surprising that many trainees and even some experienced physicians fail to appreciate the significance of its findings.

We will now take a tour through the UA.


The color of the urine should be assessed. Normal urine is clear (dilute) to yellow (concentrated). Macroscopic (gross) hematuria will make the
urine appear red. Smoky red or cola-colored urine suggests hematuria of renal origin, typical of glomerulonephritis, but also seen with heme pigments in the absence of blood in the urine, as with myoglobinuria or hemoglobinuria. Dark yellow to orange urine is typical of bilirubinuria. Cloudy urine suggests pyuria or crystalluria (usually phosphates). Milky urine suggests chyluria (suggesting a lymphatic-urinary fistula). Some medications and foods will also change the color of urine (e.g., orange urine due to rifampin or phenazopyridine, blue/green urine due to methylene blue, light green urine after asparagus intake, light red urine after beet intake in susceptible persons).


  • pH. The normal urine pH range is 4.5 to 8 (usually 5-7). A urine pH higher than 5.3 in the presence of metabolic acidosis raises the possibility of renal tubular acidosis (RTA). A very high urine pH (>8) suggests the presence of urea-splitting organisms (e.g., Proteus), in which cases production of ammonia (NH3) will raise the urine pH.

  • Specific gravity. The specific gravity is the weight of urine relative to distilled water and reflects the number and size (weight) of particles in urine. Osmolality is dependent on just the number of particles (solute concentration) in urine. Specific gravity is usually directly proportional to osmolality. However, iodinated contrast and, to a lesser extent, glucose and protein will increase specific gravity, but have little effect on osmolality. The normal range of urine specific gravity is 1.001 (very dilute) to 1.030 (very concentrated). Since the specific gravity of plasma is normally 1.010, a urine specific gravity of 1.010 indicates that the urine is neither concentrated nor dilute (isosthenuria). In an oliguric patient, a specific gravity of more than 1.020 suggests normal ability to concentrate urine and thus prerenal failure (decreased renal blood flow), whereas a specific gravity of about 1.010 suggests loss of tubular function (acute tubular necrosis/acute kidney injury). In a hyponatremic patient, an inappropriately high specific gravity (>1.010) suggests antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion, whereas in a hypernatremic patient, an inappropriately low specific gravity (<1.010) suggests diabetes insipidus (central or nephrogenic).

  • Protein. The dipstick for protein detects primarily albumin. Normal urine usually has no protein by dipstick, but occasionally very concentrated urine will be trace or even 1+ positive for protein in healthy individuals. A positive dipstick should lead to a quantitative measurement. Classically, this was done by a 24-hour urine collection, but
    since creatinine is excreted at a constant rate, the UACR or UPCR is sufficient in most patients (see Chapter 4). Simultaneous measurement of both UACR and UPCR is a good screening test for the presence of paraproteinuria, as in myeloma, in which case there will be a much more marked increase in urine total protein relative to urine albumin.

  • Blood. A positive test indicates heme is present, which can be due to red blood cells (RBCs), myoglobinuria, or hemoglobinuria. Microscopic hematuria is hematuria in the absence of a visual change in color of the urine. As few as 2 to 3 RBCs/high-power field (hpf) may make the dipstick positive.

  • Glucose. Normal urine does not contain glucose because of the reabsorption of filtered glucose by the proximal tubule. Glycosuria with elevated blood glucose indicates diabetes mellitus. Glycosuria with normal blood glucose indicates renal glycosuria, which may be isolated or associated with other evidence of proximal tubular dysfunction (phosphaturia, aminoaciduria, bicarbonaturia) (Fanconi syndrome).

  • Ketones. Normally, there are no ketones in the urine. Ketonuria without ketoacidosis suggests starvation, low carbohydrate (such as Atkins) diet, or isopropyl alcohol ingestion. Ketonuria with ketoacidosis suggests diabetic or alcoholic ketoacidosis. Note that in some patients with ketoacidosis, the dipstick may be negative due to the reduction of acetoacetate to beta-hydroxybutyrate.

  • Bilirubin. Normally, there is no bilirubin in the urine. If present, this suggests hepatobiliary disease (failure to conjugate and/or excrete bilirubin into the gut) or hemolysis (increased production of bilirubin from heme).

  • Urobilinogen. Bilirubin is secreted in bile into the gut, where it is metabolized by microorganisms into urobilinogen. Urobilinogen is then absorbed and partially excreted into the urine. In the presence of liver disease, urobilinogen can accumulate in plasma and appear in the urine. Bilirubin without urobilinogen in the urine suggests biliary obstruction.

  • Leukocyte esterase. This is an enzyme found in white blood cells (WBCs) and indicates the presence of pyuria, which can be due to either urinary tract infection (UTI) or inflammation (such as interstitial nephritis).

  • Nitrite. Enterobacteria convert urinary nitrate to nitrite and therefore a positive test suggests UTI. Note that not all organisms make nitrite, so UTI may be present with a negative nitrite.


Sep 7, 2016 | Posted by in NEPHROLOGY | Comments Off on How Is the Urinalysis Helpful in Patients with Kidney Disease?

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